Chapter 21: A Shocking Visit

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Anthony and i enter Ruby Tuesday. We sit at a booth. I order Baby Back Ribs with a sprite and Anthony orders a Bacon Cheeseburger with a lemonade. " I love lemonade " A women's voice says interrupting Anthony and i conversation. Anthony looks at the women and he is shocked. " I didn't know you have a child " The women says looking at me. " I'm not his kid " I say. " Then who are you ? " The women says. " Alaura i can't believe your here " Anthony says. " Anthony i can't believe your here " Alaura says. I get angry knowing that's Alaura. " What do you want ? " I spat. Alaura looks taken aback. " I'm just visiting a friend " Alaura says. " He's not your friend " I say. " Kayla stop it " Anthony says. " Come join us " Anthony says. " I don't want her here " I say annoyed. " I can take you back to WillyWood " Anthony says. " WillyWood ? Isn't that a mental hospital ? " Alaura ask. Anthony and i don't answer. " I get it now. She's a patient there. I won't say a word " Alaura says. " You better not " I say. " What did i do for you to not like me ? " Alaura ask. " I know who you are and what you did to Anthony " I say. Alaura signs and says " That's why i came here. Anthony i want to apologize. What i did is wrong and i regret it. I knew you had feelings for me but i still had sex with you. I don't know why though. I'm sorry " " I forgive you " Anthony says. " That night my ex broke up with me. I'm still single. If your still interested you can have me " Alaura says. " You sound desperate. You don't even know him. Your a asshole " I say while leaving Ruby Tuesday. I sit on the curb and look at the sky. I feel a hand on my shoulder. Without looking back i know it's Anthony's. " Kayla why are you so angry ? " Anthony ask while sitting beside me. " Out of everyone i expected you to know " I say. " I have an idea but i wanna hear it from you " Anthony says. " Alaura has no one and she knows that you have a soft spot for her so she is trying to get you to date her so she won't be lonely. She doesn't even know you. You deserve better Anthony. Don't fall in her trap. Please " I say. Anthony hugs me tightly and says " Ok i'll be smart. But she wants to go to my place and hang out. I said we can go. I would like you to come with me just to make sure i'm safe. You want to go ? " She has nerve. " Of course i'll go " I say. Alaura comes out and says " Anthony are you ready ? " " Yes Alaura. Just get in the car " Anthony says. " Just warning you now, i won't be nice to her " I say while going in the car. Anthony comes in and says " Alaura Kayla will be coming along " Alaura turns to me and gives me a fake smile and says " Great " I smirk and say " So Alaura what do you plan on doing at Anthony's ? " " I just want to hang and catch up but some plans are postponed now that i know your coming " Alaura says. I nod and look out the window. My goal for today is to get her to never see Anthony again and so far i think i'm doing great. We arrive at Anthony's at 5:35pm. " You have such a lovely home " Alaura says while Anthony parks in his driveway. " Thank you " Anthony says. " You must have a high paying job to get such a house " Alaura says. " I'm a police officer " Anthony says. " I love police. They turn me on " Alaura says while rubbing Anthony's thigh. Anthony grabs her hand and takes it off of his thigh. " Time to get out " I say. We go inside and sit in the Living Room. " Where's your bathroom ? " Alaura says. " Down the hall last door on the left " Anthony says. Alaura winks at Anthony then goes down the hall. " What a slut " I say while rolling my eyes. Anthony signs and goes in the kitchen. I follow him. " What are you doing ? We just ate " I say. " Making lemonade " Anthony says while grabbing 2 lemons from the fridge. " What ? No. " I say while snatching the lemons out of his hands. " Why not ? " Anthony ask. " Lemonade is Alaura's favorite drink. Our goal is to make her hate you not get her an excuse to stay more " I say. " That's your goal not ours " Anthony says while grabbing his lemons back. I sign and say " You still like her ? What do you see in that slut ? " " I honestly don't know. She made a bad first impression after a long time from seeing her " Anthony says while squeezing the lemons into a pitcher. " You know what ? Keep making the lemonade " I say as i grab a lemon. Anthony raises an eyebrow then continues squeezing the lemon. Alaura comes out the bathroom with her face caked in make-up. " Ooh is that lemonade your making ? " Alaura ask. " Yeah it is " Anthony says. " This lemon smells so good. Alaura take a sniff " I say putting the lemon to her nose. Alaura leans down to the lemon and i squeeze it causing it to squirt in her eye. " Ah shit " Alaura says while covering her right eye. I laugh and put the lemon down. Anthony laughs too which makes me smile. " Anthony it's not funny. My eye burns " Alaura says. " Sorry. Are you ok ? " Anthony says. " OBVIOUSLY NOT ! I'M IN PAIN ! " Alaura says while walking to the bathroom. I laugh and give Anthony a high-five. I go back in the living room and sit on the couch. I noticed that Alaura's phone is in her coat pocket. I remember her password too because i was behind her in the car when she put it in. I took her phone out the coat pocket and went on it. I went on her text messages to a guy name Jett. From the messages i read that's her boyfriend of right now. I went in the kitchen to see Anthony stirring the lemonade. " Guess who's this ? " I say waving the phone. " Put it down " Anthony says. " Too late. I already read some stuff " I say with a cheeky smile. Anthony rolls his eyes and continues stirring. " Don't you wanna know what i read ? " I ask trying to tempt him. " Sure " Anthony says while grabbing two cups out the cabinet. " She has a boyfriend