Chapter 31: Forgive Me ?

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I wake up the next morning at 8:30am. I go out my cell and into the cafeteria. I go in line and get a bowl of cereal and toast with orange juice. I go to my table and greet Martha and Mark. I don't see Levi at his table but i see Laurence and Russell. " Hey guys " I say hugging Martha and kissing Mark. " I missed you " Mark says wrapping his arms around me. " Aww, i missed you too baby " I say. " How was your day with Levi ? " Martha ask. " It was fine at the beginning then it went downhill. He's mad at me " I say. " Why ? " Mark ask. " Kayla you have a visitor " A guard says. " Guys i'll be back " I say getting up. They nod and continue eating. The guard walks me to the visiting room and i see Anthony. I sit down and pick up the phone. " Hey " I say with a smile. " Hey " Anthony says returning the smile. " What is it ? " I ask. " Can't i just see you without a reason ? I just want to see how you been " Anthony says. I smile and say " Sorry, it's just that i always expect bad news " " No need to apologize. This is new for both of us " Anthony says. " So how have you been ? " I ask. " Fine. Living life like i want to. Trying to make the most out of everyday " Anthony says. " That's good " I say. " How bout you ? " Anthony ask. " I'm fine but kinda sad because Levi's sad " I say. " Why ? " Anthony ask. " He has feelings for me that i don't return " I say. " One sided love always hurts " Anthony says. " I know. I wanna make him happy but i don't know what to do " I say. " What does he love ? " Anthony ask. " Star Wars " I say. Anthony chuckles and says " You should ask Ms. Robinson if you and Levi can go to a Star Wars convention " " I don't want him to think it's a date " I say. " Then make that clear to him " Anthony says. " No. I don't wanna do it. I know that i'll be bored through the whole thing " I say. " Don't stress over it too much. It'll come to you " Anthony says. " Aren't you friends with J.J. Abrams ? " I ask. " Yeah. Why ? " Anthony says. " Because he's the director, producer, and co writer of Star Wars: Force Awakens " I say. " I know he is. Where are you driving at ? " Anthony says. " Could you get J.J to have Princess Leia to come here ? " I ask hopeful. Anthony chuckles and says " Why ? " " That's Levi's favorite character in Star Wars and he always talks about her and how much he wants to meet her " I say. " If you want her here by today that'll be hard. She's probably no where near Jersey but i can get it to happen " Anthony says. " Thanks " I say. Anthony's phone begins to ring and he answers. " Hello. Visiting someone. Alright see you soon " Anthony says while hanging up. " Kayla i wish i can stay a little longer but i have to go " Anthony says. " It's ok. It's good that you at least gave me a visit than didn't come at all " I say. Anthony gives me a smile and says " Take care. See you soon. Love you " That caught me off guard. " Love you too, be safe, and don't do anything stupid " I say. Anthony laughs and hangs up. He gives me a wave before leaving. I return the wave and watch him leave. Once he leaves i leave the visiting room. I go back to the cafeteria to my table. " Where's Martha ? " I ask. " Ms. Robinson wanted to talk to her. Who visited you ? " Mark says. " Anthony " I say. " Oh. Is anything going on ? " Mark says. " Anthony's going to be getting a character from Star Wars to come here " I say. " Why ? " Mark ask. " I'm trying to make Levi feel better " I say. " Oh yeah. You never got to say why your day went downhill yesterday " Mark says. " I told Martha it was a bad dare. I shouldn't have done it. Everyone knows Levi has strong feelings for me. Levi told me yesterday that every time he gets a chance to talk to me he falls for me even more. I told him that we'll never be a thing and that made him sad which wasn't my intention. I just wanted him to stop hoping for something that will never happen " I say. Mark puts his arm around me and rubs my shoulder. " You are so sweet. I love it. But last time i checked i thought you didn't like Levi. I'm just confused on why him being sad is bothering you so much and why you want him to forgive you so much " Mark says. " I got to know him a little better yesterday. He's a friend now " I say. " Did something happen yesterday ? " Mark ask. " No. I told you everything that happened " I say. Laurence and Russell come over to my table. " Hey " Laurence and Russell say in harmony. " Yall so cute " Laurence says. " Is there something you want ? " I ask confused. " We just wanted to check on our new friend " Russell says. " We are obviously not wanted now. She wants some alone time. Told you we shouldn't have come now " Laurence says. Mark gives me a confused look. " Mark i would like you to meet Laurence and Russell and Laurence and Russell i would like you to meet Mark " I say. " Sup " Russell says. Laurence gives Mark a nod. " Kayla you got a cool boyfriend. I don't know much boys who would still be cool with knowing that their girl cuddled with another guy " Laurence says. Mark takes his arm off my shoulder and looks at me confused. " She didn't tell him dumb ass. Damn nobody can tell you nothing, you got a big ass mouth " Russell says. " Kayla what are they talking about ? " Mark ask. " Laurence walked in on Levi and i cuddling " I say. " Why were you guys cuddling ? " Mark ask. " It was to comfort him. It didn't mean anything. I promise " I say. " It obviously did since you didn't feel the need to tell me " Mark says