Chapter 7: Foxy Get's Her Ass Beat !

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I officially wake up at 1:00 pm. I missed lunch. That's ok because im not even hungry. My guard let's me out since he told me it's free time. I go in the laundry room since i had to wash my pillow case, sheet, and blanket. I see Martha in their. " MARTIE ! " I shout running to her and giving her a hug. " KAYLA ! " She shouts hugging me back. " AWW isn't this lovely " Foxy say's fake gushing. We both ignore her. " Oh so i don't exist anymore. Acknowledge me bitch ! " Foxy shouts. " We don't have to. You're not the first lady. " Martha snaps back. Foxy rolls her eyes and mumbles " I don't have time for this. " " If you don't have time then leave. Nobody wants you here anyway ! " Martha snaps again. Foxy glares at Martha before leaving. " Wow. What got in your pants ? " I ask surprised. " Im just on my period. " She says sighing. I laugh and we continue doing our laundry. After laundry Martha and i went to the dining room to talk to Mark. When we arrived the dining room was different looking. It had a makeover ! Our dining room used to be white dirty walls, fold up chairs, plastic tables, and no tv. Now we have sky blue walls, couches, glass tables, and a tv ! " Wow. It looks awesome in here ! " Martha say's stunned. " This is my dream bedroom. " I say also stunned. I feel somones arms around my waist and then im being lifted up. " KAYLA ! " Mark shouts. I squeal and say " Let me down let me down. " He puts me down. Martha stares at us with her eyebrows raised. " What ? " I ask while walking over to a couch. They follow. " Guys i got go. My session is today. " Mark say's to us. " Ok. Have fun. Don't do anything i wouldn't do ! " Martha say's while giving Mark a hug. " Aww do you have to leave ? " I ask pouting. " Kayla he missed his last appointment because of you don't make him have to do it again. " Martha say's. I nod. Mark gives me a hug and whispers in my ear " I'm missing you already " I blush. We depart and i watch leave. " KAYLA ! " Martha shouts. " What ? " I ask. " You zoned out on me. What happened ? " She ask. " Uh nothing. Did Mark say something to you while he was hugging you ? " I ask. " No. Did he do it to you ? " She ask confuse. " Martha there is something i would like to tell you. " I say sighing. " What ? " She ask. " We've been besties for 13 years and i've been hiding this from you for 13 years. I love Mark. I've ever since we met him at the playground. I have not told anybody but i feel like you should know. " I say with a sigh of relief. " I already knew that. Is that it because the way you made it sound you made me think like you were pregnant or something. " She say's laughing. " Wait, how do you know ? " I ask. " It's obvious. The way you look at him, how you always smile when he's talking or near you, how you get distant when he's talking to other girls, and how you always find a way to sit close to him. What i mean by close is thigh touching. " She say's nonchalantly. " Wait so if you can tell that means he can tell " I say panicky. " Calm down. Now i don't know how to answer that but if he does know then you shouldn't panic. " Martha say's. " But i don't want him to know. " I say calming down. " Well how do you expect him to ask you out. " Martha ask. " Well i want him to know but not now and not this way. " I say. " Well just don't do anything different from your personality to make him think you know he may like you. " Martha say's. I nod. " There is something else i've to tell you. He did say something in my ear. He said " im already missing you " . " I say. " That's a hint ! He didn't say that to me and he also didn't pick me up like he did you. " Martha say's getting a little to excited so she breathes into her inhaler. We hear a chuckle. It's Foxy's. " What do you want now ? " Martha ask. " Nothing. I'm just thinking. Thinking what might happen if i took your inhaler when you have an attack and die. " Foxy say's while doing a chuckle. " Why are you so evil ? " I ask her. " Because all she does all day long is bring people down. Especially me. Just because you were as fortunate as me doesn't mean you have to bring me down. I'm not the one who told your dad to spend money on drugs besides you and your mom. " Martha snaps. " You take that back " Foxy say's while walking closer to Martha. I jump in between them. " I suggest you back up. Remember you aren't stuck in here for life as us. And i know