Chapter 27: Guard Dog

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Foxy and i arrive at WillyWood at 5:25am. Surprisingly i was still up. Foxy on the other hand was sleeping really hard. " Anyone up ? " Anthony ask. " I am. I was for the whole ride " I say. Anthony gives me an unconvincing look and says " You didn't say a word to me throughout the car ride " " That's because i didn't feel like talking " I say. " I head snoring " Anthony says. " Did you forget that someone else is in the car ? " I ask. Anthony looks at Foxy and see's that she's snoring. Anthony chuckles and says " Can you wake her up ? " I lightly shake Foxy until her eyes open. " Wakey wakey sleepy head " I say. Foxy sits up and looks around. " We're at WillyWood " Anthony says. " Thank you for everything Anthony " Foxy says. " No problem " Anthony says. " Ok ok ok we already know that Anthony is an Angel sent from Heaven but what are you going to say to Ms. Robinson ? " I say. " Don't worry about it. It's all figured out. Thanks to Kayla's silence i had some time to think " Anthony says. We get out the car and go inside WillyWood. The guards are giving us glares. Anthony signs us in and goes in Ms. Robinson's office while Foxy and i go to our cells. I check on Mark and see that he is sound asleep. " Where were you ? " My guard ask. " None of your concern " I say crossing my arms. " Then your not going in your cell " My guard says. " If you don't let me in my cell then i'll tell Ms. Robinson about your secret crush on her " I say. " How'd you know i like her ? " My guard ask panicky. " It's obvious. I act the same way towards Mark " I say with a chuckle. My guard signs and lets me in. I give him a smirk and go in my cell. I am very tired. I lay on my bed and get comfortable. Knowing me i probably won't wake up until 12 something pm.........................................................................................I wake up at 1:35pm. Mark is standing in front of my cell looking at me angrily. I knew this was coming. I get out my cell and look at my guard. " He would not leave no matter what i did or said " My guard says. I sign and say " Come with me " Mark follows. I go in the cafeteria and sit down. Mark sits beside me. " Where were you ? " Mark ask. " I was in Newark " I say. " Newark ? That's a different city. Why were you there ? " Mark ask. " I was helping Foxy's dad not get killed by a gang " I say. " What ? " Mark ask. " Foxy's dad is a drug dealer. He sold some to a 16 year old. The 16 year old died for overdosing. When the 16 year old's dad figured that Foxy's dad sold his son the drugs his dad wanted to kill Foxy's dad. So she wanted me to come along " I say. " Wow. Weren't you scared ? " Mark ask. " Only one thing scared me last night. That was when the gang leader pulled a gun on me " I say. " I wish i was there with you. That would've never happened " Mark says. I smile and give Mark a kiss on the lips. " I guess that would be the most dangerous thing i did. How bout you ? " I say. " When my cousin and i trespass into a restricted zone at Disney World. My cousin lost his hat on the Expedition Everest so after we got off we went right beside the rollercoaster track but my cousin had to go on the track so he can get his hat. The rollercoaster was in motion at the time and my cousin was taking too long getting it because it was stuck between the tracks. But he pulled it in time before the carts came " Mark says. " Wow. I wouldn't even be wearing a hat on the ride " I say. " You wouldn't be on the ride at all " Mark says. " You know me too well " I say. " Should we check on Martha ? " Mark ask. I nod and get up. Mark swoops me up from my feet holding me bridal style and says " My queen should never have to walk " I chuckle and say " Can i be a princess ? Being called queen makes me feel old " " Anything my princess wants " Mark says kissing me. Mark carries me to the nurses office and we see that no patient is in here. " Where's Martha ? " I ask. " She went to court. I'm surprised she didn't tell you " Ms. Simpson says. Mark and i face each other. " Ok thank you " Mark says walking out. " We should go to Ms. Robinson's office " I say. Mark goes into Ms. Robinson's office and sits down on the couch. " Well hello. Always a pleasure to see my patients " Ms. Robinson says. " Hey um Ms. Simpson just told us that Martha went to court. Why ? " I ask. " To tell the judge about her abuse " Ms. Robinson says. " She didn't tell us " Mark says. " That's understandable because it was a surprise for her too. Her mom did not tell her until around 4am this morning. She left at 7am. There's