Chapter 23: A Special Night

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I couldn't believe my eyes. Mark gives me a smile. I didn't return it. I don't know my feelings towards him right now. I'm mad and happy that he's here. " Thank you " I say while walking past him. I go in the cafeteria which is empty right now. I sit on a chair. Mark comes in after me and sits beside me. " Kayla i know your mad at me and i understand why. I was so wrong for just leaving like that. I'm never leaving you again. You must think that i don't share the same feelings as you since i left right after i kissed you. That's not true. I love you Kayla. I've loved you since i first met you. I ran because at the time i thought after the kiss it would be awkward between us. I thought you didn't like me like that at the time. But as i was away from you i realized that you kissed back. I was scared to come back to you because i know you will be mad at me. I don't know how to explain myself to your liking. But i had to come back. Being away from you was like Hell for me. I miss you dearly Kayla and would like for us to be more than friends. But i understand if you hate me forever now. But i felt the need to explain myself to you " Mark says. I look at Mark and give him a hug and say " Mark i don't hate you. I never did and never will. I'm so glad your back safe and with me. I want to be more than friends too. Now that your here with me again i feel complete and know that i can stop grieving over you now " Mark pulls away from the hug and strokes my cheek. He looks in my eyes and smiles. Mark leans in and kisses me. The kiss was very passionate. Our lips moved so perfectly with one another. I pressed my lips harder onto his. I felt his smile while we're kissing. I sat in his lap and grabbed his incredibly soft hair. Mark slip his tongue in my mouth which caught me off guard but i went with it. I slip my tongue into his. I don't know how long the kiss was but i wish it was longer. When we pulled away i just felt butterflies all in my stomach. Mark's cheeks were so red it was unbelievable. " You look so cute right now " I say stroking his cheeks. " This is a dream come true " Mark says. I smile and peck him on the nose. " Come with me " Mark says while lifting me off his lap. " Where are we going ? " I ask as Mark grabs my hand and takes me with him. " A surprise " Mark says. We go in the warden's office then up the secret way to the roof. We climb down the ladder and Mark stops. He reaches in his pocket and takes out a blindfold. Mark puts the blindfold on me and says " Trust me " I nod and Mark garbs my hand and we start walking. " Can you see anything ? " Mark ask. " Just darkness " I say. Mark chuckles and we continue walking. " So where were you while you were away from me ? " I ask. " I was still in the hospital. Just a different section. I was in the section where the serve crazy people stayed. I was so scared. I asked Ms. Booze could she relocate me there " Mark says. " She lied to me " I say. " Who ? " Mark ask. " Ms. Booze. She knows i was so worried about you. She told me that she had no idea where you were " I say getting agitated. Mark lets go of my hand and wraps his hands around my waist. " Don't get fed up Kayla. It's alright. Tonight is going to be a stress free night " Mark says. I smile and put my head in his chest. " How do you do it ? " I ask. " Do what ? " Mark ask. " You always seem to calm me down and make me so happy even when i'm at my angriest " I say. " I don't know Kayla but i'm glad that i'm the person to do that " Mark says. " I'm so comfortable " I say. I'm hugging Mark with my head laying on his chest. His breathing is so soothing to my ears. Mark swoops me up and is now carrying me bridal style. I squeal and say " Your arms are gonna give out eventually. I'm 155 pounds " " That's an insult to you and i " Mark says sounding shocked. " How ? " i ask. " You're calling yourself fat and calling me weak " Mark says. " You are definitely not  weak. I've seen you shirtless before " I say. " Your blushing " Mark says. " Can you blame me ? I am being carried by my hot boyfriend to a place that's suppose to be a surprise " I say. Mark laughs. It's so quiet right now. All i hear is footsteps and crickets chirping. " Ok we are here now " Mark says while taking off my blindfold. We are on a cliff across from a beautiful waterfall. The view is so pretty. The moon is out along with stars in the sky, the water is clear, the water splashing sounds so soothing, and the temperature seems