Chapter 11: A Surprise ?

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I wake up feeling like every emotion. Confusion because i don't understand why Mark would just disappear on me like that. Grumpy because i'm still tired but it's time to wake up. Bored because today will most likely be another day with the same routines. And lonely because i have no boyfriend. Everybody is still in the dining room. We're getting our blankets and pillows off the air mattresses and putting back to our cells. I go back and put my blanket and pillow in my cell. Then leave for breakfast. I go in the breakfast line. " Good Morning " I say. " Morning " Martha say's. " Enjoyed the movie ? " I ask. She nods and ask " How are you feeling ? " " Confusion, grumpy, bored, and lonely " I say. " Aww sorry to hear. I have news to cheer you up " Martha say's. " Last time you said that we ended up meeting your future husband " I say. Martha laughs and say's " It's December 20th ! " I raise my eyebrows and say " So ? " Martha groans and say's " Christmas " " Oh " I say. " Where's your holiday spirit ? " Martha ask. " Don't have it but i promise i'll be jolly by Christmas " I say trying not to be such a squidward. Ms. Booze taps me on the shoulder and say's " You need to come with me " I look at Martha and hug her. I follow Ms. Booze into her office. " Yes ? " I say. " Um, i have some where to take you " Ms. Booze say's. " Where ? " I ask. " Uh that doesn't matter right now. Here i brought some regular clothes i think you'll like " Ms. Booze say's while handing me the clothes. I to in her bathroom and change. I am wearing a grey long sleeve shirt, blue jean pants, and brown Ugg boots. I keep my hair out. I come out the bathroom and look at Ms. Booze. " Wow " She say's. I raise my eyebrows. " Um sorry come with me " She say's. We go out the back door and into her red Ferrari. I get in and raise my eyebrows. " What a nice car " I say. " Why so shock ? " Ms. Booze ask. " Um to be honest i didn't know wardens get paid that much " I say. Ms. Booze laughs and say's " We don't. Just before i got this job i used to work for the government. " I nod. She starts the car and we go. " I know you didn't eat breakfast so any place in mind ? " She say's. " Um Waffle House ? " I say. " Ooh good choice. Haven't been their since my college day's. " She say's while laughing. After about 10 minutes we finally arrived. We go in and sit and a waitress comes. " Welcome to Waffle House. My name is Bryony i'll be your waitress this morning. May i start with your drinks ? " Bryony say's. " Um i'll get coffee. " Ms. Booze say's. " I'll get hot tea " I say. " Alright. I'll be back " Bryony say's while writing our orders down. " So are you still in contact with Anthony ? " I ask. " No. Um he told me he wanted to stop talking to me because he wasn't attracted to me that way " Ms. Booze say's. " Why would he say that ? " I ask. Bryony comes back with our drinks and say's " Here ya go. May i ask what food you'll be eating ? " Bryony ask. " I'll have Texas beacon egg and cheese melt with hashbrowns " Ms. Booze say's. " And i'll have steak and eggs " I say. " No problem. Be right back " Bryony say's. " Continue " I say as i take a sip of my hot tea. " I told him i had feelings for him. " She say's. " Oh sista i'm with ya " I say. " What ? " She say's. " Oh um i said that out load. I didn't mean to " I say slightly embarrased. She smiles. " So can i ask you a favor ? " I ask. " Anything " She say's. Bryony comes back with our plates and ask " Anything else ? " " No thank you " Ms. Booze and i say in harmony. Bryony smiles and walks away. " As i was saying. My favor for you is would you mind decorating the place for Christmas ? " I say with slight hope she'll say yes. " I'm sorry Kayla but i can't do that " Ms. Booze say's while sipping on her coffee. " Why not ? " I ask while eating my eggs. " Because honey we've never decorated the place before why start now ? " Ms. Booze ask. " That's the point. Why haven't you guy's decorated the place ? " I ask while eating my steak. " Because not everybody celebrates Christmas so we want to respect that " Ms. Booze say's while eating her hashbrowns. " Yeah well what about the people who do celebrate it ? " I ask while drinking my tea. " I'm am not doing it Kayla. End of discussion " Ms. Booze say's while taking a bite of her sandwhich. I sigh and ask " Do you not believe in Jesus ? " Ms. Booze eyes widen and ask " Kayla you know the topics that get people arguing the most are religion