no set time when she'll be back " Ms. Robinson says. " Is Dante and his family there also ? " I ask. " No. They've separate court trials. Dante had his already " Ms. Robinson says. " Oh ok thanks " Mark says. There's a knock on Ms. Robinson's door. Ms. Robinson answers it and squeals when she opens it. A lady is standing there holding a leash attached to a K9. " Thank you so much " Ms. Robinson says. " No problem. Have a good day " The lady says. Ms. Robinson closes the door and sits back down. " Who's that ? " I ask. " Mines " Ms. Robinson says. " Since when ? " Mark ask. " Today. A month ago i was looking for the perfect dog for me to buy and chose Alyson " Ms. Robinson says. " Why you buy a dog ? " I ask. " Extra protection. Homes have guard dogs so why not us ? " Ms. Robinson says. " Homes don't have guards " Mark says. " Well even better for us. Double the protection " Ms. Robinson says. Ms. Robinson phone buzzes and she looks at it. " Shit " Ms. Robinson says. " What's wrong ? " I ask. " I have to go see my mom. I don't know how long i'll be but i'll be back by tonight " Ms. Robinson says. " What happened ? " Mark ask. " Family problems " Ms. Robinson says. Ms. Robinson gathers her things and before she leaves. When she's done she turns to us and says " Can you guys watch Alyson ? " " We would love to ! " I say gushing with excitement. " Great ok guys see ya later " Ms. Robinson says shutting the door. " She said guys not you " Mark says. " What's wrong ? " I ask. " Dogs don't like me " Mark says. " Doesn't see the case for Alyson " I say watching Alyson lick Mark's hand begging for attention. Mark laughs and says " She's an odd one " I grab Alyson's food and water bowl and fill both of them up. Once i place them down she ditches Mark and greets her bowls. I laugh and say " She is so cute " Mark yawns loudly then says " Excuse me " I laugh and say " What time you wake up ? " " Around 9am " Mark says laying down on the couch. " You going to sleep ? " I ask. " I don't want to but my body does " Mark says. " Listen to it " I say fluffing up his pillow. Mark smirks at me and pulls me into him. " I'll listen to my body if you sleep with me " Mark says. " But i'm not tired " I say. Alyson barks at us. " I think she's bored. Let's entertain her " Mark says leaning in. I pull away and say " No you pervert " I get up and search in her bag. I take out a squeaky ball toy. I wave it in front of Alyson and squeak it. Alyson sticks her tongue out and her gaze gets stuck on the ball. " You want it girl ? You want it ? " I ask waving the ball. " Your teasing " Mark says. I throw the ball and it hits a picture frame. " Uh oh " Mark says. " I didn't mean to do that " I say nervous. " Of course you didn't but Ms. Robinson won't see it that way " Mark says. I sweep up the glass. " Thank God it's just a frame and the picture is not ruined " I say. The picture is of Ms. Robinson as a 6 year old and her grandma who is sick at the moment. I put the picture in her draw safe from any destruction. Alyson barks still bored. " We can't play ball in here and outside is too cold. So ball is out of it " Mark says. " The cafeteria is empty " I say taking the squeaky ball. " Does she need a leash ? " Mark ask. " No she's trained " I say. Mark and i walk into the cafeteria. I throw the ball and Alyson catches it bringing it back to me. We kept doing the same routine until Alyson got tired. " My arm is about to fall off " I say rubbing it. Alyson lays down on the floor and closes her eyes. " Is she sleeping ? " Mark ask. " I'm not surprised if she is. Running back and forth for that ball must be tiring " I say. Alyson stands up and stares hard at the janitor's office. " What you think she senses ? " I ask. " The janitor receiving pleasure " Mark says. I gag and say " I didn't want to picture that " Mark laughs and says " Me either " Alyson is still staring hard at the closet door. Alyson's eyes that was filled with playfulness now are filled with seriousness. " We should check it out " Mark says. I shake my head and say " Who knows what we'll get ourselves into. Lets just leave this room and everything will be normal again " I try calling Alyson to come with me  but she wouldn't budge. " It must be serious " Mark says. The janitor comes out the closet looking drunk and violent. He's holding a Vodka bottle in one hand and his fist is balled up on the other. " Andrew are you ok ? " Mark ask carefully. Andrew throws the vodka bottle at Mark but Mark dodges it. A guard comes in and says to Andrew leave and come back when sober. Andrew pushes the guard off and leaves but gives Alyson a