Chapter 13: Christmas Lights !

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It's the next day and i am dying to hear about Dane's first night back here in 10 years ! I go to cafeteria and i don't see  them two. So i just go in line. When i get my food i still don't see them. I'm somewhat getting annoyed because i'm sitting by myself and i think we have enough alone time here. I have 5 foods on my plate. I already ate all my eggs and sausage first. They finally come. " What the hell took you guy's so long. I'm almost done with my breakfast ? " I ask irritated but happy they're here. " Oh girl you still got 3 foods left on that plate " Dante say's. " Oh shut up and give me a hug " I say while opening my arms. He hugs me then Martha. " Martha wanted to wait for me while i was in Ms. Booze office because she wanted to go over the rules with me again. " Dante say's. " Well they are alot of rules " I say. Martha nudges him and he rolls his eyes then say's " And she took us out to eat " " Why ? " I ask. " That was her way of saying welcome back " He say's. " Oh cool. Martha you ok ? " I ask. " Oh she cool. She just got a sore throat because of all we did last night " Dante say's. I spit my orange juice out and ask " WHAT ? ! " They both bust out laughing and Dante say's " Sorry. We did not do that. " " Then what you guy's do ? " I ask. " We were doing a screaming contest. She won. But i do sound like a girl though " Dante say's. " That's not something to proud of " I say while shaking my head. He laugh's. " Can't wait for tonight " Dante say's. " Why ? " I ask. " Christmas lights " He say's. I look at him confusingly. " It's on the agenda. " He say's. I shrug and ask " What time are we leaving ? " " 6:00 pm. We should be their by 6:50 pm. It starts at 7:00 pm. " He say's. I nod and eat my biscuit. After breakfast was over it was free time. " So all yall do for free time is chores, sports, tv, or read ? " Dante ask. We nod. " That's lame " Dante say's. " Well can you really blame us ? " I ask. He shrugs and say's " Well i can come up with with some fun ideas to do than this ". " Oh yeah ? " Martha ask. " Yeah " Dante say's. " Shoot " I say. " Let's go ice skating on top of this building " He say's. We look at him like he's crazy. He shrugs and say's " Told ya " Martha nods and links arm with him while smiling. That's her way of saying i'm with ya. I look at her like she's crazy and say " Oh not this time. You're going in your bed and going to sleep. " " Keeping her locked away and sleeping isn't always the solution. Sometimes she needs to be with the people  she loves and be up " Dante say's. " I understand that Dante but Martha being placed up in the cold won't help her get well " I say. She gives me a look. I shut up. That look means stop treating me like a baby. " Fine go ahead but if yall get sick that's not my fault " I say while walking with them. " You don't have to come Ms. Party Pooper " Dante say's. " I have to. So i make sure you won't do anything stupid to her " I say. He shrugs and say's " You don't have to worry about that and ok " We go to our cells to get our coats, hats, gloves and boots. We go in Ms. Boozes office and she's not their. Yay ! Note the sarcasm. We go outside and it's not snowing anymore but everything is covered in white. " How are we suppose to ice skate with no ice skates and a shovel ? " I ask. Dante goes back inside then comes back with a piece of wood with plywood nailed to it. " Tada ! " He say's then he starts pushing the snow off the roof. " That still doesn't supply us with ice skates " I say while folding my arms. Martha snaps her fingers and say's " I got an idea. How bout we go into town and just perswade people to give us some. " I shrug and say " OK " We were about leave but Dante say's " Not without me " " What you mean not without you ? " I say slightly annoyed. " I mean i'm coming " Dante say's. " Why ? " I ask. " Because i'm not letting two gorgeous girls walk in the streets by themselves. One sick and one crazy " He say's. I glare at him and bend is arm not the right way " OW OW OW OW ! " Dante say's. " I will stop if you say sorry and will let us go by ourselves " I say. " FINE JUST LET GO ! " He say's. I let go and smirk. " I can defend us. Plus you have to keep " shoveling " I say. He glares and say's " Be safe love you guy's let me know if anybody messes with you " We nod and jump off. We land in the soft and cold snow. We get up and brush ourselves off then start heading into town. We go at our local ice rink and try and blend in. " Ok we need a plan. You pretend fall and get most peoples attentions. While they look at you i'll go in the shop and will steal 3 pairs. We'll leave out the back door. Just look for my signal which will be a loud cough. After you hear that get up tell everybody you're alright and leave out the front door and meet me there. Got it ? " I say. She nods. Martha walks away from me then fake slips and falls on her back. Everybody gasp and came over to her. She showed discomfort on her face to make it realistic. I go to the shop and get 2 pairs of size 7 shoes and 1 pair of size 4 shoes. I cough and run for the back door until someone stops me. A boy that looks like he's 7 is standing there with a smirk on his face and arms crossed. " Aww " He say's loudly. " Shh ! " I say while putting my hand over his mouth. He wiggles trying to get free. " I'll let you go if you don't say anything. " I whisper. He shakes his head. " Do you have a idea ? " I ask. He nods. I let go. He try's to run away but i pulled him back. He was about to scream again but i