Chapter 22: New Year's Dance

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I arrived at WillyWood at 10:44pm. I went to the dining room and found Martha and Dante making out on a couch. I stand in front of them but don't say anything. Martha noticed my presence and quickly pulled away. " Kayla what's wrong ? " Martha ask. I sit on a couch and sign. " Do i scare you guys ? " I ask. " No " Martha and Dante say in harmony. " I scare Anthony and that makes me sad because he's like a father figure for me. I don't want my father figure being scared of me. I care for him deeply. " I say. " How do you know he's scared of you ? " Dante ask. " I asked him and he didn't answer. All he did was avoid eye contact with me " I say. Martha gives me a hug and says " Don't let that make you down. Your not scary at all. If anything you are one of the compassionate, understanding, honest, and lovable people i know " I smile and say " Thanks Martha. That helps a lot " Martha smiles and says " Wanna know some more news that will make you even happier ? " " Of course i do " I say. " Tomorrow night we're having a dance for New Years. It starts at 8pm and ends at 10pm " Martha says. " Ooh. I'm excited " I say. " Me too " Dante says. " Wanna know some more news ? " I ask. " Good or bad ? " Martha ask. " I honestly don't know what it is for you " I say thinking. " Well tell us anyway " Dante says. " Ms. Robinson is coming back to be our warden again on Monday " I say trying to read their faces. " Why ? I thought she hated us " Martha says. " Ms. Booze is never going to be in a stable condition where she is able to be warden again so Ms. Robinson signed the papers " I say. " When she comes back i'm living on the roof again " Dante says. " No your not. If she still is a asshole then you have to suffer with me " Martha says. Dante chuckles and says " Or you can just live with me on the roof " " No. Then you'll be taking her away from me " I say pouting. " Aww. I feel the love " Martha says while chuckling. RING RING RING. " Alright goodnight guys love you " I say while hugging Martha and Dante. " Night Kayla " Martha and Dante say in harmony. I walk to my cell and go to sleep almost immediately. I had a busy day today.............................................I wake up at 8:15am. My guard lets me out and i go in the lunch line. I get my tray and go sit at my table. " Morning " I say. " Morning " Martha says. " Where's Dante ? " I ask. " He was throwing up last night for 3 hours straight so now he's in the nurses office sick " Martha says nonchalantly. " Why was he throwing up ? " I ask lifting one eyebrow. " I dared him " Martha says looking down. " Dared him what ? " I ask. " I dared him to lick his toilet in his cell " Martha says. I spit out my milk onto Martha's tray. " What the hell were you thinking ? He could die " I say. Martha is looking disgusted at her tray. I switch trays with her. " I didn't eat anything off of it. Now answer my question " I say. " We're playing truth or dare and i dared him to lick his toilet. He dared me to do the same. Don't you dare spit out anymore milk " Martha says. " If you did the same dare as him then how come you aren't in the nurses office with him ? " I ask. " I have a stronger immune system than him i guess " Martha says. " I would never french kiss him again if i were you " I say. " I did that this morning " Martha says. I give Martha a disgusted face. " Oh come on. You ate dog shit before " Martha says trying to prove a point. " Alright alright. You got me " I say in defeat raising my hands. " You guys are disgusting " Some boy says at the table beside us. Martha and i glance at each other. We spit on our hands and shake each other's. The boy shudders then moves to another table. We laugh and continue eating/drinking. After breakfast Martha and i decided to visit Sick Dante. " What up stupid ass ? " I say. " Don't get me started Dog Shit Eater " Dante says. " Oh come on. You told him ? " I say. Martha laughs and pecks Dante on the lips. " Out out out " Ms. Simpson says. " Oh come on. Please. Have a heart. This is our friend here " I say pouting. " Last time you visited a ' friend ' here there was anger in the sick person " Ms. Simpson says with arms crossed. " This person is actually a friend " Martha says snuggling up to Dante. " I can see that. Alright go head. Don't cause no trouble " Ms. Simpson says while going back to her desk. " So you won't be going to the  dance ? " I ask. " I want to. It on depends on how i feel " Dante says. " I'll stay in here with you if you don't feel up to it " Martha says. " I'll be alone " I say. " Levi " Dante says. " I don't wanna dance with him " I say disgusted. " He wants to dance with you though " Martha says while laughing. " I'll lick a