really scary glare. When Andrew is out of sight Alyson is still tensed. I put my hand on her head but she flinches. " You know Alyson has been abused before too " I say. " How you know ? " Mark ask. " On her brochure it says so " I say. " By ? " Mark ask. " They don't know her owner. The police found her in an alley beaten up badly and took her to the Vet " I say. " She had no collar ? " Mark ask. I shake my head and say " But doesn't she look good with her's on now ? " Mark nods and says " Who can be so cruel to abuse an animal ? " I sign and shake my head. " Lets take her for a walk so her nerves can calm down. It's sunset. The view is so pretty. Lets go " I say gesturing for Alyson to come with us. She comes. We go in the courtyard and walk around. Alyson goes sniffing in some corner. She then starts whining and clawing at the gate. " You can't go out there Alyson " Mark says. Alyson scoffs then digs a hole and goes into it. Mark and i run over to her creation. Alyson pops up on the other side of the fence. " Alyson get back over here now " I say sternly. Alyson sits down and pants at Mark and i. " She wants us to go with her " Mark says. I look at Mark in disbelief. " Ever since you met Alyson everything you've said about her is correct. At first i thought it was just luck but now i think you're truly a dog whisperer " I say. Mark laughs and climbs in the hole. " You can't fit in there " I say with a smirk on my face. Mark makes it through the hole and says " Kayla stop mixing me and you. You're the one with the big boobs not me " I laugh and go in the hole. " I slid through so easily " I say. " Maybe they shrunk " Mark says. I look at my boobs and try to see a difference. Maybe i'm in denial. Alyson barks and runs. Mark and i follow while calling her. " She's taking us somewhere " I say. Alyson takes us to a dog park. Alyson runs up to a Maltese on their back. Alyson and the Maltese start licking each other and rubbing noses. " Aww they're a couple " Mark says. The owner of the Maltese picks her dog up and leave. Alyson's happy face disappear's and turns into a sad one. I go up to her and pat her. " It's ok girl. Lets go back to WillyWood and i'll fix you some dog ice cream " I say. Mark and i walk with Alyson back to WillyWood the back way. " There's dog everything out here " Mark says. I laugh and say " We are starting to treat dogs like humans by the the generation " " You know we're not going to WillyWood " Mark says. " Where are we going ? " I ask. " Remember that waterfall i took you to on New Year's ? " Mark says. " Yeah " I say. " There " Mark says. " Yay ! I miss that place " I say. A black car pulls up next to us. The driver's window rolls down and a familiar face shows up. I remember now it was Ms. Robinson's fuck buddy. " Baby girl long time no see. What you up to ? " The guy says. Mark looks at me confused. " I'm not your baby girl and what i'm up to is none of your concern " I say. " Ooh you a little feisty today " The guy says. I roll my eyes and tell Mark " Lets go " The guy gets out his car and follows us. " You can't ditch me babe " The guy says. " I'm not babe to you and i don't want to talk to you " I say. " What i do ? " The guy ask. " Look man your stressing her out. You need to go " Mark says. The guy looks at Mark in disbelief and says " Mind your business. This is between her and i " Alyson starts barking at the guy. " Don't you get it man ? No one wants you here not even the dog " Mark says. The guy starts laughing and says " I'm not here for you guys to like me " " Then why are you ? " I ask annoyed. " You wanna go to a party ? " The guy says. " I don't wanna go anywhere with you " I say crossing arms. " Please.  don't have a date " The guy ask. " Go ask your fuck buddy " I say. " Which one ? " The guy ask. " I don't know ! Anyone ! " I say. " Is Erin busy ? " The guy says. I sign and say " What type of party is this ? " " Lets just say it's a party for people 18 and older " The guy says. " I'm 16 so sorry " I say walking away. " Wait wait wait. You can still come just lie about your age. They won't ask for ID unless you look young " The guy ask begging. " Fine i'll go on one condition " I say. " Which is ? " The guy ask. " Mark and Alyson come also " I say. " I don't know if he'll allow dogs but yeah they can come " The guy says. " Well can i know your name ? " I ask. " Afton and yours ? " Afton says. " Kayla and how old are you ? " I say. " 27 " Afton says. I look at Mark and see that he looks a little jealous. He's trying to hide it because he's playing with Alyson. I pull Mark off to the side to talk to him. " What's wrong ? " I