Chapter 2: My Talk With Ms. Booze

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The whole cafeteria turned into an riot. " THAT'S NOT FAIR ! " Martha yells. A sound of a whistle was heard after Martha's comment. The whole cafeteria went silent. " That's not fair ? Martha. That's not fair ? " She's say's mocking her. " You guy's know nothing about fairness 1 Because you guy's have been mistreated almost all your childhood ! " She yells. " Now you  ! Yes you ! I need to have a talk with you. Come with me. " Ms. Booze say's to Martha. She nods and gets up. " Now for the rest of you ! Finish up your lunches and go back to your cells ! " She say's while leaving out the door with Martha. For the first time i'm not happy being alone with Mark. I'm too worried about Martha. " Should we sneak out and eavesdrop ? " Mark ask. " No do you want to be in the electric chair ? ! " I asked him worried about his safety. " Right now you're sounding very selfish. " He say's while crossing his arms. " Look i love Martha and all. But do you really want to end up in a chair where millions have died in ? ! " I ask. " If it's for a friend. " He say's while walking out the cafeteria doors. " Ugh ! Why does life have to be so difficult ? ! " I ask myself while storming after him. " Mark. Mark. " I say quietly. " What ? " He ask. " I'm coming with you. " I say. He continues walking and say's " I thought you wern't coming. " " Well i thought over what i said and you were right. I did sound very selfish. And if you were to die in that chair i don't want you to die thinking i'm a selfish bitch. " I say. " Oh come on Kayla i may've been mad at you. But never that far to think your a bitch. " He say's. Ugh this boy does not know how much he affects me. " Aww that's sweet of you. " I say hiding my red cheeks. We hear a door open which was Ms. Robbinson's office. Mark pushes me into the janitors closet. I start to breath hard. " You ok ? " He ask. " No. I've never done this before and neither have you so i don't really know what to do. " I say. " Shh. I hear Ms. Booze. " Mark say's. When i tried to listen in that's when the bell rung and patients started filling the hall. " Damnit ! " Mark say's. " It's ok Marky. Now we're gonna go out this closet and blend in with the rest. Ok ? " I turn to Mark and he's just staring up into space. " No not now Mark. Not now ! " I say. He's having a blackout again. " Oh my gosh. " I say. The bell rings and this time that meant you've to be in your cells. " Great now our guards are probably reporting us to Ms. Booze. " I say annoyed. " Come on Mark. Wake up ! " I say shaking him. No affect. So i decide to stay in here until he wakes up. Hopefully the janitor doesn't come. My eyes start to become heavy and next thing i know i fall into a world of darkness. I wake up to find Mark over top of me. " Your awake. Finally. " He say's sitting back down. " Well before i fell alseep i was trying to wake you up ! " I say annoyed. " I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me. " He say's with puppy eyes. " Oh come on ! I seriously can't stay mad you. " I say and give him an hug. " But on a serious note. You really did blackout. " I say as i pull away from our hug. " Well i can't control that. " He say's shrugging. " Yeah. Anyway let's get outta here. " I say while getting up. We get out the closet and it's total darkness. No light once so ever. " Let's stay close so we don't lose each other. " Mark say's while putting his arm on around my neck pushing me into him. I start blushing again. " Yeah. Awesome idea. " I say. We continue walking to our cells. " Mark ? " His security guard ask. I slip out from under Mark's arms and run towards what used to be called Ms. Robbinson's office hoping to find Ms. Booze there. " KAYLA ! " He shouts. I ignore him and keep running. I had to talk to Ms. Booze but of course Mark being who he is he wouldn't let me go so my only option was running away once i knew his security guard had him. I know i will have to deal with his parenting later. I arrive in front of the office door. I take a deep breath and then i knock. " Who is it ? " Ms. Booze ask. " Kayla. " I say. " Kayla ? Who's Kayla ? Oh Kayla come in. " She's say's. I come in and see that the office is empty of everything Ms. Robbinson has. " Sit. " She say's looking at me with this hard stare. I sit and stay silent. " Well you must've came in here for a reason. What is it ? " She ask. " I have 2 reason's. " She nods as for me to continue. 1st i want to know what went down with you and Ms. Robbinson. " I say. " Well i'm afraid young lady that's none of your business. " She say's. " Look mam you must not know me but i've been here almost all my childhood and half my teenage years because of my anger issues and when I get angry you won't like that side of me. So let me ask this again. What happened between you and Ms. Robbinson ? " I say a little agitated. " Kayla dear. Please do not threat me again. Because you know  threatening somebody is a serious crime. Can lead you 5 years in prison. But since i'm such a nice person i will not report this. Oh and before i let you go Kayla. I'm pretty sure you want to know what happened between me and your little friend Martha. Basically i gave her a little talk like the one we're having but instead about how disrespectful it is to say a comment and don't know what the situation is. But she's alright. I bet you thought i put her in the electric chair. Nooo that's not my job it's the new warden's and at the rate she's going she may just end up in it ! Just got finish talking to that person. I'll give you an hint, it's another girl. Alright well i'm tired your tired so lets both go to bed. Your dismissed. " She say's shooing me away. I walk out the office that once was my favorite person in the whole wide world and go to my cell. 

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