Chapter 28: Planning The Surprise Date

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Afton takes us back to WillyWood at 10:44pm. " Sorry guys about tonight " Afton says. " It's fine. As long as i don't see him again " Mark says. My mouth was still hurting alot. " Do i have to go in there with you guys ? " Afton ask. " Yeah. All you have to do is sign us in " Mark says. Afton nods and we get out the car. We go inside WillyWood and Afton signs us in. Mark and i go into Ms. Robinson's office with Alyson behind us. We go in and see that Ms. Robinson is crying with her head in her hands. She looks up when she hears us enter. Ms. Robinson runs towards Alyson and cries into her fur saying " Alyson your safe and sound " Mark and i try to weasel our way out but Ms. Robinson stops us. " Don't you leave ! " Ms. Robinson shouts. Mark and i sit on the couch. Ms. Robinson sits in her chair and glares at us. " I asked you guys could you watch her and you said yes. I come back expecting to see you guys still in here but no you guys are gone. Now tell me honestly where you guys were. I want only the truth " Ms. Robinson says. " Kayla and i were walking Alyson in the courtyard and Alyson started sniffing in this corner and dug a hole then escaped. Kayla and i went after her then she started running. She led us to the the back way to go to WillyWood. Even though we could've just went back to WillyWood, i wanted to take Kayla to a surprise place not to far from here. As i was taking her there Afton pulled up beside us and asked Kayla to go to a party with him since he had no date and Kayla ask if Alyson and i can come with her for protection. I said yes. So we went to the party and it didn't turn out so well. I got in a fight with the guy who was hosting the party. After that Afton took us here " Mark says. Ms. Robinson signs and says " I don't know what to do with you guys " " Please don't be mad at Afton " I say. Ms. Robinson growls and says " How can i not ? Making me look bad at my job " " He did not mean to cause harm and he didn't even know we're mental patients until Kayla told him " Mark says. Ms. Robinson signs and says " We're gonna put this behind us and go to bed " Mark and i nod and go to in the dining room to find Martha. We see her reading a book on the couch. " Martha ! " I say running to her and hugging her. Martha hugs me back. " How'd it go ? " Mark ask. Martha sits down and says " The judge made sure that Dante is in an mental institution that is so strict with their rules that he can't even go outside and my parents sued Dante's. My family is using the money to pay for my medical bills " I sit down and say " You did the right thing " Martha smiles and says " I came back here around 6pm. Where were you guys ? " Mark explains to Martha what happened today. " Wow. Ashton is an asshole " Martha says. Mark and i nod. RING RING RING. It was time for bed. We say our goodnight's to Martha and Mark and i start walking back to our cells. " Why were you and Ashton fighting anyway ? " I ask. " He was disrespecting you " Mark says. " How ? " I ask. " He told me that if i wasn't your boyfriend he would be and he only likes you for your body. He kept calling bitch also " Mark says. We arrive at our cells and I kiss Mark goodnight. " Thank you for fighting for my honor " I say. " Anytime princess " Mark says. " Alright alright, enough " Mark's guard says. We chuckle and separate. I go in my cell and go to sleep almost instantly.........................................................I wake up the next morning at 6am. Since breakfast wasn't ready yet i decided to draw. I drew into breakfast was ready by 8am. My guard lets me out and i meet up with Mark who was standing outside my cell. " Good morning babe " I say. " Good morning beautiful " Mark says kissing me. Mark and i walk in the lunch line to meet up with Martha. " Bestie ! " I say hugging her. " Bestie ! " Mark says copying me. Martha laughs and says " Kayla i'm surprised your up " I chuckle and say " I guess it's because i went to bed last night when the clock actually said pm " We get our trays and sit down at our table. " It makes me happy knowing we're sitting back at our table just the three of us. It's been awhile " Mark says. " It's like things are back to normal " Martha says. I smile and eat my grits. A guard comes up to our table and says " Kayla you have a visitor " I look at Mark and Martha and say " I'll be back " " What you get us into now ? " Martha ask. I laugh