Chapter 20.

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"Garchomp, DRAGON RUSH!" Sera called.

The land shark rushed at then, his trainer moving in sync with his movements from where she stood. Garchomp rammed into Salamence before Jay could even make a command, the dragon roared in pain and went flying into a large boulder. Said boulder would be smashed by the amount of force that was applied from the attack combined with Salamences weight.

"What?! Salamence, get up!" Jay growled.

The next thing she knew, Garchomp was in her face. His large teeth were glistening in the light of the purple aura surrounding him, slobber dripping from his maw and onto her clothes. The Pokémon hunter quickly lifted her arm with the bronzing device on it, aiming at the shark in front of her. But he was quick to smack her arm away, the device breaking off.

"Looks like you're completely disarmed..."

Sera approached the woman, standing by her partners side. The aura surrounding the shark grew stronger as she stood next to him, both of them still moving in sync.

"Let this be your WARNING. You or Galactic go after ANY more Legendary Poké WON'T be so lucky..." She snarled.

Jay would only start to chuckle.

"We'll see about that..."

The Pokémon hunter took something out of her pocket and threw it at the ground, smoke suddenly erupting from it and surrounding them in a cloud. Sera and her Garchomp coughed as they couldn't breathe or see, the shark put an arm out and pulled her close to him. When the smoke disappeared, Jay and her Salamence were nowhere to be seen.

"DAMMIT!" She yelled in anger, Garchomp roaring angrily.

Suddenly they both would freeze in place. As if something had shot them both in the heart, neither could move a single muscle no matter how hard they tried. Sera would groan and fall to her knees, Garchomp doing the same exact thing in perfect sync with her. The aura around him vanished and he returned to his normal form.

"Pika!! Rio!"

Pikachu and Riolu rushed over to her and Garchomp, nudging them to get their attention. The shark shook his head and looked down at them, a weak smile on his face. His trainer however wasn't looking so good, her eyes were closed and she was unconscious.

*   *   *   *

I felt like I had been hit by an opposing opponent, everything was sore and exhausted from battling Salamence. Surely my trainer was feeling the same thing, I swear I could see through her eyes as she could see through mine. Looking over at her, she was slumped against me with her eyes closed.

"Sera?! Sera!! Wake up!" I say.

But she wouldn't.

"Shit...Pikachu, Riolu! Find some Oran and Sitrus berries for both her and Dragonites sakes!" I ordered them.

"We're on it!"

Both of them ran into the trees to get more berries. I lifted my trainer up and carried her over to Dragonite, laying her next to it. Dragonite weakly looked at Sera then to me.

"Are you alright? Do you need a Pokémon center?" I ask them.

"I' alright. I just need some rest...thank you so much for getting me out of there." They said.

"You're welcome. But just know that it was my trainers idea to help you."

Dragonite looked over at Sera, tilting their head. I sat down next to her and pulled her into my lap, panting heavily and feeling exhausted after what had just occurred. I changed form, it was like I evolved all over again. But I didn't...or did I? Was that a 'Bond Evolution' that psychic was talking about? Whatever it was, it sure took it out of me. It must've drained her of all her energy as well.

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