Chapter 15.

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The next morning came around after a decent night's sleep. I woke up and saw Raikou was asleep next to what was now a skeleton, the bones licked clean of flesh and blood. Yeeeesh, somebody WAS hungry. least he won't eat us.

The others were still asleep, Garchomp and Pikachu both laid next to me and woke up upon hearing me yawn.

I got up as quietly as I could while trying not to wake up the others, carefully approaching Raikou and keeping my distance. Garchomp and Pikachu watched me as I stopped a few feet away from him.

"Pssst...Raikou?" I whisper.

The tiger opened his beautiful red eyes and saw me, licking his lips free of the little bit of blood left on his face.

"Hey, are you feeling any better?"

His response? Only staring at me. Hm, I wonder if he can actually understand me. Maybe he does, but refuses to acknowledge it. Although, yesterday my team had to tell him we were no threat, so maybe he doesn't.

"Can you walk?" I ask.

That was when Garchomp and Pikachu came walking over, probably to ask Raikou if he was okay like I did. He looked at them the same way he looked at me, only staring.

"Raikou, if you can't walk yet or want to be alone, you can just say so."

The tiger still didn't give much of a response. Okay, this is not helping at all. I sighed and shook my head.

"Okay, listen. I know you may not either like or trust humans very much, but I PROMISE that you can trust my friends and I. We don't want to hurt you or any Pokémon in existence. We helped you, didn't we?"

Raikou blinked and looked off to the side. Ohhhh I think he DOES understand! I smiled at him.

"We don't have to be friends. But if we do see you again, I want to know that we're on good terms. Alright?" I ask.

The Thundercat looked toward my friends before looking back at me. He then did something I've never thought I'd EVER hear.

He meowed, and not like a cats regular meow. It sounded more like a cow mooing, kinda like back home with regular tigers. I saw a video on YouTube about it and naturally I clicked on it out of curiosity, can't say I wasn't caught off guard by the noise. So hearing it coming out of Raikou? I couldn't help but giggle.

He rose to his paws, putting weight onto his previously injured leg. I don't know what compelled me to do so, but I slowly reached out to touch him. The tiger looked at my hand and growled, I pulled my hand back and smiled.

"Heh, sorry. I see a kitty, I gotta pet it. So are we good?"

Raikou snorted.

"I'll take that as a yes. Now you run along now, okay? And be careful." I say.

Raikou quickly took off running without barely making a sound, disappearing into the forest. Pikachu jumped onto my shoulder and nudged my cheek, I giggled and rubbed his head.

"I hope we see him again too, under better circumstances that is. Right you 2?"

"Pika. Gar."

I thought so.


A long while later, on the road again. The guys woke up and saw that Raikou had left, I told them what happened and they seemed alright with it. Raikou is a wild Legendary Pokémon after all, and that's where he wants to be. Running free in the wild, and I hope he makes it back to Johto safely.

"Oh hey guys, did you know that I caught 2 Pokémon yesterday?" Hector says.

"Wait what? When??" I asked.

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