name Jett. She was texting him lovey dovey text messages while in the car. Today is his birthday too. She told him she can't be there with him because she has work. " I say with a smirk. Anthony eyes widen. " You shouldn't be too shock Anthony. I told you she is a slut " I say crossing my arms. Anthony pulls the lemonade in the two cups. " I'm completely done with her. I'm moving on " Anthony says putting the pitcher down. I smile and say " Guess what i just texted Jett " Anthony looks at me and says " You told him ? " " No. Where's the fun in that. I told him to come at your address. I told him that this was her place " I say with a smirk. Anthony gulps and says " I'm gonna have another beat-down " " Why ? " I ask. " After the party in college where i fucked Alaura her boyfriend then beat me up. I'm guessing the same is gonna happen today " Anthony says. " That's why you have these " I say while pulling out a handgun from a kitchen drawer. " I'm not gonna kill him " Anthony says putting the gun back. I shrug and put Alaura's phone back in the Living Room. Anthony follows with our lemonade. He hands me my cup and i sit down on the couch. I take a sip of my lemonade and say " Sour. Just like Alaura's situation right now " Anthony chuckles. Alaura comes back in the Living Room. " Where's mine ? " Alaura ask. " Go make it yourself " Anthony says. " What a gentlemen " Alaura says while stomping to the kitchen. " Ladies don't stomp " I say with a smirk. Alaura rolls her eyes and goes in the kitchen. " Anthony can you do us a favor ? " I ask with puppy dog eyes. " Us ? " Anthony says. I nod happily. " What is it ? " Anthony ask. " Can you get Alaura to make out with you ? I want Jett to come in on her cheating. " I say. Anthony looks a little nervous. " It shouldn't be hard for you. She's attractive and i'm straight " I say. Anthony nods and says " I'll do it. Just because i want to see how this turns out " I smile and look out the window. " A pick-up truck just pulled up. I think it's Jett. Go In  your room " I say shooing Anthony away. Anthony grabs her stuff and takes her out the kitchen into his room. The doorbell rings. I answer it and a guy with brown curly hair that stops at the end of his neck with hazel eyes pops up. " Hello. Who are you ? " I ask acting dumb. " My names Jett. I'm Alaura's boyfriend. Is she here ? " Jett says. " Yeah. Come in " I say letting him in. I close the door. " Who are you ? " Jett ask. " I'm a friend. Follow me. She's in her bedroom " I say walking to Anthony's bedroom. I open the door to see Alaura on top of a shirtless Anthony making out. They stop once Jett and i appear in the doorway. Jett's eyes looked so sadden. " Jett i can explain " Alaura says panicky. Jett shakes his head and says " My friends and family warned me about you " " Jett i'm sorry " Alaura says while getting off of Anthony who was trying so hard to hold in his laugh. " I thought you were different " Jett says. " We can work it out " Alaura says while stroking Jett's wet cheek. Jett backs up while taking Alaura's hand off of him and says " We're done " Alaura signs and watches Jett leave. " I have other options anyway as you can see ! " Alaura shouts. The front door slams. " I hope you don't think i'm an option " Anthony says while putting his shirt back on. " You are " Alaura says with crossed arms. " He's not. This was all planned. I texted Jett while you were in the bathroom to come over. I told Anthony to get you turned on so you guys can make out by the time Jett got here. " I say with crossed arms. Alaura scoffs and says " Why would you do that ? " " Because you a hoe " I say. Alaura snatches her stuff and before she leaves smacks Anthony in the face. " Happy now ? " Anthony says with a smile to irritate her. I laugh. Alaura grabs her cup filled with lemonade and throws it in my face. That bitch thought she was getting away with that. I pulled her hair back causing her to drop her stuff. Alaura screams and tries to move my hand. " Say sorry " I say. Alaura shakes her head and spits in my face. I headbutt her and falls. The headbutt doesn't hurt me but her. " How bout now ? " I say. Alaura gets up and tries to leave. I trip her and she falls forwards which she lands on her forehead. " All she wants is a sorry " Anthony says. Alaura gets up with a red circle on her forehead " Never ! " Alaura says while taking off again. I grab the handgun in Anthony's draw and aim it at her. I'm not gonna shoot her. I'm just scaring a ' sorry ' out of her. Anthony's face was nervous. " You are a crazy bitch ! SORRY ! Are you happy now ? " Alaura says while running out the house scared for her life. I drop the gun and bust out laughing. Anthony signs in relief and snatches the gun off the floor. " You mad at me too ? " I ask. " No. I'm just scared. I'm glad you did not pull the trigger " Anthony says. " Scared of me ? " I ask. Anthony stayed quiet. I signed and said " Ok well since your scared of me i better leave then " " Kayla wait " Anthony says. " No Anthony. I'm leaving. Your already scared of me. I don't want you to be terrified now " I say while leaving. I slam the door and walk on the sidewalk. I saw lighting then heard thunder then rain started pouring. Anthony comes out his house and says " Kayla it's pouring out. I'll give you a ride " I ignore him and continue walking. Anthony touches my shoulder and i quickly turn and push him to the ground. " I SAID NO ! " I shout. I rip the necklace that he gave me with my name on the heart off my neck and throw it on him. Our eyes interlock for a second and i can see that he is scared and sadden. I sign and continue walking. My eyes started to burn and i know why. I needed to cry. I don't want to though. I feel weak when i cry. I couldn't hold my tears anymore. I finally let it all out. 

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