Memory Fragments

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Woahh, what's this? Evolution? This world really is not normal. So, to sum up what's happening right now. I finally meet a human in this world but ended up separating in a different path and now I decided to leave my nest only to find myself in a boss fight. I nearly died but luckily I survived am I that great?

So, what's happening in front of me now?

"Please choose your evolution form"

[Small Horn fish]    [medium Silver fish]

Hmmm.. is this really happening? Still unbelievable. I tried to touch this light plate that looks like a status bar but my hand can't touch anything at all it looks like some illusion that playing in my head. Excuse me Ms. Status can you explain what kind of evolution is that?

[Small horn fish- a fish with horn and specialize in magic attack]

[Medium silver fish- A grown up silver fish that sharpens it scale and rose defense]

Good job Ms. Status I didn't know it actually occurs. One thumbs up for you.
Thinking about fantasy you will hooked away by magic right? Using magic and attack like pew* pew* is a great honour as a great civilian in Philippines. While medium silver fish is kind'a evolve form of my current form and on top of that it's medium. If I choose that thing isn't the next evolution is large then extra large? If I pick it I might find myself trap in a certain cave. Where in a labyrinth after all. You don't know where this maze like cave leads you to. If I become a large size fish I can't travel as much as I like. I can't go and squeeze myself in a whole and wonder freely in this cave.

It's settled! I choose small horn fish

What the hell is that fish, it's my first time seeing a fish that aggressive. On top of that it has intelligent combining two spells at a time only a skillful mage can do that.
I doubt monster has brain right? Being angry because I eat his siblings. Thanks to that I got a lot of bruised. That fish only see me as a prey right? Not angry because I ate a part of his family. Step that aside how the hell can I go out here? Luckily the only tunnel that has in that cave is actually lead to the second floor and now I'm trying to survive. I wonder how many days has pass my parents might wonder where I am right now. If I go to our house now they really going to scold me to death. Well I prefer it rather than dying here.
As I goes on I encounter a lot of monsters and venomous wild animals but I manage to defeat them somehow I should thanks my ex-party for leaving their things behind LOL. If I really manage to go out here I will repay them twice how they betrayed and treated me. Just you wait.







"Ah.. here"

As our teacher called our name lots of my classmates discussing about their stuff and saying goodbye to their senior some of them bragging and saying "don't forget my pasalubong"
Where one of those lucky section who have selected and have a chance to travel in france although I'm not that excited. Im not saying that I'm a totally loner it's true that I don't have friends but they're not avoiding me it's just that they have they're own circles. We now sat in our respective sits. The school have 2 bus our class consists of 25 were only 10 here while the other bus is 15 it's kinda annoying how they react about spitting our group into two. Well it's not that I have a problem here I just quietly sit in the corner and listening to music with my earplug.
I didn't realize that I fell asleep what time is it? I check my phone but my phone won't open up

Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now