Chapter 10: Movie Night !

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TGIF ! It's morning time and today is the day Mark gets off of punishment. I go out my cell and into the cafeteria. I see Mark and Martha at our table. " Hey guy's " I say while hugging them both. " Hey " They say in harmony. We get in line and get our tray's then sit down. " Did Martha tell you about her crush ? " I ask. Martha blushes and puts her hair over her face. " Um. No. What crush ? " Mark ask. Martha flips her hair back and smiles then say's " You'll meet him " " Wait when ? I told you i'm not doing that again " I say panickly. " That's ok Kayla. You don't have to come " Martha say's. I continue eating. " I have to go to the bathroom " Martha say's while getting up then nudging and winking at me as she left. " Please come. " Mark say's. I shake my head. " Then i'm not going " Mark say's stubbornly. " Well it's Martha's favor not mine " I say. Martha comes back. " Martha i'm going " I say. Mark raises his eyebrows. " K " Martha say's. Time passed with us by and now it's free time. We all go to Ms. Booze office. We go through the door, walk down the stairs, and go on the elevator. The doors open and we step out. It's still daytime. Specifically 9:00 am. We go behind the elevator and see Dante. " Hey " Martha and i say in harmony. Dante hugs Martha then me. Mark pulls me away from and say's " Don't hug her " " Hey man, im sorry " Dante say's while putting his hands down. " Dude what's the problem ? " I ask. " This is Mark " Martha say's. " Nice to meet you. I'm Dante " Dante say's while putting his hand out. Mark shakes his hand and say's " You too " " Well guy's sorry to say but im leaving " Dante say's. " PERMANENTLY ? ! " Martha ask panickly. " No. Why would i want to leave now after i've met you ? " Dante say's. Martha blushes. " Ok so if you're not leaving permanently, then where you going ? " I ask. " How bout i'll take you guy's their instead ? " Dante ask. " Oh hell no ! I risked myself yesterday ain't doin it again " I say. " You said that about coming up here again " Martha say's. I sigh and say " Fine. But if i die. Just remember i'm gonna hunt all of yall " I say. " You won't die. I'll make sure of  it " Mark say's. " Alright, now that everyone's in. Shall we go ? " Dante ask. " Yeah but how ? " Martha ask. " Come here " Dante say's while walking. " We jump on the grass. " Dante say's while pointing to it. " Uh no " I say. " It's the only way " Dante say's. " If yall want me to come. Then yall betta find a betta way for us to get down. " I say while crossing my arms. Everybody sigh's. It's not my fault i'm  scared of heights. " Look Kayla you're going. Whether you like it or not ! " Martha say's. " You can't make me " I say while sticking my tounge out. Martha pushes me off the roof. I scream until i fall into a bush. " I HATE YOU ! " I scream. Martha shrugs and then she jumps. Then Mark. Then Dante. Everybody landed on the grass but me. " Come on Kayla. We gotta leave " Martha say's. " I can't i'm stuck ! " I say trying to push myself up. Mark comes and pulls me off then i fall on top of him. Our eyes lock for a quick second then we smile and start to laugh. " Ok lovebirds let's go " Martha say's. I get off of Mark and we both brush ourselves off. We hear a door open and footsteps. We all run behind the trash can. We hear Ms. Booze and Ms. Robbinson talking ! " Remember Kayla ? " Ms. Booze say's. " Yeah " Ms. Robbinson say's. " Well she is dying to have you back and i am willing to get you your job back " Ms. Booze say's. " I don't want to work here no more. Since you fired me i've changed. I've a better job now. A job that pay's more than this. " Ms. Robbinson say's. " What ? ! Sucking married men's dick ! That's no job sweetie. That's just a way to make cash " Ms. Booze say's. " Look Ms. Booze no matter what you say i am not coming back here " Ms. Robbinson say's. " Do it for the patients. They like you better than me. I actually changed too you know ? I did a makeover in the building and my personality. " Ms. booze say's. " Fuck the patients 
