Chapter 19: Elodie's Birthday !

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" I hate her now " Dante says. I laugh and nod. " I'm sorry for telling you to go with her. " Martha says. " It's not you fault she turned out to be a bitch " I say. Martha smiles. " I feel bad " Dante says. " Why ? " Martha and i say in harmony. " I haven't seen my Elodie since i was 5 and today is her birthday " Dante says. " Elodie ? " Martha says. " My sister " Dante says. " Do you remember where she lives ? " I ask. " Of course but i can't go since my parents filled a restraining order to prevent me from seeing her " Dante says. " But you love her " Martha says. " My parents don't think that " Dante says. " Your gonna see her tonight " I say. " How ? " Dante ask. " Just tell me where you lived and i'll get her to come over. I have the rest handled. " I say. " Do you think this is a great idea Kayla ? " Martha ask with concern in her voice. " Yeah, if it wasn't i would've never suggested it. " I say. " She lives in this city in a neighborhood called Aggen. Which is about 15 minutes away. Her house is on the right side address 1618 if you can't see the addresses then just look for a green pick-up truck in the driveway. " Dante says. " I know that place. I'll leave right now. While i'm gone You and Martha make her cake. We'll be on the roof waiting. Sounds good to you ? " I say. " Sure. Just be careful. " Dante says. " I will " I say while hugging both of them. I walk to Ms. Booze's office and go the secret way to the roof. Once i'm up there i jump on the grass and make my way to Aggen. It's really dark out. The only source of light i see is street lights and car lights. I got to the neighborhood in around 15 minutes like Dante said. I seen a house with a green pick-up truck in the driveway. It was the only house with a green pick-up truck in the driveway so that made it easy. I went up the steps then stood in front of the door. I ranged the doorbell and waited. A man answered who look just like Dante. I gave him a smile and said " Hello. I'm Kayla, one of Elodie's friends. May i see her to wish her a happy birthday ? " Dante's dad nodded and let me in. " She's in her room " Dante's dad said. I nodded and went upstairs. I knew her room because i seen a door closed with the name Elodie on it. I knocked on the door. " Who is it ? " Elodie ask. " Kayla " I say. Elodie didn't respond. Her door opened. " Who are you ? " Elodie ask. " Can i tell you in your room ? " I ask. Elodie stayed quiet. " I'm not gonna kill you, don't worry " I say with a chuckle. Elodie moved out the doorway as a gesture for me to come in. I gave her a smile while walking in. Elodie shut the door then went her draw and pulled out a handgun. I put my hands up and said " Woah. Can you put that away please ? " Elodie shook her head. I signed and said " You can frisk me if you want " Elodie came up to me and started feeling on me. I felt highly awkward but i kept reminding myself that i'm doing this for Dante. When Elodie was finished she raised the gun up again and said " You can talk but i'm not putting the gun down " " I understand. OK so i came here to send a message from Dante. He wishes you a happy birthday. " I say. Elodie's eyes widen and she said " How you know him ? " " He's a best friend of mine. " I say. " Is he still in the hospital ? " Elodie ask. " Yes. You can talk to him person if you want. " I say. " Yes, i would like to. " Elodie said. " Then we need to come up with an excuse for you to leave " I say. " It's 10:00pm, My parents won't let me leave out the house. " Elodie said. " I can lie and say that i just got phone call from my sister saying that my mom is in the hospital and you would like to go with me because my mom and you are very close so you wanna see how she is " I say. " OK. Fingers cross. " Elodie says. Elodie puts her gun in her purse then we go downstairs. We go in the kitchen to see her mom having a bowl of ice cream.  Her mom looks up at us and says " Elodie why aren't you in your PJ's ? " " Mom can i go to the hospital with Kayla because her mom is sick and i want to be by her side to comfort her " Elodie says. " Aww Kayla i'm so sorry. Of course you can go. I'll drive you guys. " Elodie's mom says. " Mom can i just walk with her ? " Elodie ask. " It's cold and dark outside " Elodie's mom says. " I have a coat and i have a gun " Elodie says. Elodie's mom signs and says " Ok just be safe love you honey " Elodie nods and gives her mom a hug. Weleave out the house and start walking, It was quiet until i broke the silence by saying " Are you mad at Dante ? " Elodie glances at me and says " No. I'm actually really nervous to see him again. It's been so long. " " Don't be nervous. He's been missing you ever since your parents sent him to WillyWood. " I say. " Really ? I thought he would hate me " Elodie says shocked. " Why would he hate you ? " I ask. " He probably thinks that i hate him like my parents " Elodie says. " He doesn't hate you at all. He loves you if anything. He told me that you are the only person in his family that he loves. " Elodie shows me a smile for the first time since we met. " You guys look so alike " I say. " I think so too. I look at his pictures everyday hoping one day before i die that i get a chance to see him again and now my wish is finally coming true. Thank you Kayla. " Elodie says with her eyes watering. I pat her back while she goes in her purse to get tissue. We arrive at WillyWood at 10:35pm. " Why are we going the back way ? " Elodie ask. " Because i snuck out " I say. Elodie nods and follows me. " Alright climb up the ladder " I say. Elodie nods and climbs up me after her. Dante and Martha are sitting in front of the elevator with an Angel Food Cake in front of them. When Dante saw Elodie he stood up. Elodie gave him a warm smile. They started walking towards each other. " I can't believe i'm standing in front of you right now "  Dante says. " Me either " Elodie says. They hug each other tightly. They both started crying. " I'm so happy to know your alive " Elodie says. They pull away and Dante says " Happy Birthday sis. Martha and i made you Angel Food Cake. I hope you like it " " OMG ! That's so sweet of you guys. That's my favorite cake in the whole world. My first birthday cake " Elodie says. " Wait what ? Did you say first ?" Martha asked shocked. " Yeah. My family doesn't celebrate birthdays " Martha says while frowning. " That's sad but i'm happy that your first birthday cake is with your brother " I say. " I am too " Elodie says. " I'm done putting the candles on. Dante can you light them ? I'm scared of fire " Martha says. " Sure babe " Dante says while lighting up the candles. We sung Happy Birthday and Elodie made her wish by blowing out the candles. Martha was in charge of taking all the pictures since she is the best photographer out of all of us. " This cake is bomb " Elodie says. " Thanks " Martha and Dante say in harmony. " My mouth is having an orgasm " I say. " Eww, what the fuck ? " Dante says. " That's a first " Martha says. We all finish the delicious cake and just talk afterwards. " My belly hurts " Martha says. " Want me to rub it babe ? " Dante ask. " That would be nice " Martha says with a smile. Martha lays on Dante's lap while Dante rubs her belly. " It's feeling better now. Thanks babe " Martha says before pecking him on the lips. Dante smiles and says " You know what i want you to rub ? " " MY GOODNESS WE'RE STILL HERE ! " Elodie shouts. " I go through this everyday " I say while rolling my eyes. Dante and Martha seperate. Dante sits next to Elodie and Martha sits next to me. " Happy now ? " Dante ask. " Yes " Elodie and i say in harmony. The night went on like that with us just laughing and talking. It was a great night. 

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