getting up and walking out the cafeteria. Tears start to burn my eyes. " Look what your big mouth did " Russell says. I shake my head and walk in the dinning room. I sit on the couch and put my head in my hands. " Why am i so stupid ? " I ask myself. Laurence and Russell follow me in here. " Kayla i'm truly sorry. I didn't know you didn't tell him " Laurence says. I take my head out my hands. " IT WASN'T YOUR PLACE TO TELL HIM YOU IDIOT ! WHAT WAS YOUR POINT FOR SAYING THAT ? WAS IT BECAUSE YOU HATE ME BECAUSE I WENT IN THE ROOM ? I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL I DID TO YOU TO CAUSE YOU TO HATE ME BUT YOU DID NOT HAVE TO RUIN MY RELATIONSHIP ! " I scream. Laurence and Russell look like they were frightened. I leave out the dinning room and go in the courtyard. Martha comes running towards me and says " What's wrong with Mark ? I went to go talk to him and he just continued walking, looking like he's about to kill someone " " He's mad at me " I say putting my head down. " What ? You ? What happened ? " Martha ask shocked. I start to cry and Martha pulls me into her lap. She rubs my back. " Kayla i need you to tell me what happened so i can help " Martha says. I wipe my tears and sit up. I explain to her what happened. " Why didn't you tell him ? " Martha ask. " Great ! Your mad at me too ! " I say standing up. " Kayla i'm not mad. I just asked a question " Martha says. I sit back down and shrug. " I didn't want him to think anything was going on between us " I say. " You not telling him probably made him think that you were hiding something " Martha says. I sigh and say " What should i do ? " " Give Mark some space, he'll come to you when ready and your doing the right thing with Levi, if he doesn't forgive you that's on him " Martha says. I smile and hug Martha. " Thank you " I say. " Anytime " Martha says. A guard comes in the courtyard and says " Kayla Ms. Robinson wants to see you in her office " I get up and start walking to her office. Martha follows. " She asked for Kayla not you " The guard says. " Oh loosen up. Let her go. She's no threat " I say. The guard sighs and shakes his head. We go in her office and i see Ms. Robinson, Anthony, and i'm guessing Princess Leia. " Kayla did you ask Officer William to bring a character from Star Wars here ? " Ms. Robinson ask. " Yeah " I say. " Why ? " Ms. Robinson ask. " It's a surprise for Levi. He's feeling sad at the moment and i wanted to cheer him up. I know he is a huge fan of Star Wars and that his favorite character is Princess Leia. So knowing that Anthony is friends with the director, producer, and co writer of Star Wars i thought why not invite his favorite character here " I say. Ms. Robinson chuckles and says " That's very nice of you but you have to let me know when you plan things like this " " It's ok ? " I ask. " Yes Kayla it's fine " Ms. Robinson says. " So where will this be held ? " Anthony ask. " In the dining room. The other patients will have access to the cafeteria, courtyard, or their cells. Kayla, Martha, Mark, Laurence, and Russell are invited to be in the dining room " Ms. Robinson says. " Alright. Should i bring her in there now ? " Anthony ask. " Go head. I'll send a guard to get Levi, Laurence, and Russell. Kayla and Martha you can get Mark " Ms. Robinson says. I nod and leave out her office with Martha on my back. " Are you going ? " Martha ask. I shake my head and say " I need to go find Mark and talk to him " Martha sighs and says " Kayla i told you let him cool off, he'll come to you when ready " I shake my head and say " I gave him some time. I feel off not knowing where he is. I gotta go find him " Martha sighs and says " I tried " I smile and say " Can you let Levi know that i did this ? " " Ok " Martha says. I hug Martha and say " Have fun " Martha laughs and says " I'll try. I don't know anybody there " " The boys aren't that bad " I say. Martha laughs and says " Be safe and good luck " I nod and start walking the hallways. I go to my cell and grab the picture i drew of Mark off my bed. I go out my cell and go to the guard that was guarding Mark's cell. " Do you know where Mark went ? " I ask. " He said he was going to Ms. Robinson's office " The guard says. " How long ago was this ? " I ask. " Just before you came " The guard says. " Ok. Thank you " I say walking to Ms. Robinson's office. I go in her office and see that she's not in there. He must have went on the roof. I go to the bookshelf and pull the book that turns the wall. I walk up the stairs and open the door. I climb onto the roof and close the door. I look around the roof and don't see him. I walk towards the edge of the roof and see him sitting with his back on the building. I climb down the ladder and sit beside Mark. Mark doesn't even turn to face me. " Here " I say handing Mark the drawing i drew of him. Mark still acts like i don't exist. I face away from him and look at the sky, which was getting darker. The sun is setting. " Why won't you talk to me ? " I ask. " Why should i ? " Mark ask. " Because i'm your girlfriend " I say sternly. " Oh " Mark says. I face him and say " I came out here to make things work but i can see you don't want to. That's fine with me. I tried. If our relationship falls that's on you. I give up " I start to walk up the ladder until i feel a hand grab my foot. " Please don't leave me " Mark says looking up at me with tears in his eyes. I climb down the ladder and sit back down next to Mark. " I'll never leave you " I say taking his hand in mine. Mark squeezes my