Chapter 24: Secrets Are Revealed

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Mark and i go back to WillyWood at 1:25am. WillyWood locks up for the night at 12:00am. A guard caught us walking in the hallway and we got punished for it but not seriously. Our punishment is when it's free time Mark and i have to do work. Right now i'm in my cell. Mark got his old cell back so i can now sleep peacefully. I wake up the next morning at 10:15am. My guard lets me out. Mark is still sleeping. I go in the cafeteria and find Martha and Dante talking. I hug Martha from behind and say " Please don't be mad at me please don't be mad at me " Martha untangle my arms from her waist and faces me. " I'm not mad. Levi told me what happened. How'd it go ? " Martha says. Mark's arms wrap around my waist and i turn around to kiss him. " Morning babe " I say. " Morning " Mark says. I turn to Martha and say " Does that answer your question ? " Martha's eyebrows raise and she says " Yes it does " " Hey Martha and Dante " Mark says standing there awkwardly. They both ignore him. " Uh baby can you wait in the Dining Room for me. I have to talk to them. Ok ? " I say. Mark nods and leaves the cafeteria. " What the hell is wrong with you guys ? That's your friend " I say. " Was " Dante says. " What you mean ? " I ask. " Mark ditched us. He caused so much stress on you. Now that he's back in your life we don't want you to have anymore problems. I don't wanna hang with Mark anymore " Martha says. " How long have you felt this way ? " I ask. " Christmas Eve. Martha and i was discussing about him and the changes he caused in you " Dante says. " I'm not stressed out anymore. He's back in my life so i'm happy and he's my boyfriend " I say. " That doesn't change our mind about him. He still ditched you which wasn't right. That says he doesn't care about your feelings he was being very selfish. He probably just came back because he's lonely " Martha says. " Martha how can you say  such things about your best friend since Pre-K ? " I ask. " Ex best friend. Your her only best friend Kayla " Dante says. I shake my head and say " I can't believe what i'm hearing. I love him and you guys should support me " Martha and Dante don't respond. I shake my head at them and leave the cafeteria. I go in the Dining Room to see Mark looking sad. " I'm sorry Kayla  for causing unnecessary drama. I just want us to be friends again " Mark says once he sees me enter. I sit beside Mark and put my hands on his cheeks. I lift his head up so we can have eye contact. " Mark i love you and will always love you. You are not causing me any drama. I want you to get that out your head. It's Martha and Dante that are causing it. You did nothing wrong " I say. " What did they say to you " Mark ask. " They said that they did not want to be your friend anymore because they think you were being selfish for leaving me and that your no good for me " I say. " I left because i was scared. I didn't mean to harm you intentionally. I came back so i can fix things between us and Martha and Dante. Kayla i'm sorry " Mark says stressed out. " They don't see it that way " I say. The guard from yesterday that punished us comes in the Dining Room and says " Time to do work " We nod and i say " What work will we be doing ? " " Laundry, cooking lunch and dinner, cleaning the cafeteria when breakfast, lunch, and dinner is over, and cleaning the basement " The guard says. " Basement ? " Mark ask. " I'll tell you more when you get to that part. Now start working " The guard says. We nod and watch the guard leave out.  Mark and i go to our cells to get our laundry then to the laundry room. " Merry Christmas " I say giving Mark my drawing of the waterfall. " Oh my gosh Kayla this is great. Thank you " Mark says. I smile and start throwing my laundry in the washing machine. Mark picks up my underwear and says " Ooh la la " I snatch my underwear from him while laughing. Mark takes off his shirt and throws it in the washing machine. I stare at his abs. Mark then takes off his pants and puts them in the washing machine. He's only in his boxers now. My eyes travel down to his sexy v-line. " Enjoying the view ? " Mark ask while smirking. " Very much " I say shutting the lid on the washing machine. " I wanna enjoy your view " Mark says. I shake my head and say " Not now maybe later in life " " Aww " Mark says while turning on the washing machine. I laugh and say " Did you wash your light or dark clothes first ? " Mark looks confused and says " What you mean ? I put them all in there " My jaw drops and i say " Oh my gosh Mark no. You're suppose to separate them " " What's so bad about mixing them " Mark ask. " The colors of your clothes will mix " I say with a chuckle. Mark facepalms himself. I laugh and say " Haven't you washed clothes before ? " " No. Usually i get Levi to do it " Mark says. " What ? Why him ? " I ask. " He knows how to do it but he only ask for one favor which is make sure i get him to spend time with you but obviously i stopped asking him to do it now " Mark says. i laugh and say " Martha and i only said no because we thought you were joking " Mark laughs and says " Oh well. We'll see the results " RING RING RING. " Time to clean the cafeteria " I say. " Ugh that was the worst job on the list in my opinion " Mark says putting on some pants. " Why's that ? " I ask. " Some patients here are very nasty " Mark says putting on a shirt. " Why you say that ? " I ask. " Some boys will pee in the mop bucket and some girls will put their used pads under the table " Mark says putting on his shoes. " Eww what the hell ? Now i'm not looking forward to cleaning the kitchen even more " I say. Mark laughs and says " But it's not so bad knowing you'll be there with me " I smile and take Mark's hand. Mark and i went pass Martha and Dante who gave Mark a glare. Mark signs and says " I don't understand " I rub Mark's hand and say " Don't worry about it " We enter the cafeteria and do a overall look. The room is clearly a mess. Food on the floor, spilled milk on some tables, writings on the wall, and trash cans knocked over. " I feel bad for janitors " Mark says. I nod and say " Lets get started " I sweep/mop the floor and wipe all the tables. Mark cleans the walls and takes out the trash. Mark and i finish cleaning 30 minutes before lunch. " We are suppose to fix lunch you know " Mark says with an exhausted sign. " What are we suppose to fix ? " I ask. Mark shrugs and says " We have to search for some food " Mark and i enter the kitchen and find the meanest lunch lady Ms. Anderson. " What are you two idiots doing here ? " Ms. Anderson ask. " For our punishment we have to fix lunch and dinner " I say. Ms. Anderson smiles and says " Yes ! I finally get a break " " You still have to serve " Mark says. Ms. Anderson groans and says " Fine. I'll be outside in the back. Get me when your done cooking " " Wait ! What are we suppose to cook ? " I ask. " I don't know ! Go look in the cabinets or something " Ms. Anderson says walking out the back door. " So much help " Mark says with sarcasm. I open a cabinet and find cans of beans. I take 2 large cans out. I look in the refrigerator and find a jar of salsa, lettuce, sour cream, Mexican cheese, tortilla wrap, and leftover chicken. I take all of those ingredients that caught my eye. Chicken burrito is what we'll make. " How does chicken burrito sound to you ? " I ask. " Better than what we normally have " Mark says while laughing. I smile and warm vegetable oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. " You cook ? " Mark ask sounding shock ? I nod and say " My grandma taught me a few things " " Can i help ? " Mark ask. I shake my head and say " No i got this " " But the guard said we have to do this not you " Mark says. " You can help but not with the cooking " I say adding chopped onions. " Help with what then ? " Mark ask. " Help me not get bored " I say adding garlic. " Why don't you want me to help you ? " Mark ask. " Because lunch will be done faster with me just cooking " I say adding chicken. " Oh " Mark says sitting on the counter. I glance at Mark and sign. " Don't be sad about that. If anything you should be happy. I'm giving you a break " I say adding salt. " It's ok. I'm use to being useless " Mark says. I turn to Mark and say " You are not useless. Do you know what useless means ? It means good for nothing. Just because i don't want you to help me cook doesn't mean your useless. You are so useful to me. I need you everyday to help me get through the day, i need you to help me stay calm when the world gets me at my angriest, i need you to remind that i am loved, i need you to protect me, i need you for so many more things in life also Mark. The list would go on for 1,000 years if you let me continue. Baby your not useless " Mark smiles as a tear falls down his face. " This is one of the many reasons why i love you Kayla. You make me feel special. I am the luckiest