Chapter 20: Wakey Wakey

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Last night Elodie left around 12ish the same time Martha, Dante, and i went inside. Now we're in the dining room. " Kayla thank you so much " Dante says. " No problem " I say. " You two act and look so much alike " Martha says. Dante chuckles and says " I hope i can see her again soon " " You will " I say with a reassuring smile. Anthony comes in the dining to my surprise. " ANTHONY ! " I yell while running to him. We hug each other. " This is a nice surprise. What are you doing here ? " I say. " Annabelle woke up. She's conscious now. She woke up around 6am. Her doctor said it's ok for us to visit her now. " Anthony says. " Oh my gosh. I'm so happy. Um wait here while i change. " I say. Anthony nods. " Martha and Dante come with me " I say as i walk to my cell. They follow.  " What's up ? " Martha says. " Ms. Booze is awake now. Anthony is taking me to go see her " I say. I arrive at my cell and the guard lets me in. I change into a red sweater that has a heart on it with black leggings and brown Ugg boots. I keep my hair out. " That's awesome " Dante says. I nod and get out my cell. " Ok well  gotta go again. Love you guys and don't miss me too much " I say as i walk away. Anthony was in the lobby waiting for me. " I'm ready " I say as i walk in. Anthony nods and we go in his car. Anthony starts driving to the hospital. " So Kayla how have you been ? " Anthony ask. " I'm ok. How bout you ? " I say. " Fine " Anthony says. The car is silent for some time until Anthony turns on the radio. Unconditionally by Katy Perry comes on. I scoff. Anthony notices and turns off the radio. " It's Mark. Isn't it ? " Anthony says. I was caught off guard by his comment. " What do you mean ? " I ask. " Ever since Mark left you don't seem like your normal bubbly self " Anthony says. I sign and say " I'm trying to stay normal because i don't want people that i care about to worry about me " " The change is obvious. I'm pretty sure Martha and Dante noticed your change. But i'm not blaming you. Mark has a huge part in your heart. I can relate. Just know that i'm always here if you need to get something off your chest " Anthony says. I smile and say " Thanks. What do you mean you can relate ? " Anthony signs and says " I have a love. 5 years ago. Her name is Alaura. I've known her since college. She only thinks of me as a friend. There was this one time though at a party that she was drunk and i was sober and we ended up having sex. She was taken too. I regret doing that. I confessed my feelings towards her and she told me straight up i don't like you back. After i told her how i felt she didn't hang around me anymore. But to this day i still love her. Even though my situation is slightly different than yours i still wanted to share because what those two had the same was that we both are heartbroken right now " " I'm sorry that happened Anthony. She sounds like a bitch. You can do so much better. You are a great guy i don't see why the word doesn't see that. You'll find the one. Don't worry about it " I say with a reassuring smile. " Now tell yourself that " Anthony says. We arrive at the hospital at 10 something am. " You ready ? " Anthony ask. " Why wouldn't i be ? " I say as i get out the car. We go in the hospital and i see the same lady at the front desk as last time. She was glaring at me. Anthony could tell i was getting agitated with her. " Ignore her Kayla. You are much smarter than her " Anthony says while rubbing my shoulder for comfort. I sign and go look at a painting of the beach on the wall. Anthony signs us in. " Kayla stay here. I'll be back. I have to go to the bathroom " Anthony says. I nod and he walks away. The lady was still staring me down. I finally got enough of it and went towards her. " What ? " I spat. Her eyebrows raised and she said " You came towards me. I should be asking you that " " Your the one staring at me like you want me " I say. She shakes her head and says " Is it a crime to glance ? " " I would feel much better if you stopped " I say trying to calm down. " I see that your getting agitated. You need to calm down or i'm gonna have to kick you out " The lady says while smirking. " Is that a threat ? " I ask. " If it is what are you going to do about it ? " The lady says tempting me to beat the shit outta her. I walk towards so that we're so close as in we can feel each others breath. " I would love to beat the shit outta you but since i am so much more mature than you i won't " I say. The lady says " Get out my face " " I will love to. I was going blind looking at you " I say with a smirk. The lady pushes me. I was about to attack her but Anthony came out of no where and held me back. " Kayla calm down calm down. If you hit her back then you are just making her happy " Anthony says. " Aww you mad that you can't hit me ? " The lady ask. " Leave her alone " Anthony says. The lady steps in front of me and says " Go head i'm right here. I understand if you don't because your scared of me " " LISSETTE ! Is that anyway for a staff at Lake Drive to act ? " A man says popping out of no where but i'm glad he did because if not a Lake Drive staff would've died. Lissette looks down and leaves. " I'm sorry for her behavior. I'm the manager here " The manager says. " It's alright. We'll be getting out your hair now " Anthony says while dragging me to Ms. Boozes room. We arrive and i see Ms. Booze laying there with her eyes close. I look at Anthony. " Don't worry. She's just sleeping " Anthony says reassuringly. She has more color to her skin now than the last time i seen her. Anthony goes beside her and puts his hand on hers. Ms. Booze's eyes flutter open and land right on Anthony. She gasp and says " Anthony what are you doing here ? " Anthony smiles and looks in my direction. Her eyes follow and meets mine. Her smile gets wider. " Kayla " Ms. Booze says. I smile and walk towards her. We hug each other. " How are you feeling ? " I ask. " Better now that you guys are here " Ms. Booze says. " I'm happy knowing your alive. When Kayla told me what happened to you i was so angry and scared at the same time. I came here immedidately " Anthony says. " Where is Isabelle ? " Ms. Booze ask frantically. " She's back in the mental institution " I say. Ms. Booze relaxes after hearing what i said. " How's WillyWood going ? " Ms. Booze ask. " It's not bad but not great either. It feels very empty without you. Especially when i go on the roof with my friends " I say. Ms. Booze chuckles and says " You'll have a warden soon. Next week actually " " You won't be better next week " I say confusingly. " I'm not your warden anymore. This morning i signed the papers for Ms. Robinson to be your warden again. My doctor told me i'll never be fit enough to be a warden again " Ms. Booze says. " You couldn't sign the papers for someone else to be warden ? " I ask angerily. " Kayla calm down. She's just waking up and your getting angry at her " Anthony says. " Anthony i understand why she's angry. She has every right to be. I told her to talk to Ms. Robinson before and she ended up knowing that she was lied to. I'm the one who fired her for goodness sake and now i'm rehiring her " Ms. Booze says. I sign and say " Why did Ms. Robinson accept the job even though she hates us ? " I ask. Ms. Booze signs and says " Ms. Robinson wanted me to tell you can you come over her place again because she wants to talk to you " " About ? " I ask. " I don't know " Ms. Booze says. " Should i go ? " I ask. " Remember the message she told you guys after she left, follow your heart even if it's wrong ? Follow your heart Kayla " Ms. Booze says. But that's the thing. I don't know what my heart is saying. Ms. Booze's doctor comes in and says " Guys sorry but you have to leave now. Visiting time is up for today. You can come back tomorrow " Anthony and i say our goodbyes and leave the hospital. It's 1:22pm. " So what is your choice ? " Anthony ask me while he starts the car. " I don't know yet " I say. " Oh that's ok. Do you want something to eat ? " Anthony ask. " Yeah. Lets go to Ruby Tuesday " We leave to go eat. 

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