Chapter 9: Martha's Back !

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It's a new day. I'm actually looking forward to ! I know surprising. Martha is suppose to be off of her punishment so i can't wait to see her but Mark. I won't be seeing him until tomorrow. I can survive. I leave out my cell but i don't go to breakfast i go in the courtyard. I wasn't hungry. I sit on a bench under the sun and enjoy the sun on my skin. I just need this time to think. I mean i barely go outside when i can but i don't if theirs people. Now it's empty. " Kayla ? What are you doing out here ? " Martha ask. Not empty anymore. She sits beside me. " I just needed to clear my head. " I say. " Well your therapist is back now so talk " Martha say's. I hug her and say " I missed you so much " " It's only been a day " She say's laughing. " Yeah well it's hard. I see you everyday and if you're not here with me for 1. That was hard to adjust to. " I say. " Yeah well you don't have to worry about me getting into anymore fights " She say's chuckling. " Good " I say. " I heard what happen ever since i left " Martha say's. " How ? " I ask. " Word gets around fast round here " She say's laughing. I hug her again and say " Just hug me " She does. A tear falls from my eyes and i don't know why. " Hey, what's with the Niagara falls ? " Martha ask. " I honestly don't know. I just need to let it out. " I say. Martha looks at me like she is unconvinced and say's " Kayla i've know you for 12 in a half years. I know when you're lying. " I sigh and say  with a laugh " Fine you got me. I just feel bad about the way i've been treating you " " What you mean ? " She ask. " I've been distant with you but very social with Mark. " I say. Martha laughs and i look at her confused. " Girl, your in love ! That's what your suppose to do ! I'm not affected and you shouldn't be either. " She say's. I look down. Martha sigh's and say's " I got some news to cheer you up ! " I look up and say " What ? " " Ms. Booze say's tomorrow night is movie night. Everyone will be in the dining room. Of course the gaurds will stand in each corner. We have 4 options. Minions, Ant Man, Pixzels, or Trainwreck. We are suppose to write our answers on an index card and put it in the box beside her office door. The movie will start at 7:00 pm. It'll be fun. They're gonna put air mattresses on the floor and we get to bring our blankets and pillows. They'll also be having snacks which are popcorn, chips, candy, and ice cream ! And after the movie Ms. Booze say's we can slumber out their. " Martha say's excitedly. " Is this opitional ? " I ask hoping it is. Martha nods then  say's " But not for you. I'm making sure you come. " I sigh and agree. I originally didn't want to go. I mean the idea sounds cool and all but i just need some time away from everybody to think. But i guess the least i can do is go since it's a favor for Martha. " I'm bored " Martha say's. " Me too " I say. " Lets do something exciting " Martha say's. " Be realistic. In our situation we can't " I say a little sadden. " Come with me " Martha say's while grabbing my hand and dragging me to God knows where ! " Where are we going ? " I ask. " Wherever my feet take's us " Martha say's. We end up in front of Ms. Booze's office. " Your feet decides to stop here ? ! " I whisper/shout. " Yep " Martha say's while smiling. She pulls a bobby pin from out of her hair and picks the lock on the door. " Martha whatever you're about to do i ain't in it ! I'm not getting in trouble again " I say spazzing out. " Kayla we're picking a lock not stabbing a boy in the back. Theirs a huge difference. " Martha say's. I roll my eyes. We hear the door click. " Yes " Martha say's. She opens the door and pulls me in. " What are we gonna do in here ? " I whisper. " Shh " Martha say's agitated. I sigh and sit down on the couch and close my eyes. " Kayla wake up " Martha say's. i open my eyes sigh then say " I was never asleep " Martha rolls her eyes and say's " Come look. I discovered a door. " " Where did that come from ? " I ask. " I pulled on this book and then all of a sudden the whole bookshelf changed into some wide door " Martha say's. " Cool " I say. " is that all you have to say ? " Martha ask. " Yep " I say while sitting back down on the couch and closing my eyes. She rolls her eyes. The door is one of those doors that you can get in if you know the password. It's numbers btw. " Kayla come in. I opened it. " Martha say's. " I open my eyes and get up quick and ask " How ? " " I don't know i just clicked random numbers until it opened. Unfortunately i don't remember what i clicked. " Martha say's. " Unfortunately ? That's a good thing. That  means we don't have to do this again " I say. Martha rolls her eyes and pulls me in. As soon as she shuts the door we end up on the top of a staircase. " Kayla. We're going to stay together. We'll walk side by side. " Martha say's a little nervous. " No disagreement their " I say. We walk down the stairs to find an elevator door. " Martha i'm going back " I say about to go back up the stairs until Martha pulls me back. " Martha we're going to get into trouble " I say. " Just please stop whining and go with the flow " Martha say's while pushing the elevator button. I sigh and go in. The doors open up and we step out on top of the building. It's already night time. " Wow " Martha say's. It's a pretty scenary. Night sky, Bright stars, warm summer breeze, and quiet. We both hear movement behind the elevator. We both look at each other. Martha walks behind the elevator like a boss. She waves me over. I sigh and go. We find a boy sleeping. African American, chubby, tall, and has a high top.  