and say " I don't know. We'll see " The guard walks me to the visiting room. The only person in the visiting room was Afton. I sit down and pick up the phone. " Hey " I say. " Hey " Afton says. " How are you ? " I ask. " Good. You ? " Afton says. " I'm hanging in there " I say. " I came here because i wanted to know if Erin is mad at me " Afton says. " Yeah she is. Mark tried to make you sound innocent but she isn't convinced " I say. Afton signs and says " I want to fix things with her but she wants nothing to do with me " " How you know that ? " I ask. " I called her like a zillion times before i got here. She didn't pick up on any of them " Afton says. " I know how you can get her to talk to you " I say. " How ? " Afton ask. " You should plan a surprise date for her " I say. " I'm not good in the romantic area " Afton says. " That's ok because Mark will help you " I say. " How you know he'll help me ? " Afton ask. " I know him " I say. " When should the date be ? " Afton ask. " Tonight. It's perfect because today is Saturday and you both have no plans " I say. Afton chuckles and says " Ok. I'm up for this " " All you have to do is get Mark out of here " I say. " Where will the date be ? " Afton ask. " Have you heard of Undici ? " I ask. " Yeah. Isn't it a fancy restaurant ? " Afton ask. I nod and say " That's perfect but it's pricey. Will you be able to afford it ? " " Yeah i'm sure " Afton says. " What time would you like the date to start ? " I ask. " 8:00pm " Afton says. I nod and say " Alright lets get started " Afton goes in the lobby to sign Mark out and i go back in the cafeteria to see that my tray is empty. " Who ate my food ? " I ask crossing my arms. " I did " Martha says looking slightly guilty. I laugh and say " I don't care " " Who was visiting you ? " Mark ask. " Afton. He's waiting for you in the lobby now. You should go get dressed " I say smirking. " Wait what ? Why is he waiting for me ? " Mark ask sounding confused. " He wants to get Ms. Robinson to forgive him so i suggested the idea to make a surprise date for her. He told me he was not good in the area of romance so i told him don't worry because you were gonna help him out " I say. Mark's jaw drops and says " He's doomed " " Why you say that ? " Martha ask. " I know nothing about romance either " Mark says. " Liar. You are super romantic in my opinion " I say. Mark blushes and says " I'm glad i'm doing my job " I smile and say " Please do this. For the sake of love " Mark signs and says " Fine. I'll help him " Martha claps and says " Yay ! We're helping two people become a couple " I laugh and say " While you help Afton, Martha and i will be helping Ms. Robinson " Martha's eyes widen and says " Uh last time i checked it was just you and Mark helping this future couple " " Please Martha. It'll be fun " I say. Martha signs and says " I give in like Mark did " I laugh and say " Thank you guys so much. This means the world to Afton " Mark goes in his cell to get dress and Martha and i go to Ms. Robinson's office. Ms. Robinson was laying down on her couch petting Alyson laying by her side. Alyson's ears and tail stick up when she see's us. Martha goes up to her and says " Hey girl ! Hey girl ! " " Surprise that you guys are even in the building " Ms. Robinson says. Ms. Robinson looked really depressed and i don't know why. I see tissue with snot in it laying around, Ms. Robinson doesn't have any make up on which she always have on, she didn't put much effort into what she wore, and her office looks a mess. " What's wrong ? " I asked. Ms. Robinson shakes her head and turns over on the couch. " I'm gonna give Alyson a walk " Martha says leaving so i can talk to Ms. Robinson in private. When Martha left with Alyson i sat on the couch and put my hand on Ms. Robinson's shoulder. " Ignoring the problem won't help " I say. Ms. Robinson signs and turns over. " What do you want ? " Ms. Robinson ask. " I want to help you " I say. " I don't have just one problem. There multiples " Ms. Robinson says. " I'm open ears " I say. " Why do you want to help me ? " Ms. Robinson ask. " Because i care for you and i want the people i care about to be happy " I say. Ms. Robinson gives me a small smile and says " You asked for it. Ok so my boss scolded at me again about me not doing what he suggested about me being more strict on you guys, my mom is sick, i'm in debt, and in love " I give Ms. Robinson a hug and say " In love ? " Ms. Robinson chuckles and says " I can't believe i'm