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I was sleeping back then when I heard a loud noise. When I open my eyes I saw a woman carrying me. I thought I was in a bus going in the field trip together with my classmates but unexpectedly I turned into a newborn baby. I raise my hand and its really small and soft.

[ Name: Estio
Race: Human
HP: 10/10
MP: 10/10
Average offence ability: 5
Average magical ability: 5
Average speed ability:5
Average defence ability:5
Average resistance ability:5
Environment adaptivity]

Wha-- what is this? Am I seeing things?
Estio? This is the name that my parents gave me. Looking at it. It seems that I really died and reincarnated in another world.

"Hide this baby Marie"

"But madam!"


Wait! What's going on?


"Where's the baby!?"

Sfx: Running

"After that woman!"



I must fulfill the madam's order. They say this child is a curse but I can't see a glimpse how this child turn to be a curse.

It's happen when the man who have cat ears and tail says that  he's a god prophet and when he saw the madam carrying a baby he says it's a curse.

The elders instantly believe it and now they chasing after us! I can't let this happen

Our tribe believe into the divine beast. After all in the past there's a spider that its size is big as a dog. It always cast healing magic and provide food when our village is in a dire situation. And later on they called the spider a devine beast and its now a legend in our tribe.

When the beast looking people came to our land the elders belief that they are the descendants of the devine beast.

No matter how you look at it. It's cruel to say that this child is a curse.

We we're friends with madam since childhood we grow up and play together. She's so happy when she gave birth and she named the child Estio it's her dream to have a happy family but when that beastmen came all of her dream crash.
Her husband died while trying to make a path to her wife and child to escape and now Madam sacrifice herself to protect her child.


Wha-? I look back and I saw our village on fire. What's going on? Is that the beastmen doing? Isn't they supposed to be the devine beast that protect this village?

"Here she is!!"

One of the beastmen guy saw me. I run fast as I could but the route that I take seems to be the dead end. I look at Estio but strangely enough he didn't make noise he keeps staring at me with his purple eyes.

I look around and I saw a basket.

"Estio.. listen to me.." I rub my eyes "No matter what happens.. you must survive okay?"

I place Estio in the basket and push it in the water.

"Please grow up as a healthy boy" as I said those words I can't hold back my tears. I keep crying as I saw Estio moving north. Please avange us young master.



Somewhere in the death sea..

Why Capricorn never contact me? He even change his Facebook account. Is he perhaps mad?
I just want to see him thought. I have a lot of story to talk about.


<Did you find the rest of the heavenly stars?>

Hmm.. How am I supposed to find them? I already travel 24 planets but I only found Scorpio. And now Capricorn playing hide and seek with me. What am I suppose to do?

I ignored Leo for a moment

To: Scorpio
<How many heavenly stars in your hand right now?"

After 10 seconds

<For 100 years I only found Pieces and Sagittarius>

My eyes want to pop up when I saw his reply. How is he so fast?

After 5 minuets I reply to Leo

To: Leo
<I already found Scorpio, Pieces, and Sagittarius>

Fufu. Thanks for the credits Scorpio  ⟵(๑¯◡¯๑)

By the way it's already been 500 years since I start in a journey finding the 12 heavenly stars but still don't know why Leo wants to gather them so badly. He's not a bad person so he don't have a bad intention right? I mean, Leo is our boss after all and he's the king and the strongest among us. Even if his intention is evil or good we still need to listen to his orders. But still...

Enough with that. I don't want to stress out my brain cells for thinking too much. I have a lot of problem right now and one of those is the whereabouts of my bro Capricorn. Is he hiding now because he lost his muscle? Or because he turn ugly? I know he's a muscle brain man but..
Even thought I know your here and I sense your power somewhere I can't still find where you are. You really good at making people dizzy.



Hmph. Short reply as always. He just want to show his cool side.


Hmm.. what it is this time?

I look under to my small metal boat and I saw a basket.
Basket? Who would have thought of a basket here in the death sea. I mean, this place is pretty dangerous that even a wood can be melt easily with just a water here but this basket miraculously survive!
I feel kind'a embarrassed to my metal boat.

Let's take a peek.

But what I saw there is something that I don't want to see!


Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now