Chapter 15: An Interesting Christmas

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It's Christmas and i'm pretty sure everyone is happy besides Levi. I go out my cell and into the cafeteria. Everyone is in the holiday spirit ! All the employees are wearing Christmas hats. I go in line then at my table and say " MERRY CHRISTMAS ! " " MERRY CHRISTMAS ! " Dante say's. Martha just smiles. " What a bummer. Sore throat on Christmas " I say. She nods. " We should tell Levi that it was us. " I say. Martha nods. Dante shakes his head and say's " No ! Are you crazy ? ! He'll hate us ! " " Why does that bother you ? " I ask. " It doesn't. It just makes me sad to know someone hates me " He say's getting teary eyed. I raise my eyebrow and say " This cannot be real. Mr. Tough Guy is crying. I wish Levi could've seen this " " Man shut up. Tough guy's cry too " He say's. He places his head in Martha's lap and she stroked his hair. I look at her like she's crazy and she shrugs. I sigh and drink my hot tea. He sits up and wipe his tears then say's " Shut up ! " I guess this is a side affect of being a psychopath. After breakfast i get Martha, Dante, and i to visit Levi. I knock on the nurses office door and she comes out and ask " Yes ? " " Um, we came to visit Levi " I say. " Those for him ? " Ms. Simpson ask. I nod. Martha got him goodie bag. Dante got him a card. And i got him a book. " Alright you can come in. Just don't be rough and loud. " Ms. Simpson say's. We nod and walk in. Levi is laying in the bed with his eyes close. " He's sleeping let's go " Dante whispers. " Fine. Just put the gifts down and leave. " I whisper. " I'm not asleep " Levi say's while scaring the shit out of us. " LEVI ! YOU ALMOST GAVE ME AN HEART ATTACK ! " I scream. He smirks but his eyes are still close. " Will you please open your eyes. Your freaking me out. You seem like your dead and a ghost is in your body talking for you. " Dante ask annoyed. " What if i am dead ? " Levi ask. Martha rolls her eyes then pinches him. " OW ! " Levi screams. " Dead people don't feel physical pain. " I say while crossing my arms. " Alright you got me. " He say's while opening his eyes. Martha gives Levi his goodie bag. Dante gives him his card. And i give him his book. " Ooh. Thank you. " Levi say's. We nod. " How's your ass ? " Dante ask. He sigh's and say's " Not good. Paramedics had to unbolt the toliet seat and take me to the emergency room. They put nail polish remover and warm soapy water and it eventually fell off. " " That's good. " I say trying to lighten up the situation. " I have burns on my butt now. " Levi say's. We all give him a sympatheic face. " Oh don't look so surprise. I know you assholes did it. " Levi say's while crossing his arms. " What makes you say that ? " Dante ask. " Guy's i'm not stupid ! Last night i replayed my whole day. The real obvious parts was when Dante had to use the bathroom, Martha bought prunes, and Kayla kissing me on the head saying this is your reward for not being mad at me ! " I look at Dante in a told ya so face. " You kissed him ? " Dante ask. " On the head. No big deal. " I say. " I would like you guy's to leave. Don't bother me anymore and i won't bother you. Take your gifts back and have a Merry Christmas. " Levi say's while turning over and closing his eyes. Dante and Martha take their gifts and go but i stay behind. Levi turns around when he hears the door shut and opens his eyes. " I thought i told you to leave. " Levi say's annoyed. " Look i'm " Levi cuts me off by shouting " GO ! " Ms. Simpson comes in the room and say's " You're stressing him out. Leave now. " I sigh and obey. I go in the dining room and see Martha but not Dante. " Hey " I say. She nods and ask " Would you mind if i left you alone for a few seconds, minutes, possibly hours ? " I raise my eyebrows and say " OF COURSE ! " She nods and her face slightly saddens. " Why ? " I ask. She shakes her head. " No. Tell me " I say. She sigh's and say's " It's just because Dante wanted to talk to me in private. " " Go " I say. She shakes her head. " Go " I say again. Again she shakes her head. " GO GODDAMMIT ! I left you alone all the time without telling you when Mark wanted to talk to me. " I say. She smiles, get's up, hug me, and say's " Thanks " I hug her back and say " Catch him tiga " She let's go and leaves. I'm in the dining room by myself. Well not literally but i know nobody else in here. It's 2:32 pm. I sit down on the couch and examine this particular picture in the room of a beautiful sunset that one day i hope to make an art piece that is so beautiful that it's put in a museum or in a public place. I