toilet before dancing with Levi " I say. Martha and Dante laugh. A guard comes in the room and says " Kayla you have a visitor in the courtyard " I sign and say " I really don't feel like being out there in the cold but ok " I go out in the courtyard and there is Ms. Robinson. I walk to the table and sit down beside her. " Kayla it's been so long. I'm glad to see your alright " Ms. Robinson says. " Maybe on the outside but not the inside " I say. " Oh well i'm sorry to hear that " Ms. Robinson says. " What do you want ? " I ask. " I wasn't sure if Ms. Booze told you my message but i wanted to talk to you " Ms. Robinson says. " About ? " I ask. " I signed the papers of becoming warden here again. How do you feel about this ? " Ms. Robinson says. " Why do you care ? You don't care about us anyway " I say agitated. Ms. Robinson signs and says " Kayla i'm sorry. I'm such a bitch. I understand why your mad at me. You have every right to be. I want to change for the better. I stopped being a prostitute. You are a great person Kayla and i want to really get to know you. I'm becoming warden again to make sure you guys are being treated fairly. I feel so bad about the comments i said. I don't know why i said them. I was just so mad and wanted Ms. Booze off my back. I'm gonna try my best to make it up to you on Monday. I promise " I look deeply into Ms. Robinson's eyes and see that she is truly sorry and is telling the truth. My mind says don't forgive her but my heart is saying give her another chance. I sign and say " Ok. I forgive you " " Thank you so much. You won't regret it " Ms. Robinson says while hugging me. I pull away from the hug and say " Do you know a person name Dante Burkholder ? " Ms. Robinson's face changed from happy to angry. " Yeah i know him. What about him ? " Ms. Robinson says. " I'm friends with him and he told me that you two didn't get along. Tell me why " I say. " His parents put him in here because he's a psycho. He killed everyone in his family besides his parents and sister. His mother is my best friend. The stories she told me about him are horrific. She put him in my hospital because she knew me. I promised her that he'll be far away from her, her husband, and daughter. His cell was in a different part of the hospital. He was isolated from everyone else because we wanted to make sure he did not hurt the other patients. He only stayed for a year until he escaped. I haven't seen him since " Ms. Robinson says. " He's in there now. Martha and i found him. Ms. Booze put him back in the system. He knows your coming Monday and he is very frightened about that. He wants to leave again but Martha and i are keeping an eye on him. Promise me when you return to WillyWood that you will not put him back in his old cell. There's no need to. He's changed for the better " I say. Ms. Robinson nods and says " Ok. I won't move him. I trust your judgement " I nod and say " Thank you "Ms. Robinson nods and takes out her phone that is vibrating. " Kayla it's been nice talking to you but i have to go now. I'll see you Monday. Take care " Ms. Robinson says while leaving. I nod and go back inside. I go back to the nurse office to see a sleeping Dante and a bored Martha. Martha looks up at me and says " Finally. I thought you forgot about me " I laugh and say " Never " I sit down across from Martha. " Who visited you ? " Martha ask. " Ms. Robinson " I say. " You finally talked to her ? " Martha ask. " It wasn't planned it just happened " I say. " Well what did you guys talk about ? " Martha ask. " She wanted to know how i felt about her becoming warden again. Also she apologized to me and i told her about Dante " I say. Martha's faced changed to worried. " What she say about him ? " Martha ask panicky. " She promised me that Dante can stay in his cell he has now " I say. " Thank you Kayla " Martha says. " No problem " I say. " I'm so bored. It's only 1:45pm. I wanna do something. But no i can't because Dante decided he was finally tired and fell asleep " Martha says whining. I raise my eyebrows and say " Dante isn't the only person you know that can come up with fun ideas " " Oh yeah. Who else ? " Martha says. I scoff and say " Hello. Look in front of you " Martha laughs and says " Kayla what you call fun isn't what i call fun " " What do i call fun ? " I ask. " Knitting " Martha says. " That is one of the most funnest things i know " I say shocked. Martha shakes her head and laughs. " Martha come with me. We're gonna have fun " I say dragging Martha with me. " Where are we going ? " Martha ask. " I don't know. Where ever my feet goes " I say walking into the lobby. " Kayla i wanna be back before 8:00pm " Martha says whining. " No problem " I say. I wave Martha to come follow me. There was no guards in the