Chapter 4: Martha's Help

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It's now dinner time after a long 7 hours. My security guard let's me out along with the other's. I find Martha and Mark waiting for me like usual in front of the lunch door's. " Hey. "I say. " Hey " Mark say's. " Hhhheeeeyyyy" Martha say's. I chuckle and we walk to the lunch line. " So what's up with you ? " I ask Martha. " Oh nothing special just have good news to share with you. " She say's. " Does Mark know ? " I ask. " No. But it's not like i'm hiding it from him. He can know if he wants to. " Martha say's with a shrug. " MOVE UP ! " A patient behind us yelled. " Oh gosh. Why does she have to be here ? " Martha say's while moving up. " Who is she ? " Mark ask. " I'll explain when we get to the table. " She say's. The girl Martha is talking about [ who i still don't know her name ] is an African American, about 6'1, cornrow's that stop at the end of her neck, and muscular ! We get our tray's which is still that Monsters VS Aliens food and go to our table. " So you aren't mad at Kayla anymore ? " Mark ask. " I was never mad just irritated. " She say's. " Why ? " I ask. " Because lately you've been talking about Mark alot and we never really catch up on our girl talks when we have the chance to. " She say's with a little sadness in her voice. I look down letting my hair cover my face when Mark turns to me. " So what's your news you want to share with us ? " Mark ask changing the subject finally ! " Well Kayla your the only one i know that is desperate to get Ms. Robbinson back so i thought maybe i can let you talk to my dad's best bud. " She say's. " Why ? " I ask. " Because he is a informer for the police and if you tell him your problem he'll have Ms. Busky fired in a heartbeat. " She say's whispering. " What's an informer ? " Mark ask. " A person who informs on another person to the police or other authority. " Martha say's. I nod and ask " When can you bring him or her here ? " " Him and hopefully Monday. " She say's. Mark nods and ask " Now tell us about the girl. " " What you like her ? " Martha ask in a playful way not knowing how much that affected me. " No ! I don't even know the chick ! " He say's. I sigh and say " Just tell us your relationship with her. " " Fine party pooper. Her name is Foxy Jones. She has lived  in the same neighborhood  as me all my life until i came here. She never went to our school though. Alway's homeschooled since she was on house arrest multiple times. She was the bad kid in my neighborhood. Alway's getting into fights, starting joaning contest, stealing people's money, and lots of other things. " Martha say's whispering. " So how does she have to deal with you ? "I ask. " I was alway's her victim. " Martha say's. " How come you never told us this ? ! " Mark ask. " Because i didn't want her messin with you guy's since your my best friends. " She said. " Well that's gonna be hard since she's here and has her eyes on you 24/7. " I say watching her look at Martha. " Just stay away from her and her crew then'll be good. " Martha say's. Mark and i nod. Ms. Busky comes in smirking. " Uh-oh " All 3 of us say. " Good night ! Hope everyone is enjoying their food. Just wanted to let you guy's in on my new arrangements. You'll will now start to be doing work ! Can't let your family members questioning me about how i'm mistreatin yall ! So work will help you guy's stay in shape ! If yall continue to look like this then i'll have a bad business which means no money ! The work you guy's will be doing are washing clothes, crushing rocks, ironing your clothes, and wiping your eating tables. You guy's will from 5:00 am to 8:00 am. 12 cents per hour ! " Ms. Busky say's while leaving out the door. We all sigh and continuing socializing. RING RING RING ! " Alright well i  see you guy's tomorrow. Night. Love you guy's " Martha say's while leaving her separate way from us. We walk back to our cells and go to sleep for the night. 

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