Chapter 19.

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We reached the city limit after walking for a while. Hearthome City was huge, I'm amazed we didn't get lost in there. But now that doesn't matter, we're on a mission. A mission to get stronger and defeat Team Galactic.

"Okay, we ready to do this?"

Garchomp and Pikachu nod.

"Good. Because when we find their headquarters, we're showing NO mercy."

I looked back at Hearthome City, thinking of my friends. I know I said this would be for the best, but deep down it hurts being away from them after finally meeting up. It'll be okay though, it is only temporary after all. I took a deep breath and looked away.

"Alright, let's go."

We started walking out of the city, following an asphalt road. At least it was smooth walking from here, for now until we hit dirt anyways. Pikachu rested on my shoulder and Garchomp followed at my side as per usual. We were a team, a strong one at that. A little too strong as a starting team while my friends weren't as super lucky, but I know they'll get better.

"Waaaaiiiitttt!" A voice cried behind us.

We stopped and turned our heads to see Meowth running at us as quick as he could despite being injured. Oh my gosh, I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't forgot about him. I totally forgot about him. The Pokémon came running up to us, panting as he was tired from running.

"Meowth?? You should be resting, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Heh....I thought about what you said." He said.

I raised a brow at him.

"That so?" I say, not exactly convinced.

I don't know how, but I just always seem to know when people are lying or trying to deceive me. I love that part of my gift. Meowth looked at me nervously as I crossed his arms at him.

"Alright Meowth, I'll give it to you straight. Lying don't work on me. What's the real reason you're following us?" I ask sternly.

He flinched then suddenly started waving his arms up and down.

"Alright fine! I figured if I stayed with you I'd find my friends." He blurted.

I sighed and shook my head, uncrossing my arms and kneeling down to look him in the eyes.

"Okay. You wanna reunite with Jessie and James? I don't really mind. But I still believe there's good in you all, you just have to be willing to try. Also, ain't no way I'm letting you walk while you're in this condition."

I opened my bag and moved some of the things out of the way, carefully picking up Meowth and putting him in. He seemed a little caught off guard by this as I zipped it up enough for him to stay secure, then gently putting it on to avoid hurting him.

"There, now you can heal properly. Now we better get moving."

"Where we going?" Meowth asks.

"I won't lie, don't know. But we're gonna train hard and become strong enough to kick Team Galactic to the curb."

"THOSE FASHION FREAKS?!" Meowth cried.

I flinched as that was right behind my head, pretty much right in my ear.

"Yes, I can tell you and your buds want a piece of them. Also. Please don't yell in my ear again." I say.


He couldn't see it, but I smiled at his little response. Garchomp kept a sharp eye on him, so did Pikachu actually.

"Alright, let's get moving. We got a team to assemble."

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