Chapter 17: A Fun Day Out !

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I woke up around 1:00pm. I went to the courtyard to see Martha and Dante eating each others faces. " Dante keep doin that you'll get sick too " I said. The lovebirds departed and Martha smiled at me and said " No he won't because i'm all better now. " " Yay ! " I say while hugging her. " So how's Ms. Booze ? " Dante asked. " She's unresponsive right now. Her doctor said it'll take her some months for her to recover. " I said. " Who will be taking her place for these months ? " Martha asked. " The guards " I said. They nodded. " How did it feel to be on the news Dante ? " I asked. " I loved every moment of it. Anything that involves me bein infront of a camera i'll enjoy doin it. " Dante say's with s big smile on his face. " Oh really ? Why's that ? " Martha asked. " I want to be a actor. It's been my dream since i was 3. Well according to my mom. " Dante say's losing his smile. " Keep that cute smile of yours up. Keep believin that you'll become a actor. You have the traits of one too. " I said." Oh really ? What are those traits ? " Dante asked unconvinced. " Your hot, confident, funny, smart, and so much more. " Martha said. Dante started to blush. A guard came up to us and told Martha to get dress. " Why ? " Martha asked. " Your mom is here to take you out. " The guard said. Martha's eyes widen. She ran into the hospital with Dante and i running after her. We followed her into her cell. " I'm gonna ask my mom if you guy's can come along. " Martha say's while going into her cell. " OK  well Dante and i will wait in the dining room. " I said while walking away. " Aww, but i wanted to see the show. " Dante said while pouting. Martha laughed and said " No ! Go away you perv ! " I laughed and dragged Dante away from Martha's cell. " You know Martha's parents are fine wit her dating. So she'll be introducin you to her mom as boyfriend. Are you nervous ? " I asked. Dante signed and said " Honestly yes i am. I don't think her parents will like. " " Aww, why's that ? " I asked. " I'm afraid that i'll make a bad impression. " Dante said. " I think you'll be fine. Just be yourself. If her parents don't like you then it really doesn't matter. As long as Martha is happy wit you. " I say trying to ease his nerves. Martha comes in the dining room wearing a pink button up shirt, black skirt that stops mid-thigh, and pink converse. Her hair was let down. " Wow, you look gorgeous " Dante said. Martha blushed and said " Thank you. Come with me to the lobby. " Dante gulped and i put my hand on his shoulder to let him know he'll be fine. We arrived in the lobby and Martha's mom was looking out the window. " MOMMY ! " Martha screamed while running towards her with her arms open. " MARTHA ! " Ms. Williams shouted. They hugged each very tightly. They both started crying. Dante and i were just standing there awkwardly. They departed and Martha pushed us up front to make our presence known. " Hey Ms. Williams " I say while hugging her. " Kayla, It's so good to see you. " Ms. Williams said. " Mom, this is Dante, my boyfriend. " Martha said while pushing Dante forward. Ms. Williams puts her hand out for him to shake. Dante shakes her and hand and say's " Well i see where your daughter get's her looks from. You both are gorgeous. " Martha and her mom blushed. " Mom can Kayla and Dante come along ? " Martha asked with puppy dog eyes. Ms. Williams chuckled and said " If the guards are OK wit this. I've no problem. " We all smiled and Martha said " All you have to do is tell the guards and sign the papers. " " Alright. I'll get right on it. " Ms. Williams said. While Ms. Williams went to the front desk Dante and i went to our cells to change. I changed into blue jeans, a black sweater that has a butterfly on it, and Timberlands. I put my hair in a high ponytail. When i was finished getting ready i started walking to the lobby. Dante wasn't there yet. Ms. Williams was done signing the papers. " So what will we be doing today ? " I asked. " We'll be going to the movies to see Deadpool and after that we'll go to my house for dinner. Sounds OK to you ? " Ms. Williams asked. " Better than being here. " I say with a smile. Dante came out wearing army decorated jeans with a gray plain sweater and grey and black Jordans. We all went in Ms. Williams grey Honda car. Martha sat in the front seat with her mom while Dante and i sat in the back. " Smells like dog in here " Dante said. Martha shot him a glare. " Not saying that's a bad thing. " Dante said. Ms. Williams laughs and say's " I'm sorry the smell is strong i didn't get a chance to clean my car after Maggie my dog went to the vet. " " Is she OK ? " Martha  asked concerned. " Yes, she's fine. It was just a check-up. " Ms. Williams said. We arrived at the movie theater in 15 minutes. " Any snacks you guys want ? " Ms. Williams asked. " A large popcorn. I'll share with Dante and