lobby so we just walked out. " Kayla i said lets have fun not lets get in trouble " Martha says panicky. " Don't worry. We'll be fine " I say. I see a car with it's trunk open. The trunk has a lot of clothes scattered everywhere. " Lets go in the trunk " I say. Martha's eyes widen and says " Are you crazy ? Who knows where we'll be going ? " " That's what makes it so fun. The mystery " I say climbing in. Martha rolls her eyes and climbs in. " I'm only doing this because your in here " Martha says. " You don't have to do this. You can leave " I say putting clothes on top of me. Martha signs and puts clothes on top of her. A man appears in front of the trunk and closes it. " Did you get a good look at the person ? " Martha ask. " All i saw was giant black mustache and bushy eyebrows " I say shocked. Martha laughs and says " That's your man. Go get him " I gag and say " Never " The car starts moving. " I can't believe i'm doing this with you " Martha says. " I told you you can leave but you decided to jump in " I say. " I'm scared " Martha says. " Why ? " I ask. " Giant black mustache and bushy eyebrows has a shot gun and sword in his trunk " Martha says. I look behind Martha and see the shot gun and sword. " Maybe he's going hunting " I say trying to ease her nerves. " While you saw giant black mustache and bushy eyebrows i saw bow tie and black shiny shoes " Martha says. " Must be a tuxedo " I say. " Exactly ! No one goes hunting in a tux " Martha says panicky. " The only thing that comes to mind now is hit-man " I say. Martha gasp and says " When he finds us in his trunk he's gonna kill us " " No he's not because he's not gonna know we are even here " I say. The car stops and a door slams shut. Martha looks at me dead in the eye and says " How is he gonna know we're not here with my loud breathing and your big boobs ? " Before i answered the trunk opened. It was dead silence it burned my ears. " Who's in there ? " The man ask. " People who are gonna die in a minute " Martha says. I face-palm myself. The man moves the clothes covering us. Once he sees us the man pulls out a handgun. Martha and i put our hands up. " Woah woah woah there. Your not even gonna ask questions ? " I say. " There's no need. There's strangers in my trunk so i'm just gonna shoot " The man says. " If your just gonna shoot you would've done it already " I say climbing out the trunk pulling shaking Martha out also. The man puts the gun back in his pocket and says " What are you guys doing in here ? " " Searching for fun. Why didn't you shoot ? " I say. " You guys are like what 12. I'm not gonna shoot you guys " The man says. I was a little offended. " We're actually 16 " I say with crossed arms. The man shakes his head and says " You guys need to leave " I look around and see that the car is pulled up in a driveway to a beautiful mansion. " Ok hitman " I say as Martha and i walk down the driveway. " How'd you know ? " The man ask. Martha and i eyes widen. " We didn't " I say continuing walking. Martha nudges me. " What ? " I say. " That man is wanted. He's a famous hitman. He's been on the news for 5 years. We need to contact the police " Martha says. Anthony is the first person that came to mind when she said that. " I need a phone " I say. " Hitman's phone is in his car on the passenger seat. I seen it when you guys were talking. You don't need his password to call either. Just tap the ' emergency call ' button and it contacts the police. I'll distract him while you call " Martha says. I nod and we go back up the driveway. " Hitman " Martha says. The man turns around and says " What ? ". He was digging in his trunk, probably for his weapons. I go in the passenger's seat and see his phone there. I tap the ' emergency call ' button and it rings. " 911, what is your emergency ? " A lady says. " I know where a wanted hitman is. I don't know what he's about to do and i'm scared " I say. " Where are you located ? " The lady ask. " CrestWood Lane address 800 " I say. " Police will be arriving in 10 minutes " The lady says then hangs up. I put the phone back on his seat. " Leave me alone " The man says. Martha walks towards me and says " Did you call ? " I nod nervously. " What's wrong ? " Martha ask. " We'll get in trouble also because we snuck out WillyWood " I say nervously. Martha signs and says " When we hear the sirens we go " I nod. I hear the sirens and turn to Martha. " What to do ? " Martha ask. " Follow me " I say. I run into the backyard then out that backyard into another. It was backyard to backyard. " Martha keep up with me " I say. I notice that Martha was getting slower because of her asthma. " I can't. My chest is hurting " Martha says trying to catch up. We jump over another fence into this backyard where an old lady is