Chapter 30: A Day With Levi

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It's the next day which is the first day of February. I woke up at 7:30am and left to go in the cafeteria. I greeted Mark and Martha in line. Today we're having pancakes and bacon. " You ready for your day with Levi ? " Martha ask getting her tray. " No " I say getting my tray. Mark get's his tray and we all walk to our table. " What're you doing ? You don't sit here today. That's your table " Martha says pointing at Levi's table. I roll my eyes and hug Martha and kiss Mark. I walk over to Levi's table. Levi and his 2 friends stare at me when i arrive. " Is it alright if i sit here ? " I ask. " Yeah " Levi says scooting over. I sit down beside him and start to eat my food. " So your the girl Levi always talks about ? " A blonde hair boy ask. Levi glares at him and says " Kayla these are my friends Laurence and Russell " Laurence is the blonde hair one and Russell is the red head. " Nice to meet you guys " I say. " A pleasure meeting you " Russell says winking at me. " Guys chill out. She's taken " Levi says. " Aww " Laurence and Russell says in harmony. " Can i talk to you in private ? " Levi ask. " Uh sure " I say. Levi takes my hand and walks out the cafeteria. Mark eyeballs him. We go in the dining room. We both sit on the couch. " What's wrong ? " I ask. " Why'd you come to my table ? " Levi ask. I sigh and say " You want me to say a lie that'll make you feel good or the truth that'll make you even more irritated at me ? " " Truth please " Levi says. " Martha dared me to spend a whole day with you " I say. " Oh. Well lets get back to the cafeteria " Levi says getting up. " Can you not make this awkward ? " I ask. " How am i making this awkward ? " Levi ask turning around. " Our last encounter with each other was at the New Year's dance which didn't end well " I say. Levi sighs and sits back down on the couch. " Kayla i'm sorry. My behavior was totally inappropriate. I understand the fact that i can never have you but that still hasn't stopped my feelings towards you. I've hated myself even more after that event knowing i hurt and scared you. I am so fucked up that i even began cutting myself. So i am sorry Kayla for making this awkward. I'll try to make things seem normal and perfect just for you " Levi says while a tear falls from his eyes. I hug Levi and say " Levi i am so sorry. I had no idea. I am truly sorry. I don't know the feeling of loving someone that doesn't love you back but i want you to know that i want to be your friend. That's ok if you don't want to be friends. I've never gotten the chance to actually get to know you and i want to. Please stop cutting. You said earlier that you don't want to hurt me. Cutting yourself hurts me. I don't want anything bad happening to you. I'm sorry i did not return the feelings. I may have lied to you in the past but i am not lying now. I mean every single word i said " Levi starts bawling tears. His head in my chest while i'm rubbing my hand on his back. " Shh. It's ok. I forgive you. I hope you forgive me too " I say. Levi looks at me and gives me a smile. " It seems like every time we talk i fall for you even more " Levi says. I smile and get a box of tissues. " Clean yourself. We gotta get back to the cafeteria " I say. Levi wipes his tears and blows his nose. " Thank you " Levi says. " For ? " I ask. " Making me feel better and giving me a chance to be your friend " Levi says. " No problem " I say. We walk back into the cafeteria and sit at our table. " What were you guys doing ? Took you forever to get back " Laurence says. " We're just talking " I say. I look at my tray and notice my bacon is missing. " I don't remember eating any of my bacon " I say. " I ate it. Sorry i'm crazy about bacon " Russell says. I playfully roll my eyes and say " That's ok. I don't like their bacon anyway " We finish eating our breakfast. RING RING RING. We dump our trays. " What're you guys gonna do now ? " I ask. " We was gonna go in the dining room to watch the Star Wars marathon but plans changed since your with us " Levi says. " I'm sorry. You guys can go watch Star Wars. I'll just take a nap " I say. " It's not a bad thing your here. We're gonna do what you wanna do. We seen all the episodes anyway " Levi says. " Oh ok. Well i don't have any plans so don't depend on me to entertain yall " I say. " Guys can we take her to The Room ? " Levi ask. " What ? No ! Only we go in there " Laurence says. " I think we should. We have nothing else to do and she seems cool " Russell says. " When we first discovered The Room it was a promise all three of us made saying no one but us goes in there " Laurence says. " Your out voted. Two say yes one says no " Russell says. " Wait we haven't even asked Kayla if she wants to go to The Room " Levi says. They all face me. " Well do you ? " Laurence ask. I nod and say " If that's ok. I don't want to cause any problems " " HA ! Your out voted. Three over one " Russell says. Laurence rolls his eyes and says " Whatever " We walk to Levi's cell and a guard lets us in. " How we gonna go in The Room if your guards there ? " Russell ask. " I got this " Levi says. Levi walks up to the bars and says " Hey Rory, did you check on Ms. Simpson today ? " " Oh no i didn't Levi. I'm gonna go do it now " Rory says leaving. " Why does Rory have to check on Ms. Simpson ? " I ask confused. " Rory has a thing for Ms. Simpson. He checks on her everyday " Levi says. " That's cute " I say. " Your such a girl " Laurence says. " But you love em " Russell says. " Guys lets go before Rory comes back " Levi says. " Oh right " Laurence says. They all grab an edge of the bed and move it out. Behind the bed was a hole. It's dark and scary looking. " Let's go let's go let's go " Levi says. Levi gestures for me to go in first. " I know it's dark and scary looking but trust me it's safe " Levi says. I nod and go in the hole. " Just keep crawling. We're right behind you " Levi says. I do as he says. " Nice ass " Russell says from behind me. I turn around and slap him. " Levi told you in the beginning i'm taken. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend. You don't know how to treat a girl ! If that was your idea of a compliment then you failed. Try taking some notes on how to be a gentleman than taking notes on how to be a cool kid " I say turning around and continuing to crawl. " Russell you need some water cuz you just got burned " Laurence says laughing. I keep crawling until i feel a door. Levi gets in front of me and says " Sorry about Laurence and Russell. They're really cool guys. They just start misbehaving around girls since they're not around them much " I chuckle and say " It's alright. What's behind this door ? " " The Room " Levi says. Levi pulls a key from out his pocket and unlocks the door. Levi opens the door and there's a ladder to climb so you can go down. I look down then scoot back. " What's taking you so long ? Go " Russell says. " I'm scared of heights " I say. " Oh come on. It's not even that high " Laurence says. " You guys go on down. I'll help Kayla get down " Levi says. Laurence and Russell go down the ladder. " What's in The Room ? " I ask. " Nothing too exciting. It's sorta like our clubhouse " Levi says. " Oh " I say. " You ready ? " Levi ask. I nod. Levi goes down the ladder a few steps and says " I'll be right behind you. Just climb " I take a deep breath and nod. I turn around and start to climb down. " There you go. Your fine " Levi says. I finish climbing down and turn back around to see a cool looking room. The Room has a flat screen TV, leather couch, pool table, and colorful lights. " This is awesome ! " I say. Levi chuckles and says " I think so too " " What do you guys do down here ? " I ask. " We just chill. Do what normal teenage boys do " Russell says. " Kayla come with me " Levi says taking my hand. " Are you taking her to the back room ? " Laurence ask. " Yes i am " Levi says. " That's not fair man. How come she gets to see whats back there and we don't ? " Russell ask. " It's my private area. I choose who i want and don't want to go back there " Levi says. Laurence and Russell smack their lips and start to watch TV. Levi takes me to a room in the back. The room is cool looking. It's dark and has fake glowing stars on the ceiling. The carpet is green. The room looks like nighttime outside. " You're the only person i've bought here. I usually come in this room when i feel stressed and need to think. Stars always calm me down " Levi says. " This room is so cool " I say. Levi gives me a smile and lays on the floor. " Come join me " Levi says. I lay on the floor with him. It feels like i'm actually looking up at the stars. " Why'd you bring me in here ? " I ask. " I never get the chance to talk to you so i'm taking advantage of that now " Levi says. " No. I mean why'd you bring me in a place where you only go to ? " I say. " This room is filled with things that make me happy. Give me an escape from the real mean world i sadly live in. Kayla you make me happy and take my mind away from my stress " Levi says looking at me. " That's nice of you to say " I say. " Why don't you love me ? " Levi ask. I look at Levi and say " I barely know you Levi and i love Mark " " Mark is the luckiest guy in the world. If i could be anybody but me it would be Mark. I want to know the feeling of having you in my arms, i want to constantly feel your lips on mines, i want to be the one you go to when feeling down, and i want to grow old with you " Levi says. A tear drops from my eyes and i say " Why do you love me ? I treat you like shit and you still love me and treat me like a princess. Why ? " " I don't know. Why not love you ? Your perfect. The most beautiful girl in the world. Your funny, nice, sweet, and caring. You cover that up with a brick wall but when you get close to people that wall collapses and we see the Kayla we all love " Levi says. " You need to get rid of your feelings for me. I'm sorry Levi but i don't love you and don't know if i'll ever. But don't let this bring you down. I'm positive that there's a girl out there for you way better than me. You just have to be patient " I say. " I will not find that girl, if she even exist. I'm stuck in Hell. The only girl that's good enough for me that i know of is you and i can't have you. Everything i want i can't have. It's just not fair " Levi says. " Levi i know that you'll never get the chance of being my boyfriend but you can get the chance now to cuddle with me " I say. Levi gives me a smile and wraps his arms around me. " This is a dream come true " Levi says. " I heard that one before " I say wrapping my arms around Levi. " From Mark is my guess. But it's true you make dreams come true " Levi says. " You're making me sound so great but i'm not. I'm just an average girl " I say. " Your the only one that thinks your just average " Levi says. " I'm so sorry Levi " I say. " For ? " Levi ask. " Judging you when i didn't even know you. You're such a funny, chill, down to earth guy. How'd you even get in here anyway ? " I say. " Self harm. My parents are very religious people so self harming is a sin. They thought i was crazy so they sent me here " Levi says. " Why'd you self harm ? Sorry. You don't have to answer " I say. " No it's fine. I was depressed. Well i'm still am but working on it. Before i came here i