Kayla. " Martha said. " OK, no problem. " Ms. Williams said. After she bought the large popcorn we went into the room. We arrived when the commercials started playing. We all sat in the back. I sat beside Ms. Williams beside her was Martha beside her was Dante. Throughout the movie we kept passing the bucket of popcorn. When the movie finished Martha wanted me to go in the bathroom with her. " What's up ? " I asked. " Do you think my mom likes Dante ? " Martha asked. " She seems to be acting normal so i guess she's cool with him " I say with a shrug. Martha signs and say's " OK, thanks for your opinion. " " No problem " I say with a reassuring smile. We leave out the bathroom and walk to the car. From a distance we see Ms. Williams and Dante laughing together about something. " See. He's fine. " I say. Martha seems to be a little more convinced. It is now 5:00pm and we're going to Martha's house. " So Dante why do love Martha ? " Ms. Williams asked. " I love Martha because she took my heart unexpectedly. She is different than other girls. She understands me and i can tell her anything without feeling fear. We just click. " Dante say's while blushing. " Aww, that is one of the sweetest comments i've ever heard. Dante i approve. You make my daughter happy and that's all that matters to me. I seen the way you two were acting in the theater. Reminds me of me and my husband at your age. " Ms. Williams say while blushing. Martha glances at Dante and gives him a smile. We arrive at Martha's at 5:30pm. " Honey we're home along with some guest " Ms. Williams shouts upstairs. Mr. Williams comes down stairs and gives us all a smile. " I'm so happy to see all of you guys. Martha gives her dad a big hug. I hug him too. " Who's this fella ? " Mr. Williams ask while looking at Dante. " Dad, this is Dante, my boyfriend. " Martha say's while smiling. A flash of anger spread on Mr. Williams face for a second then it changed to a fake happy face. " That's great honey. Lets go eat now dinner is finished. We're eating leftover Christmas dinner which was mac and cheese, greens, ham, potato salad, dinner rolls, and stuffing. " This looks delicious " Dante say's. " Thank you Dante " Ms. Williams said. We all sat down at the table started to dig in. Everyone seemed happy but Mr. Williams. " Honey what's wrong ? " Ms. Williams asked. Mr. Williams shook his head and took a sip of his lemonade. " Dad it's OK you can talk about it " Martha say's. " Why ? Why now ? Why him ? You can do so much better Martha. I told you to date a rich person. But no you did exactly opposite of what i said. You chose to date a fat, stupid, poor, black guy instead. " Mr. Williams said. " LEON ! THAT IS INCREDIBLY RUDE OF YOU ! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO JUDGE HIM ! YOU ARE NO BETTER ! I AM SO ASHAMED OF YOU ! Dante i am so sorry on his behalf. " Ms. Williams say's. The table was quiet. Martha inhaled then exhaled then said " I am ashamed that you are my father. I honestly prefer to have no dad then you. We're leaving now and never coming back. " All of us stood up and left the house. Dante was crying. " Dante i am so sorry. I did not know that he would be that rude. What he said to you is untrue. You don't have to be rich for me to love you, just because you have on extra weight doesn't stop me from loving you because look at me i'm not the fittest either, i don't see color i see personality, and your not stupid if anything your one of the most smartest people i know. " Martha say's comforting him. I am so speechless right now to the whole situation. We're still in Martha's neighborhood. I don't why but all of a sudden i felt the urge to cuss Mr. DickHead out. So that's exactly what i'm gonna do. I started running back to her house. Martha called for me but i ignored her and still kept running. He needed to hear what i had to say. When i arrived at her house i bust through the door went into the kitchen and said " YOU KNOW WHAT I NEED TO SAY RIGHT NOW, I NEED TO SAY THAT YOU ARE ONE OF THE MOST STUPIDEST PEOPLE HAVE RAN INTO, I'VE SEEN SMARTER PEOPLE AT MY HOSPITAL THAN YOU BUT WE'RE THE ONE'S CALLED MENTAL, WHAT YOU JUST DID WAS LOSE YOUR DAUGHTER, WHAT YOU SAID WAS TOTALLY NOT CALLED FOR AND MEAN, NOW YOUR GONNA LIVE WITH THE GUILT OF YOU LOSING YOUR DAUGHTER BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU MAKE ME SICK TO MY STOMACH, I HOPE YOU HAVE A CHANGE OF HEART ONE AND MAN UP TO YOUR WRONG DOINGS AND APOLOGIZE TO THEM TWO, IF YOU DON'T JUST KNOW THAT YOUR DECISION NOT TO APOLOGIZE MAKES YOU A COWARD ! " After that i stormed out the house. Martha's parents faces were so shocked and scared. I kinda shocked and scared myself too. i've never been that angry before. When i went to where Dante and Martha was they were standing with their jaws to the floor. " What ? " I asked. " We heard you all the way over here " Martha said. My eyes widen. " I did not know i was that loud " I said shocked. " Thank