Chapter 37: The Announcement

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I flip through the channels and eventually end up watching Law and Order. About 10 minutes into the show i hear keys jiggling in the front doorknob. The door opens and footsteps walk towards the living room. A man that's about 6'0, caucasian, slim figure, with a brown beard, and dark brown eyes appears at the entrance to the living room. He looks at me and says " Who are you and what are you doing here ? " " I'm the cousin of Cherry. She's upstairs with Dominique " I say. Running footsteps are heard coming into the living room. Dominique and Cherry appear behind the man. " Dad, i didn't think you would be back so soon " Dominique says nervously. " The dishes are not done and i don't smell dinner being made " Dominique's dad says sternly. " I'll start on it now. I'm sorry " Dominique says nervously. Dominique heads towards the sink but is yanked on the arm by her dad who slaps her in the face. Dominique's dad walks to the cabinet and gets a bottle of vodka. " Get out my house " He says to Cherry and i. We follow his commands and get out his house. " Is he always like that ? " I ask. " Yeah " Cherry says. " Cherry " Dominique says while coming out the house with a trash bag. " Go back in. I don't need you getting hurt " Cherry says. " I have to take this out anyway " Dominique says while putting the trash away. " I just need to tell you that i want to do it tonight " Dominique says. " Are you sure ? " Cherry ask. " Yes. Be here by yourself at midnight " Dominique says. " OK. Take care " Cherry says walking up to her and giving her a hug. I don't know what they were about to do but i'm curious. I'm not sure whether to get in it or stay out of it. They depart and we watch Dominique go in the house. Dominique looks scared as she goes inside. Cherry sighs and starts walking. I catch up to her and ask " What are you guys gonna do at midnight ? " " None of your business " Cherry spats. " Fine, then i'll just ask her myself " I say. " You wouldn't " Cherry says. I raise my eyebrows, give her a smirk and say " I would " Cherry rolls her eyes and continues walking. I start to run back to Dominique's house. Eventually Cherry notices i'm not by her side and starts running after me. When i arrive in the front yard i get tackled to the ground by Cherry. My back is to the ground with Cherry on top of me. " I see why you are at WillyWood ! You are crazy ! " Cherry says. " I wanna know what's happening at midnight " I say. Cherry groans and sits up. " Dominique and i are going to see her mom " Cherry says. The front door opens and Dominique's dad appears looking drunk with a close to empty vodka bottle in hand. " I thought i told you guys to leave " " Sorry " Cherry says and gets up. Cherry pulls me up from the ground and pull me with her. Before we could step off the front yard the vodka bottle was thrown at my leg. I scream in agony. My leg was bleeding a whole lot. I couldn't walk. I turned my head to look at Domo's dad who was looking at me sternly. " I did not get an apology from you " He says. " I'm not sorry " I say looking him dead in the eye. " She's crazy. Don't mind what she says " Cherry says to him while picking me up. The phone from inside his house rings. He gives us a stern look before going in and closing the door. I put my left arm around Cherry's neck and Cherry puts her right arm around my waist. I start to hop out the front yard. When we are out the neighborhood of the crazy man Cherry groans. " What the hell is wrong with you ? " Cherry ask angrily. " Nothing " I say. " You could've died " Cherry says. " I think you're over exaggerating a whole lot. He just cut my leg " I say. " Kayla, you don't know that man. He's dangerous and deadly. He would kill anyone in a heartbeat " Cherry says. " Even his own daughter ? " I ask. " Especially her ! Them two have hated each other from the start. That man has no heart " Cherry says. We arrive back at the house at 5:20pm. I lay my back against the wall and slide to the ground. My leg is covered in blood and some glass pieces are inside of my leg. " I can't climb up there " I say in pain. " I have an idea. You just stay put " Cherry says climbing the ladder that leads to her window. " Is the plan to leave me out here ? " I ask. " Of course not. What type of person do you think i am ? " Cherry says offended. Cherry goes in through the window. She reappears with a rope and puts it out the window hitting me on the head. " Ow " I whisper while putting my hand on my head. " Sorry. Now grab the rope, quick " Cherry says. I grab the rope and Cherry starts to pull. " You're so heavy " Cherry groans while pulling. " I'm not off  the ground " I say sitting here annoyed. The sky looks dark and cloudy and the air smells like rain. It is thundering softly. " Come up with something quick " I say. " I can try carrying you on my back as we go up the ladder " Cherry says. " Ok, do it " I say. Cherry comes down the ladder and squats in front of me. I get on her back and wrap my arms around her neck. Cherry starts to climb the ladder. Each step she took the tighter i latched on to her. She gagged and said " Don't kill me now " Cherry says jokingly. We make it in her room as soon as the rain started pouring down. 

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