admitting this but it's Afton " I smile and say " Wanna know a secret that may make you feel better ? " Ms. Robinson nods and says " I can use a good smile " " Afton loves you too " I say. Ms.Robinson hides her blushing face into a pillow. " But i'm confused. If you love him why did you ignore his phone calls ? " I ask. " I was mad at him but now i feel guilty. I thought he would keep calling me all day. When a minute passed and i didn't hear my phone vibrate with his name across the screen i was really sad and got even more depressed " Ms. Robinson says. " He has a life too, you know " I say. Ms. Robinson signs and says " I should call him. Thanks Kayla for making me feel better again " Ms. Robinson was about to grab her cell but i snatched it before she could touch it. " Not now. How bout you freshen up and we go out ? Just to get you out of this depressing sight. It'll take your mind on something more positive " I say. Ms. Robinson gives me a confused look and says " Weren't you the one just telling me that i should call him ? " " Yeah i was but not so soon. Give it a couple hours " I say. Ms. Robinson nods and says " I'll be in the shower. Will you be in here when i get out ? " " Yeah. Don't worry. My mind is focused on only you today " I say. Ms. Robinson smiles and says " Okie. I won't take long " Ms. Robinson leaves her office to take a shower and i leave out to go get Martha. I go in the courtyard and see Martha and Alyson sitting on the ground looking up at the clouds. " Aww. What a cute sight " I say gushing. They both turn around and Alyson comes running to me then jumping on me. " Hey girl ! Hey girl ! " I say. Martha walks towards me and says " How'd it go ? " " It went fine. She's taking a shower now " I say. " That's good and Mark left. He wanted me to tell you that he loves you and will be missing your lips " Martha says. I start blushing. Martha gives me a disgusted look and says " If i were him i don't think i'll be missing the lips of someone who ate dog shit " I playfully hit Martha and say " She wants me back in there when she's done bathing so come with me " " She said she wants you in there not me " Martha says. " Come on please Martha. We have to discuss our plans anyway " I say. " Fine. Let's go " Martha says. We walk back to Ms. Robinson's office and sit on the couch while Alyson lays in her bed chewing on a bone. " So what's our job ? " Martha ask. " We have to take her shopping for a dress, heels, jewelry, and perfume, i'll give her a manicure and pedicure, and you'll do her hair " I say. " If this is all a surprise for her then why is she paying for the stuff ? " Martha ask. " She won't take a penny out " I say. " We don't have money so how ? You gonna rob a bank real quick ? " Martha says. " No. Afton gave me his money to cover for her shopping " I say. " What a gentlemen " Martha says. Ms. Robinson comes in her office looking refreshed. She's wearing a purple long sleeve shirt and white jeans with black combat boots. Her hair is in a bun with a bang to the right. " You look cute " Martha says. " Thanks Martha. You do too with your pigtails. Reminds me of my 6 year old self " Ms. Robinson says feeling on one of Martha's pigtails. Martha chuckles and says " You know i'm coming also " " No i did not " Ms. Robinson says looking at me for explanation. " Yeah i meant to tell you that " I say with a shrug. Ms. Robinson shakes her head and says " Are you guys ready ? " We nod and Ms. Robinson says her goodbyes to Alyson. " Bye bye boo boo. Mommy misses you " Ms. Robinson says kissing her nose. " I think you can be great with kids. Have you thought about having any ? " Martha ask. " Yeah i want 5 but i haven't gotten married yet. I want to do it religiously " Ms. Robinson says. We leave out her office and into the lobby. " They're coming with me and Lawrence Alyson is in my office. Keep an eye on her for me " Ms. Robinson says. " No problem " Lawrence says. We go outside and into Ms. Robinson's car. Ms. Robinson starts driving. " Where to ? " Ms. Robinson ask. " JCPenny " I say. " What are we gonna do there ? " Ms. Robinson ask. " It's a store. We're not gonna play there " Martha says. " Let me rephrase my question. What am i buying here ? " Ms. Robinson says. " Your buying nothing " I say. " Then why are we going to a store ? " Ms. Robinson ask. " We're gonna get something but your not buying " Martha says. " Then who is ? " Ms. Robinson ask. " Afton " I say. Ms. Robinson gives us a confused look and says " What do you mean ? " " Oh my gosh ! There's a cat ! Stop ! " Martha shouts. Ms. Robinson hits the breaks. " Where Martha ? " Ms. Robinson asked breathing hard. Martha looks out the window and pretends to look for a cat and says " I don't know what happened to it " Ms. Robinson signs and says " Don't do that again " " Sorry on her behalf " I say. Ms. Robinson continues driving. Martha and i quietly high five. Martha made that outburst so she can take Ms. Robinson's mind off of what i said about Afton's money. We arrive at JCPenny. We get out the car and walk in the store. " What are you buying ? " Ms. Robinson says. " This shopping spree is all about you. We're gonna treat you to some nice things " Martha says. Ms. Robinson smiles and says " Well thank you guys. What made you wanna treat me ? " " We noticed how hard you've been working and how stressed out you were so we decided to treat you " I say. Ms. Robinson smiles and says " I am so lucky to have patients like you guys " We walk to the dress area. " See anything you like ? " Martha ask. Ms. Robinson goes to a purple long strapless dress. " I love this one " Ms. Robinson says admiring it. I go up to the price tag and the dress is $100. " How much money did he give you ? " Martha ask. " I don't even know. He gave me his whole credit card " I say. Martha and Ms. Robinson's mouth drop. Martha pulls me aside and says " Then how is he gonna pay for his stuff ? " " He has 3 credit cards " I say. " Damn. What job he have ? " Martha ask. I laugh and shrug. Ms. Robinson walks up to us and says " So can i get the dress ? " " Yes you can. Quoting from his mouth you can have anything you desire " I say. Ms. Robinson laughs and says " Lets continue " We go in the jewelry section and Ms. Robinson picks out diamond earrings, necklace, bracelet, and ring. Next we went to the shoe section. Ms. Robinson picked out some purple stilettos. " Anything else i should get ? " Ms. Robinson ask. " That's on you to decide " Martha says. " I think i'm done " Ms. Robinson says. We go up to the cashier and Afton end up paying $1,210. We go in the car and Ms. Robinson says " I feel bad " " You shouldn't. He suggested that it should be his money buying your stuff " I say. Ms. Robinson nods and says " Are you guys hungry ? " We nod. " What place do you wanna go ? " Ms. Robinson asked. " WENDY'S ! " Martha and i say in harmony. Ms. Robinson laughs and says " I have no problem with that " We start to drive to Wendy's. " Why won't you guys tell me what's going on ? " Ms. Robinson ask. " What do you mean ? " Martha ask. Ms. Robinson chuckles and says " Don't play dumb with me. I've been around longer than you have. I know the tricks and surprises people pull " Martha and i glance at each other. " Afton specifically told me to keep it a surprise. All you need to know is that you have to be ready by 8:00pm, wear something fancy, don't eat much until then, and there's no set time for you to come back to WillyWood. If i tell you the surprise that'll hurt Afton and he will lose trust in me " I say. " Ok. I understand " Ms. Robinson says. We arrive at Wendy's. " Remember don't eat too much " Martha says. " I hear that everyday " Ms. Robinson says rolling her eyes. We go in line. " From who ? " I ask. " My dad " Ms. Robinson says. " I don't see why he would tell you that everyday. Your not fat " Martha says. Ms. Robinson smiles and says " Thank you " The line moves up and it's our turn to order. " Welcome to Wendy's. What would you like to order ? " The cashier says. " I'll get a bacon cheeseburger with fries and a medium size soda " Martha says. " I'll get a double stack burger with chicken nuggets and a chocolate frosty " I say. " I'll get a Caesar salad with some water " Ms. Robinson says. The cashier types on the computer screen and says " That'll be $14.35 " I was about to give the cashier Afton's card but Ms. Robinson stopped me and gave the cashier her money instead. " He only said he'll pay for me not all of us " Ms. Robinson says. I nod and put his card back in my pocket. " You're number 4 " The cashier says. We nod and grab our cups and fill it up with our drinks. " Tall chairs by the window is us " Martha says running over to the table. Ms. Robinson and i laugh and sit at the table. " So when did you start liking Afton ? " I ask. Ms. Robinson blushes and says " I met Afton the day after i got fired from being warden. We're at Starbucks at like 9pm being depressed. He came up to me and started talking to