Chapter 37.

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After waiting all morning, we headed back to the Snowpoint Gym for my battle with Candace. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous and almost forgot that Candace said she had a class to teach in the morning. We did manage to get a little training in though. I think I've got a good strategy up my sleeve, but I still can't help having butterflies in my stomach.

Not to mention waking up with a freaking keystone around my neck. How does THAT even work? Which Pokémon of mine is it for? Is it even possible to have a strong bonds with multiple Pokémon? I had far more questions than answers, but for now I wasn't gonna tell my friends about it and hid it under my jacket.

We arrived at the Gym at around 2 o'clock and I knocked on the door. As of yet, nobody answered. I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"You nervous?" Marcus asked.

"Noooo I'm taking deep breaths to inhale the fresh snow!" I replied sarcastically.

This made all my friends chuckle.

"You'll be okay, I'm sure of it." Halt says.

"Thanks. Oh hey! My mom texted me this morning and asked if I could record the battle for her to watch, could one of you record it for me?" I ask.

"Absolutely." Hector said.

I nod and handed my phone to my friends, it doesn't have a password so they won't have any trouble unlocking it. About a minute later the door would open to reveal Candace, it was the same as before and we headed to the battlefield. My friends went up into the viewing area and Hector started recording on my phone as I took my place on the battlefield. Okay, keep calm.

The referee guy came back out and stood in his marked square.

"This shall be a 2 on 2 battle, only the challenger is allowed to substitute Pokémon! Both contenders, please bring out your Pokémon!"

I looked at Pikachu and gave a nod. He nodded back with a grin, jumped off my shoulder and onto the icy battlefield. Candace threw her chosen pokeball and as predicted, out came Abomasnow and then the hail began to rain down. Garchomp was safe from the hail as I decided to keep him in his pokeball to rest up after training, just in case.

"Battle Begin!" The ref called.

"Abomasnow, use Ice Shard!"

The Yeti Pokémon started charging up Ice Shard. Since Abomasnow is an Ice and Grass type, electric moves won't be nearly as effective as I need it to be. But I don't plan on that.

"Alright Pikachu, use Quick attack!" I ordered.

Pikachu flashed white and sprinted at Abomasnow right as she fired off the ice shard, avoiding it with ease. Now I know Candace wants us to get in close so she can use Ice Punch, but I figured out a good counter attack to that. Pikachu rammed into Abomasnows stomach, she grunted loudly and slid back on the ice.

"Perfect. Abomasnow, Ice punch!" Candace said.

But I chuckled.

"I figured you'd do that. Pikachu, use Iron tail to block it!"

The Yeti was about to punch the little mouse when he quickly blocked with Iron tail. Steel type moves are super effective on Ice types, and that's exactly what I was hoping for. Both Abomasnow and Pikachu slid back on the ice, looking at each other with intense glares.

But then I saw small static electric bolts surround Abomasnow and she grunted. Waaaaait a minute, I totally forgot! Pikachus natural ability is Static! Meaning that there's a chance of him paralyzing his opponent in battle. But paralysis won't stop Abomasnow from using ALL her moves, so we can't relax yet.

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