Chapter 36: Williams Reunion

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I am sitting in the dining room bored. There's some cartoon playing that i'm not into. I sigh and decide to go into Ms. Robinson's office. I enter her office to find Ms. Robinson shuffling through a lot of papers looking stressed. Alyson is giving her nudges on her leg with her nose. " What's wrong ? " I ask sitting on the couch. " Kayla, i would love to chat with you but right now is not a great time " Ms. Robinson says. " OK " I say getting up and walking to the door. " We'll talk later on today. Can you do me a favor ? " Ms. Robinson says. " Sure, what is it ? " I say. " Can you walk Alyson around in the courtyard ? I have parents coming over and she needs to go out " Ms. Robinson says. " OK " I say grabbing Alyson's leash. I put the leash on her and walk out into the courtyard. I see Mark swinging on a swing. He looks at me for a quick second then looks down. I drop Alyson's leash and let her roam the courtyard. She goes over to some bush and starts sniffing. I walk over to the swing beside Mark and sit on it. " Playground looks nice. Don't ya think ? " I say breaking the silence. Mark stops swinging and says " What you want ? " " To talk " I say. " What is there to talk about ? " Mark ask. " Us " I say. " What made you have a change of heart ? " Mark ask. " I just need to know what you have to say to me before i leave ? " I say. " Kayla, i never meant to hurt you. I hate seeing you hurt " Mark says. " If you hate seeing me hurt then you wouldn't have dumped me " I spat. A guard comes in the courtyard and tells me i have a visitor. " Kayla, i still need to talk to you " Mark says. I roll my eyes and get off the swing. " Hey, do me a favor " I say. " Yeah " Mark says. " Take Alyson back to Ms. Robinson's office when you come back in " I say walking with the guard. Mark's face looked a little disappointed when he heard the favor but nodded. I see Anthony in the lobby. " Hey, what's up ? " I say. " I'll explain in the car. Just get ready " Anthony says. I nod and go back to my cell to change. When finished i meet Anthony in the lobby again. We go out into his car. " What's up ? " I ask. " My sister called me yesterday night and told me that my mom wants everyone to come to her birthday party today " " I thought your family disowned you " I say. " They did but apparently my mom wants to fix that " Anthony says. " How do you feel about this ? " I ask. " I'm nervous actually. Haven't seen them since i graduated college " Anthony says. " Oh wow. Did you buy your mom a gift ? " I say. " Bought her a cook book on Italian food since she loves experimenting with food and she's Italian " Anthony says. " I didn't know you were Italian. You sound so American " I say shocked. Anthony laughs and says " Not all Italians sound like their singing " " Well all sounds great but why am i here ? " I say. " I told my sister about me adopting you and she said that i might as well bring you along since you are about to be apart of the family " Anthony says. I nod and say " What is your family like ? " " They are very crazy. My mom is very kind and lovable, Dad is uptight and stubborn, my older sister Angelina, is outgoing and rebellious, her husband, my brother in law Luke, is very secretive and reserved, my grandma is very wise and filled with many funny stories, and there is Angelina and Luke's daughter Cherry, who is your age. Those are all the people that are going to be there " Anthony says. " I'm nervous " I say. " I am too. We are in this together " Anthony says. We arrive Anthony's parents house in about 40 minutes. Their house is very small but adorable. There are lots flowers in the yard and on the front porch. They also have a statue of the birth of Jesus in their yard. " My dad likes people to call him Grayson, which is his name " Anthony says. " Thanks for the tip. Anything else i need to know ? " I say. " Not really just be prepared to hear some embarrassing stories from my grandma about me " Anthony says. I laugh and get out the car. Anthony and i walk onto the front porch. Anthony sighs before ringing the doorbell. Anthony rings the doorbell and we wait for an answer. We hear a dog barking from inside. " You have a dog ? " I ask. " Not that i know of " Anthony says just as shocked. A women who looks exactly like Anthony answers the door. She is pulling back a German Shepard who is trying to jump on us. " Glad you can make it come in " She says moving out the doorway. We come in and i shut the door. " LUKE ! COME GET HARLEY ! OUR GUEST IS HERE ! " She