was interrupted by this random girl pulling my arm. " What the hell ? ! " I say. " See told you i had a girlfriend who went here. " The girl say's. " Her name ? " The other girl with ginger hair ask. " Don't remember " The blonde one said. " Weird " The ginger one say's. " We broke up in 8th grade when i was 14. Now i'm 20. How am i suppose to remember ? " The blonde say's. I'm so confused right now. The ginger haired one looks at me and ask " Do you know her ? " I shake my head. " Exactly " The ginger one say's and walks away. I snatch my arm out of the blonde one's grip and try to walk away but she stops me. " Wait don't leave " She say's. " I want to " I say. " Please " She say's. " I don't even know your name " I say. " Cecilia. Your Kayla. " She say's. " How you know ? " I ask while crossing my arms. " You're popular. You and your gang. Duh " She say's while flipping her hair. I raise my eyebrows. " Anyway. I want you here because i'm bored, it's Christmas, Olivia is mad at me, and you're the only person with me right now " Cecilia say's. " Well i don't want to spend Christmas with you " I say while trying to walk away. She stops me again. " WHAT ? ! " I scream. She laughs and ask. " You think your screaming makes me scared of you ? Please. I've seen worse. I was put in here because of self harm. You wanna know why i did it ? Because i felt like a failure. But now i'm better and ready to get out of here. So you screaming at me won't do a thing " " Fair enough. I'll stay " I say defeated. I mean there's no one else here for me to hang out with so i'm with Cecilia. We walk to the couch then sit down. " So, you wanna be apart of my group ? " Cecilia ask. I shake my head. " Oh come on. Olivia and i are way more fun than your group of " friends " ". She say's. " Look first of all there is no need for you to put quotation marks for the word friends. 2nd of all the only reason you want me in group is because you want popularity. 3rd of all i'm leaving and you can't stop me, you can try but see what happens. And 4th of all the answer is no and if you didn't figure that out by now then you're offically stupid. Merry Christmas. " I say with a smile and walking away. She grabs my arm and i grab her's and flip her over. She landed on her back. " OW ! " She screams. I shrug and say " Told ya " I walk away and go do some chores since the lovebirds didn't come back yet. First i clean my cell. Next laundry. Then I cleaned the kitchen. And the last thing was i cooked. After that i went in the dining room and watched the TV. Right now they were playing The Walking Dead. Not a fan but i don't mind watching it. 3 hours past and it's now lunch time. They still aren't here. I get my lunch and sit at the table by myself. I actually enjoyed my alone time. It was interrupted when Olivia showed up. She sat at my table with her tray. " Hey " She say's. I look at her like she's crazy. " Um Cecilia and i are still not getting along. " She say's arkwardly while eating her cabbage. " So you sit with me because ? " I ask. " You seem nice and funny. My type of bff. " She say's while eating her her potatoes. I roll my eyes and say " I have enough of them. " She shrugs and ask " Friends ? " I scoff and say " I don't even know you " " Exactly. You didn't know your bff's at first either. " She say's while eating her beans. I eat my cabbage and say " Well they're other nice and funny people here too. How bout you try them out " She shakes her head. " Why not " I ask annoyed. She doesn't answer and continues eating her salad. " Because i'm popular " I say annoyed. Her eyes widen and she ask " How'd you know ? " I smirk and say " Your frenemy " She nods and say's " Yeah you caught me. I want another best friend and i want to be popular " I sigh and say " You can't replace your best friend " " Alright now what's your excuse for me being popular ? " She ask in a whatever tone of voice. " You don't want to be popular for causing trouble " I say hopeful she'll agree and leave me alone. She shakes her head and say " You got it all wrong. I can replace her and i wanta change. I wanta be bad for once. Not being popular for being a wannabe all that girl " I laugh and say " Well i wouldn't catorgize myself as bad but ok and think about it. If you replace Cecilia with me and continue being yourself would you really enjoy life ? " She nods and say's " I'll adjust to the change. " I sigh and say " But it would be hard and you don't like effort " Olivia was about to respond but Cecilia popped up. " What the hell is that doing over here ? " Cecilia ask while pointing at her. " Uh excuse me. I'm not a that i'm a girl. Get