Please heal our King!

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I look at the small hole in our door to check who is it but it turn out it's the same Knights who save me back then to that mermaid robber.
Even thought we are in a fantasy world and on top of that under the sea thief always appear anywhere. Well.. it's not that I care anyway.

"It's the Knights" I whisper to them

Ursula go to the kitchen and drink her shrinking potion with the effect of having a mermaid tail. Luckily I hide my horn earlier when we arrive here in our house after that massive massacre. I didn't know Ursula made such a large stock pile in her potion cabinet.

I was like "OH!"
And Ursula smirking in the corner making a proud face.
Are you train for being a girl scout? Always ready?
She then pat my head
"This is my gift for you for being such a good boy"
My eyes turn teary for sudden compliment. I know that this is a parting gift because we will separate our ways soon to find the gate to the other world. But still... I don't want to leave. But I don't want this world to destroy either. I mean, I really don't care, I only care about Ursula who love this world so I'm here to help her. This is not the token of me being saved by my benefactor I guess I grew a lot in Ursula arms and think of her as my own mother. I don't want her to see hurt or cry for not being able to save this world so I willing to sacrifice my self to go in that world and seek revenge.

I open the door when I see Ursula came back from the kitchen and turn into a toddler.

"Good evening Lady Silver, my name is Sasaki"
"And I'm Juho" He said while interrupting Sasaki "Did you remember us? We are the Knights who save you"

Uhmm... yeah ofcourse so what's the fuss coming here in the middle of the night?

That's what I want to say but I feel like I dare not to.

"Who are they brother?"
The twin said while hiding and holding my tail


""YOU ARE A MAN!!!!?"" "Oh look! he doesn't have tits!" they both suprise while Juho pointed my breast.

Excuse me?

"You just noticed?" I said in a serious tone

"WHAT? But what about your body? It's not look like a man at all!"


Sasaki slam Juho head
"That's rude Juho!"

"But..but.. how about my wet dream?"

"Do you want to come in?" I said to change the conversation

"We would love to" Sasaki replied.

Both of them sit in our sofa.

Oh man it's sucks. How are we going to dry it later?

"Your house always looks amazing La- I mean Mr. Silver"
Sasaki said while holding the antique clock that driver own.

I guess he forgot to take it.

"Wow this is my firstime seeing this kind of clock"

"Don't play with it Juho!"

They looks lively how nice of them

"I'm sorry for bringing this brat along"

"No worries" I said in a smile. "By the way what's bring you here?"

"Right we almost forgot" Sasaki said and clear his throat "Ehem"

"But before that please don't get angry with us okay" Juho while looking at me worrying

"No I'm not"

The twin are playing chess in the corner while Ursula notice their wierd reaction and sit in my lap.
She glare at them deeply that made them even more nervous.
I pinch Ursula butt guessing that she would notice my signal to stop glaring at them. But she only slap my hand.

Starting my life as a fish [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now