Chapter 16: A Trip To The Hospital

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I rode in the ambulance with Ms. Booze because she wanted me by her side. Ms. Booze was laying on a stretcher with a lot of needles in her. The needles caused her to go in a unconscious state. I felt very uncomfortable in here because i was seeing a lot of blood. Blood has always made me feel odd. We arrived at the hospital. The paramedics took her into the hospital . I was following them. The person at the front desk stopped me from going in the room. " Mam how old are you ? " The lady asked. "  16 " I said. " I'm sorry mam but you have to be 18 and older to visit her. " The lady said. I signed and asked the lady could i use the phone. She said yes. I called Anthony. I told him the situation i was in and agreed to come. I sat in the waiting room and was watching what was on the TV which was Fox 5 News. WillyWood Hospital was what they were reporting. A lady is interviewing Dante and some other witnesses. Isabelle is back at her hospital now. I felt a tap on my shoulder and i turned around to find Anthony. He embraced me with a big hug. " Are you OK ? " Anthony asked. " Yes " I said. " Alright i'm gonna go sign the papers now " Anthony said while going up to the front desk. " OK " I said while turning my head back to the TV. The news was now reporting on a panda that just gave birth at the zoo. A young girl who appeared to be around 6 came up to me and said hi. " Hi " I said back. " My names Auralee " Auralee said. " Nice to meet you Auralee " I said. " I'm hungry " Auralee said." Sorry to hear that. How bout you go ask your mom or dad can they get you somethin to eat. " I said. Auralee shook her head and said " They are busy right now. Can you feed me ? " I smiled and nodded. I looked at the front desk and i didn't see Anthony. I didn't think to much of his disappearance. I took her hand and we walked to the cafeteria. I bought us a chicken sandwich and apple juice. We sat down at a table and i gave Auralee her food. " Thank you " Auralee said. " No problem " I said with a smile. When she was done eating i walked her back to the waiting room. Anthony was sitting in a chair looking stressed. " Bye bye " Auralee said while skipping down the hallway. I was confused but turned my attention to Anthony. " You alright ? " I asked. Anthony signed and said " I'm just scared for her " I nodded and asked " Did you finish signing the paper work ? " Anthony nodded and said " The lady said that her doctor will come when finished with Annabelle to update us. " I nodded. " I see your wearing the necklace i bought you. " Anthony said with a smile. I smiled and said " I've worn this everyday since you've gave it to me. " He smiled. I yawned and put my head on Anthony's shoulder. It didn't take me long for me to fall asleep. " Kayla. Wake up. I just finished speaking with Annabelle's doctor she said we can see her now but she's not gonna be responsive. " Anthony said. I smiled and went with Anthony into her room. Once i entered i felt chills. Ms. Booze was laying on the bed looking lifeless. The only sign of life i saw in her was her monitor showing her breathing. " What did the doctor say ? " I asked. " He said that him and his team successfully removed all 5 bullets. But it will take her some months to recover. She will need to take therapy classes when she becomes responsive. " Anthony said. " Wow. She's so brave right now. " I said amazed at how she is responding in this situation. " Yeah, she is " Anthony said. " Who will take her place at the hospital ? " I asked. " The guards will just take her place until she recovers. " Anthony said. I nodded. Anthony and i stayed at the hospital for another 30 minutes then he drove me back to the hospital. I arrived at 12:40am. Everyone was sleep. A guard took me back to my cell. I couldn't sleep though. I was to paranoid. A lot was running in my mind. Since i couldn't sleep i decided to do the only thing that relaxes me which is draw. I decided to draw a picture. of a waterfall that i saw in a dream i had. When i was done drawing it, it was 2:00am. I was tired after that. I decided before i went to bed that my drawing of the waterfall will be my Christmas present for Mark. I remember Mark telling me that his favorite place on earth is Angel Falls, which is a waterfall. I put the picture in my drawing portfolio and then went to bed. 

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