Chapter 26: Save Darius

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I go in the nurses office and see Martha laying on the bed breathing slowly. " Are you ok ? " I ask kneeling by her side. Martha nods and gives me a smile. " What happened ? " I ask. Martha's smile disappears and turns into a frown. " I had a cigarette " Martha says. " How ? " I ask. " I was stressed so  went in the courtyard to have some fresh air. Then Levi came in the courtyard and offered me a cigarette. He said he calms your nerves. I never had one before so i took it. As i was smoking i felt my chest tightening and was finding it hard to breathe. The rest was me struggling for air and Levi bringing me to the nurse " Martha says. I get angry knowing Levi caused this. I storm out the nurse's office and into the dining room. I know he's in there because today is Monday and on Monday nights Star Wars comes on. I go in the dining room and Levi is there watching TV. I walk towards him and grab his collar lifting him up. " Kayla what did i do ? " Levi ask panicky. I throw him on the floor and say " Don't act stupid. Martha told me about you and her smoking " " I was just trying to comfort her " Levi says. " You could've comforted her by hugging her not by giving her a cigarette ! You know those things kill ! And you had the nerve to tell her it calms your nerves ! She has asthma you stupid fuck ! " I say choking him. A guard pulls me off of him and tells me to leave. I leave and go back to the nurses office. " What did you do to him ? " Martha ask. I sit down and put my head inside my hands. " Answer me ! " Martha says. " I almost killed him by choking him and shouting at him. The guards pulled me off of him " I say not giving Martha eye contact knowing she'll give me a disappointed look. Martha signs and says " Why'd you do that ? " " Because he needed to know that what he did to you was wrong " I say. " By almost killing him " Martha says. " I didn't know any other way to handle it " I say. " It wasn't all his fault. I decided to smoke it " Martha says. " That was stupid of you " I say. " Tell me something i don't know " Martha says. " Why'd you do it ? " I ask. " I was very stressed and would've done anything at that time to take the stress away " Martha says. " Did it work ? " I ask. " No. Well not for me " Martha says. I sign and hug Martha tightly. " Please don't do anything so stupid again " I say. " Don't count on it " Martha says. " Alright visiting time is up. She needs some rest " Ms. Simpson says. I hug Martha and say " See ya tomorrow "  " See ya tomorrow " Martha says. I go out the nurse's office and start walking towards the cafeteria. Foxy stops me in the hallway and says " Kayla i know this is weird for me to say and you most likely was not expecting this but i need your help " " What's wrong ? " I ask. " My dad. He's a drug dealer and is in trouble. He sold cocaine to a boy who is 16 and the boy's father found out. Now the boy's father is trying to kill him. My mom called me telling me that he's trapped in the boy's father's warehouse. Kayla i need you " Foxy says. " Why me ? Go tell your girls " I say. " My girls don't wanna help me because they don't wanna get in trouble. They turned out to be real pussies since i left. I need you Kayla. It's hard to say but you're one of the bravest people i know. You take lots of risk " Foxy says. " You just trying to butter me up so i can say yes " I say crossing my arms. " I am serious Kayla " Foxy says. I sign and say " How am i going to help you ? " " You're really good at sneaking out this place and with directions " Foxy says. I sign and say " Fine. I'll help " Foxy hugs me but pulls away quick. " I've never hugged anyone since i was 5 " Foxy says. I smile and say " How'd it feel ? " " Weird " Foxy says. I smile and say " Come with me " I go in the cafeteria then in the kitchen and out the back door. " You make it look so easy " Foxy says. I shrug and say " Where is the warehouse ?  " " Newark " Foxy says. My mouth drops and i say " That's another city " " I know. You been out Trenton, right ? " Foxy says. " Yeah " I say. " Ok so what's the problem ? " Foxy ask. I shake my head and say " There's none. Lets go " Foxy and i walk to a bus stop. " When will the bus arrive ? " Foxy ask. " Tomorrow morning. We're gonna have to slumber out here tonight " I say. " Hell no ! You maybe use to this but i'm not ! I'm leaving ! " Foxy says. I bust out laughing and say " I'm just kidding. Next bus arrives now " A bus pulls up and opens it's doors. Foxy looks at me and says " Oh " We get on the bus and sit down. " You should've seen your face " I say laughing. Foxy shakes her head and says " It's not that funny " I place my head on the window when the bus starts moving. " Your going to sleep ? " Foxy ask. " No " I say. " How long will it take for us to go to Newark ? " Foxy says. " An hour " I say. " What time is it now ? " Foxy ask. I look around the bus to try to find someone with their phone out. I get up and go to the person at the back of the bus. I sit beside him and lean over to look at his phone. I get up and walk back to my seat. " 10:23pm " I say putting my head on the window again. Foxy looks at me in disbelief. " Wake me up when we arrive " I say. " I thought you were staying up " Foxy says. " I was now i'm not " I say. " How do i know if we're in Trenton or not ? " Foxy ask. " The bus driver yells out the location he stops at. Enough with the questions. If you want my help i need my rest so i can get my energy " I say. I go to sleep and wake up to Foxy shaking me. " Kayla i'm going to leave you if you don't wake up. The bus driver has been waiting for 10 minutes now " Foxy says. I get up fast after hearing that. " Sorry and thank you for waiting " I say getting off the bus. " You're banned from sleeping on here " The bus driver says pulling off. Foxy bust out laughing. " It's not that funny " I say mocking her. Foxy shuts up. " You know the address of this warehouse ? " I ask. " No but my mom told me it was in the woods beside Popeyes and some small white church " Foxy says. I sign and says " That makes our job alot easier " " Are you being sarcastic ? " Foxy ask. " No " I say with sarcasm. " I'm sorry that i wasn't specific but it's kinda hard asking for help when your sneaking on a phone that was hard to get to in a warehouse where you were unwillingly taken to " Foxy says. " I'm sorry for being so insensitive. It's just this city is 8.155 miles. So we're gonna have to do alot of looking " I say. I look at my surroundings and see that we're outside of an gas station. We walk to the gas station and ask the cashier " Do you know where a Popeyes and white small church are ? " " That does sound familiar. I think it's on Hamelton Drive " The cashier says. " Thank you so much " I say walking out. " You just go up to strangers when you need help " Foxy says. " You know how most people go to the internet for help well that's like me. I go to people for help " I say sticking my thumb out on the side of the road. " What are you doing ? " Foxy ask. " Trying to get us a ride " I say. " Isn't that dangerous ? " Foxy ask. " Everything's a risk " I say. A truck pulls over and rolls down the window. " I'll give you guys a ride " The trucker says. " Thanks " I say climbing in. " Come on Foxy. Time is precious right now " I say. Foxy signs and gets in. " Where ya off to ? " The trucker ask. " Hamelton Drive " I say. " Alrighty. No problem. Just sit back and relax " The trucker says. The truck starts driving. " You guys are very brave for getting in my truck " The man says. " She is " Foxy says. " I wouldn't say i'm brave for that " I say. " You are. Not all people are trustworthy but you still ask for a ride anyway " The man says. " That's exactly what i told her " Foxy says. " I can defend myself " I say. The man laughs and says " You can fight ? " " Don't test her " Foxy says. " Yes i can. Wanna see ? " I say. " No i don't think i want to " The man says. " Why'd you stop for us ? " Foxy ask. " I was done delivering things for the night and you guys remind me of my best friend and i at your age. We went out all the time but did not have a car. So we trusted people to give us rides. I didn't have anywhere to go so i was like why not " The man says. " What do you deliver ? " I ask. " Products for Walmart " The man says. " It says Walmart on the truck " Foxy says. " I didn't see it " I say. " So why are you guys going to Hamelton Drive ? " The man ask. " We want Popeyes " Foxy says. " We have been craving chicken for awhile " I say. " I past like 4 Popeyes since i've been driving you guys " The man says. " My cousin is the manager at that Popeyes so we wanna go there to eat and visit him " Foxy says. " He always tells us to come check the place out so now we're finally doing so " I say. " That's nice of you guys. I hate Popeyes " The man says. " What ? Your a first " Foxy says. " Why ? " I ask. " I just don't like chicken. I never did " The man says. We arrive on Hamelton Drive. " Thank you for the ride " Foxy says