and politics ? " " Yeah well that's not stopping me from asking " I say while eating my eggs. Ms. Booze sigh's and say's " No. I'm atheist " " Is that your reason for not decorating the place ? " I ask while eating my steak. " I'm done with this conversation " ,Ms. Booze say's while drinking her last bit of coffee. Bryony comes by with the check. Ms. Booze pay's then we leave out. " Where are we going now ? " I ask. " Just stop talking please " Ms. Booze say's stressfully. I respect her wishes and just look out the window. The sky is grey and it finally starts raining. I love listening to the rain. After about like an hour the car finally stops. We are in a apartment parking lot. Looks dirty over here. Trash everywhere, spray paint on the bricks, it stinks,and theirs broken windows. Basically it looks ghetto. I look at Ms. Booze in a way for her to start explaining. " I'm not going with you. I can't. Just follow these steps. Go to the lady at the front desk  and ask her where is the room 200. Go to room 200 and knock. Make sure you don't stare anybody in the eye. Now go " Ms. Booze say's nervously. " But...." I say while getting interuppted by Ms. Booze saying " GO ! I'll be here waiting " I sigh and step out into the pouring rain and run inside. I go to the lady at the front desk and give her a smile. She stares at me blankly. " Um hello. Where is room 200 ? " I ask. " 2nd floor. 2nd door on the left. " The lady say's blankly. I nod and say " Thank you " I go in the direction of the elevator. " Elevator's broke " The lady say's blankly. I smile and nod and go up the stairs. People love to hang out on the stairs i find awkward. I go up my first pair then my second which had more people on their. Specifically African-Americans. The men looked all tough, tattoed, mean, and strict. While the girls looked the same way besides this one girl. She looked weak, tired, hungry, and scared. I pitied her. She grabbed on to my leg and screamed " HELP ME ! " I was frozen i didn't know what to do. This dude comes and snatches her away from me and screams " BITCH WHAT DID I SAY ? ! " She shakes and say's " Please no ! " He slaps her and she falls and starts bleeding in her mouth. " Hey ! Don't do that ! " I say while pushing him. He looks at me like i'm crazy and say's " Look white bitch. Stay outta it. " I turn around and bend down to check her pulse. The man comes and pushes me and say's " I said stay outta it ! " I push him down the stairs and i go to pick up the girl and try to escape. But some girl in his gang comes and throws the girl out my hand and holds me back. I try and get out of her grip but she's stronger. " HEY LEO I GOT HER  ! " The girl said. The man gets up and runs up the steps then tackles me to the ground and starts choking me. " I TOLD YOUR WHITE ASS TO STAY OUTTA IT ! " He say's. I start gagging then my vision starts to blur. I see Ms. Robbinson behind the man with a frying pan and she hits him with it. He lets go and he falls. Ms. Robbinson grabs my hand and takes me in her room. She closes the door and locks it. " Wait we need to go back out there ! " I say frantically. " Why ? " She ask. " The girl. She was weak and looked inocent. The man slaped her and i don't know if she's dead or not ! " I say frantically. Ms. Robbinson sigh's and tells me to sit down. I sit. A man comes out from the back. He's African-American wearing a t shirt and baggy jeans with orange  Timberlands. " Hey Erin i'm out " He say's while at the door. Ms. Robbinson comes towards him and tounge kisses him with her hands around his neck and his hands squeezing her ass. " Alright now bye bye. See you Friday " She say's. " See  ya " He say's. He looks at me and grabs his dick while air kissing me. I shudder. Ms. Robbinson closes the door and laugh's. " Don't mind him. He just playin " She say's. "So he doesn't want to have sex with me ? "I ask. " Of course he does. He would definately do it if nobody was around but since he knows me he knows not to touch you " She say's while sitting down. " Are you two a thing ? " I ask. She laughs and say's " No. He is just my fuck buddy " I nod. " Can i get you something to drink ? " She ask. " No thank you " I say. " Oh come on. I have kool-aid, dr. pepper, moutain dew, and water " She say's. " Water would be fine " I say. She goes in the kitchen and fixes me a glass. She comes back with my water and her mountain dew. " Honey you cannot interfer with those kids out there " She say's while taking a sip of her soda. " He slapped a girl for goodness sake " I say while drinking my water. " That was after the fact you imterfered with what they were doing " She say's while drinking her soda. I shrug. " You lucky i saved your white ass " She say's. I put my glass down and stand then say " Thank you for this talk but i'm going now " " Sit your ass down. This my apartment i'll dismiss you not the other way around " She say's while getting in my face. I keep on standin and dsay " Stop it ! Just stop it ! Admit it that you don't give a damn about me ! I heard your chat with Ms. Booze " I say. " That was the point of your visit. I needed to talk to you. You're right about everyone else but you no. I do care about you. I'm sorry i said such things. Kayla i'm never coming back to that place. So since you were the only one who liked me i thought that i should tell you personally that i won't be returning. " She say's. " I hate you. Everything you said was a lie. You're just being nice to me so you can get extra money. I can't believe you put on that act for 9 years. The only thing i appreciate you for is when you saved me. But you won't have to do that again because i ain't coming back. I'll be out your life permanately like you want. " I say then go out her door slamming it close. I go down the steps glad the gang wasn't their and out to the car. It stopped raining but the tempeture dropped tremendously. I get in the car and put on my seatbelt. " How'd go ? " Ms. Booze ask. I glare at her. She drives back to the hospital. When she parked i cried my eyes out. She hugs me and strokes my hair. " Tell me what's on your mind " She say's. I pull out the hug and say " Things like what you did. Everybody who say's come to them when i have a problem aren't their. My parents, Ms. Robbinson, you, Martha, and Mark. i'm just so lost right now i need someone to depend on. " " I'm so sorry you feel that way. Kayla i know i've not been the best person in the past but i'm trying to change now. Everything i've said to you was truth. My kids, my depression, my wild side, and me being here for you. I know you have no motherly figure right now but i was hoping i can be it. It's just the beginning Kayla. Give me a chance. And my advice to you about Martha and Mark is, don't give up on hope. I promise you good things will happen to you. You just have to be patient. " She say's. We get out the car and back into the hospital it's now 12:00 am. I am having a hard time going to sleep. I don't know what happen to Mark. He is not in his cell. I try and stop my brain from thinking but it's not working. I feel so fustrated right now. I grab my pillow and scream into it. I feel horrible. I am dirty, sweaty, grumpy, and i'm uncomfortable. My cell door opens but i don't turn around. I feel a tap then hear Ms. Booze voice saying " Come with me " I get up and go follow her. We go in the dining room and i see boxes that aren't open but they looked like they're old ones. " Open them " She say's. I do and each box is filled with Christmas ornaments. " Who are these ? " I ask. " Mines " She say's. " But...." She cuts me off and say's " I was a Christian when my kids were alive " I nod. " I thought about what you said and you're right. I can't keep living in the past. I'm gonna be a Christian again. " She say's with a bright smile. I smile back. " Ok well it's 12:32 am now and we need these up before 8:00 am so that leaves us with 8 hours " She say's. " Well let's start working ! " I say. Ms. Booze is setting up the Christmas tree and i'm putting up ribbions. After that Ms. Booze starts working on hanging up stockings and i hanging plastic snowflakes. Then Ms. Booze is putting wallpaper on every door to make it look like a present and i put the Christmas table cloths on the cafeteria tables. After that we're done by 7:50 am. Ms. Booze and i stand back and admire our work. " We did good " Ms. Booze say's while yawning. " Wait i forgot something " I say while running to the boxes. " What ? " Ms. Booze ask. " These " I say while holding up the mistletoe's. She nods. I hang one up on every entrance of a door. " There. Now it's done i say " Ms. Booze yawns and say's " Oh Lord. It's 7:54 am. I thought we would  at least have an hour " " Sorry " I say. " For what ? " She ask. " Making you not sleep at all just to hang up some decorations " I say. " Oh no. It's alright. I should've been done this " She say's while smiling. " It's 7:57 am now we betta go " I say. She nods. I go back to my cell and she goes in her office. 

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