Chapter 29: Dares

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We go in the cafeteria and eat our dinner which is chicken, mix veggies, and mac and cheese. After dinner we go in the dinning room. " I'm bored " Martha says. " I know what we can do to cure your boredom " " And what is that ? " Martha ask. " Lets play Dares " Mark says. " What happened to the Truth part ? " I ask. " Knowing you two that's all you guys will keep picking and that's boring " Mark says. " Ok. Lets play " Martha says. " Who goes first ? " I ask. " Me since i came up with the idea to play the game " Mark says. " Ok what's my dare ? " Martha ask. " Hmm. Shave Levi's legs " Mark says. I gag and Martha's eyes widen. " What ! That's disgusting ! " Martha says. " A dare's a dare " Mark says with a smirk. Levi walks pass the dining room and Mark and i look at Martha. Martha sighs and gets Levi. Martha comes in with Levi whose face looks nervous. " What's wrong ? " Mark ask. " I know you guys don't like me. So whatever the reason you want me i know it's not good " Levi says. Mark bust out laughing and says " Your right ! It's not ! " Levi sighs and says " What you guys want ? " " I'm gonna shave your legs " Martha says. " That's not a bad thing " Levi says. " She doesn't know how to shave " I say. Levi's eyes widen and he says " So your practicing on me ! No ! Go practice on yourself ! " " It's a dare so she has to do it " Mark says. Levi sighs and says " Where are you gonna get the razor and shaving cream ? " " Ms. Simpson has them in her office " Mark says. " You expect me to just go ask her for a razor and shaving cream and walk out without being stopped ? " Martha ask. " No. We need a distraction " Mark says. " You can go get Ms. Simpson and tell her that i need her and can't walk. While she's working on me Martha can slide in and get the materials " I say. " Good idea. I'll be back " Mark says leaving. " Sorry " Martha says. " For what ? " Levi ask. " I already know i'm gonna cut you a few times so i'm saying sorry beforehand " Martha says. " So you've never shaved yourself ? " Levi ask. " Nope " Martha says. " She's hairy like a bear " I say. Levi gags and Martha gives me a glare. " What's gonna be your excuse for Ms. Simpson ? " Martha ask. " I'm gonna say i fell and can't walk " I say. Mark shows up with Ms. Simpson. " What happened ? " Ms. Simpson ask. " I fell and can't walk " I say. Ms. Simpson squats and starts to feel around on my legs. Martha eases her way out the dining room. " Any pain ? " Ms. Simpson ask. I shake my head. " How and when'd you fall ? " Ms. Simpson ask. " I was running and tripped on Mark's leg. I fell not too long ago. Mark got you as soon as it happened " I say. Ms. Simpson shakes her head and says " I feel no broken bones. Let me see how you walk " I stand up and walk normally. " You seem fine. I thought you said you couldn't walk " Ms. Simpson says. Martha comes back in the dining room and gives me a nod. " I thought i couldn't. My foot hurt really bad at the time. It's better now. Thank you " I say. Ms. Simpson lifts an eyebrow then walks away. We all laugh when she's gone. " Alright Levi get comfortable " Mark says. " Wait what if someone sees us ? " I ask. " I'll guard the door " Mark says. Mark goes to the door and stands in front of it. Martha takes the materials out her pocket and says " What do i do first ? " I laugh and say " You spray the shaving cream on him and use the razor to get it off " Martha takes a breath and gets the shaving cream. " What am i suppose to shave ? " Martha ask. "Just his underarms " Mark says. Levi takes off his shirt and we're all surprised by what we see. He has abs. " What the hell ? " Mark says. " What ? " Levi ask. " When'd you get these ? " Martha ask poking his abs. Levi laughs and says " I had these for 3 years " " I never noticed " I say. " Ok Martha hurry up and shave him so he can put his shirt back on. We don't want him to catch a cold " Mark says slightly annoyed. " Baby don't worry. The only abs i love are yours " I say knowing he was getting uncomfortable. Mark blushes. Martha sprays the shaving cream under his arms. Levi wiggles and laughs. " I suggest you don't move or you'll for sure be cut " I say. Martha takes a deep breath and says " Which direction do i shave ? " " You can go up, down, or to the side " I say. Martha nods and starts to shave. Martha and Levi both have nervous looks on their faces. " I think i'm done " Martha says. " I can't believe you didn't cut him " Mark says. Martha laughs nervously and says " Me too " " Alright i'm out " Levi says leaving while putting on his shirt. " My turn ! I dare Kayla to prank call anyone " Martha says. " Where can i