Chapter 14: Prank Gone Wrong !

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It's Christmas Eve and i am finally starting to get in the holiday spirit ! I know i'm late but who cares ! I'm no longer a squidward. I'm just gonna follow Dante's advice. If Mark doesn't come back and explain to me what's up by New Year's day then i'm moving on. I go in the cafeteria and see Dante and Martha there. " Elllo ! " I say while sitting down. " Hey " Dante say's. Martha nods. " Throat still sore ? " I ask. She nods. " You gonna get breakfast ? " Dante ask. " Naw. I'm not hungry " I say. " Guess what i figured out today " Dante say's. " What ? " I ask. " You have a admirer " He say's while smirking. " Who ? " I ask. " " Levi " He say's. I start to cough and make a disgusted face. Martha chuckles. " Eww " I say. " I know " Dante say's. Levi is obviously another patient here. He's white. He's a little bit on the nerdy side and he's fat. He has blonde hair, green eyes, and freckles on his cheeks and arms. He's a serious fan of Star Wars and now me apparently. To sum things up he's not my type. " How you know ? " I ask." He told Martha apparently last night at Golden Coral while she was fixing her ice cream cone. " Dante say's. " Is that true ? " I ask. She puts her hot tea down and nods. " Oh well that's a bummer for me " I say. " Speaking of you know who here he comes " Dante say's while smirking. Levi sits down beside me and say's " Hey guy's " " Hey " We all say. " Whatcha doin over here ? Aren't your friends missing you ? " I ask. " No they'll be alright if i left them two alone for a day. They are gay and love each other anyway and haven't they told you ? " Levi say's. " No. What ? " I ask. " They said it's cool that i can hang out with you guy's today. Which is awesome because on my Christmas list i wanted to hang out with you for a day. Even though Christmas is tomorrow it's still cool if my wish comes true today " Levi say's. I glare at them and they start laughing. " Oh well i'm glad you came " I say trying to be nice. As we talked i noticed that Levi kept trying to sit so close to me that are legs would be touching but i kept moving away. I was finally at the end of the bench. If i moved anymore i would fall. " Oh no your on the edge of the bench. I don't want you to fall " Levi say's while pushing me to him. I gasp. I forgot to tell you he likes to dig up his nose and eat his boogers. " What's wrong ? " Levi ask. " Uh nothing just shocked that you noticed and you pushed me over. That was a real gentlemen's move " I say. He smiles and say's " Anytime " " Woah there Levi, is that a erection i see ? " Dante ask. Levi looks down and yep their was an erection. Levi's face flushed in embarrasment. Dante and Martha start laughing. " That is real mean of you all. Dante you have nerve. I bet your dick is sky high too. We just can't see it because of your baggy ass sweats. " I say trying to defend Levi. " Woah chill out Kayla. I didn't know you loved him yet. " Dante say's while smirking. " DANTE I DON'T LOVE HIM ! " I scream. " Yeah you do. If you didn't you wouldn't be defending him. Besides why not love him, Mark ain't coming back for you. He probaly banging another chick right now. " Dante say's. I get up and slap him in the face then scream " FUCK YOU ! " I run out the cafeteria and go in the bathroom. I lock myself in a stall, slide down onto the floor, and start crying. I stayed in there for like 5 minutes then got out the stall. I look at myself in the mirror and see that i'm a mess. My right foot is covered in warts, i have bad acne, social aniexty, and my teeth have shifted forward. Martha comes in the bathroom. She opens her arms and go in. She hugs me tightly and i do the same to her. I know this is her way of apologizing. Dante i have to let him cool off for a bit. I let go of her and ask " Is Levi still there ? " She nods. " How bout Dante ? " I ask. She shakes her head. She put toothpatse on my pimples and said " Be confindent " I smile and say " Thanks " We leave the bathroom and go back to our table. " Um, sorry Martha. You guy's took to long lunch is now over " Levi say's nervously. Martha smiles and puts sits down. " I'm sorry about him. I never seen him like that before " I say. He nods and say's " It's alright " " So is your problem fixed ? " I ask arkwardly. " Look at it " He say's. I shake my head rapidly. He sigh's and say's " Yeah " Martha stands up and say's " I'm going up on the roof to see if Dante is there " I nod and hug her. " So you and Mark are a thing ? " He ask. I sigh. " Sorry you don't have to answer " He say's. " Uh, no i'll answer. No Mark and i aren't a thing. We kissed but after that he left. Never seen him since. " I say. He looks at sympetheically and say's " I'm sorry " I nod and say " It's cool " We see Dante and Martha walking over. " He stands infront of me and just stares, which makes me feel arkward so i stand up and try to walk away. He held my arm then he hugged me. " I'm sorry Kay. " " You shouldn't be saying for to me but ok " I say while shrugging. He looks at Levi and say's " I'm sorry bro " Then he gives him a bro hug. Martha and i both say " AWW ! " " SHUT UP ! " They both say. We laugh. One of Levi's friends come over and taps him on the shoulder. He whispers in his ear then Levi turns to us and say's " Guy's i have to go real quick but i'll be back " He say's. We nod. " Suspicious " Dante say's. Martha and i glare at him. " What ? " He ask while putting his hands up. " We should pull a prank on him " Dante say's. Martha and i