Chapter 5: Officer William

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" Good morning idiots ! Time to wake up and get to work ! Today you'll have to crush rocks ! Need to build up those muscles ! You guy's will work in the courtyard. And if you try to escape you won't get out. Guards are watching every corner. Enjoy working. " Ms. Busky say's on the intercom. The guards lead us to the courtyard. They were rocks in every corner, not even rocks but like boulders ! " Kayla over here " Martha say's waving me over. I walk over there and pick up a sledgehammer and start breaking rocks. " I got him to come today " Martha say's. " Really ? " I say. " Yep. Now we have some hope for her to get fired. " Martha say's. " Hey Martha ! Have room for 1 more ? " Foxy ask helping herself to a sledgehammer. " No we're good. " Mark say's. " Was i asking you ? Twig ! " Foxy say's while pushing him. " Security ! " I yell. Foxy glares at me. A guard comes. " What's the problem ? " He ask. " She pushed him. Which is breaking the rule. Keep hands and feet to yourselves at all times. " I say pointing at Foxy. He sigh's and say's " Come with me. " " Bitch ! " Foxy say's while walking away. " Well atleast this bitch isn't going to the electric chair ! " I yell at her. " Kayla " Martha say's. " What ? She didn't have the right. " I say defending Mark. " It's ok Kayla. " Mark say's. I sigh and continue breaking rocks. " Now she's gonna start picking on you just to get me mad. " Martha say's. " Well i can handle her you can't. " I say starting to hit the rocks with more power. " HEY ! WATCH IT ! You almost chopped my head off ! " Martha yells at me. I sigh and say " Sorry " She sigh's and say's " I have to go to the bathroom. " Once she's inside i start to crush rocks again. " Kayla " Mark say's. " Yes " I say stopping. " You alright ? " He ask. " Not really. " I say sighing and sitting down. He sits down to and ask " What's wrong ? " I sigh and say " I don't really know.  Just been very stress lately with me trying to get Ms. Robbinson back, Foxy, trying to build a better connection with Martha, and my feelings for....." " Feelings for.... go on. " Mark say's. " Uh uh my feelings for grilled cheese ! You know some day's i like it. Some day's i hate it. " I say thinking of something fast. " Weird. But ok. " He say's. I sigh of relief. " Well don't you feel better now ? " He ask. " No. How would i ? You did nothing. " I say confuse. " Well yeah. But don't you feel better that you expressed your emotions ? That's something you have a hard time doing. So i feel honored. " He say's smiling. I laugh and say " Well alittle. It's nice knowing there is a friend that actually cares. " I say hugging him. He hugs back and say's " Well Martha cares. But she's in a stressful situation also. " I nod and just continue hugging him and put my head on his shoulder. " Hey ! Back to work idiots ! " A guard say's. We depart and start crushing rocks again. " Since when did the guards call us idiots ? " I ask. Mark shrugs and ask " What's taking Martha so long ? " I shrug. " Guy's i'm back ! " Martha say's. " Bout time. What happened ? " I ask. " I ran into Ms. Busky. She wanted to talk to me about Foxy. " She say's. We nod. " So where is she now ? " Mark ask. " Bout to be electrocuted. " Martha say's. That was our rule if you do something bad you get electrocuted. " I feel bad yet happy. " Martha say's. " Martha ! " I say. " What ? ": She say's. " And i thought you were pure minded " Mark say's shaking his head. We laugh. RING RING RING We start to go to the food room. " I don't know if i can call this the food room anymore. Because their's no food in here. " I say while getting my tray. We sit down at our table. " So after this you get to see him. " Martha say's. " Yep. " I say. " Hey i forgot to ask you but didn't Ms. Busky ban you in here ? " Martha ask Mark. " She did but i made a deal with her. " He say's. " What was the deal ? " I ask him. " I have to be her butler. " He say's. " That's horrible ! I cannot imagine what she ask you to do. " Martha say's disgusted. " " What do you think she ask ? " I ask Martha. " To scrub her back, give her massages, feed her, or maybe even bath her ! " She say's. " EWW ! " I say. " Just a thought. " She say's with a shrug. " Well no. She doesn't ask me to do those things. She just ask me to cook for her. " He say's like it's no big deal. " Wait. You cook ? Real food ? " I ask. " Yeah. " He say's. " And you didn't sneak yourself any ? " Martha ask. " Most likely he does. " I say. " She ask for me to do this when you guy's are in your cells. " He say's. We nod. " She's a sneaky little bitch. " Martha say's. RING RING RING We get up, say goodbye, and go back to our cells. " Kayla come with me. You have a visitor. " My guard say's. I follow him to the visiting room. A guy who is wearing a black tee, jeans, and Timberland's is waiting for me. I sit in front of him and pick up the phone. " Hello " I say. " Hey. My name is Anthony William. Martha ask me can i talk to you. " He say's. " Oh yeah. Ok so the warden here is horrible. She feeds us this slop and i haven't ate it. This girl ate it and i haven't seen her since. Another thing is she has my friend not Martha but another who is her butler ! And she calls us idiots. I know this isn't enough information to get her fired but if you can like be undercover and spy on her that would be nice. " I say quietly. He laughs and say's ": Alright. I'll spy on her. I hope to enjoy doing business with you. " He say's. " I hope to enjoy doing business with you to....." I say hoping he'll tell me how should i address him. " Anthony. Call me Anthony. " He say's. " Anthony. " I say with a nod. " Times up. " My guard say's. I hang up the phone and so does he. He gives me a wave before i'm shoved through the door. Hope he saw that. I feel good knowing i have a cop watching Ms. Busky now. 

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