getting out. " Have a good night " I say getting out. The man waves at us and pulls off. We walk towards the woods. " I'm scared " Foxy says. " What ? I can't believe what i'm hearing. Foxy the girl that bullied Martha and punched Dante straight in the face is scared ? Wow " I say. " We don't know these people and they obviously have weapons " Foxy says. Foxy and i get pushed to the ground. " Shh " The person says. I look up and it's Anthony. " What the hell are you doing here ? " I ask. " My job. What are you doing here ? " Anthony ask. " I'm helping someone rescue their dad " I say. " You need to go back to WillyWood. These people are dangerous " Anthony says. Foxy gives me a told you so face. " I know what i'm up for " I say getting out his grasp. " Kayla get down now. You're going to get yourself killed. You can't just walk up in there. They'll shoot you as soon as they see an unknown face " Anthony says. " Why do you care anyway. Last time i checked you were scared of me " I say crossing my arms. Anthony signs and says " I'm not scared of you and i still care about you " " Shh. A door opened " Foxy says. I lay on the ground. A man who is freakishly tall walks out talking on his phone. We couldn't hear because he was talking so low. He goes back inside. " Are you here by yourself ? " I ask. " No. The rest of my team are hiding also " Anthony. " Her dad is in there about to be killed. I need you to do something about that. Hiding is not helping anyone. You guys are only hiding because you guys don't have a plan. By the time you go in there it maybe too late " I say. Foxy sniffs at my comment. " Your right. We don't have a plan " Anthony says. " I think i do though. Hand me your walkie talkie " I say. Anthony hands me the walkie talkie and i say " Guys we have a plan now. I'm going to go in the warehouse and pretend i'm apart of their gang. The signal for you to come out is when me and the gang leader come outside. Do you copy ? " " Copy. Who is this by the way ? " A man ask. " A friend of Anthony " I say. " Alright. Is Anthony ok ? " The man ask. I hand Anthony his walkie talkie for him to talk into it. " I'm fine. Now enough talking. My friend will go in the warehouse now. Over " Anthony says. " Copy " The man says. " Are you sure you want to go with this ? " Anthony ask. " Yes. If not i wouldn't have said it " I say. Anthony signs and pats my back. " Good luck " Anthony says. " Thanks " I say getting up. " Take this " Anthony says stopping me. Anthony hands me a handgun. My eyes widen looking at it. " For protection " Anthony says. I gulp and give Anthony a nod. I put the handgun in my pocket and walk towards the warehouse. Each step i take the harder my heart beats and the louder it is. I push the huge warehouse door open and step inside. I enter a big, cold, dim lighted, and empty room. There's a group of guys surrounding something. Once i stepped in they looked my way and pulled out their guns. The leader of the group put his hand up gesturing for them to put their guns down. " Who are you ? " The leader asked. " Kayla Murphy " I say. " Why are you here ? " The leader asked. " I want to join your gang " I say. The leader walks towards me and says " Come outside " I follow him out the door. Once we step outside Anthony and his team come out their hiding places with their guns out. " Marely George, we caught you. You and your gang are going to jail. You can do this the easy way which is you guys simply getting arrested without a fight or the hard way which is putting up a fight and risking you and some gang members dying " Anthony says. " I don't go out without a fight " The leader says pulling me into him and putting a gun to my head. " Don't hurt her ! " Anthony shouts. I hit the leader with my elbow causing him to drop the gun. I pick up the gun and run inside the warehouse calling for backup. The gang starts shooting causing Anthony to cover me. " Take this " Anthony says handing me his bulletproof shield. " No. I can't take it " I say. " It's ok you need it more than me. I'll be fine " Anthony says. I sign and take the shield. Everyone was shooting at one another. I was trying to find Foxy's dad in all this commotion. Foxy showed me a wallet size photo of her dad earlier today. I go in this back room and see a man tied up to a chair. The man was trying to break free. I run up to him and a flash of fear is in his eyes. " Shh shh shh. It's ok. I'm a friend of Foxy. I'm here to help you " I say trying to calm him. The fear in his eyes slowly fade away. I untie