use a phone ? " I ask. " Ms. Robinson's phone " Martha says. " Ok. Follow me " I say walking to Ms. Robinson's office. We go in her office and Alyson jumps on us and gives us licks. " Shh Alyson. We're not suppose to be in here " I say. I go to her desk and pick up the phone. " I'm gonna call your Dad " I say to Martha. " What no ! He's at work. You know he hates being called at work. He's not such a playful guy. Plus he knows your voice and who you are so he'll call back here and tell on you and scold at me " Martha says frantically. " Martha relax. I'm going to change my voice into a high one and i'm going to block this phone number " I say. " The voice you used when we played house and you were the little sister ? " Mark ask. I nod with a cheeky smile. " You know how long ago that was ? You probably don't know how to do it anymore " Martha says crossing her arms. " I just proved you wrong " I say using the high voice. " Impressive " Mark says with claps. I push star 67 then dial Martha's Dad's number. Each ring i hear my heart beats faster. I never made a prank call before but i've seen people do it. " Put it on speaker " Martha says. I put it on speaker and still hear the phone ringing. " Hello " Martha's Dad says. " Oh my gosh ! You still sound the same. It's been 10 years. It's so good to hear your voice " I say trying to hold in my laugh. " Who's this ? " Martha's Dad ask. " Don't act like you don't know me. We went to the same high school. How come you didn't go to the reunion ? " I say. " I'm sorry mam. Refresh my memory " Martha's Dad says. " I was the president of the cheerleading team " I say. " Lissette ? " Martha's Dad ask. " Bout time. Such a shame you don't remember me " I say. " Sorry. Why you call ? Not to be rude or anything but we never talked when we were in high school " Martha's Dad says. " I regret that. I would like to get to know you. How bout we meet up Saturday night at Starbucks by our school ? " I say. " There's a Starbucks down there now ? " Martha's Dad ask. " Yeah. They just built it. Alright well i got to go it's been nice talking to you. See ya Saturday night " I say hanging up. We all bust out laughing. " Ok Mark. Your turn to do a dare " I say with my normal voice. " What's my dare ? " Mark ask. " Put an ice cube in your pants and leave it in there until it melts " I say. Mark scoffs and says " That's easy. Where can i get an ice cube ? " I take an ice cube from Ms. Robinson's freezer and hand it to Mark. Mark puts the ice cube in his pants and immediately starts to wiggle around. " Oh shit ! Shit ! This is cold ! " Mark says. " I thought you said this was easy " Martha says teasingly. Mark glares at her. " It's starting to hurt down there " Mark says. " Quoting you a dares a dare " I say. Mark sits down puts his head back and starts to sing Eye Of The Tiger by Survivor. " Oh my gosh " Martha says in disbelief. " If singing helps him get through this let him do it " I say. When Mark finishes singing the ice was finish melting. Martha bust out laughing and says " Oh my gosh memories ! You were 6 and we're in the principles office because we were misbehaving in class and you was so scared that you peed your pants siting in the same position like you are now " Mark sits upright and covers the wet spot with a pillow. We all laugh. " We should just stay in here until bedtime. When the bell rings we can walk out and blend in with the rest. Plus we can do more dares in here " I say. They both agree. " Kayla i dare you to eat a raw egg " Mark says. " Won't i get sick ? " I ask worriedly. " You can " Mark says. " Then i don't want to do it " I say shaking my head. " It's payback for freezing my dick " Mark says. " Come on Kayla. We all did our dares even though we hated them " Martha says. I sign and get an egg out the fridge. " I'm gonna drink it " I say remembering the movie Rocky. " As long as it's in you " Mark says. " That didn't sound right " Martha says. I crack the egg open over a cup and watch the yolk fall out. I pick up the cup and was about to gobble it down until a question popped in my head. " Have you guys done this ? " I ask. They both shake their heads. " I haven't but my uncle has " Martha says. " What happened to him afterward ? " I ask. " He was fine " Martha says. I sigh and drink the egg. " Blah ! That was the most disgusting taste ever ! " I say in disgust. " Dog shit taste better ? " Martha ask. I glare at her and say " Martha your dare is to apply peanut butter on one side of your face and jelly to the other side and let Alyson lick it off " " Eww ! Hell no ! " Martha says shaking her head rapidly. " You can wash your face afterwards " I say trying to get her to do it. " This