Chapter 3: Ms. Busky

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It's a new day and it's now breakfast time. I'm late because i had to finish getting my wastes out [ if you know what i mean. ] When i'm finish getting that done my guard let's me out. I walk to the cafeteria and find my 2 best friends at our usual table. " Hey " I say when i arrive. Mark satay's silent but Martha answers. " Hey " She say's back. Mark get's up and leaves to only God know's where ! " What's wrong with him ? " She ask confuse. " To be honest with you i don't know. " I say sad he left. " Do you want me to talk to him ? " She ask. " No. That's ok. " I say. " MENTAL PEOPLE ! Today is the day you'll be meeting your new warden ! Now i need you guy's to be on your best behaviors ! You can come out now ! " She shouts. This lady who's like 400 pounds comes out and gives us the nastiest smile you can ever imagine. Martha starts choking on her toast so i pound on her back till she stops. " Hello idiots ! My name is Ms. Busky. I'm a close friend of Ms. Booze. I'll be your new warden so if you don't like it then to bad ! That's all i have to say for now so bye. " She say's while wobbling out the door. " I don't know what i like better mental people or idiots. " Martha say's. " She walks like an fucking penguin ! " I say. We start laughing. " I can't deal with this. I need Ms. Robbinson back. " I say shaking my head. " Yeah. But how are you going to get her back ? " Martha ask. " I don't know " I say shrugging. RING RING RING " Well see ya Martha. " I say dumping my tray away. " Stay out of trouble Kayla. " She say's as she is dumping her's. I chuckle at those words. It's hard for me not to. When i arrive at my cell i notice a balled up paper under my bed. I go to and pick it up and see it's from Mark. It's an apology letter. He say's that he was just mad at me because i ran from his sight without him knowing and he was scared for me he also said he went to his cell early when he left breakfast. I sigh and put the note in my pillow case. I lay down and look at the ceiling. When your in a prison there's nothing much for you to do. Unless you have family members who give you visit's, mail, scrapbook's, or calls that's your only time coming out unless it's eating time or the warden want's you. Sometimes i wish i was a normal girl. A girl that took cheerleading, polished her nails and toes, go to spas, or be able to go to prom. But no i'm stuck in an mental institution for life since i've anger issues and my parents want nothing to do with me ! I sigh and close my eyes and hope that God will wake me up for lunch. BANG BANG BANG " Get out lunch is ready ! " My security guard say's. I get out my cell and see Martha and Mark waiting for me. " Hi ! " I say while hugging them both. We depart and got to the cafeteria. We're in line and when they put the food in our tray's it's not our regular food. I don't know what to call it ! It looks like Bod off of Monsters VS Aliens ! Once we get to our seats Martha ask. " What the hell is this ? ! " Mark and i both shrug. We're not the only ones complaining  about the " food " ..... the whole cafeteria was ! " I'm not eating this ! " Mark say's getting up to throw it away. " NO ! " I say. " What? " He ask. " If you dump now then you'll have to go back to your cell. " I say. He nods and sits back down. " Plus this is all we have until dinner, which is like 7 hours away. " Martha say's. Mark nods. I examine the cafeteria to see if anyone is eating this shit. " Look guy's ! Melody is about to eat it. " I say looking at her. Melody is just some random girl that i don't really talk to her. Just say hi a few times like every 2 weeks. She takes a bite and spits it back then runs out the lunch room. " Well that explains it all. " Martha say's. We all nod. Ms. Busky  bust through the door giving us all an evil smirk. " Well idiots how do you guy's like the food ? " She ask. We all groan. " Well i guess that's to fucking bad. Because you idiots will be eating this for the rest of your short lives ! " She say's walking out with an evil laugh. " Who's worse Ms. Booze or Ms. Busky ? " I ask Mark and Martha. " Ms. Busky. " They say in harmony. " It's one thing to call us mental people and criticize us but another to call us idiots and feed us her shit. " Mark say's. " What was that Mark Hilton ? " Ms. Busky ask popping out of nowhere. " AHH ! " We scream. " Uh uh...." Mark say's. " You call the food that your suppose to be eating for the rest of your lives " shit " ? " She ask while folding her arms. " No. " He say's while turning away from her. " DON'T LIE TO ME ! " At this point everybody is staring at us............again. " Well since you called this food shit. You don't have to eat it then. You're dismissed. Go to your cell. Oh and when i say you don't have to eat it i mean never. So basically you'll stave the remaining of your time here. So sad i mean your friends like it. Go on Kayla and Martha. Show your friend how delicious it is. " We look at each other and sigh. Well obviously we're about to die. Remember Melody ? I haven't seen her come back since she ran outta here after eating this so called " food" ! We lift up our spoons, penetrate it through the " food ", and put it in our mouths. " EWW ! " Everybody shouts. " SHUT UP ! " Ms. Busky yells. I don't know about Martha but i feel like i'm about to die ! I swallow it down and smile brightly along with Martha. " Good. Martha honey give me your honest feedback. " Ms. Busky say's. " Delicious ! " She say's. Ms. Busky nods and ask me for mines. " Very thick but decent. " I say. Both of our responses are lies. Especially Martha's ! " Well your friends like it. You missed out. Oh well your dismissed. " She say's shooing him away. He walks to his cell. " 5 MORE MINUTES TILL END OF LUNCH ! " She yells while leaving. Once she left me and Martha ran to different water fountains. We both came back to our table when done washing that shiity taste out our mouths. " Poor Mark. " I say. " Poor Mark poor Mark ! What about us Kayla ? What about us ? " Martha say's to me. " What about us ? We survived didn't we. " I say confuse wh\y Martha was so agitated at me. RING RING RING " Ugh ! " She say's while dumping her tray and leaving without saying bye or wishing me luck. I sigh and walk to my cell by myself. 

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