ask. " I don't feel comfortable with us going to the party. I mean come on you barely know the guy " Mark says. " That's why i'm taking you and Alyson for protection " I say with a smirk. Mark smiles and leans in to kiss me. " Oh that's why he was eyeballing me " Afton says. I pull away from the kiss and say " What time does the party start ? " " 8:00pm " Afton says. " What time is it now ? " I ask. " 5:25pm " Afton says. Alyson starts sniffing Afton. " Afton jumps back real quick. " Get her away " Afton says panicky. I laugh and say " Are you scared ? " " No just don't like dogs " Afton says. " Sounds like your scared " Mark says. Afton rolls his eyes and says " You guys wanna come chill with me in my crib until the party starts ? " " Sure " I say. We get in his car and head off to Afton's house. We arrive at 6:18pm. It was raining the time we arrived. Alyson kept howling at the sound of the rain. We get out the car and rush in the house. " You guys want anything to drink ? " Afton ask. " No i'm fine " I say. " Same " Mark says. Afton nods and goes in the kitchen. He comes out with a beer in hand. He sits down on the couch and hands me the remote. " You guys can watch whatever " Afton says. I turn on the TV and click on Everybody Hates Chris. " I see you eyeballing this " Afton says to Mark shaking his beer. " Yeah i am " Mark says. " You want one ? " Afton ask. " Yeah. I'll try it " Mark says. " On one condition. If anything happens to you because you drunk it don't blame me " Afton says. " Don't worry " Mark says. Afton goes in the kitchen. I look at Mark like he's crazy and say " What the hell are you doing ? Beer is bad for you ! " " Don't talk down to your lover. He's a man. Which means he can do and say whatever he wants " Afton says coming in from the kitchen. " Stay out of this horny guy " I say. Afton hands Mark the beer. " Are you positive you want to open that ? " I ask. " Yes. I promise i'll drink responsibly " Mark says. I sign and let him drink it. I love him that's why i'm worrying but i'm his girlfriend not his mom. Mark opens the bottle and takes a sip. Mark's face turns into a disgusted one. " How it taste ? " Afton ask. " Very bitter. How the hell do people become addicted to this ? " Mark ask looking at the bottle in disgust. Afton laughs and says " You don't know what your missing out on " " Oh i do. An early death " Mark says. Afton laughs and grabs the beer bottle saying " Won't let this go to waste " " I put my lips on that " Mark says. " I sucked a dick before " Afton says in a i don't care tone. My eyes widen. Alyson starts barking. " She maybe has to go to the bathroom. Where's your backyard ? " I say. " In the back " Afton says in a duh tone. I roll my eyes and take Alyson with me. I open the back door. She runs so fast. I go back in the living room and sit on the couch. Afton finishes his beer and gets up to get another. " Don't you wanna wait until the party ? " Mark ask. Afton stops walking and says " Your right " Alyson starts barking. I let her in. I go back in the living room and sit on the couch. Time went by with us talking. " It's 7:30pm. We gotta go now " Afton says putting on his coat. We go in his car. " We have to be back by 12am " I say. " You'll be back before then " Afton says. " Do you and Erin know " Mark says. " Naw she don't do stuff like that anymore but we're really close friends. I'll let you guys in on a little secret. I like her " Afton says. " Why won't you tell her ? " I ask. " She doesn't like me back the way i do so i don't see the point. I'll only embarrass myself " Afton says. " Do you want her to know ? " Mark ask. " Yeah but i'm too chicken to tell her " Afton says. " How bout i'll tell her ? " I ask. " Are you serious ? You'll do that ? " Afton ask. " Sure she will. She can do anything " Mark says. " Thanks Kayla but i wasn't driving there " Afton says. " But i drove it there so it'll happen " I say. We arrived at the party at 7:55pm. " Who's house is this ? " Mark ask. " A friend of mine " Afton says. " Wow. It's gorgeous " I say. " Yeah. Is Alyson friendly enough to be around this much people ? " Afton ask. Mark and i glance at each knowing we're about to lie. " Yes " Mark and i say in harmony. " Ok great then he should allow her in. Lets go in " Afton says getting out the car. Mark and i get out along with Alyson. " What if she isn't so friendly and she ends up attacking a person ? Us and Ms. Robinson will get in trouble " I say. " Don't worry. If she gets angry at someone i promise she won't attack because i'll be holding her back and you'll be distracting her " Mark says. " I hope everything