Chapter 34: More Crazy People !

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I get back to Jersey at 3:44pm. Anthony and i are sitting at WillyWood's parking lot. " You ready ? " Anthony ask. I smile and shake my head. " You'll be fine. Now lets go so i can sign you in " Anthony says getting out the car. We go inside the building. Anthony signs me in and gives me a hug. " I had fun. Be good and i'll see you soon " Anthony says pulling away from the hug. I wave at him as he leaves. I go in the dining room to see Mark and Martha playing Trouble. Martha hits the bubble and moves her piece. " I win ! You lose ! In your face ! " Martha says. I smile at the sight seeing that Martha is her happy self again. Martha starts to put the pieces back in the box. Mark looks up and sees me. " Your back " Mark says walking to me. I walk into his hug and say " Yep. I'm here " Mark kisses me and Martha turns around. " Kayla ! Your back ! I missed you so much ! " Martha says pushing Mark out the way to hug me. I laugh and say " I only been gone for 4 hours " " Which is too long for our liking " Mark says pulling me into him. I sit on the couch and say " So what have you guys been up to ? " " Nothing exciting. We just played like all the board games they have here " Martha says sitting beside me. " Not many board games here i just realized " I say. " It's for safety reasons. They don't want us killing each other with board game parts " Mark says. " A person can die simply by getting hit in the head with the board " I say. " Don't tell Ms. Robinson that " Martha says. " Why'd you not leave with us ? " Mark ask. " My mom saw me and wanted to talk to me. She was checking into the hotel when she saw me. Anthony told Ms. Robinson to let us have our time and he'll take me back to Jersey. At first i didn't want to talk to her but Anthony persuaded me to. We went out for coffee at Starbucks to talk. Didn't last long. She said something that pissed me off and i walked out on her. Anthony comforted her and she told him to tell me she can make it up by us going ice skating. I agreed to it and we went ice skating. We talked and now we're on good terms. I'll never see her again though. She doesn't want to be in my life because she feels that she's a bad influence on me. I agreed also that it's best for us to not to see each other again " I say. " What was she like ? " Martha ask. " Sweet, strong, smart, and a fighter " I say. " All the traits you have. I would've loved to meet her " Mark says. " She knows about you " I say. " What'd you say ? " Mark ask. " That i've known you for 9 years and we've been going out for a month " I say. " Did you tell her about me ? " Martha ask. " No sorry. You didn't pop up " I say. " It's fine " Martha says. " I can't believe Valentines Day is tomorrow " Mark says. " Are we doing anything special ? " I ask. " I don't know. We should ask " Martha says getting up. Mark and i follow her to Ms. Robinson's office. We go in her office and see Ms. Robinson on her laptop and Alyson sleeping. Ms. Robinson looks up from her screen and says " Hey guys. What's up ? " We sit on the couch and I say " Is there anything taking place tomorrow here for Valentines Day ? " " Nope " Ms. Robinson says. " Why ? " Martha ask. " It's not an important holiday and not everyone has a special someone " Ms. Robinson says. A knock comes from Ms. Robinson's door. Ms. Robinson gets up and answers it. A women greets her and says " Hi, i would like to put my kids in here " Ms. Robinson looks at us and says " We'll talk later. You guys have to go " We get up and go in the dining room. " Looks like there's gonna be newcomers " Mark says. " She said kids which means more than one. So they're all crazy " I say. " What do you guys wanna do ? " Martha ask. Mark and i shrug. " Wanna play more board games ? " Martha ask. " Sure " Mark and i say in harmony. Martha gets Trouble off the shelf. We played 5 long rounds of Trouble. Martha won 3 times and Mark won 2 times. " Wow, you suck " Martha says. " I don't care " I say a little bit annoyed. " Yes you do " Martha says smirking. Mark pulls me in for a hug and says " It's ok babe. Everyone has something their not good at " " I can't believe you didn't even win 1 round " Martha says. " Ok Martha, you can stop " I say. RING RING RING. That's the dinner bell. We get our foods then go to our table. " Are those the newcomers ? " Martha ask pointing at fraternal twins standing in the doorway holding their trays. " Most likely " Mark says. " They look so lost " I say. " We should invite them over " Martha says. " NO ! " Mark and i say in harmony. " Why not ? " Martha ask. " I don't want to make more friends " Mark says. " I'm not trying to make more friends. They look lost. I'm just trying to let them have a place to sit. All the tables are full " Martha says. " There's a dining room " Mark says. " Right. We can let them have our table and we'll just start eating in there " I say. " No. We're both eating here and that's final " Martha says getting up and walking over to them. " When did she become our mom ? " Mark ask. " She always was " I say. Martha comes back with the twins. The girl has red straight