sitting in a chair. " STOP ! " Martha shouts. I turn around and see that Martha is grabbing on to her chest. Martha falls on her knees and starts wheezing. I need help fast. She doesn't have her inhaler and i don't know what to do. The old lady comes towards us and says " Do i need to call an ambulance ? " " No ! " I shout. She's having an asthma attack and doesn't have her inhaler this time. Usually we're at WillyWood and Ms. Simpson would give her her inhaler. I get behind Martha and sit her upright. " Take long deep breathes " I say. Martha does as i say. " Stay calm and continue your breathing " I say. Martha continues. I look to the old lady and say " Fix some coffee " The old lady nods and goes inside. I read online that coffee helps to open up your airways. " Your doing great Martha your doing great " I say. Martha is starting to get her color back. She was a little blueish at first. The old lady comes back with a cup of coffee in her hands. I grab the cup and say " Martha i need you to try and get this in you " I lean the cup and Martha puts her lips on it and i pour some coffee in her mouth. Eventually Martha stops having her asthma attack. I look at Martha drink the rest of the coffee by herself. My eyes water. Martha looks towards me and says " I'm better now. Thank you so much " I nod and a tear rolls down my right cheek. " What's wrong ? " Martha ask. " I didn't realize until now that you're so close to death until i helped you. I never wanna lose you " I say hugging Martha. Martha hugs back and says " I am so fucking lucky that you are my best friend " " I'm sorry to interrupt this eye tearing moment but it's 7:35pm and i have to be somewhere by 8:00pm. Can i give you guys a ride ? " The old lady says. Martha and i depart and i say " Yes. We need to go to WillyWood hospital. Do you know where that is ? " " Yes i do. It's heading in the direction to the place i need to be " The old lady says. " That's great and thank you so much " Martha says. " No problem. Follow me " The old lady says. We follow the old lady to her car which is a purple Buggie. " Punch buggie don't punch back " The old lady says punching us. Martha and i laugh and get in the car. We arrived at WiilyWood at 7:55pm. " Thank you so much for the ride and Happy New Year's Eve " I  say as Martha and i get out. " Happy New Year's Eve to you too sweethearts " The old lady says as she pulls off. Martha and i go the back way in. " Since the dance starts in 5 minutes maybe the guards are busy watching the Dining Room " Martha says while climbing up the ladder. " Lets hope " I say climbing up after her. We go inside and go in the nurses office. Dante is awake now looking angry. " Where the hell have you been ? " Dante ask angrily. Martha gasp and tries to say something before i interrupt. " Uh uh. I know you did not yell at Martha. She did nothing to you. What the hell is your problem ? Now fix your tone before i have to do so " I say. Dante looks surprised and then turns to Martha. " I'm sorry for yelling. I was just so worried. If anything bad happened to you i would be so angry at myself. Please forgive me " Dante says sympathetically. Martha hugs Dante and says " Of course i forgive you baby " I look at the clock and see that the time is 8:00pm. " Guys i'm goin to the dance. See ya later " I say. " Wait i'm coming with you " Martha says walking towards me. " I thought you wanted to stay with Dante " I say. " I don't want to leave you by yourself with Levi. I know he's gonna approach you " Martha says. I laugh and Martha kisses Dante then leaves with me. We enter the Dining Room and it's decorated with a lot of balloons, banners, glitter, and colorful lights. " Ooh we have a DJ " Martha says. The song that is playing is Hello Friday by Flo Rida. " I gotta go pee. I'll be right back " Martha says. " Alright. I'll be by the fruit punch bowl " I say. Martha nods and goes to the bathroom. I go to the fruit punch bowl and pour some fruit punch in a cup. Levi comes up to me and says " Kayla you came ! " " Why wouldn't i ? " I ask. Levi shrugs and says " So are you having fun ? " His breath smells like alcohol. " Where'd you get the alcohol from ? " I ask. " I asked some janitor can he spike up my drink which he did " Levi says. I can't believe this. " You look really hot " Levi says walking closer to me. He puts his hand around my waist and pushes me against him. I try getting out his grasp but he is so strong. " Uh Levi can you let go of me ? " I ask. His grip got tighter. " What's wrong ? I'm just having some fun " Levi says while leaning in. " SHE SAID LET GO OF HER ! " A voice i haven't heard in so long shouts. Levi jumps and lets go of me. I turn around and see Mark standing there. 

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