Starting my life as a fish

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Today is another hard life. My name is Chowon Inuminaki a gay who died and reincarnated as a fish. Yes, you read it right a fish! If I gonna be reincarnated why am I would be a fish!

But before that..
We are preparing for our school trip in France all of us are excited who would not excited if it's not France. Like, hello!? It's France okay! There's a lot of things there that you can't see here in the Philippines like their culture and food!! What? You say that I'm a fat cuz I like food!? How dare you, well to tell you the truth I am one of those people who don't get fat even if I eat multiple cup of rice in a single meal. Praise me! Praise me!. It's not a cheat okay. This is what you called achievement.
Back to the reality. We're done packing our belongings and now we're riding a bus up to go to the airport LOL my classmates is busy talking to each other like what they're gonna do when they reach France or whatsoever. Well as for me I'm a loner. I don't have friends. I admit! I'm a nerd okay? And I'm a gay. Who would like to be friends to the like of me. It's not like I want a friend or anything Im contented of what I have right now. Friends? LOL they just talk and whispering about you on your back I even witness one of my classmates circles their talking and backstabbing one of their so called co-circles about her having a smelly armpit like WTF humans sure is cruel.
While were here riding a bus I suddenly feel nervous. Why you ask? Cuz the driver is driving like crazy!! Wait are you drunk? My classmates start being noisy some of them saying "holy buddha save us" and there! Wait are you praying!?. Good luck bitch were all gonna die here!

And then when I open my eyes. Why it is so dark here?
Who turn off the light?
Where's the switch?
Wait I can't feel my hand.
The only thing that I remember is we got into an accident. Am I a survivor? Did I lost my hand? So cruel. But atleast I'm alive right. There's no time for this shitty hand the problem is why it is so dark here! Like hello!? Are there people out there!?
And so I realized I can't speak! Like hell it's not a problem. What's going on? Am I not in the hospital? Instead a scientist found me laying in the pond then brought me to his lab then experiment me!? No way! Stop being delusional me! First let's gotta out of here!

"Wiggle wiggle wiggle"

Wow, I can't even feel my feet. Who cares let's move more

"Wiggle wiggle wiggle" "Crack"

Did I broke something? Wait there's a light in the part where the crack is. Am I in an experimental glass? Thinking about it gives me shiver. Let's broke this first.



Yes! I'm free! Buwahaha now let's see what kind of lab is this. Wow it's look like I'm in a cave. Let's go out of here. And then I started to move my tail and walk around. Wait! Tail? I looked down and as expected it's a TAIL!!  I have a tail. What's happening here! And so I noticed that I'm floating. Am I a superhero now? Where's the mirror? I go back to the shell that where I got stuck earlier. And I didn't notice it until I watch it closely. It's a EGG!! eggshell bitch! And I see my reflection on it. And I saw a monster there! Waaahhh!!! Oh wait it's me! What? I move my face to the left. And the reflection follow me. I move my face to the right. And the reflection do so. WAAHHHHH it's me!! It's a beautiful fish!! Even so I'm still a fish! Silver scale, and transparent arms and tail that shining everytime I move. Wow I didn't know that there's this kind of fish in earth. Or not?. Am I in earth? Whenever I think about it. This fish is extremely extraordinary. I read a lot of books about science and universe and I'm pretty sure this fish didn't exist in earth. I lived my life alone reading novel and books in my daily life and besides my gay guts tells me that I'm in a different world. To tell you the truth. I'm not that kind of gay who always wondered around and shouting wanpipte in the street. I also have my dignity okay! I'm a gay with education and I'm proud of it.
Back to reality. I still can't believe in what happening right now. I'm sitting in my broken shell and thinking of what to do next there's also a lot of shells beside me but it's already broken up I think I'm the last fish here who successfully broke it's shell. Whatever things come first what am I?

Name: None
Race: Silver fish (lvl 1/5)
Rarity: E
HP: 9/10
MP: 5/5
Average offence ability: 20
Average magical ability: 30
Average speed ability:20
Average defence ability:15
Average resistance ability10
Poison fang(lvl 1), Heal (lvl 1), Hard tail (lvl1), water (lvl1)

Description: Silver fish who is commonly use for ingredients in nobles, has a tender and juicy meat that loves by many.      ]

Ssjdhsj, I almost chok my tongue. What is this? A status bar? Is this what they called infamous isekai?. I can't believe it's actually exist. Well done me. What's this tender and juicy? Am I that yummy? Wait, if so called nobles see me aren't they gonna eat me? Calm down me! There no way nobles can get here it's a cave you know! And its looked like a labyrinth filled with water. Worry not the me who always read novels will never be die easily in this fantasy world buwahahaha. I'm not fan to isekai genre thought but atleast I read a surviving book when you lost to forest. Although I'm in an unknown labyrinth. Well who cares as long as there's survival in it. For starters I remember that I should gather food.

*Look around, look around*

Like hell there's food here! Should I drill my self? LOL oh there's still some eggs left here should I cooked it? It's probably my siblings though. Who cares I'm dying for hunger here. So I started to gather this gigantic egg. It should be enough to fill my hunger in a week. What!? You called me a cannibal? Like hell I'm a cannibal. This is what you called survival for the fittest. Besides I'm a human who looked like a fish. So this is nothing for me. We don't have a problem here right? Okay? Okay? Okay.
The problem is how should I cooked it? Put fire? Hello!? Where in a water here. Put that aside. I didn't think this cuz I'm busy thinking about my plan but how am I right now? I wonder if I'm small just like a normal fish or a giant fish LOL here we go again me so delusional. Besides I'm a newborn. I walked around rolling this egg and thinking how to cooked it. You ask where's the other egg? I put them in my secret base. Don't mind me for me it's a secret base even though it's mine and my siblings birthplace. It's rather safe there. Looking this egg in my hand rolling in the rocky terrain. "How should I cooked you"
Thinking about cooking a huge shadow formed in front of me.

Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now