will be the most disgusting thing i've ever done " Martha says getting the PB&J. Martha spreads the PB&J on her cheeks. " I look stupid don't i ? " Martha ask. Mark picks up a hand mirror and puts it in front of Martha's face. Martha scrunches up her face and turns to Alyson. " This will be your first and last time licking my face " Martha says. Alyson runs towards Martha and jumps on her then starts to lick her PB&J face. Martha had a look of disgust the whole time she was getting licked. " It's so wet " Martha squeals. Mark has a look of disgust on his face too. I admit it was not a pretty scene. Alyson's slobber was all over Martha's face. When Alyson was done she walked over to her bed. " That was her desert " Mark says. " I'm going to break out because of this " Martha says getting up. Martha goes in Ms. Robinson's bathroom to wash her face. " Is the game over ? " I ask. " No. Martha still has to dare you and me " Mark says. " I'm gonna get it bad " I say. Mark embraces me in a hug and whispers in my ear " It won't be that bad. We're talking about Martha here. The sweetest person on Earth " I laugh and give Mark a kiss. " I don't get the title sweetest person on Earth ? " I ask. " Your sweet but can get mean if need be. Martha is just sweet all year round " Mark says. " Is that a bad thing that i'm not sweet all year round ? " I ask. " No. I like a girl who doesn't let anyone walk over her, a girl who can stand up for herself, a girl who can be dominate, a girl that lets someone know when she doesn't like what they're doing, but is sweet at the same time " Mark says. I smile and give Mark a kiss. Martha comes out the bathroom and says " How come every time i leave then come back i see you two glued together ? " " Leave me to it i'll kiss her all day and night " Mark says. I laugh and Martha rolls her eyes. " Games not over yet. My turn to dare you lovebirds " Martha says with an evil smirk. Mark and i sit down on the couch and look at each other. " Mark i'm daring you first. Drink a glass of water " Martha says. Mark scoffs and says " OK " " From the toilet " Martha says with a smirk. Mark's eyes widen. " Martha that's disgusting " Mark says. " Daring me to shave Levi's underarms was disgusting " Martha says. Mark signs and gets a cup then goes in the bathroom. " Don't try to be sneaky either and get sink water. We'll hear the sink " Martha says. " That could get him sick Martha " I say. " Drinking egg yolk could get you sick " Martha says. " Lots of people drink egg yolk and they turned out fine but have you heard of anyone who drunk toilet water and turned out fine ? " I say. " No and if you knew about the amount of people who drunk egg yolk and turned out fine how come you made a big deal about drinking it ? " Martha says. " Because i didn't want to risk getting sick. Nothing is perfectly safe " I say. Mark comes out with his cup of toilet water. " I can't believe i'm about to do this. Kayla will you still kiss me knowing i drunk toilet water ? " Mark says. " Of course i will. You still kiss me knowing the fact that i ate dog shit " I say. Mark smiles and looks at the cup in disgust. " Just do it. Don't think about it " I say. Mark gulps and drinks the toilet water. " Eww " Martha says. " What you mean eww ? It's your dare " I ask. " I know but it's disgusting to watch " Martha says. Mark throws the cup away and coughs a little. " How'd it taste ? " I ask. " Not fresh " Mark says. " I'm shocked you did it " Martha says while clapping. " I'm a daredevil. Now imma go brush my teeth and wash my mouth " Mark says going into the bathroom. " What's my dare ? " I ask expecting the worse. " I don't know yet. It'll be ready by the time Mark comes out the bathroom " Martha says. " Are you having fun ? " I ask. " Right now i am since i'm giving the dares but when i was the victim no " Martha says. I laugh and start to pet Alyson. Mark comes out the bathroom and says " Kayla your up " I sigh and say " Martha hasn't come up with a dare yet " " I have now " Martha says giving me an evil smirk. " Uh oh " Mark says. " You have to be nice to Levi for a whole day " Martha says smirking at me. " What ? No ! That's impossible ! " I say. " You gotta do it " Martha says. " She's been nice to him before. He took advantage of her kindness and tried to make out with her " Mark says. " He was drunk ! He had no idea what he was doing ! That doesn't count " Martha says. " Fine ! I'll do it " I say. " Kayla are you sure ? " Mark ask. I nod and take his hand in mine. " Yay ! Can't wait till tomorrow " Martha says overly excited. I hope something comes up that i don't have to do this horrible dare. 

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