it straight. " Olivia say's while standing up. " Ugh. Have you ever heard of mints ? Because you need them bad. " Cecilia say's while covering her nose. " Uh have you ever heard of go away ? Because that's what i want ya to do " Olivia say's. Cecilia was about to say something but i popped in saying " UH HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF SHUT THE FUCK UP ? BECAUSE YALL REALLY NEED TO DO THAT YALL ARE GIVING ME A HEADACHE ! " They look shock and sit down. Cecilia sits beside me while Olivia is across from me. " I'm sorry " Olivia say's. " I'm sorry too " Cecilia say's. Olivia was about to say something but i popped in and said " Uh uh. Don't do that. It leads to war " " Do what ? " Cecilia ask. " Don't try and compete with each other. This ain't a game show. " I say while sighing and putting my head down. I feel someone rub my back and then another hand. Then i hear muffled aruging. I lift my head up and glare at them. They shut up. " Look how bout you guy's tell me what's the problem. " I say trying to solve this mess. " I'm dating this guy which Cecilia doesn't like. She thinks he's gonna abuse me. I told her since i dated him that i'm fine. So now she's mad at me because she thinks i'm taking my boyfriends side than her's. So everytime Cecilia wants to do something with me i'll bring my boyfriend along so she can see that's he's not a bad guy. " Olivia say's while sighing. I nod and say " Ok both of you guy's are being stubborn. "  " How ? " They both ask in harmony. " Cecilia leave Olivia alone about her boyfriend. She know's how you feel but you see she's not gonna dump the guy because of you so stop worrying. You're not her mom. Olivia you see that Cecilia hates your boyfriend so stop bringing him along when you guy's hang out. Now if you guy's do what i just told you then you guy's will go back to being bff's in no time and will forget about me ! " I say hopeful they'll follow my advice. They look at each other and Cecilia gets up and opens her arms and say's " I'm sorry Oli " Olivia get's and up and say's " I'm also sorry Lia " They hug each other and then depart. " We don't need you anymore. Catch you on the flipside ! " Cecilia say's and leaves. Olivia rolls her eyes and say's " Thanks. You can be a therapist " I smile at her and say " Wish you guy's the best " She smiles. " OLIVIA GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE ! " Cecilia shouts. She chuckles then leaves. I finished eating my lunch and then go in the dining room and watch what they were now playing on TV which was Judge Judy. I watch about 15 minutes into the show until my guard comes up to me and say's " You've a visitor " I give him a confuse look but get up and follow him. Who the hell could it be ? I go in to the visiting room and see it's empty. " Aisle 7 " He say's. I walk down to aisle 7 and see Anthony. My eyes widen and i sit down. I grab the phone and say " Merry Christmas " He smiles and say's " Merry Christmas " " What are you doin here ? I thought you forgot about me " I ask. " How can i forget about the girl who bit my hand just because i told her no ? " He ask while chuckling. I laugh and say " Deal's off. I don't want her fired anymore. She turned out to be nice while Ms. Robinson was the jackass " " Oh. How you know ? " He ask. " I heard her and Ms. Booze talking. Ms. Booze was saying to her how she can come back and she was all like no i have a better job now, i have better pay, they treat me better, and i never cared about the kids. She was only acting nice so her pay can be higher. Her job now is being a prostitute. " I say annoyed. "
 Oh. Well i'm sorry to hear that " He say's. I nod and say " Yeah well anyway i heard you and Ms. Booze broke up " He chuckles and say's " Well you seem to build a personal relationship with all your wardens. " I shrug. " Yeah we did. She wanted to take things to the next level " He say's. " Sex ? " I ask. He nods. I shudder. " I broke up with her right then and there. I didn't have feelings for her but she did for me. So i told her i didn't like her that way and i left. She took it hard but she's over it now. Right ? " He ask. My eyes widen and i shake my head rapidly then say " No Anthony ! Girls never get over their loves. That's not how we are programmed. We are programmed to be shy and wait for a guy that catches our eyes to bring us out  our shells. Now it's Cupid's decision to let them stay together. If Cupid decides to split us up then we split up but the girl's will never forget their loves. " Anthony's eyes widen and say's " Well now i know who to visit when i have love problems " I laugh. " Isn't your time