Chapter 24.

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Reggie and I sat in the kitchen, each eating a cinnamon roll. They were really good, very sweet but not so sweet your teeth with rot on the spot.   Garchomp, Pikachu and Riolu each had one as well, they really seemed to like them as well.

"These are really good, Reggie. Thank you."

"No problem."

That was when we heard a door close. We both looked toward the noise and saw a familiar boy with a black and bluish jacket and sweatpants. The boy took only a few steps past the door and saw us standing here, stopping where he was and staring at us with a surprised look on his face.

"Hey Paul, where you been?" Reggie asks.

"Out training. Who is THAT?" Paul said, looking directly at me.

As much as I don't like the kid from the anime, I can't exactly be rude back. So biting my tongue, I smiled at him and wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"I'm Sera, it's nice to meet you." I say.

Paul just gave me this strange look.

"Her Garchomp and Pikachu were in need of medical attention, so I treated them and now we're just talking." Reggie said.

"So you're hanging around with a cheap imitation of the soon to be former champion of Sinnoh?" Paul said with a grin.

That completely caught me by surprise. Okay, I didn't ASK for these clothes and maybe my Ace partner is a Garchomp, but that doesn't make me a cheap imitation. If anything, that's more so cosplaying than anything else. Also I couldn't help but snicker a little bit when he said 'soon to be former champion', Cynthia wiped the FLOOR with him in one episode with just one Pokémon.

"Paul, that was seriously uncalled for." Reggie snapped at him.

"Oh no it's fine. My friend got me these clothes, he thought they'd suit me well. And I've actually met Cynthia, she's a very nice lady. She treated my friends Pokémon after an intense battle with some criminals."

I finished my cinnamon roll and wiped my mouth once more, walking towards Paul. Time to spook him a little bit.

"You must be a strong trainer, am I right?" I ask.

"Strong enough to enter the Sinnoh league." He replied.

"Wow, congrats! I've got a strong team too, but we've got a ways to go. Now on your team, do you happen to have an Electivire?"

Paul blinked and raised a brow.


"Oooh could I see it?"

The boy gave his brother a quizzical look, Reggie gave a nod to his brother and he sighed. Paul took out Electivires pokeball and released his Ace Pokémon, the electric ape roared out and lifted his fists. That was when he noticed that he was at home, looking around then down at me.

"Oooh he's so handsome!" I say.

Electivire looked at me, his big red eyes blinking.

"Yes YOU. Your fur is so shiny, you look very strong AND you're very handsome." I say to Electivire.

Electivire blinked again before smiling and blushing.


He reached forward and trapped me in a hug, I laughed and hugged Electivire back. His fur was so soft and cuddly, so much so I could fall asleep on him. Looking over at Paul, he had such a shocked look on his face that his partner was hugging me. That was when we heard Reggie laugh.

"Wow Paul, I didn't know your Electivire was a big softy." He teased.

"Electivire, let her go please." Paul said calmly.

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