Chapter 27.

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The Legendary perked upon hearing my voice, looking in our direction. We were quick to notice that just like last time, Raikou was hurt. Only this time, he had a few large gashes upon 2 of his legs, both were fresh and still bleeding. Infernape and I approached Raikou, the tiger wasn't growling as we got close to him.

"Don't worry Raikou, we'll get you out of here..." I whispered to him.

His response? Staring at me. Yup, just like last time. He must know now that I'm a friend and not a threat to him, because I'm MUCH closer now. So close that I can actually touch him.

In fact...

I reached towards the thunder cats face and touched his face, Raikou then purred. His fur was so soft, it almost felt like touching a cloud. Ohhh my gosh, I'm petting a Legendary Pokémon!! One of my favorites too! Lugia is my top favorite, but Raikou is in the top 5 for sure. I tried not to squeal in pure excitement and instead smiled my widest smile, giggling and nuzzling my face.

"Infernape?" The monkey tapped my shoulder.

I looked at Infernape.

"Oh right. Heh. Okay Infernape, what can you do about these shackles?"

Infernape looked towards the chain links attached to the floor, his fists started glowing and he punched at them. If I'm not mistaken, that's Mock punch. The monkey punched at the chains as hard as he could, but unfortunately they weren't breaking let alone cracking. When he stopped, there were several huge dents in the floor and no broken chains.


Looking at the shackles, I saw that there were keyholes on them. So I either need a key or a lockpick.

"Hey, it's okay Infernape. Maybe there's a Key or lockpick around here. Can you go find one? But be quick, its quite possible they might've heard you."


The monkey ran back out into the hall and jumped into the vent he cane through before, crawling off to who knows where. Surely someone had to hear him punching the ground. But then again this is the Pokémon world, lots of things tend to fix themselves or be super lucky. And right now I'm really praying for that.

"While he does that, I'll stay here with you. Juuust in case anyone else heard the sounds, I got one Pokémon on me's complicated."

Raikou meowed that very deep meow. I smiled and sat down next to him, petting his amazingly soft fur. The thundercat purred again, then he did something I never thought he would. He licked my hand, his tongue was like really rough sandpaper.

Now I've been licked by regular cats back home, their tongue feel JUST like this. Only difference is Raikous is much bigger so it felt even MORE weird, so weird I couldn't help but laugh.

"Never thought that I'd be licked by a Legendary Pokémon."

He faced me.

"Raikou, what other legendaries are here? Is it just you?" I ask.

Raikou growled when I asked, looking towards another wall.

"So it's not just it. We'll free them as well once Infernape finds something to unlock your shackles. They're criminals, surely they got at least a lockpick lying around, right?"

The tiger only stared at me.

*   *   *   *

Sera waited by Raikous side, not even thinking about leaving him. His wounds had stopped bleeding for the time being, but they still required medical attention to avoid infection. The girl would pet the tiger, it purred loudly in response to her gentle touch.

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