suppose to be up by now ? " Anthony ask. I tilt my head and ask " Why you wanna know ? You wanna leave ? " " No. No. Just asking " He say's while putting his hands up. I nod and  say " I'm not gonna tell him either " " Aww you like my company ? " Anthony say's. " No. You can leave now for all i care " I say while crossing my arms. Anthony shrugs then get's up, hangs up the phone, and leaves. My eyes widen, i stand up, bang on the glass, and shout no ! He laughs and comes back. " You asshole " I say while sticking my tounge out. " You said you don't care if i leave " He say's while laughing. " Hobknocker " I mutter. " Hey. Keep calling me names and i'll leave " He say's. No. Sorry. " I say while pouting. He chuckles and shakes his head. " No but seriously. If you're busy then leave. I'm used to people doing it to me all the time. " I say. His face saddens then he ask " What can i possibly be doing that makes me busy on Christmas day ? " I shrug and say " I don't know. You could possibly have to work on an investigation or something. " He chuckles and say's " Chief gave me today off " I nod and ask " Don't you have family ? " His face saddens. " Uh, sorry you don't have to answer. " I say. He shakes his head and say's " No. It's fine. My family disowned me and i don't have a wife to start my own family with " " How come they disowned you ? " I ask letting curiosity get the best of me. " They wanted me to continue the family buisness. Which was work at the bakery. " He say's annoyed. " But being a undercover cop is way better than being some baker " I say. " Appearantly not to them " He say's. " I'm so sorry " I say. " Don't be. You're not the one who disowned me " He say's. I nod and say " So how old are you ? " He laugh's and say's " Guess " " Uh, 31 ? " I ask. " Close. 32 " He say's. " Woah. I was close. That's like a creepy talent i have " I say. " What ? " He ask. " Knowing peoples age right on the spot and if i get it wrong it's by a year older or younger. " I say. " Cool " He say's. I hear my guards footsteps coming and i say. "
 Shit ! Well the extra minutes were nice. " I say while getting up. " Wait ! Here " He say's while handing me something. It's a necklace with a silver chain and heart with the letter K carved in it. " Oh my goodness. You didn't have to " I say amazed. " No. I wanted to. " He say's. " How much did this cost ? " I ask. " $1,274. 15 " He say's. My eyes widen and i say " I'm not worth that much " " To me you are. You are the only person i care about. I think of you like a daughter. " He say's. What a coincidence, two people end up loving each other and they both come from disowned family's. " Thank you for the gift and sorry i didn't get you a gift. " I say. " It's alright. You alone being here is a wonderful gift for me. " He say's. I smile and put the necklace on. ": You look beautiful " He say's. I smile and the guards comes in then say's " Alright. Times up. " I nod at the guard and squeeze my Dad's hand and say " Thanks for coming " He nods and squeezes back. We let go and i leave out the visiting room. When i go out in the hallway i turn around and say to my guard " Thanks for the extra time " He smiles and say's " My gift to you. Merry Christmas Kayla. " I smile and say " Merry Christmas " I go back in the dining room and see Martha and Dante there. " Your back " I say. They nod and Martha points at my necklace. " Oh yeah. Antony gave it to me. " They give me confuse looks. " Your dad's best friend. " I say. Martha nods and Dante say's " It looks nice and expensive. How much ? " " $1,274. 15 " I say. Their eyes widen and Dante say's " Damn ! What job he got ? " " An undercover cop. " I say. " No shock. " He say's. I nod. " We have news " Dante say's. " What ? " I ask. Dante grabs Martha's hand and she squeezes it. My eyes widen and i say " OMG ! I'm so happy for you guy's. " They look at me confusignly. " What ? " I ask. " We thought you would me mad " Dante say's. " Why would i be mad ? " I ask. Dante shrugs and say's " Because we thought you'd think that i asked her to soon. " " You did but that's ok since i can see that you truly love her. Best wishes to you. " I say. They smile. The doors bang are pushed opened and there is standing a lady who looks to be around in her fifties. Blonde short hair in a messy pony tail and bang on the right side of her head. She is wearing a black shirt with grey sweats. She is sweating and holding a black pistol. She is shaking and crying. Everybody gasp. " Where's Annabelle ? ! " She ask while pointing the gun at everyone. They look confuse but i knew that that's Ms. Booze's first name. " ANSWER ME IDIOTS ! " She shouts. Well i guess calling people idiots run's in the family. " Isabelle put the gun down and just talk to me. Don't get them invovled. " Ms. Booze say's. Isabelle shoots the gun at a vase that shattered right beside Ms. Booze and say's " DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO ! " " GUARDS ! " Ms. Booze shouts. " THEY'RE NO GUARDS HERE TO RESCUE YOU AND YOUR GROUP OF MORONS ! " Isabelle say's. " What'd you do to them ? ! " Ms. Booze ask. " Nevermind that. Just give me what i want or i'll take away all these lives here " Isabelle say's. Martha isn't taking this so good. She can't handle drama so she's freaking out know on  the verge of tears. Dante and i are struggling to stop her from crying. " Shh shh shh. You can't cry baby. You can't cry " Dante say's. We're both craddling her. " Look Martha stop crying. Do you want her to shoot you ? " I say. Wrong words. Martha does a loud sob sound and starts crying. Dante glares at me. " SHUT HER UP ! " Isabelle screams. Dante and i try to but no luck. She just cry's louder. " Maybe if you put the gun down she will " I say annoyed. Isabelle's eyes widen and she points the gun at me then say's " Sassy little somebody. Aren't you ? " I shake my head and say " No just being me " She growls and say's " SHUT UP OR I'LL SHOOT YOU ! " Surprisingly i wasn't scared. I was just annoyed that she's ruining our Christmas. " Look lady i don't know what your problem is but i would appreciate it if you and Ms. Booze will settle it not in here. We're trying to have a nice Christmas. " I say annoyed. She looks at me with her widen eyes and say's " I HATE YOU ! " " Isabelle she's right. Just put the gun down and tell me your problem " Ms. Booze say's. She lowers the gun and say's " I won't put it down but i'll tell you my problem " Martha wasn't crying anymore now that Dante finally got her to calm down. As they were talking i slid out the dining room and went to Ms. Boozes office. I sat down and picked up the phone. I called 911 and told them what was happening. I went back in the dining and saw Isabelle having the gun directly pushed to Ms. Boozes head. Isabelle looks at me and ask " Where were you ? What'd you do ? " I sigh and say " Nothing. Just went to the bathroom. " She eyes me suspiciously and then goes back to threating us. " I want my man back. " Isabelle say's. " Isabelle i told you before. He's dead. He's been dead for 8 years. " Ms. Booze say's. " You took him away from me. If it weren't for you he would still be with me and alive ! " Isabelle say's. " Can we please discuss this in private ? " ,Ms. Booze ask. Isabelle shakes her head and say's " Your babies need to hear this. They need to know how their innocent warden isn't so innocent. " " Please don't " Ms. Booze say's. Isabelle starts laughing and say's " Those are exact words i said to you when you were helping my man pack when he was about to move in with you " " Stop calling him your man ! He left you because he couldn't take how controlling you was. He needed freedom. You were treating him like a baby ! " Ms. Booze say's. " I don't see why he left me for a manstealing whore. I'm surprise he even had a family with you. But your kids ended up the same way as him. DEAD ! " Isabelle say's. " Isabelle please stop ! It's no purpose now he's dead. I'm not lying ! " Ms. Booze say's. It's sad that the patients were being forced to watch this torture. This was Isabelle's way of getting back at Ms. Booze for " stealing " her man. Where are the cops when you need them ? " If he's dead then how come i didn't know about this ? " Isabelle asked. " You're in a mental hospital " Ms. Booze say's. " That's no excuse ! " Isabelle say's. " How could i possibly want to visit you if i all you were going to do is whine about how i stole your man ? " Ms. Booze asked. Isabelle's face turned redder and she started shooting Ms. Booze. It was a very disgusting site but yet we the patients did nothing. We watched Ms. Booze scream in pain. As Isabelle was shooting her she was laughing. But that stopped when the cops finally came. The African American one hit her upside the head with his stick and the Caucasian one handcuffed her. She was wiggling and shouting " LET ME GO ! SHE NEEDS TO DIE JUST LIKE LEON ! " The African American one tazzed her and she went limp and unconsious. " We need and ambulance " The Caucasian one said into his walkie-talkie. Ms. Booze was still alive but she was bloody, breathing softly, eyes closed, and laying on her left side on the floor. The ambulance eventually came and took Ms. Booze to an emergency room. 

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