hair that stops mid back, freckles, tall, brown eyes, and slim figure. The boy has red curly hair, brown eyes, freckles, tall, and slim figure. " Thanks for letting us have a seat " The boy says. " No problem. We're glad your sitting now " Martha says. Mark and i give her a look. " So what's you guys name ? " Martha ask. " I'm Lennon and this is my sister Lauren. When she's shy she doesn't talk " Lennon says. " Nice names and Lauren you don't have to be shy. We're very friendly people " Martha says. Lauren gives her a glare. Lennon hits Lauren and says " Don't be rude. They have been nothing but nice to us " Lauren gets up and walks out the cafeteria. " Excuse us " Lennon says following her. Martha nods with a toothy grin and says " Ok " " The only reason you invited them over here is because you like Lennon " I say. " What ? No. What makes you say that ? " Martha says caught off guard. " We've known you forever. We know when you're lying and it's pretty obvious " Mark says. Martha covers her eyes with her hair and eats her pudding. " I'm not judging you but be careful " I say. " I have an off feeling about them " Mark says. " Why ? " I ask. " I don't know, I just do " Mark says. Lennon and Lauren come back to the table. " So, what're you guys names ? " Lennon ask. " I'm Martha and those are my best friends Mark and Kayla " Martha says. " Nice " Lennon says. " So, what're you guys in here for ? " Mark ask. Martha gives him a glare. " We'd rather not talk about it " Lennon says drinking his milk. Lauren nudges Lennon and says " It's time " " Excuse us again " Lennon says getting up. Mark and I exchange weird glances. " I have the off feeling too " I say. " Time for what ? " Mark ask. " I don't know and you guys don't go messing with them either " Martha says. " No promises " I say. " Guys i'm serious ! I really would like to get to know him and I can't be having you guys mess that up for me " Martha says. " Fine. We'll do nothing " I say. RING RING RING. Time for lockup. Mark and i say our goodnight to Martha then we leave for our cells. " I don't want Martha talking to Lennon. I feel like he's bad news " Mark says. " Me too but she's not going to listen to us. Let her get to know him. If he ends up being a bad guy then she'll learn from her mistake " I say. " Ok " Mark says. We go into our cells and get in our beds. Not even 5 minutes the fire alarm rings. Flashing red lights and water sprinklers fill the hallways. The guards let us out and lead us to the lobby door to go outside. I meet up with Mark in all the chaos. " Where's Martha ? " I ask. " I don't know but we have to go outside. She's probably out there " Mark says taking my hand and pulling me outside with him. Everyone is panicking and the guards are trying their best to keep us all together. Mark and i are looking frantically for Martha in the chaos. " I see her ! " I say pointing at a corner. Mark and i go to her. Martha is with the weird twins. " Are you guys ok ? " Martha ask hugging us both. " Yeah. Are you ? " I ask. " Yeah. Where's the fire ? " Martha ask. " There's no fire " Lennon says. " What do you mean ? Obviously the fire alarm went off " Mark says. " Lauren pulled it so we can get outside. I'd like for you guys to come along too " Lennon says. " Go where ? " I ask. " That's not important right now. We just need to know if you guys are coming or not " Lennon says. " No, we're not " Mark says pulling Martha and i into him. " Speak for you two. I'm going " Martha says getting out from under Mark's arm. " No you're not " I say pulling Martha beside me. Martha snatches her arm from my hand and says " Yes i am. You're not the boss of me " " If she wants to go let her go " Lennon says. " Martha this is the stupidest decision you've ever made ! " I say. Martha shrugs and links arms with Lennon. They ease their way out the crowd. Mark and i glance at each other. I sigh and say " I don't wanna go but i won't be able to sleep tonight if i don't know where and what Martha is doing. I'm going " " If your going i'm going too " Mark says. I smile and take Mark's hand and try to find Martha and the crazy twins. We catch up with them in the woods. It's pitch black, the only source of light is the moon. " You decided to come " Lennon says. Lauren rolls her eyes and keeps walking. " We're going to their house. That's all i know " Martha says. " How far is it ? " Mark ask. " About 15 minutes " Lennon says. " We're gonna get in so much trouble " I say. " Like you and trouble aren't friends " Martha says smartly. " He's changing her already " Mark whispers in my ear. I sigh and continue walking. We eventually end up in the twins backyard. Their house and backyard is huge. There's a pool, playground set, fountain, and lots of statues. " You guys grew up here ? " Martha ask. " No. We recently moved here " Lennon says. " Who's the playground set for ? " I ask. " We have a baby sister " Lennon says. " What are we doing here ? " Mark ask. " We're going to kill my mom " Lennon says. " And that's our cue to go " I say grabbing Mark and Martha's hand pulling them with me. A strong force knocks the three of us on the ground. Lennon towers over us and says " You