Chapter 18: A Surprise Offer

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Dante, Martha, and i came back to the hospital safe and sound. Right now i'm in the courtyard just hanging out with Dante and Martha. I'm currently drawing a picture of a rose. " Kayla i didn't know you can draw. " Dante say's shocked. " Aww thanks. I think i'm OK. Martha and i took Art class together in Pre-K and my Art teacher told me that i am very good at making art. Ever since then i kept drawing trying to approve each day. " I say. " Where's your drawings ? " Dante ask. " Kayla is great at Art me on the other hand not so much " Martha say's. " Yeah she's not good at art but she's very flexible " I say. " Really ? " Dante ask. " Yeah. I was very good in gymnastic class. I can turn into a pretzel. " Martha say's while stretching real quick. " Her body creeps me out " I say with a shudder. " TADA ! " Martha says while in a pretzel form. " Oh my gosh ! That is creepy " Dante says. " See, i'm not the only one " I say relieved. " Please turn back into human form " Dante says seriously creep out. Martha laughs and transforms back. " Who's that ? " Dante ask pointing at a lady who just arrived. She looked rich. She is tall and was wearing all white. White boots, white leather pants, white coat, white gloves, and a white hat. Her hair stood out though because it was jet black. She walked towards Levi and gave him a big hug. " They don't look alike so i don't think they're related " Martha says. They both looked our way. " Uh oh " Dante says. The lady greeted me with big smile just like Levi. " Hello darling " The lady said. " Uh hi " I say with an awkward smile. " Levi has told me a lot about you " The lady said. " Really ? What things ? " I say with one eyebrow raised. The lady chuckles and says " Well he told me about that prank you pulled on him but he forgives you. He just normally tells me how much he loves you " " Oh well who are you ? " I ask. " I'm Levi's foster mom. " The lady said " Oh " I say hoping she leaves now. " I came over here because Levi has told me about your great drawings. I would like to see them. " Levi's mom said. I gave her my drawing portfolio and said " They aren't great but here ya go " Levi's mom starts looking them. I tried to read her face but it was hard since her face was emotionless. Levi's mom puts down my portfolio and looks at me with a smile. " Kayla these are great ! I love them ! " Levi's mom said. " Thank you. " I say. " They are so good that i honestly want to sell these. " Levi's mom said. " I don't want to sell them. " I say. " Oh come on darling. I can sell these and i'll split the cash with you. It'll be fun. " Levi's mom said. " I still don't want to sell these. " I say. " Don't you see what i see. If you sell these people will give a lot of money. You can use that money for so many things Kayla " Levi's mom said. " How am i gonna spend the money if i'm in here ? " I ask. " I can sign the papers for you to live with me and you'll still get the help you need. I can hire a personal doctor just for you. Come on Kayla this will be great. " Levi's mom says. " Mom how come i can't live with you and you hire me a personal doctor ? " Levi ask. " Honey we been through this. You are too complicated to take care of. I'm only human honey. " Levi's mom says. Levi signs and nods. I can not believe what i just heard. What type of mom says that to their child. I understand that that's not his birth mom but still foster or not no mother should say that. " So Kayla what you think ? " Levi's mom ask. " I'm not selling these " I say sternly. Levi's mom picks up my drawing of the waterfall and says " This one is my favorite " I take the drawing from her and put it back in my portfolio. " I would like for you to leave now " I say annoyed. " Kayla how bout i'll take you out " Levi's mom says. " No. I don't want to leave. " I say. I can see in Levi's face that he's feeling sad. She's treating me better than she treats her own son. That's not right. " Kayla i'm gonna keep bothering you unless you come with me " Levi's mom says. I sign and look towards Dante and Martha. Martha gave me a nod and a smile. I smiled back then turned back to Levi's mom. " Fine i'll go " I say. Levi's mom gave me a smile and said " By the way my names Corolie  " I nod and say " Pretty name " Corolie smiles and says " I'm gonna go sign the papers now. Thank you for making the right choice. " I nod. I turn towards Levi, Martha, and Levi. " I don't like her " Dante says. I nod and say " I don't think agreeing to leave with her was such a good idea. " Martha says. " Why did you smile at me then ? " I ask. " Because she would've kept bothering us if not " Martha says. " That's not right about what she said to you Levi. " Dante says. Levi nodded while looking sad then went inside. Corolie came back out with a big smile on her face then it vanished once she saw me. " Kayla why aren't you ready ? " Corolie asked. " I'll get dress now " I say while going back inside. Levi was standing in front of my cell. " Hey " I say. Levi looked up and gave me a small smile. The guard opened my cell for me to go in. " Levi can you turn around, i need to change. " I say. Levi nods and turns around. " Levi why do you forgive me ? The prank my friends and i did to you was horrible. It caused you rashes on your ass for goodness sake. " I say. " I can't stay mad at you Kayla. I love you " Levi said. " Levi i'm sorry " I say. " For ? " Levi ask. " Not returning your feelings. " I say. " Kayla i'm not gonna be mad at you for that. I don't want to force