! I care about none of them  retards ! I was only acting like a fucking sweertheart because you said if i was nice and shit then i would get paid more ! " Ms. Robbinson say's. " Look please. I was wrong for firing you. We need you back here. I am only doing this because i love those patients. And when i love someone i will do all i can to make sure they have what they need and want " Ms. Booze say's. " If you love those patients so much how bout you continue being warden and leave me the fuck alone ! " Ms. Robbinson say's. We hear footsteps that eventually fades away. Then sobbing and a door closing. We get from  out hiding plaqes. " See i told you Ms. Robbinson isn't all friendly and nice " Dante say's. Everybody looks at me. I have warm tears running down my face. Mark pushes my head into his chest and he rubs my back while his chin rest on my head. I wrap my arms around him. " I'm so sorry you had to hear that " Martha say's. I depart myself from Mark and say " You shouldn't be. You're not the person who was acting fake towards me for 9 years " " Um, can we go now ? I'm pretty sure the place im gonna take you will take away your stress. Not just yours but everybody's. " Dante say's. I wipe my tears and i finally start walking with the group. After about 30 minutes we have finally arrived at our destination. We are at a cliff. " What the hell ? " I ask. " skinny dipping ? " Dante ask. I shake my head. We all heard a splash in the water and we see Martha in their laughing while she's NAKED ! " Martha get out the water now ! " Mark say's. " Too late " Martha say's. " Who knows what's in that water ? " Mark say's. Martha shrugs and starts swimming. " What's the problem ? You don' t know how to swim ? " Dante ask. " I know. Just I'm not trying to get eaten by a shark " I say while crossing my arms. " Well suite yourself " Dante say's while jumping in. This is to extreme. " Mark don't stay here because of me " I say. " What  ? I don't want to go " Mark say's. " Mark i've known you for 12 in a half years. I know when you want to do something but can't " I say. Mark sigh's and say's " Yep you caught me but i'm not going because of you and that's final " I sigh and start taking off my clothes then i jump in. As i was falling i felt alot of air smacking me all over. I enjoyed that feeling. I finally smacked into the water, which stung but i survived. " Ok i'm in now you get in " I say. " I pressured you " Mark say's. " Ok, so what if you did. Just come in " I say. Mark strips then he jumps in. I scream once he hit the water since he splashed me. Everybody laughs. " Who wants to race ? " Dante ask. " To where ? " I ask. " To the part where you see that little tree sticking up in the water " Dante say's. " I'm in " Mark,Martha,and i say in harmony. We all line up side by side. " Ready set and go ! " Dante say's. We all start swimming. I'm not sure what place i'm in but i do know that i am swimming the fastest i can. I finally passed the tree but i was last. Everybody laughs. " I love how you're so in to it " Martha say's while laughing. " Well i don't care. So who won ? " I say. " ME ! " Mark say's with a big grin on his face. " I was second " Dante say's. " And i was third " Martha say's. " Yeah yeah yeah and i was last " I say. Everybody laughs. After our race we just swim, float, talk, or whatever you nor normally do in the water. " Mark swims next to me and say's " Look at them two " " They are to cute " I say. Martha and Dante were all over each other the whole day. Right now Martha has her legs wrapped around Dante's waist and her arms around his neck while his arms are on her waist. They're laughing and talking and keep staring into each others eyes. They seperate and come towards us. " What you guy's looking at ? " Martha say's. " Nothing " I say. We hear a loud noise then see a big wave coming towards us. It was to late to move out the way. The pushes us and out of nowhere theirs a waterfall. We fall. I have my eyes close and screaming. Then i feel water smack me. I open my slowly and i see everybody back on normal water. The boy's are holding Martha and i around the waist. Mark with me and Dante with Martha. We all look up then start laughing. " That was fun " Martha say's. We hear a noise and it's from a speedboat. We all start waving and yelling. The captain notice us. He's an old white man, with a white beard that goes to his chest, has liver spots, and has big blue eyes. " Well what are you guy's doing here and where are yall clothes ? " The captain ask. " Um, long story but do you have any towels on your boat ? " Dante say's. " Yes. Come in. I won't look " The captain say's while turning away. We get on the boat and put on our towels. " K. We're ready " Martha say's. The captain starts up the boat and ask. " Where to ? " " On top of the waterfall " Dante say's. The captain nods. " Um, do you happen to know the time ? " I ask. " 6:30 " The captain say's. " Dante once we get our clothes we'll have to go back inside " Martha say's. " Why ? " Dante ask. " Tonight's movie night. Movie starts at 7:00. After the movie it's bedtime " Martha say's. Dante's face frowns. Martha puts her head on his shoulder and holds his hand. The boat stops at our