fairly warm for New Year Eve's night. It feels around 60 degrees. " Oh my gosh Mark. This place is breathtaking " I say amazed at the view. " Just like you " Mark says. I look towards Mark and kiss him. When i pull away Mark says " I have to get use to that now " I smile and sit on the cliff with my legs dangling. Mark sits beside me. " I thought you were scared of heights " Mark says. " I am but i'm putting my fear aside right now and i'm just gonna take this view all in " I say. Mark holds my hand and says " So how have you been ? " I look Mark in the eyes and say " I'm feeling much better now that your back in my life " Mark pulls me into his chest and rubs my arm. " Can you move back to your old cell ? " I ask whining. Mark chuckles and says " Definitely " " Thank you again for saving me from bugger fingers " I say. " No problem " Mark says. " You know i have a Christmas present for you " I say. " Oh really. What is it ? " Mark says. " A surprise " I say. " Aww well when can i get it ? " Mark ask with puppy dog eyes. " As soon as we go back to WillyWood " I say. " Can i get a hint of what it is ? " Mark ask. " Nope " I say. Mark laughs and gets up. " Where are you going ? " I ask. Mark grabs my hands and pulls me up also. " Another surprise " Mark says. " Do i have to wear the blindfold again ? " I ask. Mark chuckles and says " No " " Good because i hate blindfolds " I say with a sign of relief. Mark smiles then grabs my hand. We start walking away from the beautiful view. " Bye bye beautiful view " I say with a wave. " We'll come up here again i just won't tell you when " Mark says. I smile and let go of Mark's hand. I jump on his back and wrap my legs around his waist. " You carried me bridal style here now i want to have a piggyback ride to the next place " I say. " Your wish is my command " Mark says while he starts walking again. " I haven't had one of these in forever. The last time i had them was when my dad was giving me one but he dropped me on the sidewalk and i hit my head badly. I had a concussion so i had to go to the hospital " I say. " I'm sorry about that. Did your dad drop you on purpose ? " Mark says. " Yeah. That's why my mom filed a restraining order on him " I say. "  So your mom does care for you ? " Mark ask. " She stopped caring when i turned 6. She started using drugs and sleeping with a different man every night. I got so angry at life when she started doing that. She had the nerve to say i need help and that's why i'm here now " I say. " I'm sorry. Your childhood sounds horrible. But i'm glad that your here with me so that i can protect you " Mark says. I kiss Mark on the cheek and say " Me too. So what about your childhood ? " " My childhood was not so great but hey people go through worse " Mark says. " What happened ? " I ask. " My birth parents abused me physically and mentally until i was 4. The police arrested them because my neighbor reported them. I was put into Foster Care. Eventually a single mother adopted me. She put me in here because of my uncontrollable blackouts " Mark says. " Is the bruise on your neck from your parents ? " I ask looking at his neck. " Yeah. My dad kicked my neck because he was mad at me for sleeping in on a Saturday when we had no where to go. I was 3 " Mark says. I kiss Mark's bruise and rest my head on it. Mark grip on my legs tighten. My eyes start to water and i end up crying silently. " Are you crying ? " Mark ask. I wipe my tears and say " I was " Mark chuckles and says " I felt your tears on my neck. Don't cry about it. I'm in a much better place now " " A mental hospital isn't what i think you would call paradise " I say. " No silly. Being with you is the much better place " Mark says. I smile and lay my head on Mark's neck. Mark and i end up on the side of a road. " This is the surprise ? " I ask confused. Mark laughs and says " No. We need a ride there " " How far is it from here ? " I ask. " About 20 minutes. Since i'm carrying you i need you to help me out " Mark says. " What's the favor baby ? " I ask. Mark blushes and says " I need you to stick your thumb out " " People are not gonna pull over to strangers " I say. " They will when they see that a hot girl is the one sticking out her thumb " Mark says. " No they won't when they realize i'm taken " I say. Mark smiles and says " Just do it " I stick my thumb out. 4 cars pass until we finally found a car that pulled up. The window rolled down and a man says " You guys need a lift ? " " Yeah " Mark says. " Where to ? " The man ask. Mark whispers in the