Chapter 6: Ms. Booze Is Happy ?

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It's another day in hell. I woke up really early this morning for no reason. It's 5:00 am and i don't want to go back to sleep. So what i decide to do is draw. I always loved to draw it calms me down and makes me happy. I draw really well. If i wasn't here in this institution i would happily be studying on how to become an artist. It's silent right now so i can easily focus on my masterpiece im about to make. It's so quiet i can easily hear a pen drop which isn't normal here since it's always loud and new patients come in acting crazy like anybody else would in their situation. " Kayla " Mark whispers. I stand up and walk towards the door. " What do you want ? " I ask him. " I can't sleep. " He say's. " Me neither. " I say. " What are you doing ? " He ask. " Drawing " I say. I go back to my desk and start to think of what i would like to draw. I hear a cell door open and i turn towards Mark's door and i see him standing in front of his cell door with a smile on his face. " Mark ! What the hell ? ! " I whisper/shout. He comes towards my cell door and picks the lock. It opens. " Come with me. " He say's. I stare at him like he is crazy. " Come on Kay. " He say's pouting. I give in and step out. He closes the cell door. " What are we about to do ? " I ask. We start walking. We end up in the lunch room. " What are we doing in here ? " I ask. " Just sit down " He say's slightly annoyed. I sit. He goes in the kitchen and starts taking stuff out then cooking ! After about 1 minute Mark appears again but with two bowls and a glass. " Bon Appetit ! " He say's placing down my food which is oatmeal, blueberries, and a glass of milk. " Thank you. Don't you want something too ? " I ask. " No im good. " He say's. The lunch room doors open and Ms. Booze appears. She gasp. " Oh my what a scene. May i join ? " She ask coming over and sits down between Mark and i. " Yeah i'll fix you something. " Mark say's getting up and going into the kitchen. " So what are you two lovebirds doing up ? " She ask. " Um we couldn't sleep so i decided to set Mark and i free and we headed here and we are not dating. " I say trying to make sure Ms. Booze doesn't get mad at Mark. " Oh honey there is no need to lie. I see the way you look at him. " She say's actually smiling at me. Mark comes out with Ms. Boozes food the samething i have. " Oh thank you sweetheart. Now i need you to go back to your cell. I'll walk you their. Kayla don't you move. " Ms. Booze say's getting up and leaving. I sigh and continue eating my food. Ms. Booze comes back and sits down beside me. " So why didn't you shout at us, throw my food away, call us idiots, and shoo us back to our cells ? " I ask. That was my burning question right now. " Kayla do you always think im like that ? I had kids too you know and to answer your question i didn't do that because im happy. " She say's starting to smile again. " Why ? " I ask. Ms. Booze sigh's then answers. " I met a guy. " I raise my eyebrows. " Tell me the story. " She sigh's and say's " Alright i'll tell ya but remember you're the only person i've told this to so far ok. " I nod. " Well yesterday night. You guy's were asleep. So i decided to have myself a little break from being the mean Ms. Booze and decided to be the fun Ms. Booze. I went to the club and assigned one of the guards to be in charge until i get back. So when i went to the club i was first just hanging out at the bar drinking my beer until this sexy man comes and ask me to dance. I said yes. As we were dancing we were talking and asking each other questions to get to know each other. i really enjoyed his company. When it was time to go he gave me his number and kissed my hand. He was the one who gave me a ride back here. So now im just feeling really giggly and happy. " She say's blushing really hard. I cant help but to smile. " Im so happy for you ! " Ms. Booze looks at me with an warm inviting smile. " You know Kayla you arent a bad kid. Im really sorry for the way ive been treating you guys. I just been really stressed out and mean ever since my kids died. You know you actually remind me of one of them. " " If it's alright may i ask what happen to them ? " I ask cautiously. " It's alright. 2 years ago. They were twins. 1 boy 1 girl. 16 just like you i believe. Their names were Madison and Mason. Madison is the one you remind of. The day they died we were not getting along. We had a fight just because i wouldn't let them go to a party. They tried everything in their power to try and make me say yes but i stood my ground. When i was sleeping thats when they snuck out. They died because of blood loss from a gunshot. They got into some fight about money and the person who claimed that they needed  money from them shot them. Ever since then i beat myself up about it everyday how if i couldve just stayed up a little longer i couldve prevented that from happening. " She say's starting to cry. I hug her and start crying too. " Im so sorry. But Ms. Booze you have to remember thats the past you cant beat yourself up about it thats not healthy. Now i didnt say forget them but dont constantly think of it. Now i understand i dont have kids so i cant feel your pain but atleast give my advice a shot. " We depart and she looks at me. " I will try. Now come on. I'll walk you to your cell. " We walk out the lunch room, through some hallways, and now in front of my cell. " Now no more picking lots. Got it ? " She say's. " Got it. " I say. She opens my cell door but she stopped me before i went in. I turn towards her. She is standing their with here arms open. I go in for her hug. " Thanks for being a good listener. " She say's in my ear. i nod and smile. We depart and i go in my cell. " Somebody made a new bestie. " Mark say's. " No. No one cane replace you and Martha. I made a decision to stop criticizing her and i want you and Martha to do the same. " I say starting to yawn. " Ok mom. Go to sleep i can see your tired. "  Mark say's. I nod and go to my bed. " Night night. " Mark say's. " Night " I say back even though i know it's 6:00 am. 

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