hand. " Why are you mad at me ? " I ask. " I'm not mad at you. I'm just scarred " Mark says. " Of ? " I ask. " Losing you " Mark says. A tear falls from my eyes and i say " Mark you are never going to lose me. I love you and will be with you always. Through the good, bad, sad, and happy " I say. " I'm sorry for being such an asshole to you. I don't deserve you " Mark says. " Mark you were never an asshole to me. If anything you have been great to me. The best boyfriend any girl can ever have " I say. Mark gives me a smile and wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and snuggle my head into his chest. Mark lifts my head up and kisses me. When we kissed then i blocked out the world around us. I didn't want to be anywhere else but in his arms. His kiss gave me happiness and made me feel loved. Emotions that i barely feel. Mark pulls away slowly and says " I love you " Tears come out my eyes and i say " If love makes your heart ache, have butterflies in your stomach, have weak knees, or feel like passing out then i love you too " Mark's arms gets tighter around me and i snuggle into his chest deeper. " This is the most serious i've ever been " Mark says chuckling. I laugh and say " Yeah i know. I don't like being serious. It feels so tense " " You did a great job drawing this picture of a handsome boy " Mark says. " Thank you. That handsome boy is you " I say. " Wow. Do i really look that good ? " Mark says. " In my eyes " I say. It starts to get windy causing dead leaves to blow in our direction. I squeal when one leaf hits my eye. Mark laughs and says " Are you OK ? " I playfully hit him and say " Yes douche bag. It wasn't funny " Mark laughs and says " We should go inside. It's getting cold " I get up along with Mark. Mark sweeps me off my feet and carries me bridal style. I squeal and say " How are you going to carry me and walk up the ladder ? " Mark puts me down and says " I'm not. You're going to walk up the ladder just like me " " What a way to get my hopes up " I say annoyed. Mark puts on his puppy face and says " Forgive me ? " I laugh and say " You didn't even say sorry " " I know " Mark says. I playfully roll my eyes and climb up the ladder with Mark following me. We go back in the building and go in Ms. Robinson's office. She's not in there. " Did Levi's Star Wars character come yet ? " Mark ask. " Yeah. Laurence, Russell, Martha, Anthony, Ms. Robinson, and Levi are in the dining room " I say. " Why didn't you go ? " Mark ask. " I wanted to be with you instead " I say. Mark kisses my forehead and says " Can i still have you to myself ? Just for a couple of minutes " I nod and walk over to the couch. Mark sits beside me. " Is there something on your mind ? " I ask. " I had a black out yesterday. I remember playing UNO with Martha before my black out. When i got out my black out i was in the nurses office. No one was there. I started to cry. I never felt so alone. I wished you was there with me. I just needed some comfort. I felt scarred " Mark says. I pull Mark into my lap and start to play in his hair. " I'm sorry i wasn't there. But know that you're never alone. Call me and i'll be there, no matter what is going on. You and Martha are my priorities " I say. Mark gives me a smile and says " You must be an Angel " I laugh and say " I am no where close to one " Ms. Robinson comes in the office and says " Oh. I didn't expect you guys to be in here. How come you're not in the dining room ? I invited you guys " " We're not fans of Star Wars so we just wanted to hang out in here " I say. Ms. Robinson laughs and says " Only you, Mark, and Martha are the only people in here that get away with so much stuff " I smile and say " Did they leave ? " " They're about to " Ms. Robinson says sitting down in her chair. I nod and Mark sits up. " I know you wanna go so lets go " Mark says getting up. I smile and get up. We go out the office and i say " I don't wanna meet the character but i just wanna see what's going on " We stand at the entrance of the dining room. I see Martha chatting with Laurence and Russell, Anthony drinking some coffee on his phone, and Levi and Princess Leia talking. Martha spots us and comes towards us. " Yay ! The lovebirds are still together " Martha says. " The lovebirds were never breaking up " Mark says taking my hand in his. " Aww " Martha says. " Have you made some new friends ? " I ask. " I wouldn't call them friends but they're cool people " Martha says. " Levi you are such a great kid. It's been nice talking to you but i'm afraid i have to go now. Take care and may the force be with you " Princess Leia says. Levi smiles and gives Princess Leia a hug. Princess Leia and Anthony leave. Levi spots me at the entrance and comes over. " Martha and Anthony told me that you made this happen. Thank you " Levi says. I smile and say " Do you forgive me ? " Levi smiles and nods. I give him a hug and say " I'm sorry. I'm glad we're friends again " We depart and Levi goes off with his friends. " What you did for him was really nice " Martha says. " Yeah it was " Mark says. " I think that was the nicest thing i ever done " I say laughing. Mark gives me a smile and pulls me into his side. " Hey ! That's not fair ! I wanna join too ! " Martha says pulling me to her. " Yeah you said join not take her away from me " Mark says pulling me back. " YOU BOTH CAN HAVE ME ! GEEZ ! " I say pulling them both into me forming a group hug. We all laugh and just talk and share laughs for the rest of the day.

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