mans ear. The man nods and says " Get in " Mark and i get in. " Thank you so much " I say. The man nods and says " No problem " The car starts to drive. I glance at Mark and see that he's looking out the window. He looks so gorgeous in the moonlight. I lay down putting my head in his lap. Mark looks down at me and kisses me on the head. " Kayla you know these two places we have been is suppose to be your Christmas present. Sorry i'm late " Mark says. I chuckle and say " This is the best Christmas present ever. Mines is not as great as yours " " Anything from you is perfect for me " Mark says. I smile and close my eyes. " Are you going to sleep ? " Mark ask. I nod and say " Do you want me to stay up with you ? " " No it's fine. Go to sleep " Mark says. I smile and kiss Mark on the lips. I lay back down and say " Night " " Night " Mark says. I wake up to Mark shaking my arm lightly. I open my eyes to see his beautiful green ones. " I honestly did not want to wake you. You looked so peaceful " Mark says. " Really ? Usually i look like a dead bug " I say shocked. " Not to my eyes " Mark says. " Aww. Did i snore or drool ? " I say. " Nope. You were fine " Mark says. I look out the window and see that i am in front of a skyscraper. I turn towards Mark and say " You know i am terrified of heights ! " Mark takes my hands and says " Nothing will happen when your with me. I promise " I smile and say " Then lets go " Mark and i go out the car and into the skyscraper. We walk to the front desk to approach a man sitting there. " How may i help you ? " The man ask. " We need to take the elevator " Mark says. " " What for ? " The man ask. " We're visiting someone " Mark says. " Who ? " The man ask. " Mr. Rayne may i see you for a second ? " A lady ask. Mr. Rayne nods and says to us " Stay here. I'll be back " Mark nods and we watch the man walk away with the lady into another room. " Come on " Mark says grabbing my hand and running towards the elevator. " We are gonna get in trouble " I say. " We took risk before " Mark says while pushing the elevator button. The elevator doors open and we go in. Mark pushes the button for the 100th floor. I look at Mark likes he's crazy and say " What the hell ? Why are we going to the tallest floor ? " " It's a surprise baby. Don't worry your fine " Mark says while pulling me in for a hug. I put my face into his chest and sign loudly. The elevator beeps and the doors open. I remove my face from Mark's chest and say " What the hell ? That was fast. Are we on the right floor ? " " Yes we are. The 100th button is glowing. The elevators in this building are fast. It only took a minute and the doors don't close unless you step out or in " Mark says. " Wow. That's cool " I say stepping out. Mark grabs my hand and walks me to this door. Mark opens the door and there's a staircase in front. We walk up the staircase which leads us to another door. That door leads to outside on the buildings roof. " Oh my gosh Mark. This sight is breathtaking " I say amazed. Mark wraps his hand around my waist and smiles at me then says " You wanna look down ? " I nod and walk towards the edge of the roof. " Wait what ? I was expecting a ' no ' " Mark says shocked. I laugh and say " Usually i would but since your here with me i'm not scared " Mark smiles and stands beside me on the edge of the roof. We are so high up. Below us everyone looks like ants and the lights are like lightbulbs. " Come this way " Mark says taking my hand and walking us over to the other side of the roof. Mark points at a big body of sparkling clear water. " Oh my gosh. They build an skyscraper near water " I say. Mark puts his hand on my waist and i face him. We are staring into each other's eyes. " I hope your liking your presents so far " " So far ? There's more ? " I ask. " Just one more " Mark says. Fireworks started exploding into the sky. So many pretty colors. " Happy New Year " Mark says. I face Mark and say " Was this the surprise ? " Mark nods and says " I remember you telling me when you were 10 that before you die that you wanted to see fireworks explode right in your face. So i wanted to make that dream come true like you made mine " I give Mark a smile and kiss him hard. It caught Mark off guard but he went with the flow and put his hands on my waist. I tangled my fingers in his curls. I was enjoying the kiss and i can tell he was too. I pull away and say " I love you " " I love you too Kayla " Mark says. This is the best New Year's ever !

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