Martha taps him. " Martha ! What the hell are you doing ? ! " I ask. She ignores me and continues tapping him. He starts groan and then he opens his eyes. " Who are you guys ? " He ask. " Um, i'm Martha and this is one of my best friend Kayla. You ? " Martha say's. " My names Dante " Dante say's. " So whatcha doin up here ? " Martha ask. " Long story " Dante say's. " We've all the time in the world " Martha say's. I look at her like she's crazy. Dante takes out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. " Um, may i have one ? " Martha ask while she sits beside him. " Martha are you trying to kill yourself ? ! " I ask. " OH so you can talk ? " Dante ask. I glare at him. " Relax Kayla, you can have one too " Martha say's while putting the cigarette to her mouth and Dante lighting it up for her. She inhales then takes it out and starts coughing out a lot of smoke. " See ! That's what your ass gets ! " I say as i try and take away the cigarette then she burns me. " OW ! " I say as i pull my hand away. " You can't just take away my cigarette. " Martha say's. I groan and sit down in front of them too. " Damn girl, you need to relax " Dante say's. " Don't fuckin talk to me like you've known me for years " I say. " KAYLA ! That's no way to make an first impression " Martha say's. I roll my eyes. " So, explain your story " Martha say's. " Alright well i've actually been a patient here before. I came here when i was 6. And i did not like my first year here. I believe the warden was Ms. Robbinson at the time. She didn't like me. She kept me seperated from all the other patients. My parents brung me here because im a psychopath. I murdered everybody in my family besides my parents and little sister. I don't give a shit about my parents. I just let them live because they gave me shelter, food, and clothes. But my sister she is the only person i truly love. When i was 7 that's when i escaped from this hellhole. I started livin up here. Now im 16. " Dante say's. " Wow. 10 years by yourself. I can never survive that " Martha say's while sniffling. " Are you really crying ? " I ask. " Yes Kayla ! His story made me very emotional. " Martha say's wiping her tears with her sleeves. " You're feeling sympathy for a person you don't even know ! " I say. " Oh, but you can cry when Michael Jackson died " Martha say's. I don't respond. " Why do you hate me ? " Dante ask. I raised my eyebrows because it caught me off gaurd. " I don't hate you just i have no reason to like or dislike you. I don't know you " I say feeling bad for making him feel that way. Dante nods and say's " I understand " I look towards Martha and she is sleeping on Dante's shoulder. " Sorry bout that. " I say. He nods. " So are you always up here ? " I ask. " Yep. I only leave when have to go get stuff but basically this is where i live. " Dante say's. " Well it's getting late so i betta take her. " I say. He nods. I shake her but she doesn't wake up so i try carrying her. That didn't work. Until Dante steps in said he'll do it. " Thanks " I say. He nods. He is carrying her bridal style. We go in the elevator, walk down the steps and i push the button for the the door to appear. " 1738 " Dante say's. I click the numbers and it opened. " Thanks " I say walking in. He places her on the couch. Luckily Ms. Booze isn't here. Dante starts leaving. " Um, wait ! " I say. He turns around and ask " What ? " " Um, i wanted to say sorry. I didn't mean to offend you but it appeared that way. Can we start over ? " I ask hopeful. He gives me a smile and nods. I smile and say " Hi my name is Kayla. Nice to meet you. " Dante smiles and say's " Hi my name is Dante. Nice to meet you too " We laugh and hug. Then he leaves. " You like him ? " Martha ask. I jump and say " Please don't scare me like that again and no " She nods and gets up. " Wait when did you wake up ? " I ask. " When you said um, wait " Martha say's. " Do you like him ? " I ask. " I thought you were in a rush to get back in our cells " Martha say's trying to change the subject. " No don't you try and change the subject. Do you like him or not ? " I ask while smirking. " I do. I know i don't know him that well but i plan on to. " Martha say's while blushing. " Aww. I'm so happy for you " I say while hugging her. The opens and Ms. Booze comes in. " Ladies ! What are you doing here ? ! It's bedtime " Ms. Booze say's. " We came to turn in our votes but then we decided to come in and say hi but you weren't in here " I say. She nods and say's " Oh. Well hello " " Hey " Martha and i say in harmony. " Well goodnight " ,Ms. Booze say's. " Night " Martha and i say in harmony. We leave and i tell Martha goodnight and we go to our cells. Surprisingly today was an interesting day. 

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