Chapter 8: Sir Henry Barent High School Comes For A Visit

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It's another morning. The same routine all over again. My guard let's me out to eat breakfast. I go in line to meet up with Mark . " Good morning. " I say sleepily. " Morning " He say's while pecking me on the head and giving me a hug. " How'd you sleep ? " I ask. " Good. You ? " He ask. " Not well. I had a nightmare. " I said. " Sorry to hear that. Wanna talk about it ? " He ask. The line moves up and we get our trays filled with bacon, eggs, and pancakes. We sit down at our usual table. I sigh and say " Sure. I was in a small movie theater. The room and chairs were all in red. Suddenly, the walls started to cave in, leaving only the white screen in front of me untouched. When i came closer to to the screen, a huge devil face appeared, and started to walk out of it. When it opened mouth, i knew it was going to say something, and i started screaming enough to jam the monster. And so i was screaming for about a minute or two, seeing that the face is saying something before i finally woke up. " " Wow. What a dream. " Mark said. " Not dream, nightmare. " I said correcting him. " You know what happened to Martha ? " Mark asked. " Supposingly she is not allowed outside her cell until 3 day's. Foxy on the other hand is transitioning to another hospital. " I say. " Well that means for 3 day's we have each other. That's fine by me. " Mark say's with a smile. I smile back. As i sip on my apple juice i feel a hand wrap around my waist. I know it's Mark's without even looking at him. I put my cup down and look at him. He pushes me softly into his chest. I smile while taking a huge snift of his Axe colonge. I can also feel his abs. We would never do this if Martha was here. " You two dating ? " This boy name Marcus ask who we barely talk to. I hide my blushing face into Mark's chest even deeper. " No. Now leave you're making her feel uncomfortable. " Mark say's alittle agititated. He walks away. I take my face out his chest and gasp for air. " What's wrong ? " He asked worried. " I was being suffercated by your colonge " I say laughing alittle. " Oh well i can't resist not smelling good. " He say's with a smirk. " You dooshe " I say while plucking him in his nose. " I love you too " He say's. We lock eyes for a moment. I feel like i'm in a forest looking into his gorgeous green eyes. " Your eyes are beautiful " Mark say's. " Really ? I find yours gorgeous. " I say. He pecks me on my nose and smiles at me. " Mark, do you like anyone at the moment ? " I ask trying to get hints. " I actually do. She is really gorgeous. " He say's. I get alittle annoyed when i hear him say that. " May i know who it is ? " I ask. " Nope. You'll figure out. " He say's smirking. " Ugh. Alway's making things hard " I say playfully. He laughs and say's " Do you have anyone you like ? " " I actually do. He is really hot " I say mimicking him. " May i know who this person is ? " He ask mimicking me. " Nope. You'll figure out soon. " I say laughing. Ms. Booze comes in the room with a smile we're all trying to get use to and holding a mic so we know it's an important annocment. " Ladies and  Gentlemen, good morning and i have an annocment to make. We have guest coming over today. Sir Henry Barent High School 12th graders coming for their field trip. " A girl raises her hand. " Yes, Melissa. " Ms. Booze say's. " Why are they coming here ? " She ask. I think that was everybody's question. " Well it's their field trip. " Ms. Booze say's. " But why ? I know field trips have to be educational. What will they learn in this place ? " Melissa ask. " I don't know the whole story but the teacher told me it was something about social studies class. They'll be arriving at 2:00 pm, which is free time. The students will walk around and examine you and some may even ask questions. " Ms. Booze say's. I am not looking forward to this. Ms. Booze leaves the cafeteria and we continue eating/socializing. " Well this should be fun " Mark say's. I lift my head off Mark's chest and say to Mark " Come with me in the dining room, it's gonna be free time after lunch today. " He nods and takes my hand and we walk to the dining room. The bell rings while we're in the hallway. We cuddle up togather on this couch. A group of teens and 1 adult comes in. " That's Sir Henry