quickly said " Hey i got some candy " " What type ? " He ask. " Sour Patch Kids " I say. He sticks his hand out and puts one on his hips. " As long as you don't tell " I say. He gives me an impatient look. I give it to him. I don't if i can trust him  or not but whatever. I leave and find Martha at the front door. " Ok. Let's go " I say. We go back to the hospital and climb back on the roof. All the snow is gone and their's only ice. Perfect ! Dante is in his regular spot behind the elevator. " Got them. Without getting us raped " I say while dangaling the ice skates in front of his face. He nods and say's " Good job " We all put on our ice skates and start to skate. Dante and Martha know how to but i don't. " TEACH ME ! " I say while unbalanced then falling on my ass. They laugh. " Ow ! " I say. Dante picks me up. " Come on don't be a asshole " I say while whining. " Oh well since you called me a asshole i won't teach you know more " Dante say's while crossing his arms. " No wait please ! I'm sorry " I say while giving him puppy dog eyes. He laughs and say's " That don't work on me but ok " " YES ! " I scream. He laughs. Dante told me instructions which was bend my knees slightly and push off skating with my dominate foot, kept my arms out to my side and toes were pointed about 20 degrees. After practicing that for a bit i finally got the hang of it. They cheered and clapped for me. After awhile i stopped and sat down on the edge with my feet hanging off the roof. I saw this girl and boy walking while holding hands. They were talking and laughing. They kept looking into each other eyes passionately and lustful. They sat on a bench. The boy's hand around her waist. They looked around my age. He kissed her cheek then her lips. The kiss got heated. Tounge and touching. She got up and sat on his lap. He started trailing kissing to her neck while one hand was squeezing her ass and the other grabbing on to her boobs. I somewhat got turned on but i was mostly sad because they reminded me of what Mark and i could've been. Dante skates over and sit's down beside me. " Where's Martha ? " I ask. " She went to take a shower " He say's. I nod. " Look it's unhealthy for you to look at them " He say's. " Well what am i suppose to do ? Friends isn't the only answer " I ask. Snow starts to fall again. " Time, honey " Dante say's. I sigh and take off my skates and put my shoes on then leave with Dante right on my back. Ms. Booze was in her office. She sigh's and say's " Look i know you guy's still go up their sneakily and that i have no control over you but please next time tell me. I'll allow you guy's to go up their just tell me. Only you two along with Mark and Martha are allowed. " " Thank you " We both say. She nods and smiles. We go back to the dining room and sit on the couch. " We need to get ready " I say. He nods and we go back to our cells. I get my clothes then go in the shower. After 5 minutes i get out and put on my clothes which was a blue jeans, a red plaid shirt, and red converse. I leave out the bathroom and go in the dining room where everybody else who was going to the Christmas lights was at. I saw Martha but not Dante. " No sigh of Mark " I say. Martha looks at me sympathetic. Dante shows up and sits beside us and ask " What happen ? " " Mark not here " I say. He sigh's and say's " Look for the rest of tonight you're not gonna say another word about that boy. It's near Christmas and that means stress free. You deserve a happy time. " I smile alittle and nod then say. " Fine i'll not say anything for now on " They both smile. Ms. Booze comes in the room and say's " WillyWood family it's time to go the bus is here. We'll be leaving to go see the Christmas lights. Now here are some rules. Number 1 no stealing. Number 2 no lying. Number 3 no cussing. Number 4 no hitting. Number 5 use your manners ALL the time. And number 6 be respectful. If you guys follow that then we'll all have fun. Now line up and follow me " " YAY ! " Everybody screams. " Shh ! People are sleeping " She say's. We start walking. It's sunset right now. The bus we'll be riding is Dillion's bus. We get in and we all sit togather. 3 sits make a row. I sit near the aisle, Dante in the middle, and Martha beside the window. " Haven't been in a bus in ages " I say. They both nod. Martha snuggles up to Dante and she falls asleep. After an hour and 27 minutes we arrived. When the bus stops Ms. Booze stands up and say's " Alright everyone wake up. We're here. Remember our rules. Get in a line and follow me " I wake them up and get in line. It's a walkthrough. We walk and see all these marvalous lights. While walking the mental hospital photogapher took pictures of us to place on our wall. After pictures we got on the bus again to go to Golden Coral. Martha was knocked out as soon as we sat on the bus. " Kayla i'm nervous. " Dante say's. " Why ? " I ask. " I love Martha but i don't want to tell her. She may not feel the same way. I know it's only been 5 day's but i have strong feelings towards her it's stressful. I don't know what to do " Dante say's stressfully. " I'm in the exact same boat " I say. After 11 minutes we were there. We went in the restaurant and the waitress had to combine 4 tables to fit all of us. Us 3 sat on the end at the table on the right side. We all got our plates and started eating. I had 3 plates full of food and 1 desert plate. After that we left and went back to the hospital. We all went to bed tired but me i wasn't tired so i decided to read my book. I didn't go to bed until 3:00 am. 

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