Chapter 25.

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I've been trying to work with Metagross for the majority of the morning, but he's still being a stubborn ass. He won't listen, look at me, nor give a response. To say I'm really starting to get frustrated is an understatement. But frustration is more than likely what he wants out of me, so I'm just gonna take a deep breath and take a step back.

"Okay won't listen to what I say nor give a response. Maybe I should try a different tactic. But for now, let's take a break. You hungry?" I ask him.

Metagross gave a quick glance at me when I asked. Aha! Maybe he needs food before he'll even think of listening. I'd call that a good start. I gently pat him on the head and went to get him some food. Reggie was already outside and feeding some of the Pokémon he was caring for, he noticed me walking over and faced my direction.

"Any luck?" He asks.

"He's still a stubborn ass but I think I'm getting somewhere. He's hungry, what can I feed him?" I ask.

"Well, Metagross is a Psychic and Steel type. I have some Pokémon food that he might like. Each Pokémon has its unique tastes and won't like all the same types of food."

"That makes sense."

"I'll go get the food and bring it back, give me a minute."

Reggie headed off back into the house. The rest of my team were on the porch, eating some of Reggies Pokémon food. They REALLY seemed to like if not love it, even Garchomp was tearing it up. The last time he had it, he didn't seem entirely keen on it. Hm, must be the recipe of the kibble. I should ask Reggie when he comes back.

Not a moment after I think it, Reggie came back outside carrying a large bag of Pokémon food and a bowl.

"Oh my gosh, do you need help??" I asked.

"Nah, I'm alright."

He went over to Metagross and set both the bag and bowl down in front of him. He poured the food into the bowl, the Pokémon was eyeing the bowl as it filled up with kibble. Once Reggie was done pouring a huge pile, Metagross stared at it with wide eyes and sniffed it. Not sure how as I don't think he has a nose.

Suddenly a small piece of kibble glowed blue and hovered into his mouth, the Pokémon tasting the food carefully. Metagross lit up and started devouring the Pokémon food, a happy look in his eyes. Reggie and I shared a laugh as we watched Metagross have at it.

"Man, I didn't know he was THAT hungry." I said.

"Metagross is a larger Pokémon, that means it will eat more."

"Fair enough. Hey Reggie I gotta ask, what kind of food do you think my Pokémon would like? I'm asking because I want to learn how to make the food for them."

"Well, your Garchomp is a Dragon and Ground type. Dragon types usually prefer something savory while Ground types prefer salty."

"Ohhh I can totally relate to that, I love savory and salty things."

Reggie chuckled, "Riolu is a fighting type, they prefer something that packs a punch."

No pun intended here's assuming. I nod as I listened.

"Electric types love spicy things, Psychic types love sweets and Steel types love bland. For a Pokémon with 2 types, you need to find an equal balance if both. I could give you a list of ingredients that could help."

"Ahhh okay, thanks! I really appreciate it." I say.

"No problem. I'll do it once I'm done feeding the other Pokémon."

"Take your time, I ain't in any rush-"

That was when Metagross belched as he was finished his food, the both of us laughed again.

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