me. He asked me could i go to Karma which is a club with him and i said yes. We both had fun that night and had sex. So we continued that relationship for about 4 more weeks. We had sex 2 times per week. I eventually started to really like Afton and wanted to stop just being fuck buddies and just became buddies. I was surprised he agreed i thought he would be mad and ditch me. So we hung out more and started to get to know each other. Now i'm here " " Aww what a different love story " Martha says. " Everyone's different " Ms. Robinson says. " NUMBER 4 YOUR FOOD IS READY ! " A lady shouts. Ms. Robinson goes to get our food. " Are you ok ? " I ask. Martha nods and says " Why wouldn't i be ? " " I was just checking. Is your body feeling better ? " I say. " Every bruise has stopped hurting besides my rib one and that's because he broke a rib " Martha says. " That's horrible ! What are you doing to help it ? " I say. " I wear this pad on it under my clothes everyday and Ms. Simpson and i do this certain type of stretching to help it " Martha says. Ms. Robinson comes back with our food. " Yum. It smells so good " I say opening my bag. We eat our food and leave when we're finished. " Thank you " Martha and i say. " No problem " Ms. Robinson says starting the car. We pull off and Ms. Robinson says " Anywhere else we have to go ? " " No. When we go back to WillyWood i'm gonna do your hair and Kayla is gonna give you a manicure and pedicure " Martha says. " Oh really. Is this your way of calling me ugly ? " Ms. Robinson says. " Oh no ! Your anything but ugly " I say. Ms. Robinson chuckles and i end up falling asleep in the car. I wake up to Martha shaking me. " Kayla wake up. We're here " Martha says. We get out the car and into Ms. Robinson's office. Alyson jumps on all of us and gives a lick. " Ready to get your nails done ? " I ask. Ms. Robinson pulls out one of her draws that's filled with nail polish. Ms. Robinson takes out the purple polish. Ms. Robinson sits on the couch and i sit on the floor with my legs criss crossed. Martha goes on Ms. Robinson's laptop to play some games and Alyson is sleeping. " What you and Martha are doing is really sweet of you guys " Ms. Robinson says. I smile and say " You are very sweet to us " When i'm done polishing her nails Martha starts to work on her hair. " What would you like done to this ? " Martha ask grabbing a handful of Ms. Robinson's hair. " I want it out. Make sure there's some curls to it " Ms. Robinson says. Martha nods and starts to work. Ms. Robinson was done getting all dolled up by 7:30pm. Ms. Robinson goes to the bathroom which gives Martha the chance to see if Afton and Mark came back. Martha comes back along with Mark. " Baby ! " I say giving Mark a hug with a kiss. " Is everything ready ? " Martha ask. " Yeah. Where's Ms. Robinson ? " Mark says. " Here i am " Ms. Robinson says coming in. " Wow. You look great ! " Mark says. " Thank you Mark. Where were you ? " Ms. Robinson says. " With Afton. He's ready to take you out now " Mark says. Ms. Robinson's eyes widen and looks at me. " What ? " Ms. Robinson ask. " Martha and i were getting you ready for a date " I say. " I'm not ready to see him. I can't go out there. Tell him to go " Ms. Robinson says frantically. " No ! You can't keep hiding from him. This is the perfect time to talk things out with him. You always get sad when he's not here but when he is you push him away. Keep doing this and you'll lose him for good " I say. Ms. Robinson sighs and nods her head. " Ok. I'm going " Ms. Robinson says with a smile. We walk into the lobby and see Afton standing there with his hands behind his back. He's wearing a black tuxedo and black dress shoes. He gotta haircut too. Afton's jaw drops when he see's Ms. Robinson and say's " You are the most beautiful women in this universe " " Aww ! " Martha says gushing. " You don't look too bad either " Ms. Robinson says. Afton shows a bouquet of lavender roses from behind his back and says " These are for you " Ms. Robinson takes them and hugs Afton. " She'll be back before you guys wake up tomorrow " Afton says. I laugh and say " Ok. You guys have fun ! " We watch them leave out and get into a purple limo. " He must be rich ! " Martha says. " Being in the army pays off " Mark says. " He's in the army ? " I ask shocked. Mark nods and says " I think i wanna join " " Oh no the hell you not ! " I say. Martha laughs and says " Lets go to dinner " 

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