Chapter 12: Dante's Birthday !

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I didn't go to sleep because their was no point. It was 7:57 am when i went back to my cell. So i just sat their until i heard the announcements. After announcements everybody went to the cafeteria. Everybody had shockness and happiness on their faces. Martha runs up to me and ask " OH MY GOODNESS ! ISN'T THIS PRETTY ? ! " I laugh and say " Yeah. It is " She looks at me oddly and ask " Why do you look like that ? " The line moves up and we get our trays and sit down. " Oh what a way to make a girl feel pretty. " I say. " That's not my job that's Mark's. " Martha say's. I look down and eat my bacon. " Oh sorry i ...." I cut her off and say " It's alright a anyway i look like this because Ms. Booze and i did all this " " What ? " She ask. I nod and say " Well that's my Christmas present to you " I say. " Aww Thanks KK " Martha say's while hugging me. We let go and i ask " Have you heard from Mark ? " " Um, no i haven' t. Last i seen him was movie night. " Martha say's. " You know i've been thinking " Martha say's. " Uh oh " I say. She glares at me. " As i was saying i was thinking about giving Dante a shelter " Martha say's. " How ? " I ask. " Don't know. But he can't stay out their " Martha say's. " Good morning WillyWood ! We'll be having a dance on Christmas night at 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm " Ms. Booze say's. " This should be fun " Martha say's. After breakfast we visit Dante. It's a blizzard outside. We barely noticed him since he had a huge blanket on him. " Hey Dante Martha and i have been thinking about you going in a shelther...." Dante cuts me off and say's " Look i told yall i ain't going in the hospital "I shrug. " DANTE WYNTER BURKHOLDER ! I'LL NOT LET ONE OF MY BFF DIE BECAUSE THEY WERE TO STUBBORN TO FIND SHELTHER ! YOU'RE COMING IN WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT ! " Martha screams. " Oh yeah. Make me " Dante say's while sticking out his tounge. " Well if you don't go in then you'll get caught " I say. " How ? " Dante ask. " Ms. Booze hired some guy's to put up Christmas decorations tomorrow. " I say. He sigh's and say's " Then'll just leave during the hours they'll be here " " Hold on " I say while going back in. I go in the nurses office and look on the medicine cabnet. I find the pills i wanted which was the one that knocks you out instantly. I go back outside and find Martha and Dante cuddling. " Yall to cute " I say. " I thought you left me up here to die " Martha say's while chuckling. " If i did atleast you'd have died with one of your bff's. I got Dante off gaurd to put the pills in his mouth. " What the hell Kayla ? " Martha ask. " He'll pass out soon " I say. Martha snatches the bottle from me and reads it. Dante starts to become droopy eyed and then he passed out. " He's suppose to stay unconsious for an hour ? ! " Martha ask. " I guess " I say while shrugging. " Now help me lift him " I say. " Ok. I call his head. " Martha say's. We carry him and we find Ms. Booze in her office. " Kayla ? Martha ? " Ms. Booze ask. " Well we were gonna get caught some day " Martha say's. We place him on the couch. " Ok this is a long story. 3 day's ago Martha and i were bored so we went in your office to find something to do until Martha pulled a book out and it transferred into a wall so we typed random numbers until it opened then he lead to a staircase and the staircase lead to and elevator and the elevator lead to the top of the building where we met this guy Dante. He's been living up their for 10 years. So today we thought since it's freezing outside why not bring him in ? And that's the end " I say. Ms. Booze looks at us like we're crazy. " Ok then um. I'll let him stay here for the night. " Oh no let him stay for as long as he needs " Martha say's. " Why ? " Ms. Booze say's. " Because he used to go here but he escaped " Martha say's. Ms. Booze goes on her laptop and ask " Last name ? " " Burkholder " Martha say's. " Oh he was. Back in 2005. He escaped in 2006. Appearantly today is his birthday. " Ms. Booze say's. " December, 21st ? " Martha ask. Ms. Booze nods. " Why didn't  that idiot tell me ? " Martha ask. We all chuckle. " We should make him a party " Martha say's. " On such short notice ? " Ms. Booze ask. " Well the longer we stay here talking the shorter time we have to make the party " Martha say's. " Ok where shall the party be held " Ms. Booze ask. " Here " I say. They glare at me. " Sorry " I say. " The dining room. Only Dante, Kayla, you and i will be invited. " Who will bake the cake ? " Ms. Booze ask. " I will ! " Martha say's. Martha goes in the kitchen and Ms. Booze and i will be in the dining room. Ms. Booze does decoration and i pick out the playlist. In like 55 minutes Martha was done with the cake. " Tada ! " Martha say's while placing down the cake. It's 3 layer strawberry with cream cheese icing between the layers, melted milk chocolate drizzled on top and then served with a scoop of homemade French vanilla ice cream on the side. Dante walks in. " Danny you awoke just in time for your birthday party that you never told me when it was and i figured out my research " Martha say's. Dante looks confuse then he came to realization and started running. I ran after him and tackled him to the ground. I'm on his back and he is on his stomach. I see Martha eyeballing me. I get up but make sure i got his hands. My nails are sunk into his skin so he can't move. I walk him to his seat. " Where's Ms. Robbinson ? " Dante ask frantically looking around. Ms. Booze laugh's and say's " No where close to here " He relaxes. Martha counts down from 3 with her fingers and then we all start singing Happy Birthday. When the song was over he blew out his 17 candles. We all clapped. Dante cut the cake and we all had a piece. " Alright guy's this was really fun but i gotta get back to work now. Dante when your party is done come see me " Ms. Booze say's. Dante nods. Martha is on Dante's lap with Dante's arms around her. " So Dante how come you never told me when was your birthday ? " Martha ask. " You never asked " Dante say's. " Martha glares at him. " Fine. It wasn't that important. " He say's. " Dante you know damn well anything relating to you is important to me " Martha say's. He shrugs and say's " Sorry " Martha smiles and hugs him then say's " That's ok Danny " " So where's Mark ? " Dante ask. " We don't know " Martha say's. " Last thing i remember is i was outside then i woke on a couch. Please explain. " Dante say's. " Ok well i went up there to visit you and i said maybe you should come back to the hospital and you kept saying no and you know i wasn't going to take that for an answer. So Kayla got some pills from the nurses office to knock you out and then we carried you in and now your here " Martha say's. " Where's the rest of the patients ? " Dante ask. " In the cafeteria, courtyard, laundry room, or in their cells " Martha say's. And that's how the rest of the party went talking, laughing, eating/drinking, and singing/dancing. It was fun and kept my mind off of Mark. 


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