screams up the staircase. Luke comes down the stairs and grabs Harley's collar and pulls him upstairs. " Sorry bout that. I'm Angelina. You must be Kayla " Angelina says giving me a hug. " Yep, that's me " I say. " And you ! You lost so much weight ! Good for you ! " Angelina says to Anthony giving him a light punch in the arm. Anthony chuckles and says " Does Luke still hate me ? " " Luke doesn't hate you, Anthony. He just doesn't care for you " Angelina says crossing her arms. " Sounds the same " Anthony says. Angelina sighs and says " Follow me into the kitchen. Mom and Grayson are waiting to see you " We follow her into the kitchen that has the smell of pasta, cheese, garlic, bread, anything Italian. The stove is filled with pots and pans. There's a banner across the kitchen entry saying Happy Birthday Mommy. The two people who i believe are his parents are sitting at the kitchen table. His mom is short, chubby, tan, and curly brown hair that stops at the bottom of her face. His dad is average height, skinny, pale, and has a very huge scary looking mustache. " Happy Birthday Mom " Anthony says walking to his mom and hugging her. " Oh my gosh ! What happened to my Fat Ant ? " Ms. Williams says hugging Anthony. " He's been gone for 5 years now " Anthony says. " I'm so happy you're here ! I missed you so much ! " Ms. Williams says. Anthony gives her a smile and looks at his dad. " Grayson, it's great to see you " Anthony says. Grayson continues reading his newspaper ignoring Anthony's greeting. " Grayson, don't be like that " Ms. Williams says hitting his arm. Grayson gets up and walks out the kitchen. " I'm sorry, Anthony " Ms. Williams says. Anthony nods and says " This is Kayla. She'll be my adopted daughter in 2 months " Anthony softly pushes me in front of him. Ms. Williams walks to me and gives me a hug and says " Welcome to the family " I nod and smile. " Mom, where's grandma ? " Anthony ask. " She's in her room taking a nap " Ms. Williams says. A girl who is around my age comes into the kitchen. She is very tall, has long blonde hair, brown eyes, and very bony. " Uncle Ant, where you been ? " She says. " Been around. How are you, Cherry ? " Anthony ask. " Fine. Is she my cousin ? " Cherry ask pointing at me. " Soon to be " Anthony says. " Awesome. So what's your name ? " Cherry ask me. " Kayla. I like your name by the way " I say. " Thanks " Cherry says. Angelina comes into the kitchen and starts working on the food. " How bout you guys get to know each other before dinner ? " Anthony says. " That would've been cool but i'm about to go out " Cherry says. " Where could you possibly be going on your grandma's birthday ? " Angelina ask. " Dominique's place. I'll be back for dinner, it's only 2:20 " Cherry says. " Uh, i think not. You're staying here " Angelina says. " Mom, what's the big deal ? " Cherry ask. " Uh, the big deal is it's your grandma's birthday and you barely see her " Angelina says. " Mom, i will spend time with her tonight " Cherry says. " The answer is no " Angelina says sternly. " Ugh ! That's why Dad and i hate you ! " Cherry spats and storms out the kitchen. " I'm sorry mama " Angelina says. " No need for apologies. You were like that too " Ms. Williams says. I turn to Anthony and ask " Where's the bathroom ? " " Take the stairs which will lead you to the hallway, it'll be the first door on the left " Anthony says. I nod and go up the stairs into the bathroom. When i was done i didn't want to immediately go downstairs. I was giving myself a tour. I walked into what i believe was the master bedroom since the room seemed so big and had a bathroom attached to the room. " What'd you take ? " Cherry ask scaring me with arms crossed. It did look like i stole something since i was admiring the jewelry box and had a pearl necklace in my hand. " I promise you it's not what it looks like. I was just admiring. I don't have anything " I say putting the necklace back. Cherry comes up to me and gives me a pat down. " Why are you even in here ? " Cherry ask. " Just taking a tour " I say. " Then i'll be your guide. I don't trust you " Cherry says walking out the room. I follow her out the room into the hallway. She walks to a room in the back. The room was painted light purple, with cheetah theme everywhere, such as the bed sheets, wall, rug, and love seat. " Is this your room ? " I ask. " Yep and that's all for your tour " Cherry says sitting on her bed and opening her laptop. " Um, well you have a nice bedroom. I'm gonna go back downstairs now " I say about to walk out. Cherry beats me to the door and says " No your