Chapter 34.

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I've been scrolling on my phone for a while. Oddly enough all of my apps actually work here, I'm guessing Giratina is behind that as well. Not that I'm complaining, I've been wanting to contact my family as we've all been gone for almost a month. At least, a month in this world. I don't know how much time has passed back home if any at all.

Better safe than sorry, I guess. I opened up my messages and started texting my parents and brother in a group chat.

'Hey, I understand if you're really worried. This sounds hard to believe, but I'm actually in another dimension right now. But don't worry, I'm alright and I'm safe. I'm with some friends and I've made new ones too, I can't wait for you to meet them.'

I hit send and put my phone down on the nightstand, getting into bed under the blankets. It's gotten pretty late and frankly, I'm tired. Garchomp and Pikachu laid down on either side me, I hugged Pikachu like he was a stuffed bear and laid on my side. My shark pressed himself against my back and put an arm around Pikachu and I, rumbling as he made himself comfortable.

"Goodnight you 2." I yawned.

*   *   *   *

They woke up the next morning and started getting ready for the day, Sera was changing into her winter wear when suddenly her phone would start buzzing. Garchomp and Pikachu looked over toward the buzzing device, the mouse picked it up off the nightstand and handed it to her. She took it and answered.



The voice was her father's, she held the phone away from her ear with a startled look on her face. Her Pokémon appeared confused as she did so, she slowly put the phone back to her ear.

"Yeah dad? I love you but PLEASE don't shout in my ear, it's too early for that-"

"What the hell do you mean you're in another dimension?! This isn't funny!" Her father shouted.

"Uhhh, it's not MEANT to be funny. I'm serious, I'm actually in another universe right now. I texted to tell you, Mom and Devin that I'm okay and not in danger."

"Wha-If that were true, then your phone wouldn't be working. Don't lie to me, young lady!"

Sera looked to her Pokémon, grinning mischievously.

"Hey Dad, what time is it for you right now?"

"It's past Noon, why?"

"Good you're wide awake, just wondering if you have a moment to use your camera..."

She held the phone away from her and turned on the camera, facing it at her face with a smile. Her father on the other end took the phone away from his ear and looked at the screen, shocked at what he saw. What he would see was an anime styled girl that looked very much like his daughter, even wearing the same pajamas she wore the night she went missing. To say he was confused was a massive understatement.

"Hey Dad!" She smiled.


She nodded, "Told you I was in another dimension."

Her father was too stunned to say anything, shocked as he saw that his daughter was indeed telling the truth. How else was he supposed to react? It wasn't like this was a common problem around the world, people disappearing and entering other dimensions. She noticed the stunned look on her father's face.

"I'm actually in one you might recognize, the Pokémon universe. You know that show I watched as a kid? The one with the long intro?"


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