is will be fine " I say. Mark holds my hand and gives me a reassuring smile. I smile and Alyson howls. She was sitting behind us. Afton was at the front door talking to some girl. We rush up behind him. " Alrught have fun " The girl says. Afton turns to us and says " You ready ? " We nod and walk in. The mansion was so big and cool looking. There were colorful lights, an DJ, buffet, and an mouth drooling gigantic cake on a table. A guy comes up to Afton and says " Afton ! Glad you can be here ! " " Ashton ! Happy birthday " Afton says. " Who are these three ? " Ashton ask looking at us. " My friends Kayla and Mark and their dog Alyson " Afton says. " Kayla it's a pleasure to meet you " Ashton says kneeling and kissing my hand. Mark steps up beside me and wraps his arm around my waist. Ashton stands up and sticks his hand out saying " Nice to meet you too Mark " Mark shakes his hand and says " You too " Ashton walks to Alyson and pats her head saying " Nice to meet you Alyson " Alyson shows no sign of like in him. She just stares at him. " I'm gonna go greet some more guest " Ashton says walking away. " How old is he ? " I ask. " 18 " Afton says. " So what we going to do now ? " Mark ask. " I don't know about you guys but i'm going to go get drunk and dance ! " Afton says running off to some place. I laugh and say " Are you going to dance ? " " I don't like Ashton " Mark says. I laugh and say " He's still on your mind ? Don't worry about him. He was just greeting me like he did to Alyson and you " " He was only going to greet you until i made my presence known. He kissed your hand for goodness sake ! Every guy knows what that means. He likes you " Mark says a little agitated. I smirk and kiss him. I put my hands on his shoulders and Mark's hands rest on my waist. I pull away from the kiss and say " Don't worry. He may like me but that should not worry you because i only have eyes for you " Mark smiles and says " I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be back to those lips " I laugh and say " Ok " I go in the kitchen with Alyson behind me. I go to the punch bowl and fix me a cup. I turn to the girl beside me and say " Hey um do you know if this punch is spiked ? " " Yeah it is " She says. " Thanks " I say. I sniff inside my cup. It smells like punch. " Yeah it's spiked " Ashton says scaring me. I jump and turn around. He was so close to me but i couldn't move back since the table was behind me. " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you " Ashton says. " Can you back up a bit ? " I ask. Ashton takes one step back while smirking. He see's i'm not satisfied and says " You said bit " " More ? " I say. " Oh come on. You smell so good and it's my birthday wish to be so close to someone as beautiful as you " Ashton says whining. I sign and say " Happy birthday " " Thank you. Can i ask you something ? " Ashton says. " Yeah " I say. " The guy that was with you and Afton, are you two a thing ? " Ashton ask. " Yes " I say sipping on my drink. My face scrunches up after tasting the bitterness. " First time " Ashton ask. I shake my head and say " No but i'm not a drinker " Ashton nods and says " You wanna go upstairs ? " " No not really " I say placing my cup down. " Pretty please. It's my birthday " Ashton says whining. " I'm already letting you stand so close to me. That should be enough of me " I say. " But i want to be with you in private " Ashton says. " She said no " Mark says showing up. I feel much better now that he's here. Ashton was making me uncomfortable. " Alright i understand " Ashton says. Alyson starts growling at Ashton. " I gotta go. We'll talk later Kayla " Ashton says walking away. " Next time you talk to her your ass will get bite " Mark mumbles. I laugh and say " You took a long time " " That's because i had to ask like 10 people where the bathroom was and all 9 didn't know and when i finally got there there was a line so i waited for 5 people to finish. That bathroom was the only one available ! " Mark says. I laugh and say " I'm glad you came because things were getting awkward " " I wish i was here with you because i would've made sure that you didn't talk to him " Mark says. " It seems like you're always rescuing me. Remember at the New Year's dance with drunk Levi ? " I say. " Oh yeah. Well i did tell you i was going to be your personal superhero " Mark says. I smile and kiss Mark. A group of people were shouting Afton's name. I pull away from the kiss and Mark and Alyson follow me to where the crowd was. We're in the dining room and the crowd was watching Afton dancing to Cake By The Ocean by DNCE. " Oh my gosh ! " I