not. Anthony told me to get to know you better so that's exactly what i'm about to do. Now go sit down " I sit on a bean bag chair. Cherry closes her laptop and grabs her cell phone. She calls a number and waits anxiously for an answer. " Hey mom said i couldn't come over but you can still expect me. I'll be over in 20 minutes.......OK see ya " Cherry says on the phone. " I thought you were gonna get to know me " I say confused. " I we go over to Dominique's. We'll go out the window. Your not a snitch are you ? " Cherry says. I shake my head. " OK, great " Cherry says going into her closet. " Is it really important for you to see her today ? " I ask. " Are you punking out ? " Cherry says through the closet door. " No just i think it'll be better if you just stayed here " I say. " I never asked for a suggestion. We're going " Cherry says coming out the closet. She's wearing a black skirt that stops mid thigh, light pink tank top with the word careless in black bold letters on it, with black combat boots. Her hair is in a high ponytail. " I'm confused on why i have to go " I say. " Because i don't trust you to not tell Anthony or my parents that i'm gone " Cherry says grabbing her light brown purse. " Is there a specific reason for you to see her or you just want to hang out ? " I ask. " You talk too much. That's none of your business. Now lets go " Cherry says walking to the window. " It's nothing in it for me so no. No one's the boss of me so i can do what i want and i don't wanna go " I say crossing my arms and legs. " Ugh, come on Kayla, i'll make sure you have fun on your first time sneaking out " Cherry says. " You have no idea how many times i've done this before " I say shaking my head. " I don't know why your making this a big deal then " Cherry says. " Every time i'm out it doesn't turn out well " I say. " I'll pay you " Cherry says. " I have no use for money " I say. " What 16 year old girl has no use for money ? " Cherry ask shocked. I don't answer her question. " Fine, then what can i do for you ? " Cherry says. " I'll think of something " I say getting up. Cherry opens the window and goes onto the roof with me following behind her. Cherry crawls to the edge of the roof and tells me " Stay there " Cherry looks below and turns to me saying " Coast clear " She climbs down the ladder with me going after her. We start walking on the sidewalk. " So how did you and Anthony meet ? " Cherry ask. " Rather not say " I say. " Were you working on the streets ? If you know what i mean " Cherry ask shocked. " No, i don't do that " I say. " Then how did you guys meet ? " Cherry ask. " How long do you plan on staying out ? " I ask trying to get her to drop the question. Cherry does an eye roll and says. " We'll be over there until dinner " " So where are you staying now ? " Cherry ask. " Can we not talk about me ? " I ask. " Anthony told me to get to know you so that's what i'm trying to do " Cherry says. I sigh and say " I'm a patient at WillyWood " " Isn't that where all the crazies are at ? " I glance at her then look away. " Sorry, i mean special people " I roll my eyes and say " Yeah, that's what that place is known for " " I thought people are trapped in there. How are you here right now ? " Cherry says. " WillyWood isn't as strict as most people would think plus i think me being friendly with the warden helps out a lot for me " I say. " I would've never known you were a mental patient, you don't seem crazy " Cherry says. " Thanks. I was put in at a very young age for anger issues " I say. " That sucks. Do you still suffer from that today ? " Cherry ask. " I believe i calmed down " I say. Eventually we arrive at an average size house on a dead end. Cherry and i walk on the front porch and a door swings open. A girl that is about 5'6, very tan, Miley Cyrus haircut, chubby, with green eyes, wearing a white tank top with the Eiffel Tower on it with PINK pajama pants greets us at the door. " I'm so glad your here " Dominique says while hugging Cherry. Cherry hugs back and says " Can't spend the night though, it's my grandma's birthday " Dominique pulls away from the hug and says " It's fine. Who's she ? " " My soon to be cousin. Had to take her along. Don't worry she won't be trouble " Cherry says. Dominique nods and lets us in. " Stay in here and don't touch anything " Dominique says leading me onto the living room couch. " Can i at least watch some TV ? " I ask. Dominique hands me the remote and then goes upstairs with Cherry. Cherry gives me a glance before disappearing from sight. 

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