Chapter 1.

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Just scrolling through Discord on my phone, reading through old messages. All my friends aren't online, mostly because they're all in different time zones or they went to bed early. Heh, just goes to show that I don't have anything to do at nearly midnight.

Right now? I'm just geeking out over a few Pokémon memes that I just find pretty hilarious. Especially ones with Team Rocket and James just flat out roasting Jessie and Meowth, or them being in such obvious disguises yet no one notices them.

"Honestly, how can Ash and all his friends be so damn DUMB?? You'd THINK that at least ONE of them could see through those disguises, but noooo. They should all just quit Team Rocket and follow their dreams together." I said to no one in particular.

Yeahhh I haven't really touched this Fandom in a long time and I haven't realized how much I missed it. A 22 year old girl geeking out over an anime, not like other people haven't or don't. Looking at the time on my phone, it read 11:59pm. Oh shit, I should probably get to bed. I don't usually stay up this late unless it's a weekend. Guess I just wasn't feeling tired.

Eh, oh well. I plugged my phone in to charge and set it next to me on my nightstand, pulling my fuzzy homemade blanket over me. Gets pretty cold in my room because of my shitty window, letting cool air in if it's windy in the winter. I grabbed my favorite stuffed Polar bear and laid down, holding the stuffed bear under my arm and closing my eyes.

"Man, it would be so cool to be in the Pokémon world. I could finally catch myself a Garchomp..." I said to myself.

Garchomp is honestly my favorite Pokémon. Why? He's a walking land shark that can both fly and even Mega Evolve. I just think that's pretty neat. I could feel myself starting to fall asleep and yawned.

"I wish I could go to the Pokémon world..."

A few minutes later, I had fallen asleep.

*   *   *   *

I could feel something gently tickling my skin, a slight warm breeze blowing my hair into my face. Spitting the hair out of my mouth, I opened my eyes and was greeted with tall grass surrounding me. So that explains what was tickling my skin.

Hey wait a minute, where the hell am I? I know damn well I went to bed last night, so WHY am I in the middle of a grass patch? Sitting up, the first thing that hit me was bright sunlight in my eyes. I put a hand over my face to allow my eyes to adjust to the brightness.

Suddenly I would hear the grass behind me start rustling, I whipped towards the noise as it came closer. Oh this how I die? Attacked by a wild animal? The sound was so close now that I could touch whatever it was. No, I'm not going to die like this, I uncovered my eyes to see what it was. What I saw was something I was NEVER expecting.

It was a Gible.

I was in pure shock. I then looked at my hands, noticing they then looked very much like the drawing style of the Pokémon series. No, this can't be real. This HAS to be a dream. Yeah, that's it. There's no WAY there's a Gible  in front of me right now.

"Gible??" It said, sounding confused.

I smiled, "Hi there Gible."


The small Pokémon smiled as well before turning away and headed back the way it came.

"Hey wait!"

I quickly got up and followed after the Gible. Even if this is a dream, I'm still gonna see what this Gible is gonna do. It reached the edge of the tall grass patch and walked out, shaking off. Wait, with the Gible evolutionary track, I can tell what gender it is by the fin. Males have a cut in their fin, Females don't. I took a look at the Pokémons fin, seeing no cut on its fin.

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