Villainess does not need Holy Magic

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"That child is a curse. Kill it"

In a moment. That one sentence change my life.

"I'm sorry Isabel, Kiel. We must kill your child"

"Elder! How can you do this!"

"Hold them and kill the child"

"Yes sir!"

"Don't touch my wife and my child!"
He drew his sword and point it at them.

"Encircle them!"


"Isabel bring the child to a safe place. RUN!"
He started to swing his sword and fight them one by one

I can't think straight. My husband Kiel make time for us to escape but I can't bring myself to just run and leave him alone.

"Hurry! Run!"

He look at me. He's fighting alone with a group of soldiers.


"Madam let's run. If we stay here Estio is will be in danger"

Maria, my childhood friend and one of the most I trusted grab my hand
"Let's run Madam"
I look at her face. She's crying and her hand are shaking. I look at my husband once again. I know that we might never see each other again but atleast I want to save my child Life.
"Let's go to my house madam. We can hide Estio there"

We start to run and when we reach her house I told her to pack everything that we can pack. I doubt that we can escape here all of the soldiers are searching everywhere I want to save my child life. He's inosent and he's accused of being a cursed. The elders believe the prophet of the beastkind. Our tribe indebted in Xia, the legend archane who's body is  half human and a half spider. She's the divine beast who helped our tribe in times of crises she even healed a disease that even a priest can't cure. This is only a legend no one knows if this is true or not but the elders believe in it and want to repay the ancestors of that divine beast.

I look at my child. He's looking at me without blinking an eye. When I look at him I feel pity and want to cry. How unlucky you are.

Sfx: step, step, step

I and Maria look at the door
The soldiers are here
I hold my child Estio and kiss him in the forehead.

"Hide this baby Marie!"

I push her in the back door

"But madam!"



"Bring the baby here!"

"Maria! RUN!!"

Sfx: run

"After that woman!"


I block the door with my body.
"Kill me if you want to pass!"

"Just surrender your child Isabel. Your child is a curse"


"Kill her"
A beastmen with cat ears and cat tail enter the room.
"We must kill all of the obstacles. Kill that woman"

The two soldiers look at each other and draw their sword.

"I told you to surrender Isabel. This is not our fault"

I close my eyes as he swing his sword


So, this is the place where the beastmen summon?

"It's kind of creepy that we need to travel death sea to reach here"

I nod as a sign of agreement. Like, hello? Where talking about death sea here where undead is lurking every corner of it. They didn't call it death sea for nothing not to mention the undead dragon and the litch.
Ursula said that their weakness is holy magic. You can only obtain it via making lots of good deeds. But I and the gang seems to be bad enough that even only one of us can't obtain it.
I'm not saying that it's hard to get okay?. I mean, every human got it. There's even holy knight, priest and a pope who exorcist undead in an instant.
They pretty good right?
Well.. it's not for us. I kill and eat my own kind so let's not hope of getting this kind of skill not to mention I got one of the heavenly deadly sins called sloth.
But luckily we're strong enough to massacre all of them. I'm not bragging our skills or anything, this is what you called achievement okay!.

I use my bag and get the bazooka that I buy in my magic shop.
Fufu with just a single shot we can kill all of them.

"Oho~ what is this stick. Is this different from gun? Lemme try it"

I give the bazooka in Ursula and she start to analyze every corner of it.

"You just press the button here right?"

Sfx: shot


"Oh. It's really work"

Wow. Did she just shot it straight to their village? I mean, the civilian are still there! Is she out of her mind?.
It's not that I care about them or anything if they die then let them die but this is the reason why we can't get holy magic.

Arghh okay let's give up. Who cares about holy magic anyway.

I cast ice magic circle both of my hands.

"Okay. Who ever kills the most will have a brand new cellphone case"

Wait what? Cellphone case made by Ursula? My eyes lit up.
I can always buy cellphone case in my shop but Ursula hand made cellphone case is super B that can't compare in my magic shop. Who would ever can beat a cellphone case with a magic circle anyway. This kind of cellphone case can protect your phone in many ways even the camera enhance that if you take a picture every corner of your face can lits it's truly color and the design is also a 5 star.

The twins grab their machine gun. It's size is half of their body.

We look at each other.


As Ursula said her signal all of them run at their full speed.
What? You said they don't have feet? Well.. you're not wrong there. The twins body is a doll made by me so it's easy to transform it's part as I will. I remove the fish tail and make it a human feet.
How about Ursula?
Forget about feet she crawl with her tentacles here on land! She can even crawl upside down with her sticky tentacles. Every human who saw her tremble in fears.
Ursula grab her phone and take a picture of their reaction. She even put a folder full of creepy stuffs. As expected of a Villainess

Ofcourse I ride at Ursula back. At first Ursula refuse, she said she's not a horse but later she realized that I'm her walking bag. I mean, All of our resources is in my item box. It's not that she can walk around carrying lot of items in her back. Am I that reliable?   ⟵(๑¯◡¯๑)

Forget about civilian we're talking about magic cellphone case here. Who cares about them it's not that I know one or two in this village. Let's kill 'em all!!

*Bang bang

Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now