man ever " Mark says walking towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I kiss him on the lips putting my hands on his shoulders. Fire on the stove sizzles causing me to pull away from the kiss. " I have to get back to work " I say heading back over to the stove. " Smells delicious in here ! " Ms. Robinson says coming in dress in uniform. I look up then run towards her giving her a hug. " Welcome back " I say. Ms. Robinson hugs back and says " I wasn't expecting you in here " " That's because this is apart of our punishment. We snuck out last night and came back late so a guard gave us this punishment to make lunch and dinner " Mark says. Ms. Robinson chuckles and says " Well i know the lunch ladies are happy about that " " Yeah " I say placing flour tortillas on plates. " What are you cooking ? " Ms. Robinson ask. " Chicken burritos " Mark says. " That's different " Ms. Robinson says. " I didn't want to make the same thing food the lunch ladies make. We want something different so that's what i'm doing " I say putting the tortillas in the microwave. " Where'd you learn how to cook ? " Ms. Robinson ask. " Her grandma taught her a few things " Mark says. I chuckle because i notice Mark is bored and wants to talk also. " Oh that's good. Well i gotta go get back to work. Good luck on the chicken burritos. I'm looking forward to eating them " Ms. Robinson says walking out the kitchen. " How do you feel about Ms. Robinson being back ? " Mark ask. " I don't trust her but i'm willing to trust her again. She said she changed and i believe her so i'm giving her another chance " I say taking out the tortillas in the microwave. Mark nods and turns on the radio. Work by Rihanna is playing. Ms. Anderson comes in the kitchen and says " Who touched my radio ? " " Correction not yours " I say putting lettuce on the tortillas. " Don't get smart idiot " Ms. Anderson says. " She's smarter than you and i touched the radio. It shouldn't matter to you anyway. The radio clearly has a paper taped on it saying ' Property Of WillyWood '. " Mark says. Ms. Anderson rolls her eyes and leaves out the back door. I laugh and say " Thanks for defending me " " Anytime sugarbuns " Mark says slapping my ass. I squeal and pinch his nipples. " Ow ! " Mark says while laughing. " My ass stings now " I say putting the chicken in the tortillas. " That means i slapped it right " Mark says. I laugh and put salsa on the tortillas. " Work, work, work, work, work, work " Mark sings. " Oh my gosh ! Stop it ! Your making me deaf ! " I shout over his singing while putting cheese on the tortillas. Mark sings louder. I throw some cheese on him which causes him to stop. " I can't believe that you just threw this nasty ass food at me " Mark says. I laugh and say " Well believe it because it happened " I roll up the burritos and put them on trays. " Mark can you go get Ms. Anderson for me ? " I ask while putting up the ingredients. I hear no response. I turn towards Mark and see that he's staring off into space. He's having a blackout. " Shit " I say. I run to the nurses office which is across from the cafeteria. " Ms. Simpson Mark is having a blackout. He's in the kitchen " I say running back to the kitchen with Ms. Simpson on my heels. When we arrive in the kitchen Mark is still in his blackout. Ms. Simpson goes up to him and starts pressing random spots on his arm. " There's really no way to get anyone out of a blackout. You can touch the person so they can feel contact and they'll come out of it " Ms. Simpson says continuing pressing random spots on his arm. " How bout pain ? " I ask. " That can work too " Ms. Simpson says. I walk towards Mark and pinch his cheek. Mark jumps and comes out the blackout. I sign in relief and thank Ms. Simpson. " No problem " Ms. Simpson says taking  a lunch tray. Ms. Simpson takes a bite of the burrito and says " This pretty good. Lunch ladies never make good food " I smile and say " It's good because i made it " Ms. Simpson raises her eyebrows and says " Good job. They should hire you as lunch lady " I shake my head and say " This is a one time thing " Ms. Simpson laughs and leaves out the kitchen. I look at Mark and see his head hanging down. I walk towards him and take his hands. Mark looks at me and says " I blacked out again ? " I nod and say " But don't worry. Your fine now. And your blackouts have decreased over the years. Your medicine is working " " I never took the medicine here " Mark says. I raise my eyebrows and