Barent " Mark say's. I roll my eyes. " Why don't you like them ? Mark ask. " I know someone who goes here " I say annoyed. Mark's eyes raise. " Who ? " " Jalen " I say. " Who's that ? " Mark ask. " Some kid who hates me. He always use to come to our school and help out my art teacher. He was doing it for community service hours. " I say. " What'd you do to him ? " He ask. I gasp and scream " NOTHING ! " Mark flinches and say's " Sorry " I sigh and say " No need to say that. Im sorry " " Oh wow ! Kayla got herself a boyfriend " A voice i know all to well say's. " Jalen " I say in disgust. " Oh well someone is on her period " Jalen say's. " Leave her alone. She obviously doesn't want you here. " Mark say's sternly. " Da fuck you thinks you is ? ! " Jalen say's. " Jalen Rhyes Johnson ! I told you watch your mouth ! " A lady shouts. " Yes Ms. Smith " Jalen say's looking down. I snicker. When Ms. Smith disapears Jalen shoots me a glare. " Not my fault you don't know how to watch your mouth. " I say smirking. " Look little homie i'm sorry your girlfriend is such a bitch but i can hook you up with girls i know. " Jalen say's. " Da hell, NO. And if i was dating her i would never cheat on her. She's an amazing girl who deserves someone great. " Mark say's. I blush. Jalen smacks his lips and say's " Well we obviously have different tatse. And Kayla don't be so sensitive have a sense of humor " I do have a sense of humor. " I say while streching my back. " Well damn Kayla your tits just made me have a boner. " He said then he squeezed my breast. I had enough. I got up and slapped him. He glared at me and pushed me to the floor. Mark tackles him to the ground and punches him. " NEVER DISRESPECT A GIRL ! " Mark shouts. Jalen puts his arm around Mark's neck and starts choking him. I had to do something. I seen the tip of a knife in Jalen's back pocket. I grab it and stabbed him in the back. Jalen lets go of him and shouts in pain. " YOU BITCH ! " Jalen shouts at me. A gaurd comes and puts Jalen in handcuffs then takes him away. Ms. Booze comes rushing over towards Mark and i. " What the hell just happened ? ! " I couldn't respond because my breathing was out of control so Mark talks for me. " That boy Jalen harased Kayla by grabbing her boobs. So she slapped him. Then he pushed her. I tackled him and punched him. He started choking me. So Kayla got a knife in his pocket and stabbed him in the back. " Mark say's all in one breath. Ms. Booze sigh's and say's " Go to my office. I'll meet you in their. " We go in her office and sit down. I start to cry. " What's wrong ? " Mark ask. " I don't want to be punished " I say looking down. Mark get's up and wraps his arms around my waist. I get up and wrap my arms around his neck. " Shh. Don't worry. I won't let them do that. If anything i'll get in trouble, not you ! " Mark say's. " But i don't want you to get punished either. " I say whining. " Can't promise you that. But you'll be fine. " Mark say's. The door opens and Ms. Booze walks in. She sits down and we do too. " Alright i got a chjance to talk to both sides of the story and...." Ms. Booze say's but get's interuppted by Mark. " What did he say ? " " He told me the samething you two did. Anyway your punishments are...." Ms. Booze gets interuppted again by Mark. " Wait ! Ms. Booze i need to say something but in private " Ms. Booze looks at me and say's " Kayla wait outside my office " I leave and sit down on the bench beside her office door. I wonder what Mark wanted to say. But im still gonna obey Ms. Boozes orders. Curiosity won't get the best of me this time ! Hahaha ! I wait, wait, wait, and wait until i can't wait no more and just lay down and take a nap. " Kayla, Kayla wake up " Mark say's while shaking me. I sit up and he sits down. " Well, whats my punishment ? " I ask. " You really didn't trust me. I told you i would handle it and i did. " Mark say's slightly offended. " I'm sorry. " I say feeling bad. " You have top trust me. We've known each other since pre-k. I will never let anything bad happen to you. " Mark say's sternly. I hug him and say " Thanks "  " For what ? " He ask. " Protecting me " I say. The bell rings and the gaurds come out making sure we go in our cells. We depart and i go back to my cell. Once im in i just stare at the ceiling and think ' what a day '

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