was depressed because of my parents and how they forced religion on me and told me that i wasn't the child they wanted. They mentally abused me. I think they were so angry at me because my twin brother didn't make it. He died during labor. So they took their anger out on me mad that i survived and he didn't " Levi says. " I'm so sorry " I say. " It's fine. One thing i can say i'm happy about is that i'm away from them. So how'd such a smart girl like you get in here ? " Levi says. " Anger issues. My parents did not know how to control me so they sent me here. Never seen them again. I think they were scared of me. My anger would be so scary that i would break furniture, hit people until they bleed, throw objects, or create fire. Coming here though has actually helped me. Not because of the bullshit medication but my best friend and boyfriend " I say. Levi's eyes sadden. " Sorry " I say. " No it's ok. Be proud that you're taken. I am. A perfect girl like you should not be lonely in this scary world " Levi says. I smile and say " I am " Levi rest his chin on my head and i put my head into his chest. His heartbeat was making me sleepy. The door opens and Laurence's head peeks in and he says " Woah sorry guys " He closes the door soon after. Levi's breathing starts to get heavier. " Hey calm down. Maybe he wants us. We should go " I say getting up. " But i wanna stay cuddled with you under the stars " Levi says whining. I playfully roll my eyes and say " Come on big baby. Lets go check on Dumb and Dumber " Levi laughs and gets up. We walk out the room and into the main area. There was a box of pizza on the table that the boys were digging into. " Where'd you guys get that ? " Levi ask. " Laurence stole the pizza from Ms. Simpson. Rory ordered it for her and wrote her a letter with a rose inside the box. Laurence took that out and just took the box " Russell says laughing. " Yeah that's why i went in your room to tell yall it was pizza for dinner but i saw that you two were um yeah you know " Laurence says eating his pizza nervously. " Nothing happened ! " I say. " You call cuddling nothing ? " Russell ask. " You guys act like i cheated or something " I say. " You cuddled with another guy that's not your boyfriend. You probably even gave him a boner ! " Laurence says. " A friendly cuddle ! It meant nothing ! " I say. " To you but to me it meant the world. Thanks guys but i don't want any pizza. Help yourselves " Levi says walking back into his room. I sigh and sit down. " How would you feel if you caught Mark cuddling with some girl ? " Russell ask. " I would be mad at first but i would want to know the story " I say. " Exactly. It's not normal for a taken girl to cuddle with another guy. Be honest did you kiss him or did he kiss you ? " Laurence says. " No. Our lips were no where near each other " I say. Laurence and Russell looked unconvinced but let it go and continued eating their pizza. I walk over to the couch and lay down. " What's wrong with you ? " Russell ask. " I didn't mean to hurt Levi but i was being honest " I say. " When he gets like that there's nothing you can do to cheer him up. He'll come around " Laurence says. I sigh and close my eyes. " Uh Kayla do you want any pizza because Laurence and i are crushing this box " Russell says. I shake my head. They shrug and continue eating like pigs. " Can you guys eat any louder ? ! " I scream. They jump and say " Sorry " in harmony. I sigh and get up. I walk towards Levi's room and knock on his door. There's no answer. " Levi it's me. I'm coming in " I say. I wait another minute to see if he would open the door but he didn't. I sigh and open the door. Levi is laying on his back looking up at the stars. I close the door and walk next to him. I lay down on my back and say " You mad at me ? " " No. Why would i be ? " Levi says. " Don't lie to me. If your not mad at me then why did you walk out like that ? " I say. Levi sighs and says " I thought our moment in here meant something " " It did but not the way you wanted it to mean. I just thought of this moment as a bonding moment. We got to know each other and talk about things we never said to anyone before " I say. Levi sighs and turns his back to me. I turn on my left side facing his back and say " Oh come on. Please don't be mad at me " Levi stays quiet. " Ok fine. Stay mad. But just know i'll find a way for you to forgive me " I say getting up. I walk out the room and enter the main room. " Do you guys know the time ? " I ask. " 12:00am " Laurence says. " Isn't your dare over ? " Russell ask. " Yeah it is. Well it was nice hanging with you guys but i'm gonna go to my cell now and you guys should too " I say walking up the ladder. " I'll go with you. Russell you come up with Levi " Laurence says. " Oh you would leave me with Squidward " Russell says. Laurence sticks his tongue out and walks up the ladder behind me. I start crawling to the hole. " So is he cool now ? " Laurence ask. I shake my head. " Told you " Laurence says annoyingly. I crawl out the hole and walk to the cell door. " How are you gonna get out ? " Laurence ask. I take a hair pin from out my pocket and wiggle it in front of him. " Oh " Laurence says dumbfounded. I pick the cell lock and leave. " Hey Laurence, can you do me a favor ? " I say turning around. " What ? " Laurence ask. " You and Russell keep an eye on Levi for me " I say. " OK " Laurence says. I give him a smile and walk back to my cell. " Where you been ? " My guard ask. " Just let me in " I say. My guard sighs and opens my cell. I lay down on my hard, cold bed and look at the ceiling, thinking of a way to get Levi to forgive me.

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