Chapter 14.

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Riolu and Garchomp got into position and ready to battle. The guys were watching from the sidelines.

"Alright, let's go! Your move, Riolu!" I call out.

Riolu nods and fired off Vacuum wave.

"Garchomp, use Brick Break and shatter it!"

Garchomp complied and swung his claw at the oncoming Vacuum wave, the moves colliding and causing a small explosion. My Pokémon slid back a little bit out of the dust cloud. Riolu is strong that's for sure, won't be easy to defeat. The little ninja dog or fox stood there, waiting for our next move.

"Alright Garchomp, now use Flamethrower!"

Garchomp spewed flames at Riolu, which it swiftly dodged and came charging at him.

"Wait for it buddy..."

Riolu was getting closer and closer, readying another Vacuum wave.

"Not yet..."

The land shark patiently waited as Riolu was almost upon him.

"Now! Brick Break!" I ordered.

Garchomp was quick to act and struck Riolu in the chest, sending the little Pokémon flying into a nearby tree. I gasped and worried if Riolu was alright, but Riolu got back up and shook their head. Oh phew...for a moment I thought that we had seriously hurt him or her.

Riolu came rushing again, much faster this time and used Double Kick on Garchomp. He yelped loudly and fell backward, hitting the ground.

"Garchomp, are you alright?" I ask.

He sat up, covered in dust, and shook himself off. He then gave me a nod of reassurance.

"Awesome. We gotta get Riolu down in order to catch it. So Garchomp, Draco Meteor!"

Garchomp jumped to his feet and focused intensely, looking up at the sky and shooting off a fireball. Said fireball went up and split off into multiple meteors, beginning to rain down on the battlefield. Riolu appeared caught off guard by this and started to dodge the meteors, but it was evident that it was starting to get overwhelmed.

One rogue meteor hit right next to Riolu followed by another hitting it in the back. Riolu yelped and fell to the ground as the meteors stopped falling. I quickly took out a pokeball.

"Pokéball go!"

I threw the pokéball at Riolu, it made contact and the red beam pulled the Pokémon into it. I watched with anticipation as the ball started to wobble. It wobbled once, then twice, 3 times. At this point I was biting my nails, I've had so many Pokémon escape at this point in my SoulSilver, White and Omega Ruby games, I'm just hoping that doesn't happen now.

That was when the ball puffed. I gasped and ran over to it, picking it up. Then I squealed in excitement, jumping up and down.

"Oh my gosh, I got a RIOLU!" I cheered.

"Congrats Sera!" Marcus said.

"Thanks guys, you have no idea how happy I am. I have 3 Pokémon!"

"Meanwhile Ben and I only have ONE." Hector complained.

"I'm okay with that, I'm mostly looking for Eeveelutions." Ben argued.

"Heh, well don't worry Hector. You'll find another Pokémon soon, I'm sure of it." I assure him.

He smiled at me and gave me a noogie, messing up my hair.

"Aye! Watch the hair!" I laugh.

"Oh just brush it on the way." He teased.

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