Chapter 35: Good And Bad News

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Lauren untied me and i got up and stretched. Mark and Martha are still unconscious. " There's the phone. Who are you calling ? " Lauren says pointing at a phone attached to a wall in a corner. " A friend of mine who's a cop " I say dialing his number. " I'm nervous " Lauren says. " Me too but don't worry. Anthony always makes things better " I say holding the phone to my ear. " Hello, who's this ? " Anthony says. " Anthony, it's me, Kayla. I need your help " I say relieved he answered. " What's wrong ? " Anthony ask. I explained the situation i was in and where i was. " I'll be there soon " Anthony says hanging up. " What he say ? " Lauren ask. " His coming along with some backup " I say hanging up the phone. " What if it's too late ? " Lauren ask. " Then i'll be sorry " I say. Lauren walks towards the shed door and opens it. " Where are you going ? " I ask following her. " I have to stop him " Lauren says walking to the house. I didn't think it was a good idea but i couldn't stop her. I watched as she picked the lock on the back door and entered. I glanced back at the shed then glanced at the back door. I decided to go in the house. I went inside and found myself in a basement. I went up a staircase that led into a hallway. I saw Lauren walk down the hall. I followed her and entered the kitchen, which was empty. " Lauren " I whispered. She jumps and looks my way. " What are you doing here ? " Lauren ask. " I wanted to make sure you are OK " I say. We hear a scream from upstairs causing Lauren and I to go upstairs. Lauren leads the way to a master bedroom. The lady i'm assuming is her mom is laying on the ground like she has been shoved and Lennon is towering over her. They both look our way when we entered the room. " What the hell Lauren ! You can't do anything right ! " Lennon screams. " Lauren help ! " Their mom says. " Mommy, what's wrong ? "  A little girl who looks about 5 ask. " Baby, go back to bed " Their mom says. " Lenny and Lor ! " The little girl exclaims excitedly. " Can you distract her ? I don't need your help " Lauren says. I nod and extend my hand towards her. She looks at it and then into my eyes. She slowly puts her hand in mine. I give her a smile and say " Lead the way to your room " She doesn't respond but pulls me out the room. We go into her bedroom and she lets go of my hand. She sits on her bed and examines me. " Who are you and what are you doing here ? " She ask. " A friend of Lauren's and just visiting her " I say. She continues eyeballing me. I look at her Hello Kitty clock on her dresser and notice that the time is 2:13am. " Hey, it's pretty late and you have school later on this morning. It's best if you go to bed now " I say. She still doesn't respond but takes what I said into consideration. She gets under the covers and tucks herself in. " Close my door on your way out " She says turning her back to me. I smile and close her door on my way out. I go back into the room and see that their mom is now sitting on a chair holding onto Lauren's hands with Lennon pacing back and forth. " Where is she ? " Lauren ask. " In her bed " I say. " Lauren i'm not telling you again. Get out and back into the shed ! " Lennon shouts. " Not until you leave " Lauren says. Lennon growls and storms towards his mom and Lauren. Lennon shoves Lauren off the arm of the chair and wraps his fingers around his mom's neck, trying to choke her. That causes Lauren to pounce on Lennon's back and tries to pull him away from their mom. Their mom is coughing and trying to loosen Lennon's hand. I didn't know what to do but i felt like i needed to do something. A gun shot was heard from behind us. Behind us, we saw the little girl holding a pistol that was aimed at Lennon. I look at Lennon and see blood leaking from the back of his neck. Lauren's mouth drops and she gets off his back. Lennon's fingers unravel from his mom's neck and go onto his. I turn to face the little girl who has dropped the gun and is now crying silently. Lauren rushes over to her and cradles her into her arms. Lennon falls onto his knees then falls forward. Lennon starts to have a mini seizure causing his mom to cradle him. After about a minute Lennon stopped shaking and was still. His eyes were open staring at his mom. " I DIDN'T MEAN TO KILL HIM ! I JUST WANTED HIM TO STOP ! " The little girl screamed while starting to cry loudly. Their mom closed his eyelids with her hands as she started to cry. Sirens are heard from outside. Anthony and his crew raid inside the house going in all directions. Anthony and two other men come up the stairs and enter the room. They were holding pistols and squatting. " I just wanted what was best for you all " Their mom whispers. " What happened here ? " An officer ask. I explained the whole situation. The mom and Lauren were gonna be sent down to the station, the little girl's grandma came to pick her up, homicide detectors came to do their job on Lennon's body, and Anthony was going to deal with me, like always. Before Lauren went in the police car she turned towards me. She gave me a hug and said " Thank you. Because of you my mom is alive " I pushed away from the hug and said " It was my thank you for you making sure i was OK " " Lauren we have to go ! " Her mom shouts from the car. Lauren