you both for comforting and standing up for me " Dante said. " No problem " I said. " I'll never let anyone talk down about you babe " Martha said before kissing him. Dante kissed back. Then they forgot i was even there. They were gonna eat each other's faces if i didn't stop them. I cleared my throat to let them know that i was still there. They pulled away their faces both blushing. " I know the perfect place to go to lighten up our moods. " Martha say's. " Which is ? " I ask. " You'll see " Martha say's. Martha whispers in Dante's ear. " Oh come on. That's not fair. How come he gets to know but not me ? " I ask in a whining voice. They both laugh and i give them an annoyed face. " If you guys don't tell me i'll stop talking to you guys for the rest of the day. " I say with an eyebrow raised. " You won't last " Dante says. " My last words to you guys are you guys are jerks " I say while locking my mouth and throwing out the key. Martha rolls her eyes playfully and say's " We gotta go now. " " We're gonna get there by foot ? " Dante asked. " No " Martha say's. " Then what's our ride ? " Dante asked. " Um " Martha say's while thinking. " I have an idea. How bout we ask one of your neighbors ? " Dante say's. I put my thumb up when a taxi driver is in sight. The lovebirds didn't notice i was trying to get us a ride since they went back to boo loving each other again. When the taxi cab stopped in front of us i signed and said " IF YOU GUYS REALLY LOVE ME THEN YOU GUYS WILL STOP LOVING EACH OTHER THROUGH PHYSICAL CONTACT IN FRONT OF ME ! " They stopped kissing and started laughing. " Our plan worked " Dante said while he highfived Martha. " What plan ? " I asked confused. " I told Martha that we can get you to talk again if we showed PDA in front of you. " Dante say's while laughing. " Ha ha ha very funny "  I say while going inside the car. They followed. " Where to ? " The driver asked. Martha whispered in the driver's ear. " Seriously guys even the driver knows. I'll eventually figure out where since i'll be going. I'll just have to wait. " I say while pouting. " Then wait " Dante and Martha said in harmony. I crossed my arms and faced the window. Eventually i ended up falling asleep. When i awoke it was dark outside and we parked. " What time is it ? " I asked. " 10:00pm " The driver said. " What took us so long ? " I asked confused. " There was traffic " The driver said. " If you were awake you would've seen it " Dante say's.  I stick my tongue out and get out the car. " WAIT ! " Martha and Dante say together. " What ? " I ask confused. " You need this " Martha say's while taking a blindfold out her purse. I gave her a doubtful look. " Trust me " Martha said. I nodded. Dante paid the driver while Martha put the blindfold on me. " OW ! " I said when Martha tied the blindfold behind my head. " I feel sorry for your feet when you tie your shoes " I say while linking arms with Martha. She laughs and we start to walk. I have no idea where i am and that annoys me. " Are you guys killing me ? " I ask playfully. " Yeah. We're meeting up with Jason so he can help us. " Dante say's. I chuckle and continue walking. When i got in the building all i heard was loud Dubstep music and people cheering. " OK we're not gonna take off your blindfold yet. " Martha say's. " Why the hell not ? " I ask getting agitated. " You'll see " Martha say's. We walked on what i think is a stage and then they sit me in a chair. " OK i'll take it off in 3...2....1 " Martha say's. The blindfold went off and i was in front of i think a gay stripper. My eyes widen. The crowd cheered. Martha winked at me then got off the stage. I can't believe where i am right now. A gay strip club. Dante and Martha were sitting at the table right in front of the stage. " Hey cutie. My name is Glitter and i'm gonna give the best show you have ever seen so i just want you to sit back relax and enjoy the show " Glitter say's while winking at me. Glitter was wearing nothing but a thong. Glitter was right he did give me the best performance ever. He gave me a lap dance and pole dance. At the end of his performance he blew a horn in my face that sprayed glitter on me. I see how he got his name. When he was done dancing  he grabbed my hand and walked me to the front of the stage. We bowed and smiled at the crowd. Dante and Martha were getting a good laugh out of this. Glitter walked me off the stage and i gave him a hug and told him thank you. " No problem surgarbuns " Glitter say's as he walks backstage. I go to the table where Martha and Dante were at. " I'm going to get you guys back " I said. " Why ? This is a favor we did you. " Martha said. " Don't act like you didn't enjoy it " Dante said. I smiled and gave in. " OK OK OK. I had fun " I said. They clapped. I laughed and said " The time is 11:20pm. Lockdown is at 12:00am. We gotta go. " I say. They nod and we left out the club.

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