him from the chair and pull the tape off his lips. Foxy's dad spits out his mouth a bomb that is still ticking with 10 minutes on it. " We have to go now " I say running out the room with Foxy's dad. I find Anthony getting choked by some guy. I hit the guy in the back of the head with my gun. He falls down to the floor. " Thanks " Anthony says while rubbing his neck. " No problem. We have to leave now. There's a bomb in the back room with 10 minutes on it when we left " I say. Anthony looks around the room and runs over to a desk and grabs a horn speaker. " EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOUR DOING ! WE HAVE TO EVACUATE THIS BUILDING ASAP ! THERE'S A BOMB IN THE BACK ROOM WITH LESS THAN 10 MINUTES ON IT ! " Anthony shouts in the horn speaker. Everyone stops fighting and all run towards the door. Some people are being pushed to the ground and getting stepped on. " ANDRE ! " Anthony shouts running to Andre who is on the ground. Andre was one of the many people that was pushed and stepped on. Anthony swings Andre over his shoulder and carry him out with us. Once we go outside Foxy's dad turns to me and says " Thank you so much " " For Foxy " I say with a smile. " DAD ! " Foxy screams while running to him and hugging him tightly. I walk away from them and go check on Anthony and Andre. Andre is laying down in the back of a police car and Anthony is leaning against the car. " You ok ? " I ask. " I'm fine. Are you ? " Anthony says. I nod and give Anthony a hug. " What's wrong ? " Anthony ask. " Nothing. Just us being in the warehouse made me realize how dangerous your job can be and how i can lose you any day " I say with a tear falling down my cheek. " Hey hey hey Kayla don't cry. I chose to be a police officer. I was not forced. I love my job. The excitement is my favorite part and i love knowing that each time someone calls me that i'm helping the world become safer " Anthony says wiping my tears. " I understand. Just be safe " I say. " I will " Anthony says. A loud explosion is heard and it's the warehouse exploding. " This is a first " I say. " First what ? " Anthony ask. " I always wanted to see an explosion with me there " I say. " Well how was this explosion ? " Anthony ask. " Very hot, loud, bright, and scary " I say. Anthony laughs and says " Where is Foxy's dad ? " " In the hiding spot we're in with Foxy " I say. Anthony starts to walk where Foxy and her dad is. Foxy and her dad are laying down on the grass talking with each other. Foxy and her dad look so happy being with each other. Foxy is smiling for real this time. " Sorry to interrupt this moment but Darius Damon you are under the arrest for selling drugs " Anthony says handcuffing Darius. Foxy stands up and says " Wait no ! He promises he won't do it again ! Please don't take him away from me ! " " I'm sorry Foxy but you dad has to be punished for his wrong doings " Anthony says walking Darius to a police car. Foxy looks at me and says " You have to do something about this ! " " Foxy i'm sorry but i'm not apart of this. He needs to be punished. That's the law. I promise you though you will see him again soon. Time goes by really fast if you don't count it " I say. Foxy signs and says " This is why i'm in WillyWood. I self harm. I did that because everyone i loved has always found a way to get out my life so when i self harm it helped me release alot of anger that was in me " " Your thinking about it again ? " I ask. Foxy signs and says " Don't worry. I made a promise to my mom that i will never do it again " I smile at her and say " Continue being the strong person you are " Foxy gives me a smile and says " We need to go back to WillyWood " My eyes widen and i run over to Anthony. I totally lost track of time. " Anthony what's the time ? "  I ask. Anthony looks in the car and says " 2:00am " " Shit " I say. " Don't worry. I'm gonna drive you and Foxy to WillyWood and make sure you guys are trouble free " Anthony says. I smile and say " I hope so " Anthony tells his team that he'll be dropping Foxy and i off. Anthony comes up to Foxy and says " Sorry if i came off to you as an asshole but honestly i'm a pretty cool guy if i say so myself. I was just doing my job " " I understand. Kayla clarified this whole situation to me " Foxy says. Anthony nods and says " Well lets go. The longer we wait the more explaining " We get in his car and i put my head on the window. I have some explaining to do also to Mark. I hope he doesn't get mad. 

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