gives me a smile and gets inside the car. I give her a little wave, which she returns right before they pull off. " Kayla, you guys have to come back, they're waiting on you in the car. Let's go " Anthony says sternly. I feel very bad. I broke my promise to him. The promise that i will not be in any trouble outside the hospital and would try to leave a peaceful life. I really tried to keep the promise but things just happened. I follow Anthony into the car and see Mark and Martha sitting in the back seat. I jump on them both and say " I'm glad you guys are alright ! " " Where the hell have you been Kayla ? We were worried sick ! " Martha says shoving me off of her. Mark seemed to be mad at me too. I am so confused right now. I didn't even want to go with the twins anyway but i was some what forced. I don't see what I did wrong. The car ride back to WillyWood was uncomfortably quiet. When we arrived Anthony signed us in and gave some explanation to Ms. Robinson. Martha went to her cell immediately. Mark was walking ahead of me to his cell. Mark was about to go in his cell until i stopped him. " Mark, wait ! " I say catching up to him. " Look Kayla, we'll talk in the morning. Tonight has been pretty crazy " Mark says walking into his cell. I watch Mark as he climbs into bed and puts his head under his pillow. I sigh and walk into my cell. I climb into bed and tuck myself in. I stare at the ceiling and think about tonight. I start to cry because i hate the fact that my three favorite people in the world, Anthony, Mark, and Martha are mad at me. I eventually go to sleep.........I wake up at 9:00am. I go out my cell and to Mark's. He's not in there. I go into the cafeteria and see Mark sitting at our table eating breakfast. I get my food and join him. " Morning " I say with a smile as i sit across from him. Mark ignores my greeting and continues eating. " Where's Martha ? " I ask. " Her mom has her for the day " Mark says in a annoyed tone. " Is something wrong ? " I ask. Mark sighs and nods. " Well, tell me " I say. " Lets go in the dining room " Mark says while getting up. I follow him into the dining room and sit beside him on the couch. I look at him waiting for him to explain what's going on. " Kayla, you are a real exciting person. Always something crazy happening with you. Never a boring day for you. I'm positive that we can both agree that last night was the most craziest night in our lives. We almost lost each other. It's a miracle that we're still here. Kayla, i'm tired of going on all these crazy adventures with you. It stresses me out. You know i'm not mentally healthy and all these trips with you aren't helping me get better. Kayla, i can't do this anymore " Mark says. My eyes start to water and i say " What are you saying ? " Mark puts my hands in his and says " I can't do us anymore. I believe our lives will be better with us not together " I shake my head and say " No. I'm not letting you go. We've been wanting to be together since we first met each other and now that you have me you want to dump me. No " Mark lets go of my hands and says " Kayla, there's nothing you can do or say to change my mind. We can still be friends " I stand up while shaking my head and say " No. I don't want to be friends. I don't want to see or talk to you again " When tears start to run down my face i run out of the dining room and into my cell. I get into bed and bury myself under the sheet. I cry myself to sleep. I wake up to my guard banging on one leg of my bed with his stick. I sit up and look at him. " You have a visitor " My guard says. I get out of bed and follow my guard to the visiting area. " Hey, do you happen to know the time ? " I ask. My guard looks at his watch and says " 1:15pm " " Thanks " I say. My guard leads me to a window at the end of the room. I sit down and face Anthony who is looking straight at me. He picks up the phone and says " How's your day going ? " " Horrible and yours ? " I say. " Great actually. I have some news i would like to share with you that i hope cheers you up " Anthony says. " What is it ? " I ask. " I have permission of a judge and Ms. Robinson to adopt you but all that doesn't matter if i don't have your permission " Anthony says. My heart stops at the sudden news. " Are you serious ? " I ask not believing this is for real. " Yes, i am so serious. I've thought of you as my own for a while now and now i want to act on it and make it official " Anthony says. I smile and say " I give you permission to adopt me " Anthony smiles and says " Well now that you agree you need to come with me and sign some papers and meet with a judge " " Now ? " I ask. " Sure, if you want " Anthony says. I nod and say " OK, sign me out " Anthony nods and goes into the lobby. I go back to my cell and get ready to leave. I needed the fresh air. I meet Anthony in the lobby. " Ready ? " Anthony ask. I nod and follow Anthony out to his car. We get in and he starts driving. " So what made your day so horrible ? " Anthony ask. " Mark broke up with me " I say. " I'm sorry. What for ? " Anthony says. " He couldn't handle the drama i added into his life " I say. " Drama ? " Anthony ask. " The crazy adventures i go on " I say. " I love Mark but i believe this is the stupidest choice he's ever made. If he doesn't realize what he's losing then he's not worth your time " Anthony says. I brush Anthony's comment off and ask " Where are we going ? " " To a friend of mines house. She's the judge i'm talking about " Anthony says. Eventually we arrive at her house. Her house is a huge mansion. We get out the car and walk up this long staircase that leads to the front door. When we arrive at the door Anthony rings the doorbell. A women who is about 5'8, pale skin, average weight, and ginger head answers the door. " Anthony, so good to see you " The women says while hugging Anthony. The women looks at me and says to Anthony " Is this her ? " " Yep. We're here to discuss arrangements " Anthony says. " OK, well come in " The lady says moving out the doorway. We walk into this mini hallway that leads into a dining room. " You guys can have a seat. Would you like anything to eat or drink ? " The women says. I shake my head and Anthony says " No thank you " " Alright, well i'm going to go fix me a cup of tea and then we can discuss business " The women says walking into the kitchen. I glance at Anthony and Anthony says " What ? " " Do you guys have a history ? " I ask. Anthony looks shocked and says " What made you ask that ? " " So that's a yes " I say. " It was in the past. Not relevant now " Anthony says. The women comes back into the room with her tea and a briefcase and sits down. " What's your name, sweetheart " The women ask me. " Kayla " I say. " Alright Kayla, so do you want to be adopted by Anthony ? " The women ask taking out papers from the briefcase. " Yes, i do " I say. The women takes out a notepad and pen and starts to write. " Why is that ? " The women ask. " He's like a father to me. He loves, comforts, amuse, and protects me. I've known him for a year now. I would love to get out of WillyWood and live the rest of my days with him " I say. The women nods and continues to write in the pad. Time went on like that. Her asking me questions about being adopted and going through the process with me. " Alright Kayla, thank you for being so cooperative. That is all for today " The women says closing her pad. Anthony and i leave her house and go into Anthony's car. " You OK ? " Anthony ask while starting the car. I nod and look out the window. Anthony drives me back to WillyWood. Only 2 more months that i have to stay here until i start living with Anthony. Anthony signs me in and i go in the dining room to try and find Martha. I don't see her in there so i go in the cafeteria to find that she's not there. I try the courtyard and find Martha and Mark there on the new playground that has been built. They are both swinging on the swings. I enter the courtyard which caused Mark to leave. I walk over to the swing that Mark just got off beside Martha and sit down. " I'm sorry Kayla " Martha says. " Don't be sorry. It's great news that he was finally honest about his feelings for me " I say starting to swing along with Martha. " He still loves you " Martha says. " No he doesn't " I say. " He still wanted to be your friend " Martha says. " Well i don't want to be his " I say. " Is it gonna be awkward between us since i'm still friends with Mark ? " Martha ask. " I actually wanted to talk to you about that. It's either me or him " I say. Martha stops swinging abruptly and looks at me. " Are you serious ? " Martha ask. " Yep. Now, who is it ? " I say. Martha continues staring at me in disbelief. I stop swinging and say " Nah, i'm just joshing. I don't care what your relationship is with Mark " Martha gives out a nervous chuckle and says " Whew, that was a good one. You had me for a moment " " How was your time with your mom ? " I ask. " My parents are getting a divorce " Martha says. " I'm sorry. Are you OK ? " I say. " Yeah, doesn't bother me one bit. So where were you ? " Martha says. " Anthony wants to adopt me. He took me to one of his friends house who's a judge. We discussed the whole process and signed some papers " I say. " Oh my gosh ! I'm so happy for you ! When will you be leaving ? " Martha says. " In two months " I say. Martha got quiet after my answer. " That's too soon " Martha says kicking dirt. I get off the swing and hug Martha from behind. " How am i gonna survive in here without you ? " Martha ask. " You still have a whole two months left with me " I say. " I'm gonna miss you " Martha says. " It's not like i'm going to stop seeing you " I say. " Your leaving ? " Mark ask entering the courtyard. " Didn't i say i didn't want to talk to you or see you again ? " I ask crossing my arms. " Yeah you did but i never agreed to not talking to you or seeing you again " Mark says. I roll my eyes and leave the courtyard. I start walking to the dining room but get pulled back. That was caused by Martha yanking me back. " You can't just ignore him for the rest of your life. You guys have a history " Martha says. " Yeah, we have history. No future " I say yanking my arm back and starting to walk again. " Where are you going ? " Martha ask catching up to me. " None of your concern right now. I would appreciate you very much if you were to leave me alone " I say stopping in my tracks. " Fine. You're now alone " Martha says walking away. I watch her walk away angrily. When she was out of sight i started to regret my statement. She's right. I need to talk to Mark. I just need to find the right time. 

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