can't leave now knowing what we plan to do " " What the hell did you just do ? " I ask panicky. " Never mind that. I need to know if you guys are with me or not " Lennon says. " No ! We're leaving " I say standing up with Mark and Martha doing the same. We get knocked to the ground again and Lennon says " I'm afraid that's not possible " " And why not ? " Mark ask. " You guys are going to snitch and ruin everything " Lennon says. " No we won't. We'll just leave and pretend this never happened " Martha says. " You're not going back and that's final " Lennon says. " I am not staying with you two for the rest of my life " I say getting up and starting to walk. The force knocks me down again. " Hey ! Stop that ! " Mark says standing up and pushing Lennon. " You guys are wasting my time " Lennon says going to the shed. Martha gestures for us to make a run for it. When we try to run we just fell forward again. " What the hell " I say. Lennon comes out the shed chuckling and says " You guys really thought i would let you leave ? " " Lennon let them go " Lauren shockingly says. Lennon glares at Lauren and says " Shut up ! " " You sure do pick great guys to have interest in " I say sarcastically to Martha. " Aww, i'm flattered " Lennon says. " Look Lennon, i'll do anything for you to let us go " Martha pleads. " Your not leaving now get in the shed " Lennon says. " No ! " I say. " Alright. You put this on yourselves " Lennon says. Mark, Martha, and I are lifted off the ground by a force and are thrown into the shed. There are three chairs lined up in the middle of the shed. Lennon and Lauren come in. Lennon closes the door. " You guys are gonna stay in here until further notice now sit down " Lennon says. We sit down feeling defeated. Lennon gets a rope and ties us together in our chairs. " Ow, this is tight " Martha says wiggling. Lennon goes over to a table and picks up a syringe. He turns to us and pushes the syringe upwards causing  liquid to squirt out. " What are you going to do with that ? " Martha ask panicky. " What do you think ? " Lennon ask with a smirk. " You're not going to put that in us " I say. " Oh yeah ? Who's gonna stop me ? " Lennon ask smartly. " What's in it ? " Mark ask. " Chloroform " Lennon says. " Isn't that suppose to knock us out ? " I ask. " Yep. So who wants to go first ? " Lennon ask walking over. We don't answer him. " Fine, i'll choose the order. Martha, Mark, and Kayla " Lennon says. Lennon walks to Martha causing Martha to start breathing hard. " I feel like i'm about to die. I can't breathe " Martha says panicky. " Oh my gosh ! Are you about to have a asthma attack ? " I ask panicky. Before Martha could answer she is injected with the chloroform. Martha is still and her eyes roll back and close. The sight causes my eyes to water. " You're so evil " I say. " I take that as a compliment " Lennon says with a smile and injecting Mark. Mark does the same thing as Martha. I start to cry. " Now now darling. There's no need for tears. You have a chance to stay conscious, if you just do what i want " Lennon says wiping my tears. I jerk my head away from his hand and spat " DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME ! " " Ooh feisty. Love that in a girl " Lennon says. " Inject me already ! " I scream. " You don't even want to know your options ? " Lennon ask. " How come i get options and they didn't ? " I ask. " Because you're the only one i like " Lennon says with a smirk. I try to kick Lennon in the balls but my legs were too restricted. Lennon starts to laugh and says " You have the option to have some fun with me and stay conscious or get knocked out like your friends " " I'd rather die than have to be with you " I spat. My anger seems to get Lennon excited and he tries to kiss me. I couldn't move but i tried. As his face was coming closer to mines my heart was beating faster. When he was about to kiss me something suddenly stopped him. It was Lauren that pushed him to the ground. " You came here to do a mission. Stop procrastinating " Lauren says. Lennon glares at Lauren and gets up. Lauren picks up the syringe and says " You go and i'll finish your job " Lennon stares at Lauren then glances to me and finally walks out. " Please don't. I..." " I'm not going to inject you " Lauren says putting the syringe down. " Why not ? " I ask. " You want me to ? " Lauren ask. " No, just curious " I say. " I feel bad and don't support him doing this to you and your friends " Lauren says. " Why do you guys want your mom dead ? " I ask. " I don't. He does. They never got along. Ever since he was 6 he was telling me plans on how he was going to kill her when he gets the chance " Lauren says. " Stop him " I say. " I can't. He's too powerful " Lauren says. " How do you guys have powers ? " I ask. " Runs in the family " Lauren says. " You can't just stay here knowing your mom is about to be killed " I say. " I don't know how to stop him " Lauren says. I look into Lauren's eyes and see sadness. " I know how to stop him but i need your help " " How ? " Lauren ask. " I need you to untie me and let me use your phone " I say. We needed Anthony. 

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