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I cast ice magic to piece every crap of them. The people here running like crazy.
You said I'm crazy killing innocent people? It's true but I'm too lazy enough to hunt and count every beastmen here, plus, I'm monitoring the twins body while riding at Ursula back and do random attack here and there. It's not that the body that I make is invincible it can get scratch too or at worst get destroyed. So what happen if it destroy? Ofcourse the twin will meet hell.
Think about the fish that you take a long in a picnic but it's fishbowl destroy and there's no water around. Then, the fish will gone for real. It's the same for the twin. I put water inside of their doll body and their real body controlling their doll body via mermaid thread.
Ursula once praise me for this kind of achievement. Ofcourse, I'm a genius after all.

Sfx: swoosh

A fireball suddenly attack us but luckily Ursula block it and use her bazooka to kill them.

"What are you doing there Silver. Stop daydreaming and help me hunt everyone of them"

Hmph. She surely take her time act as a boss. Well.. let's stop meddling arround and wipe them out.

"Elder! let's run and leave this village!"


my people are in chaos for this sudden attack. We can even hear a loud noise here even though we are quite far from the attack range

"Let's use teleportation magic boss we're done here anyway"

One of the beastmen suggest to his superior and start rumbling his pocket.
What I saw is a gold wing. It's a magic Item that can make a group of people teleported in a safe area.

"Hey. Isn't you supposed to save us? Ancestors of the Divine beast?" I said while approaching to them

"What? Who saves who? Are you out of your mind old man?"

"It can't be. You are the ancestor of the divine beast why are you doing this to us?"

"Who said we are the ancestor of the divine beast? We're not Xia's pawn"

I hold his hand
"I obey your order to kill the cursed child. You must help us with this"

He slap my hand and push me back. With my weak body I fall in the ground.

"Elder!" One of my people held and support me to stand
"How dare you do this to Elder"

"I didn't say to obey my order though I didn't even know if that child really is a cursed PFFT"

"How dare you!" I shouted. I trusted them with my full heart but only betrayal I received.

"Just stay here and rot till you die"

The gold wing in his hand are glowing and it make a big hole.

It is my fault. How did I believe to such a stranger. Perhaps I got swayed because of the legend that passed us by our Elders. Our Elders in our prime said we must pay respect and obey the divine beast at all cost. But I can't believe it became like this.

"Flotsam saw a target- Jetsam ready to launch attack"

*Bzzt bzzt


Sfx: shot

In a moment the beastmen who's in front of me collapse

"WHAT THE!?" The beastmen who is acting as a boss shout and face where the shot is.


In a second he collapse before he saw whose behind of these.

I look to that direction and I saw a two boy child with black hair carrying a huge stick that it's size is half of its body.
I look closer and it looks like they are twins and their face is kind of wierd.
They both walking in our direction. One of the kid raise his stick and pointed it at us.


I stunned in a moment. It seems that it's not a normal stick. It's looks like it's a weapon


I look back and I saw Jack one of my pupil who help me earlier is now laying in the ground and it's blood is spreading.

I tremble. How terrifying. A child who looks like a 10 year old kid kill the best swordsman in our tribe in an instant?

I look back at them again but what I saw is the stick is now in my forehead.
I tremble in fear I don't want to die yet. I want to apologize to them for failing as their elder. I don't want to end our tribe because of my silly decision.

Sfx: gun reload

"Bye bye"


"So, how many did you kill today silver? Did you became rich again? How much money did you earn?"

"A lot" I response shortly.

"Com'on did your communication disorder came back again? Make some effort in replying. You are too heavy to begin with" she said while complaining

It's your choice to carry me I didn't say anything. If I want to I can use fly using my Psychic magic to float my self. But Ursula didn't know about this. Might as well take a pleasure riding at Ursula back. Hmph
Using psychic magic cost a lot of mana so it's not that I can fly infinitely I might find myself pass out because of mana exhaustion.

I look around and its totally a massacre. I can't find a single living person here their house is full of fires and a bloddy body scatter everywhere. There's a beastmen and there's also not a civilian if I say so. If you look at it closer it's looks like a hell or perhaps this place is a living hell! It's not my problem anyway so let's don't meddle with it anymore who cares if they die it's not that I would die too.

What!? You say I'm cruel? Don't say such thing! What would you want me to say? Deserve?
Should I act to cry here and make a funeral for every one of them? Like hell I would do that! It's too tiring. My perfect lazy life will ruin.

"Boss! Master!"
"We kill everyone of them!"
The twin shout while running in our direction

Look at this twin. Looking at them make my heart at ease. How cute. Although it's creepy enough saying those word with a bright smile in their face.
I pat both of them to show that I'm so proud of them. This is their first hunting after all.


Ack! They are too cute! Stop meddling with my heart you brat!

"How is your first hunting?" Ursula ask

"It's good!"
"It's too easy!"

"As expected of my child"

Looking at them I feel like I'm an outcast. An unexpected guess in their house if I say so my self.
Thanks to my modern weapon even a child like them can kill the enemy in an instant. Is a child suppose to be welding such thing? Come to think of it their real body is not a child if I predict it right their age might be at hundreds now. They were serving Ursula such a long time so it's not a suprise if they are much older than me.

Hmph. Anyway why do I feel like someone is watching us?

I move my head and start searching where this presence came from but what a suprise that I saw a drone above at us.

A drone?
A drone?


Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now