Chapter 1: Ms. Robbinson Get's Fired

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I'm in the cafeteria in line waiting for my breakfast. Which is pancakes, bacon, and eggs. " Yes ! Pancakes ! " Mark shouts. Mark is my best friend/crush since pre-k. But he doesn't know that nobody does. He's 17, brown curly hair, green eyes, and 5'7. My 2nd best friend is Martha. She's 16 , blonde straight hair, blue eyes, and 5'4. Me.... i'm 16, brown hair, brown eyes, and 5'5. We get our tray's and seat down at our usual table. In the middle of the room. " Ms. Booze is coming today. " Martha say's. Mark and i bust out laughing. " Booze ! What type of name ? ! " I ask laughing. " Kayla. I'm gonna need you to quiet down. " Ms. Robbinson say's. " Ok Ms. Robbinson. " I say. " Booze. " Mark say's giggling. " Ok guy's back on a serious note. Ms. Booze is coming today. Anyone know why ? " Martha ask worried. " No. And why are you so worried ? " Mark ask. " Because you know Ms. Booze hates Ms. Robbinson and everytime she comes here she criticizes her and us. " She say's. " True. But don't stress yourself out over this. " I say. RING RING RING " We'll talk more about this at lunch. " I say as i'm dumping my tray in the trash. Once the bell rings that means go back to your cells. Of course we don't have the key's. So how we get in and out you ask. Of course Ms. Robbinson doesn't do it. We all have security guards at our cells so the security guards do it. The best part about walking back to our cells is this is my only time alone with Mark. So i take advantage of this and walk slowly. " So Kayla. " Mark say's. " Yes. " I say. " Do you think we should be worried ? " He ask. " About what ? " I ask. " Ms. Robbinson. " He say's. " Oh ! I don't know. Mabey. " I say with a shrug. " COME ON GUY'S ! MOVE IT ! " One of the gaurds say. We finally arrive at our cells. " Well see ya. " I say. " See ya. " He say's back. Our guards unlock our cells and we go in. I sit on my bed and wait for the announcements. " Good morning ! WillyWood family. Only have 1 announcement this morning. Guy's remember Ms. Booze ? Well yeah she'll be visiting us today to see how we're doing. So guy's remember to be on your best behavior ! " She say's hanging up on us. Groans came from everywhere once she got off. Ms. Booze. Nobody likes her. She is Ms. Robbinson's boss. She's mean and annoying. Everytime she comes here she criticizes us. Even when we try our best to impress her ! Let's just say Ms. Robbinson is Cinderella and Ms. Booze is the evil stepmother. So after 3 hours it was time for lunch. Today we're having grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup. Drink choices are lemonade or ice tea. Martha, Mark, and i meet up at the same table again. But this time tray's filled with lunch food. " I'm scared. " Martha say's. " It's ok Martha as long as we show no mercy and act like Angels we'll past her test. " I say trying to make her calm down. " But Kayla. We never past her test ! " Mark say's. " Well if we don't we don't if we do then that's an miracle ! " I say. The doors are pushed open by Ms. Booze and Ms. Robbinson by her side looking stress. " Oh my gosh ! Oh my gosh ! Oh my gosh ! " Martha say's frantically. " Shh Martha. Just remember what Kayla said. " Mark say's. I started blushing for some reason i used my hair to cover my cheeks. " Good afternoon ! WillyWood ! Now i'm sure that my client has told you i'll be coming today. Now is that right ? " She ask. " Yes Ms. Booze. " Everybody say's. " Oh Ms. Robbinson no laughing at my name this time huh ? Anyway you guy's know the plan. I monitor and you guy's do what you guy's usually do. Got it ? Let's start ! " She say's. Everybody goes back to what they was doing. " Martha you ok ? " Mark ask. I turn towards her and she's having an hard time breathing. " Her inhaler ! " I yell. I try to find Ms. Robbinson in the crowd but she's not anywhere to be seen. I turn towards Mark's seat but he's not their. " Oh my gosh. " I say. I go behind Martha's chair and hold her upright hoping that would hoping it would open up her airway's slightly. " Stay with me Martha stay with me. " I say into her ear. I look up and see Mark and Ms. Simpson the nurse with her inhaler in hand. Ms. Simpson pushes me out the way and puts the inhaler in her mouth. " Breath Martha breath ! " She say's. Martha breath's into her inhaler 3 times before she was ok again. She looks at Mark and i then hugged us both. " Thank you guy's ! You saved my life. " She say's while letting go of us. " Again. " I say while smiling. Ms. Simpson shakes her head and goes back to her office. " Uh Kayla. " Martha say's. " What ? " I ask. " Why is everybody looking at us ? " She ask hiding her face into my chest. " YOU GUY'S HEARD HER. GO BACK TO YOUR BUSINESSES ! " I yell to them. They go back to doing what they were doing. " Now where was Ms. Robbinson and Ms. Booze in all this commotion ? " Mark ask. As soon as Mark ask that the cafeteria doors open. Ms. Robbinson standing there with her briefcase in hand and coat along with Ms. Booze standing there smiling. " WillyWood family. I'm sorry to say this but i will not be your warder any more. I was fired but just know these last words i say to you guy's. Follow your heart even if it is the wrong thing follow it ! " She say's while leaving out the cafeteria doors.

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