shake our heads rapidly. " Why not ? " He ask. " Him and pranks don't get along. " I say. He shrugs and say " Pranks don't get along with nobody " I sigh and say " No not now. He's still recovering. " " From what ? " He ask. " He's previous one " I say. " What was is and who pulled it ? " He ask. " His previous crush made him think that she'll kiss him but as soon as their lips were about to connect she smacked him in the face with tomato sause " I say. " Aww. That's sad but i promise that our prank won't be half as bad as that one " He say's. " Our ? " I ask. He nods. " What do you have in mind ? " I ask. " One of us will give him some prunes, another person will, just be their to keep him company,and the other person will put a clear plastic wrap on the toliet and put glue on it. " He say's laughing to himself. Martha and i shudder in disgust. " See it's all just fun and games " He say's. " I guess " I say. Martha nods. " Ok, i'll be the one to set up the toliet, Martha you give him prunes,and Kayla you keep him company. " Dante say's. We nod and i ask " Wait, but how do you know which toliet he'll go in ? " " He called his urinal and toliet. " He say's. I nod and we started once Levi came back. " Hey Levi you back for good now ? " Dante ask. He nods and say's " Just some drama they're having " He say's. " Aww that's bad. What you need is a good laugh. " Dante say's. Levi nods. " But don't worry we can make that happen " Dante say's. Martha and i glare at him. He shrugs and say's " Alright well i have to go to the bathroom. Be right back. " Dante say's. We nod. " I'm hungry. I'm gonna go bring us some snacks. " Martha say's while getting up. Good one. " So Levi. Have anyone you like ? " I ask trying to make convo. " Yeah and it's you. I've loved you ever since you turned 10. Remember at your party when we played the game Simon Say's and Simon told you to hop on 1 foot but you eventually lost balanced and was about to fall until i catched you and you said thank you and rewarded me with a kiss on the head. Yeah that's when my feelings developed. " He say's. Wow he just said it straight forward. He has more balls than me when it comes to love. " Well i'm sorry we didn't work out and never will but we can be friends. " I say trying to make the situation light. " No i can't do that. Sorry. " He say's. I nod and say " That's cool " He smiles at me. I lean in and kiss his head like i did 6 years ago and say " You just relived the best moment in your life and i'm now rewarding you for not being a jackass when you figured out what i've done. " " What ? "
 He ask. I  sigh and shake my head. Dante comes back and Martha with a bowl of prunes in her hand. " I'm back " Dante say's. " That was long. Must've did number 2 " Levi say's. " Yeah exactly what your about to do " Dante say's while chuckling. Martha and i glare at him. Levi takes a handful out the bowl and shoves  it in his mouth. " Oh sorry. " He say's with his mouth full. " It's cool " We say then look at him in disgust. " Love me some prunes " He say's while shoving another fistful into his scary mouth. " We see that " Dante say's. He get's himself another handful and eats that and we realize that it's all gone. It was a big bowl too ! Only 3 fistfuls then it was all gone. If that was me that would've took me 5 fistfuls ! " Oh i'm sorry. I can go get yall some more " He say's while swallowing the last bit of his prunes. " That's alright " I say speaking for all of us. After an hour went pass of us talking it was time from him to go poo poo. We all look at each other. " I don't feel so good " Levi say's. " Well what'd you expect you ate a whole bowl of prunes by yourself " Dante ask. Levi looks sad. " Sorry " Dante say's. He nods and runs to the bathroom then yells " I'll be back ! " " Yeah like in a hour " Dante say's. We giggle. " I feel guilty " I say. " You shouldn't it won't cost him no harm " Dante say's. " Dante you put glue on the plastic. How the hell is he suppose to get out ? " I say. " Oh. I didn't think about that " Dante say's. Martha facepalms herself. " Oh Lord. This won't end so well " I say while putting my chin on my hand. Kids start coming in since it's now lunch time. We get in line and sit back down. " He's been in their for a while without screaming " I say while eating my cabbage. " Don't worry. I'm sure he's fine " Dante say's while eating his cabbage. " OWWWWWWWWWWWWW ! " We hear Levi scream. " Not anymore " I say while eating my potatoes. Dante spits his drink out. The gaurds run in the bathroom. We follow. Levi is sitting on the toliet, face red, crying, slouching, and stinking. " What's the matter, son ? " A guard ask. " I can't get up. Someone put glue on the plastic. Now i'm stuck ! " He say's while crying. I feel extreamly guilty while Dante is trying to hold his laugh in. By now their was already a crowd formed in the boy's bathroom. The guards try's to pull him off but no luck just pain. " What sick person would do that ? " I hear one of the guards whisper to himself. " I'm sorry son but we are gonna need the paramedics. " A guard say's. Ms. Booze comes rushing in the bathroom and ask " WHAT HAPPENED ? ! " A guard explains what happens. The paramedics come and the guards tell's us to get out. " I knew i should've stayed out out of. " I whispered. " Look he doesn't know we did it. " Dante say's. " He's smarter than you think " I say while crossing my arms. " Look can we just go back to the cafeteria ? " Dante ask. I walk towards it and they follow. 

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