say " Me either " RING RING RING. " Lunch time. I'll go get Ms. Anderson " Mark says going out the back door. I go in the laundry room to check on Mark's and i clothes. The washing machines have stopped. I start taking my clothes out and putting them into the dryer. As i'm transferring my clothes someone pushes me. It was Foxy. " What the hell are you doing here ? " I ask. " I got transferred back here. It was my special request. The judge said if i showed good behavior at my other mental hospital up until New Year's then he would sign the papers to transfer me. Here i am " Foxy says. " I liked it better when you were gone " I say getting up. " I don't care what you like " Foxy says. " What do you want ? " I ask annoyed. " I just want to let you in on a secret " Foxy says. " Why me ? " I ask. " Because it involves your friend Martha " Foxy says. " What is it ? " I ask. " I hear that Martha is going out with this boy name Dante " Foxy says. " Yeah. Why does it matter to you ? " I ask. " Dante and i used to be a thing. Our relationship ended because Dante told me he'll be moving so he wanted us to end since we weren't gonna see each other again. But now i hear that he's here but with your best friend. I don't like that. So i want you to tell your friend to watch her back " Foxy says leaving out the laundry room. Mark comes in. " Did she hurt you ? " Mark ask. I shake my head and say " She may do something bad to Martha because Dante is her ex but she still has feelings for him " " What ? She's not even suppose to be here " Mark says. " She can now. Her judge made a promise to transfer her back here if she showed good behavior at her other mental hospital up until New Year's " I say. " This isn't going to be good. You need to tell Martha " Mark says. " I will don't worry " I say. Mark opens up the washing machine with his clothes and picks up pink boxers. " This was white " Mark says. I laugh and say " I can see you rocking pink " Mark puts his clothes in the dryer and we leave to go eat lunch. Ms. Robinson stops me in the hallway and says " Kayla this is incredible " " Thanks " I say. Ms. Robinson smiles and goes to her office. We walk in the cafeteria and get in line. " Where am i going to eat ? " Mark ask. I forgot that there was tension between him and Martha and Dante. " The dining room is less crowded than here so we'll go in there " I say. " We'll ? " Mark ask. " Yeah. You and i. I'm not leaving you by yourself " I say grabbing his hand. The line moves up and we grab our trays. We walk past the table we normally sit at and walk towards the dining room. Before we step out the cafeteria someone grabs my arm. It was Martha. " I'll meet you in there. Go get us a good spot " I say. Mark nods and leaves. " What you want ? " I ask. " Your not eating with us ? " Martha ask. " You guys still don't like Mark so no " I say. " What is this going to prove to us ? " Martha ask. " That Mark is still the same Mark before he left " I say. Dante goes up to us and says " Martha i gotta go. I don't know what time i'll be back but don't wait up on me " " Where you going ? " Martha ask. " Don't worry about it " Dante says leaving. " He didn't even hug or kiss me bye " Martha says sadden. " You can join us " I say. " I'd rather jump off the Empire State building than sit with him " Martha says disgusted. " Fine. Be like that " I say leaving. I go into the dining room and see Mark biting into his chicken burrito. Some salsa spilled onto his pants. I sit next to Mark. " Eating a little messy i see " I say. Mark chuckles and says " I eat everything messy " I smile and say " I didn't tell her yet but Dante left her in the cafeteria saying he don't know what time he'll be back. I think he's meeting up with Foxy " " Oh no " Mark says shaking his head. " Can i join you guys ? " Martha ask standing in front of us. I turn to Mark and say " Martha and i are gonna head to the bathroom right quick. I'll be right back " Mark nods and i grab Martha's hand taking her with me. " Will you ease up ? " Martha ask. We go in the bathroom and i let go of her hand. " You have nerve coming to us asking can you join us sounding all innocent knowing your not. You only want to sit with us because your lonely. Not because you want to fix things between Mark and you " I say. Martha sits down and puts her face in her lap. She starts to cry. I roll my eyes and sit down beside her. " Why are you crying ? " I ask. " I feel so horrible lately. I do want to fix relations with