you to love me. I don't believe in forced relationships. I want you to be happy for me to be happy. So i'm happy that you and Mark love each other. " Levi says. " Wait what ? Mark doesn't love me ! " I say caught off guard by what he said. " Mark does. He told me 3 years ago. " Levi says. I'm speechless. " You still there ? " Levi asked. " Uh yeah. I'm here " I say. I came out my cell when i was finished changing. I'm wearing black jeans, a white sweater with it saying I'M AWESOME, and black leather boots. I put my hair in two pigtails. " You look nice " Levi says. I smile and say " Levi don't worry. I'm not the one for you but i know that there is a girl out there for you. You just gotta be patient. " Levi smiles and hugs me then says " Thank you Kayla and i wish you luck with my mom " I chuckle and say " She gets on your nerves too ? " He laughs and says " Hell yeah but i still love her " I smile and say " Well i gotta go now if not your mom will start to lecture me on how not to be late " Levi nods and tells me " Be safe. See ya soon " I nod and walk into the lobby. Corolie was sitting on a couch by herself looking annoyed. " There you are ! You took forever ! Come on we have things to do places to go ! " Corolie says while grabbing my hand.I pull my hand away and say " Where's Dante and Martha ? " Corolie lets out an annoyed sign and say " In their cells. I told the guards to get them away from me because they were annoying me by asking me a whole lot of questions.Now enough talk, let's go. " I can't believe she had the nerve to call them annoying. What does she think she is then. A white limo was awaiting us. I've never been in a limo before so this should be cool. I get inside and there is black leather seats, tinted windows, a mini fridge inside the seats, and a butler. " Wow " I say. " You can ride in here everyday if you just come live with me " Corolie says. I sign and look out the window. " My house Alex " Corolie says. I glance at her butler and he looks like the most miserable person in the world. She must work the poor man to death. Corolie takes out her cell phone and her face changes to a angry one. " Chad your fired " Corolie says. Chad her butler face was shocked. " What i do wrong madame ? " Chad asked. " Nothing. I've been wanting a new one for some time now so i went online to find some good butlers and one texted me saying i would like to work for you. So i hired him because he's cute. " Corolie says. " Madame please " Chad says. " My decision has been made. Alex pull over. " Corolie says. The car pulls over and Chad gets out. " I'll send your clothes by tomorrow. " Corolie says while closing the door. The car starts driving again. " Don't you think that was kinda harsh of you ? " I ask. " No. I think i handled that very well. " Corolie says. " From what i heard. you are hiring another butler just because he's cute ? " I ask. Corolie nods and says " Also because Chad was becoming too annoying. Every time i come home from work he was always in my room vacuuming. Ugh He was so annoying " " HE WAS DOING HIS JOB ! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU ? I KNOW I'M JUST MEETING YOU AND ALL BUT YOU ARE GIVING OFF A BAD FIRST IMPRESSION ! YOU FIRE A INNOCENT MAN, TREAT YOUR SON LIKE SHIT, SEND MY FRIENDS BACK TO THEIR CELL JUST BECAUSE THEIR ANNOYING YOU, AND HIRE PEOPLE BASED OFF THEIR LOOKS ! SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOU IN THE HEAD ! TAKE ME BACK TO THE HOSPITAL ! " I scream. Corolie looks scared and says " Kayla did you forget to take your medicine ? " I look at her like she's crazy and open the car door while it's still in motion about to jump out. I was about to jump out Corolie wraps her arm around my waist and pulls me back in the car. Corolie shuts the door and says " What is wrong with you ? Are you trying to kill yourself ? " " You make me want to " I say annoyed. " I see you really don't like me so i will take you back now. I don't see the point in trying to  work with a person who hates me. But since i'm such a nice person i'll ask you again, can i sell your drawings ? " Corolie says. " My answer is the same like the other times you've asked me. No " I say. " You said the wrong answer. " Corolie says. " It may be wrong but at least i won't be with you " I say. " Alex take the bitch back to the hospital " Corolie says. My eyes widen after her comment. " Alex you don't have to drive me there. Just pull over and i'll walk " I say. The car pulls over. I get out and before i close the door i say " Bitches get stuff done unlike whores. That's right i know. Levi told me you sleep with all the people who work for you. So i'm glad i'm a bitch " I slammed the door in her face before she could say anything else. I knew my way back to the hospital from here anyway. As i was walking a black Camaro pulled up beside me. The driver's window went down and Anthony's face appeared. " Kayla what are you doing out here ? " Anthony ask. " Long story. Can i get a ride ? " I ask. " Sure. " Anthony says. I get in the car and explain to him what happened. " Wow what a bitch " Anthony says. I laugh and nod. We pull in the parking of the hospital. We walk in and Anthony signs me in. " Thanks for the ride " I say. Anthony smiles and hugs me. " Take care of yourself Kayla " Anthony says. I smile and nod. I watch Anthony leave and he gives me a wave before he's out my sight. I walk in the cafeteria since it is dinner time. I walk to my table and greet Dante and Martha and explain to them what happened. 

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