say turning around. Mark was crying laughing. Alyson started panting and wagging her tail. When the song was over and changed into a slow song Afton stopped dancing and started putting back on his clothes. The crowd got bored and departed. " We saw you out there " I say. " Enjoy the show ? " Afton ask. " Yeah man. You got me crying laughing " Mark says. " Great now contribute into the money hat " Afton says picking up a hat filled with money. Mark and i glance at each other. " We would love to but we have no money " I say. " You guys are 16 and 17 and telling me you have no money " Afton says shocked. We shake our heads. " We are patients at a mental hospital " Mark says. " Oh. WillyWood ? " Afton ask. We nod. " Yeah. What made you say that one ? " I ask. " I'm guessing that's where you met Erin " Afton says. " Yeah. Sorry if your creeped out by us now " Mark says. " I'm not creeped out. You guys seem fine to me. I would have never knew until you told me. You guys are a couple of bad asses for sneaking out and going to a party " Afton says. I laugh and say " We sneak out a lot actually " " That's cool " Afton says. A girl comes up to me and says " Um can you come with me to the bathroom real quick ? " This was the same girl who i asked about the fruit punch. " Yeah sure " I say. I look at Mark and he nods. The girl and i go upstairs into the bathroom and she says " Do you have a pad i can use " " Yeah i do. Stay in here. I'll be back " I say leaving the bathroom. I honestly don't have one but i said yes because i didn't want her to leave the bathroom and possibly showing her accident. I go up to some girl on a couch on her phone and ask for one. " Yeah i do " The girl says taking one out her purse. Before she gives it to me she says " A dollar " I can't believe she's charging me. She laughs and says " I'm kidding. Here " I take the pad and say thanks. " No problem " The girl says. I go back in the bathroom and hand her the pad. " Hope it fits " I say. " Perfect " The girl says. I nod and go out the bathroom. Alyson was sitting out the bathroom waiting for me. " How'd you know i was in here ? " I ask patting her head. Alyson licks my hand. " Lets go back to Mark and Afton " I say walking downstairs with Alyson right behind me. When i go downstairs i see a huge crowd shouting fight. Afton spots me and runs towards me saying " Mark and Ashton are fighting. I tried stopping it but they are really dangerous " My eyes widen and i say " Watch Alyson " I push pass the crowd and ignore Afton telling me " No wait " When i get up front i see Ashton on top of Mark punching him. I go behind Ashton and pull his hair and punch him. His nose starts to bleed and he looks at me angrily. " Wrong move bitch ! " Ashton says then punches me back in the jaw. I fall on the floor because of the impact of the punch. Some girls help me up. I cannot believe i just got punched by a BOY ! I was about to go back in there and attack Ashton but some one beat me to it. Alyson runs in the fight and bites Ashton in the leg. Ashton stops punching Mark and starts screaming while kicking his leg around trying to get Alyson off. Mark gets up and runs to over to me. " Are you ok ? " Mark ask. I nod and hug Mark. Alyson finally lets go of Ashton's leg. Ashton's leg is bleeding. Ashton gets up and limps his way out the spotlight. While he limps pass us he shouts " You guys and your stupid dog better be gone by the time i come back ! " Mark balls up his fist and signs. " I'm sorry Mark " I say. " For what ? " Mark ask. " I'm the one who said we'll go to this shitty ass party. If i never said yes you wouldn't have gotten hurt " I say. " Fuck me ! Your the one who got punched and your bleeding " Mark says. I taste blood coming from my gums. " I'll fix her up " The girl that i gave a pad to says. I give her a smile that hurt so bad for me to make. She takes me to the bathroom upstairs and i sit on the counter. She takes out a first aid kit and starts wetting up a cotton ball. " I'm sorry on his behalf " The girl says. I nod and give her a painful smile. She gives me the cotton ball to put in my mouth. " Your teeth cut your gum because the punch " The girl says. I nod. " Besides that your fine " The girl puts some cotton balls in a pouch. " Take this with you if bleeding continues " The girl says handing me the pouch. I nod and give her a hug. " Take care " The girl says. I nod and leave the bathroom. I go downstairs to see Afton and Alyson waiting for me. " Mark is in the car waiting " Afton says. I nod and pat Alyson's head. " Thanks Alyson " I say. 

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