Mark but i can't " Martha says. " Why ? " I ask. " Dante told me if he ever did come back to not talk to him if so he would dump me " Martha says. " Wait all this time you were just saying and doing this stuff to please Dante ? " I ask. Martha nods while wiping her tears with some tissue. " Why would Dante want you to not forgive Mark ? " I ask. " I don't know and when i asked him he said don't worry about it. He told me if he catches me talking to Mark i will regret it " Martha says throwing the tissue away. " What does he mean by that ? " I ask. " He'll hit me again probably " Martha says. " He hit you ? " I ask. Martha rolls up her shirt and there's a huge purple bruise on her right rib. " He kicked me " Martha says. " When was this ? " I ask. " Yesterday he did that. He also smacks me if i do something or say something he doesn't like. This started on Elodie's birthday when you went to get her. " Martha says. " Why you didn't you tell me ? " I ask. " He told me not to and i was scared what you would do " Martha says. " You need to tell Ms. Robinson " I say. Martha shakes her head rapidly and says " I'll tell. You don't do anything. I want to tell in private " " Can you tell Mark ? " I ask. Martha nods. " Do you love him ? " I ask. " I did but when he started abusing me i stopped and now the only feelings i have towards him is fear " Martha says. I hug Martha causing her to flinch. " Sorry " I say. " No it's fine. Let's go back in the dining room " Martha says. We go back in the dining room. Martha goes up to Mark and hugs him tightly. Mark gets caught off guard but hugs back. Martha flinches causing Mark to pull back. " What's wrong ? " Mark ask. Martha raises her shirt showing Mark the bruise. " Who did that ? " Mark ask getting protective. " Dante " Martha says. Mark gets up and was about to leave but Martha pulled him back. " No please don't " Martha begs. Mark cools down and sits back down. Martha tells Mark everything she told me in the bathroom. " When i see him again he'll regret doing this to you " Mark says putting his hands in fist. Martha puts her head on Mark's shoulder and says " Thank you for listening and not being a bitch like how i was to you " " You weren't being a bitch. I totally understand why you did what you did " Mark says patting Martha's lap. RING RING RING. " We gotta go finish our work. Will you be ok ? " I ask. Martha nods and says " I'll go in the nurses office and stay there for the rest of the day " " Ok see ya at dinner " Mark says hugging her. I hug her too then Mark and i leave to the dining room. " Can i hang out with you ? " Martha ask running to us. Mark and i look at each other. " Sure. We're going to the laundry room right now " I say. Martha smiles and follows us. When we go in the laundry room we see a sight that angers us. Dante and Foxy are making out. Foxy's legs are wrapped around Dante's torso while Dante is holding her up. His hands on her ass. They depart when they see us. Foxy gives us a smirk and Dante looks mad. Foxy gets off of Dante. Dante walks towards Martha with his fist balled up. I step in front of Martha and say " I wish you would hit her " Dante gets angrier and says " You told them ? " " Yes she did. What the hell is wrong with you ? Hitting girls makes you look like a coward. You need to take a beating from a man " Mark says stepping in front of me. " I don't need to listen to you guys and Mark you don't you want to fight me. Your to much of a pussy " Dante says. Mark balls up his fist and was about to throw a punch but Martha and i held him back. Dante smirks at him. " You hit her ? " Foxy ask. " Yeah " Dante says. " Why ? " Foxy ask. " Because sometimes i need to hit some sense into her " Dante says. Foxy punches Dante in the face. He gets knocked out cold. All of us stand in shock. " Is he dead ? " I ask. Foxy chuckles and says " I hope not. I'm gonna take him to the nurse. Our excuse will be he fell " " But his mouth is bleeding. Won't the nurse question that ? " Mark ask. " Yeah she will but i'll just give her this stare that will make her shut up " Foxy says. Foxy swings Dante over her shoulder and walks to the door. " Martha sorry for kissing him. That was a dick move " Foxy says. " It's alright. I don't love him anymore " Martha says. Foxy smiles and says " I don't either " Foxy leaves out the laundry room. We all stand in silence that was killing my ears. I can't believe Foxy defended us. 

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