destination. " Thank you " We all say as we get out. We walk up the hill and go through the forest to find our clothes still in the same spot. We put on our clothes then leave. When we arrive at the hospital we say goodbye to Dante and go inside. It was already 6:54 pm. We go through Ms. Boozes office and back to our cells so we can get our pillows and blankets. We go in the dining room and call a spot in a corner. Everyone is in the dining room. " Guy's im gonna go get us some snacks. Tell me whatcha want. " Martha say's. " Popcorn " I say. " Kayla will share with me " Mark say's. Martha smiles and leaves. I look at Mark like he's crazy and say " I didn't say that " " Well to late now. Unless you want me starving " Mark say's. " Well i'm sticking to my answer which is no " I say. Martha comes back with our treats. " It's 6:56 pm now. " Martha say's while sitting down. Ms. Booze walks in front of the dining and taps her mic. Everybody groans. " WillyWood family i am proud to present to you our 25th annual movie night ! Now i have read the votes and the movie with the most votes was.... drumroll please. ANT MAN ! Now the movie will start once i start talking but a few rules while the movie is playing. Number 1 you can still get up and get snacks. Number 2 please whisper. Number 3 pick up all your trash. Number 4 keep your opinions to yourself. Have fun ! " Ms. Booze say's while walking out the dining room. The room goes dark and the movie starts playing on the projector. Martha puts 1 pillow behind her back and another 1 under her elbows, blankets on her, and she's eating her ice cream. Mark is laying down and he pulls me along with him. So i am laying on his stomach while his arms are around me. Im eating popcorn smiling because i know Mark is eyeballing each popcorn i put into my mouth. " Man you don't know how much i wish i was that popcorn container " Mark say's. " Mark ! " I say while laughing. He said that because the container was in between my legs. " Alright here you go " I  say while giving him the container. He takes it and say's " I knew you would give in " I'm really wondering who Mark likes i want to meet her. " So Kayla on a serious note who is this guy you like ? " Mark ask. " Honestly he is irrelevant because yeah i admit i love him but he doesn't show the same feelings. " I say. " Love ? That's a strong word Kayla " Mark ask. " Yeah i know but i know love is the right word. Anyway what about your girl ? " I say. " Well theirs not much i can say about her. I'm scared to make a move because i don't want to ruin anything. But Dante and Martha know's " Mark say's. " What ? That's not fair. Especially since Dante knows and i known you before him " I say while pouting. " Oh stop whining. Here " Mark say's while giving me back my popcorn container. " What the hell ? It's half empty " I say. " Sorry " Mark say's while giving me puppy dog eyes. " It's alright. I need to lose a couple pounds anyway " I say. " What ? No you don't. Your perfect " Mark say's. I chuckle and say " Thanks. " Time pass and now we  are in the middle of the movie. Popcorn is now empty thanks to Martha but that's alright Mark and i said she can have the rest. She is just having the time of her life snacking. Mark starts to caress my thigh. I don't say anything but inside my heart is going 100 mph. " God, Kayla why do you make me feel like this " Mark whispers in my ear. Martha turns around and faces us. Mark doesn't notice. I turn around and say " Like what ? " He leans in and kisses me passionately. His arms at my waist and my arms at his shoulders. He pulls away quickly and say's " Sorry i have to go " "But where ? " I ask. But he get's up and leaves. I follow him out in the hallway. " Mark stop " I say. He stops. We have a great distance between us now. " Where are you going ? " I ask. " I can't be near you. I don't want to ruin it " Mark say's while running away again. " Mark stop ! " I say while running after but soon he disappears and i run out of breath. I go back inside the dining room and Martha is still staring at the door like she was waiting for us to come back. I sit down. " Did you see ? " I ask. She nods and ask " So are you guy's now a couple. " I shake my head and say " I told you he doesn't love me " Hot tears roll down my eyes and Martha pulls me in for a hug. " Look Kayla you don't need this stress right now. Just forget about him for the night and chill with me. We will continue this convo tomorrow " Martha say's while holding me in her arms and rocking me back and forth. I nod and close my eyes. Eventually i feel asleep. Man i feel like a baby. 

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