you want to get out of here ASAP. But if you decide to fight her that won't make your chances of getting out of here better. So save yourself from being mad. Your actions of being good and peaceful will pay off soon. " RING RING RING ! Foxy walks away. And Martha and i walk back to our cells. " Thank you. " Martha say's while stopping in front of my cell. " For what ? " I ask. " Defending me. " She say's. " Anytime " I say while giving her a hug and watching her walk off. My guard comes and tells me i  have a visitor. He walks me to the visitor room and i see Anthony there. I pick up the phone and say " Hi " " Hey " He say's back. " Whats up ? " I ask him. " I got to know Marie alittle better. " He say's. " Marie ? " I ask. " Uh oh sorry. I mean Ms. Booze. Her first name is Marie. " He say's blushing. I look at him confusingly " Um ok. How you get to know her better ? " " I went to Karma, which is a club.... " " Wait. I can finish your story. You asked her for a dance, while dancing you guys were getting to know each other, you drove her here, kissed her hand and got her number ? " I say interrupting him. " Exactly. How'd you know ? " He asked shocked. " She told me. " I said. " Why ? " He ask. " It's a long story. " I say trying to move on. He nods. " Anyway i just wanted to let you know i'm getting information from her by pretending that we're a thing. We're gonna meet up again tonight. " He say's. I nod and ask " How do you keep coming in here you can't just say your a undercover cop ? " He chuckles and say's " They think i'm your uncle. " I nod and say " Oh " " Well that's it so far. I'll let you know when something happens. " He say's getting up and hanging up the phone. I wave and he does too. I  go back to my cell and draw until dinner time. It's now 8:00 pm which is dinner time. When i go in to the lunch room i see that it also had a makeover. Burgundy walls, posters all around with celebs on them saying " Eat Right ", tables besides benches, and new wooden floors ! I go in line with Mark and Martha in it. " Hey " I say to them. " Hey " Martha say's. Mark hugs me and say's " Hey " I hug back. We get our food and it's not slop ! It's beef stroganoff and steamed carrots ! We sit down at our table and i say " Looks like Ms. Booze is changing the way things are around here just like her personality. " " What made her change ? " Martha ask. " She met a guy " Mark say's. " And that guy is your dad's best friend, Anthony " I say waiting for reactions. " Eww ! Really ? How'd you know ? " Martha ask disgusted. " He told her probably " Mark say's. As we kept talking i kept realizing how Mark kept touching me. Like our thigh's were together whole time, his arm would hang over my shoulder time to time, he would randomly poke me, and he even brung up a conversation about hands which gave her the excuse to hold mine ! " Mark do you want to be Kayla's boyfriend ? " Martha ask nonchantly. " What ? No i think of her as a sister just like you. " Mark say's. " Oh ok. " Martha say's shrugging. I kick her from under the table. " Ow ! Son of a.... " Martha say's while i interupt her " Sorry. Didn't know your leg was there. " She glares at me while Mark is looking at us like we're crazy. Foxy comes by and drops her tray on Martha. The whole lunch room is getting hype while Martha is in complete shock. " Oops. Sorry it was an accident. " Foxy say's while smirking. Martha gets up and say's " " Sorry " my ass ! Why'd you do that ? ! " Foxy shrugs and say's " I said sorry. " Martha punches Foxy and she lands on the floor. The lunch room shouts " FIGHT ! " Foxy tries to get back up but Martha pushes her back down. Martha starts throwing punches at Foxy's face. Foxy tries to block but it's not working. Martha then get's up and swings Foxy over to a table which breaks in half. Martha charges at her and starts pulling on her hair. She actually tore off some ! Now she has a bald spot ! The guards finally come and take Martha and Foxy away. The lunch crowd now departs and goes back to their seats. " I'm scared for Martha not so much Foxy " Mark say's. " Me too. But i don't think they'll be electricuted remember Ms. Booze changed. " I say defending her alittle. " You're the only who has seen it " Mark say's not to covinced. My night continued as normal. But now i'm happy Martha showed Foxy she is just as badass as her if you push her to her limits. I'm happy Foxy got her ass beat ! 

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